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09-16 投稿



frizzled 发音

英:[?fr?zld]  美:[?fr?zld]

英:  美:

frizzled 中文意思翻译




frizzled 词性/词形变化,frizzled变形

动词第三人称单数: frizzles |动词现在分词: frizzling |动词过去式: frizzled |动词过去分词: frizzled |

frizzled 短语词组

1、frizzled ham recipe ─── 炸火腿食谱

2、frizzled 6 ─── 卷发6

3、frizzled ham ─── 炸火腿

4、frizzled 8 ─── 皱褶8

5、frizzled onions ─── 炸洋葱

6、frizzled and lrp5/6 ─── 毛边和lrp5/6

7、frizzled up v. ─── 使……卷曲

8、frizzled 7 ─── 卷毛7

frizzled 相似词语短语

1、fizzled ─── vi.失败;发嘶嘶声;萎靡;n.失败;嘶嘶声

2、frizzle ─── v.把(头发)烫卷曲;(发吱吱声地)煎(或烤);炸脆,烧焦;n.煎炸时的吱吱声;煎炸;鬈发

3、drizzled ─── vt.(毛毛雨似地)洒;(在食物上)浇(液态调料);vi.下毛毛雨;n.细雨,毛毛雨;(浇在食物上的)液态调料细流

4、frizzlier ─── adj.头发卷曲的;满是卷结的(frizzly的变形)

5、frizzed ─── v.使(头发)鬈曲;将(头发)卷紧;用浮石修整(frizz的过去式和过去分词)

6、grizzled ─── adj.灰色的;头发斑白的;v.变成灰色;发脾气(grizzle的过去分词)

7、frizzler ─── 卷毛机

8、frizzles ─── v.把(头发)烫卷曲;(发吱吱声地)煎(或烤);炸脆,烧焦;n.煎炸时的吱吱声;煎炸;鬈发

9、frazzled ─── adj.疲惫的;穿破了的

frizzled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The ham frizzled in the frying pan. ─── 火腿在煎锅中咝咝作响。

2、During all this, he had stood foolishly to one side--short, gray, frizzled, inadequate. ─── 他从头到尾只是傻里傻气地站在一边,矮矮的个子,花白的卷发,一副不中用的样子。

3、Men were dressed in feather fedoras, greenish black band-collared shirts, bib pants, stockings and frizzled leather shoes. ─── 男的头戴小呢帽,帽上插一枝羽毛;身穿皮短裤,挂着背带;

4、The intense heat of the sun frizzled everything up. ─── 炽热的阳光把一切东西都晒干了。

5、She concealed her gray hair under a frizzled wig known as the baby wig. ─── 她用一顶幼童式的波状假发遮着自己的斑白头发。

6、frizzled gene ─── frizzled 基因

7、On the fourth flight, he saw fishes on the fire, which frizzled in the pans and baked themselves.They, too, said, "One flight of stairs higher. ─── 他在四楼看到各种各样的鱼在火上烤着,它们也说:“再上一层楼。”

8、The bacon is all frizzled up! ─── 腌肉都煎糊了!

9、The heat of the sun frizzled everything up. ─── 火热的太阳把所有的东西都晒干了。

10、Two little nigger boys sitting in the sun;One got frizzled up, and then there was one. ─── 两个小黑人坐在太阳下;一个热死只剩一个。

11、Frizzled the bacon. ─── 将肉排烤酥脆

12、Objective: To investigate the function of promoter hypermethylation of secreted frizzled-related protein 2(SFRP2) gene in colorectal cancer. ─── 目的:研究分泌型卷曲相关蛋白2(SFRP2)基因启动子超甲基化与大肠癌的关系。

13、Using semi-quantity immuno-staining assay, we firstly detected that Dkk1 can inhibit the formation of Wnt-Frizzled-LRP6 ternary complex. ─── 我们首次使用半定量免疫染色的方法检测到Dkk1可以特异地抑制Wnt-Frizzled-LRP6三元复合体的形成。

14、The ham frizzled in the frying pan. ─── 火腿在煎锅中咝咝作响。

15、She doesn't want to have her hair frizzled up. ─── 她不想烫头发。

16、One got all frizzled up then there was one. ─── 晒死烤死悲戚戚,两个只剩一。

17、The heat of the sun frizzled everything up. ─── 灼热的太阳把所有的东西都烤干了。

18、Clonal analysis shows that the main downstream components of the Wg pathway, including Frizzled, Dishevelled and Armadillo, are autonomously required for ISC self-renewal. ─── 果蝇在遗传学上的优势将有助于进一步解析肠道干细胞的调节机制及肠道肿瘤等疾病的发生机制。

19、Their heads and breasts were covered with a thick hair, some frizzled, and others lank; ─── 它们的头上和胸脯部位都覆盖着一层厚厚的毛发,有的卷曲着,有的挺直着;

20、frizzled hair ─── 卷发

21、Two little nigger boys sitting in the sun; One got frizzled up, and then there was one. ─── 两个小黑人坐在太阳下;一个热死,只剩一个。

22、One got frizzled up, and then there was one.One little nigger boy living all alone;He went and hanged himself, and then there were none. ─── 这也可以喻为原本为劳工阶级的一群人,在中产阶级、资本主义残酷的压迫了最后一个也不留。

23、She doesn't want to have her hair frizzled up. ─── 她不想烫头发。

24、meat got frizzled up because I forgot to turn the cooker off before we went out. ─── 肉烧焦了,因为我们出门时我忘了关掉炉子。

25、I forgot about the oven and the roast has frizzled up. ─── 我忘了看炉火,结果把烤肉全烤干了。

26、The meat got frizzled up because I forgot to turn the cooker off before we went out. ─── 肉烧焦了,因为我们出门时我忘了关掉炉子。

27、I forgot about the oven and the roast has frizzled up. ─── 我忘了看炉火,结果把烤肉全烤干了。

28、Two little black boys sitting in the sun, One got frizzled up, and then there was one. ─── 两个小黑人坐在做在阳光下,一个疲惫不堪就还剩下一个。

29、She forgot about the oven and the roast had frizzled up ─── 她忘了看炉火,把肉给烤焦了。

30、She forgot about the oven and the roast has frizzled up. ─── 她忘了照管炉子,结果肉烤焦了。

31、One got all frizzled up and then there was one. ─── 狗熊突然从天降,三个只剩两。

32、frizzled feather ─── 翻毛

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