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helminthiasis 发音

英:[?helm?n?θa??s?s]  美:[?helm?n?θa??s?s]

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helminthiasis 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 蠕虫病


helminthiasis 短语词组

1、helminthiasis wuchereri ─── [医] 丝虫病

2、cutaneous helminthiasis ─── [医] 皮肤蠕虫病, 游走性幼虫病

3、helminthiasis elastica ─── [医] 蠕虫性弹性瘤

4、gastrointestinal helminthiasis ─── 胃肠道蠕虫病

helminthiasis 词性/词形变化,helminthiasis变形


helminthiasis 相似词语短语

1、helminthic ─── adj.驱虫的;肠虫的;驱肠虫的;n.驱虫剂;杀虫药

2、helminthous ─── 蠕虫

3、helminths ─── n.蠕虫肠虫;寄生虫(helminth的复数)

4、helminthologic ─── 蠕虫学

5、helminthoid ─── adj.蠕虫状的

6、cholelithiasis ─── n.[医]胆石病

7、helminthologist ─── n.肠虫学家;寄生虫学家(helminthology的变形)

8、lithiasis ─── n.结石病

9、helminthics ─── adj.驱虫的;肠虫的;驱肠虫的;n.驱虫剂;杀虫药

helminthiasis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Longitudinal surveillance of intestinal helminthiasis in Suzhou city ─── 苏州市肠道线虫病纵向监测报告

2、Keywords Lumbricus terrestris;Schistosoma japonicum;Immune cross-reaction;Molecular mechanism;Helminthiasis; ─── 蚯蚓;日本血吸虫;免疫交叉反应;分子机制;蠕虫病;

3、Keywords Helminthiasis;Hookworm;Whipworm;Aetiological diagnosis; ─── 肠线虫病;蛔虫;钩虫;鞭虫;病原诊断;

4、Outbreak and control of helminthiasis in chickens ─── 黑龙江省鸡蠕虫病的流行与防制

5、Keywords Intestinal helminthiasis;Epidemic situation;Investigation; ─── 肠道蠕虫;流行现状;调查;

6、The diagnosis and preventive measure of parasitical helminthiasis ─── 寄生性蠕虫病的诊断与防制措施

7、Schistosomiasis and intestinal helminthiasis among primary and middle school students in Guanghan City ─── 广汉市城区中小学生血吸虫及肠道蠕虫感染报告

8、Schistosomiasis and intestinal helminthiasis among primary and middle school students in Guanghan City ─── 广汉市城区中小学生血吸虫及肠道蠕虫感染报告

9、Sheep helminthiasis ─── 羊蠕虫病

10、Objective To master the epidemic situation of human intestinal helminthiasis in different topographic areas of Sichuan Province in the past 10 years. ─── 目的了解近10年来我省部份地区的肠道蠕虫感染现状。

11、Longitudinal surveillance of intestinal helminthiasis in Suzhou city ─── 苏州市肠道线虫病纵向监测报告

12、Objective to master the epidemic situation of human intestinal helminthiasis in different topographic areas of Sichuan Province in the past 10 years. ─── 目的了解近10年来我省部份地区的肠道蠕虫感染现状。

13、The use of the primary school platform to treat millions of children for schistosomiasis and helminthiasis in Africa is a perfect example. ─── 的一个例证是利用小学这个平台,为非洲罹患血吸虫和蠕虫病的数百万儿童进行治疗。

14、cutaneous helminthiasis ─── [医] 皮肤蠕虫病, 游走性幼虫病

15、Intestinal Helminthiasis among Students of Nationalities Middle Schools and Relevant Intervention Measures ─── 民族中学学生肠道寄生虫感染调查及干预措施

16、Investigation on human intestinal helminthiasis in Longyang District, Baoshan City, Yunnan Province ─── 云南省保山市隆阳区肠道蠕虫感染现状调查

17、Effect of intestinal helminthiasis control in Jiangyin City ─── 江阴市肠道蠕虫病防治效果观察

18、infestation of the intestines or other parts of the body with worms or wormlike parasites; helminthiasis ─── 蠕虫或像蠕虫的寄生虫对于大小肠或身体其他部分的侵害;肠虫病

19、The use of the primary school platform to treat millions of children for schistosomiasis and helminthiasis in Africa is a perfect example. ─── 再好不过的一个例证是利用小学这个平台,为非洲罹患血吸虫和蠕虫病的数百万儿童进行治疗。


21、Objective To analyse the intestinal helminthiasis epidemic situation and to evaluate the control effect in past ten years so as to make out the control strategy in Sichuan Province. ─── 目的分析四川省肠道蠕虫病流行现状和态势,评估十余年来的防治效果,为制定肠道蠕虫病防治措施提供科学依据。

22、Infestation of the intestines or other parts of the body with worms or wormlike parasites;helminthiasis. ─── 寄生虫病蠕虫或像蠕虫的寄生虫对于大小肠或身体其他部分的侵害;

23、Studies on strategy for large scale control of intestinal helminthiasis with external experience ─── 利用国外防治经验控制人群肠道蠕虫病的研究

24、intestinal helminthiasis ─── 肠道蠕虫病

25、Studies on strategy for large scale control of intestinal helminthiasis with external experience ─── 利用国外防治经验控制人群肠道蠕虫病的研究

26、gastrointestinal helminthiasis ─── 胃肠吸收

27、Objective To master the epidemic situation of human intestinal helminthiasis in hilly areas of Sichuan Province. ─── 目的了解四川省丘陵地区肠道蠕虫病流行现状。

28、Current situation of children helminthiasis in Sichuan ─── 四川省儿童蠕虫感染现状

29、Infestation of the intestines or other parts of the body with worms or wormlike parasites; helminthiasis. ─── 寄生虫病蠕虫或像蠕虫的寄生虫对于大小肠或身体其他部分的侵害;肠虫病

30、Intestinal Helminthiasis among Students of Nationalities Middle Schools and Relevant Intervention Measures ─── 民族中学学生肠道寄生虫感染调查及干预措施

31、Investigation on human intestinal helminthiasis in Longyang District, Baoshan City, Yunnan Province ─── 云南省保山市隆阳区肠道蠕虫感染现状调查

32、helminthiasis wuchereri ─── [医] 丝虫病

33、Keywords Helminthiasis;Mite infestations;Prevalence;Students;medical; ─── 关键词蠕虫病;螨感染;患病率;学生;医科;

34、helminthiasis elastica ─── [医] 蠕虫性弹性瘤

35、Mixed intestinal helminthiasis ─── 混合性肠道蠕虫病

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