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09-16 投稿



histotomy 发音


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histotomy 中文意思翻译



histotomy 相似词语短语

1、costotomy ─── n.肋骨切开术

2、episiotomy ─── n.[妇产]外阴切开术

3、cystostomy ─── n.膀胱造口术

4、histiology ─── 组织学

5、hysterotomy ─── n.帝王剖腹术;子宫切开术

6、histotome ─── n.组织切片机

7、gastrotomy ─── n.[外科]胃切开术

8、histology ─── n.组织学

9、cystotomy ─── [泌尿]膀胱切开术

histotomy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The chemotaxis in vivo was observed by histotomy and staining of muscle tissue. ─── 肌肉组织切片与染色观察体内基因转染后的趋化作用;

2、A Discussion on the Recording Technique of Histotomy and the Application of the Tape in the Experiment Teaching of Human Organization Anatomy ─── 浅淡组织切片录制技术及录制盒带在人体组织解剖学实验教学中的应用

3、 双语使用场景

4、Chinese ink was injected into the artery in fresh cadavers to make histotomy and transparent specimen. The angioarchitecture of the skin flaps was observed. ─── 在新鲜尸体上灌注墨汁,制作组织切片及透明标本,观察了皮瓣的血管构筑。

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