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09-16 投稿



hygeian 发音


英:  美:

hygeian 中文意思翻译



hygeian 相似词语短语

1、hygeist ─── 湿度计

2、Rugbeian ─── 鲁格贝

3、hygeists ─── 卫生学家

4、Hygeia ─── n.司健康的女神

5、Gypseian ─── 吉普赛人

6、Hygieian ─── 水学家

7、Hygeian ─── adj.卫生的;健康的;(Hygeian)健康女神的

8、hygieist ─── 卫生员

9、Anglian ─── n.盎格鲁族人;盎格鲁语;adj.盎格鲁人的

hygeian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Offer import &export cargo clearance customs, inspect, hygeian inspect.etc. ─── 提供进出口货物的报关、商检、卫检等;

2、Conclusion The detection of Doppler umbilical arterial flow was benefit for early diagnosis of perinatal prognosis and improving the hygeian quality in perinat... ─── 结论应用脐动脉多普勒血流测定有助于围产儿预后的早期诊断,提高围产期保健质量。

3、Exploration the Water Supply Hygeian Design from the Normative Clauses ─── 从规范条文谈供水卫生设计

4、This result can affordtheoretic basis for the spiders to control hygeian pests. ─── 本研究结果,可以为蜘蛛控制卫生害虫提供理论依据。

5、Put forward countermeasure of strengthen hygeian education, regard communicate with the patient, early use trypsin and normative therapy. ─── 对于肝肾功能不全的患者慎用双胍类药物,对于心功能不全,对有钠水潴留的患者慎用噻唑烷二酮类药物。

6、How to keep long-term depurative water quality and form a hygeian hydrophily ecosystem in manmade lake is a key topic we concerned. ─── 建设良好的水生生态系统,使人工湖长期保持水体的清洁是人们关注的重要课题。

7、Discussion on bio-safety regulation of bio-laboratories in medical and hygeian organizations ─── 医疗卫生机构生物实验室生物安全管理刍议

8、A Brief Description about Medical and Hygeian Customs of Nations in Southeast Asia during Ancient times ─── 古代东南亚各民族医药卫生习俗述略


10、Keywords Secondary water supply;Hygeian;Investigation; ─── 二次供水;卫生;调查;

11、However,Cd content in the food has been reported to be often overtop national hygeian standard,which badly limits its exports. ─── 结果表明:姬松茸子实体中17种氨基酸中胱氨酸含量与重金属镉含量两者关联系数最大;

12、Multimedia technology has a promising prospect of application in the hygeian s teaching. ─── 多媒体技术在部队卫生员教学中具有广阔的应用前景。

13、D. The machine usesinfrared rays warming light to enhance display effect, and to disinfect, and to keep the food hygeian. ─── 全机采用红外线保温灯,增强展示效果,同时起杀菌的作用,保持食物的卫生。

14、So physical teachers should have a good virtue, rich knowledge, hygeian physique, fine temperament and demeanor. ─── 体育教师应有优良的师德、渊博的知识、健康的体魄、高雅的气质和风度。

15、Offer import & export cargo clearance customs, inspect, hygeian inspect. etc. ─── 提供进出口货物的报关、商检、卫检等;

16、Therefore,it was important to breed Agaricus blazei Murill with lower Cd content than national hygeian standard. ─── 脯氨酸含量与重金属镉含量两者关联系数次之;

17、Founded some 37 years ago in 1972, Hygeian Medical Supplies (Pte) Ltd has grown from strength to strength into a medical ‘mega-mart’. ─── 创立于1972年,保健有限公司成立已经三十七年,它已成长为医疗器械与保健品的总汇。

18、A Brief Description about Medical and Hygeian Customs of Nations in Southeast Asia during Ancient times ─── 古代东南亚各民族医药卫生习俗述略

19、GUAN Bing; XU Yao; LI Ze (Hygeian Department; General Hospital of CPLA; Beijing 100853); ─── 解放军总医院卫生经济科;

20、The meals of our school eatery are hygeian and delious.I like to eat there. ─── 学校食堂做的饭菜卫生的可口,我很爱吃。

21、Obiective To know the situation of the primary school students decayed teeth and their mouth hygeian behaviors of Wanjiang district. ─── 目的了解东莞市万江区小学生龋齿患情况及口腔卫生行为状况。

22、Spitting everywhere is neither dinigfied nor hygeian. ─── 这是你的笔吗?我在桌下捡的。

23、HEHE Hardware factory is an expert mainly in the development &manufacture of stainless steel sinks, with decade shard work and enterprising, a series of healthy, hygeian, environmental protecting products have been produced. ─── 合和五金厨卫制品有限公司专门从事不锈钢水槽生产开发,凭借多年的努力进取,不断开发出健康、卫生、环保的不锈钢水槽系列产品。

24、Discussion on bio-safety regulation of bio-laboratories in medical and hygeian organizations ─── 医疗卫生机构生物实验室生物安全管理刍议

25、Riding on sound business policies and financial strength, Hygeian connects and provides local Hospitals, clinics and global export sales network with comprehensive product width and depth. ─── 秉承于它卓越的信誉,凭借其丰富的产品知识与跨国的采购网络,公司为其众多的客户群提供最富价值的产品与服务。

26、Immediate Hygeian Constraint Measure ─── 卫生即时强制

27、Exploration the Water Supply Hygeian Design from the Normative Clauses ─── 从规范条文谈供水卫生设计

28、Bilingual,good education,nattiness,hygeian,humour,of course excellent sexcraft . ─── 说流利的英语,受过良好的教育,整洁,健康,幽默,娃娃脸..

29、All food including meat, seafood, vegetable, soup, and so on, will cook to the eyes of the costumers, so the taste is delicious and the food is hygeian. ─── 所有的肉类、家禽、海鲜、河鲜、晕素、主食、甜点、汤类,都可以通过铁板现炒,现烤、现煎、现蒸等各种享调方式完成。

30、Conclusion: The security of the resident drinking water could be ensured by strengthening preventive supervise and monitoring, perfecting the hygeian manage system and periodic sterilizing step. ─── 结论:加强预防性监督监测,完善卫生管理制度和定期消毒措施,保障居民饮水安全。

31、Author Chen Xiaoqin;Pan Xiaoping;Zhang Chuanrong;et al. Sichuan Reproductive and Hygeian College;Chengdu;610041.; ─── 作者陈晓勤;潘晓平;张川蓉;谢黎;罗世媛;

32、you think the hygeian status affects your healthy a lot in your life? ─── 您认为生活中卫生状况对您的健康影响很大吗?

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