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09-16 投稿



ity 发音


英:  美:

ity 中文意思翻译



ity 词性/词形变化,ity变形


ity 短语词组

1、abi ity abi ─── 公司

2、it ity ─── 无法关闭临时文件夹:%s

3、ser en dip ity n. ─── 意外发现美好事物的运气,机缘巧合

4、chiral(ity) ─── [化] 手性; 手征性

5、-ity suff. ─── 表示性质; ─── 表示状态; ─── 表示程度

6、ita ity ─── 伊思

ity 相似词语短语

1、bty ─── abbr.电池(battery)

2、Xty ─── Xty公司

3、pity ─── n.怜悯,同情;遗憾;vt.对……表示怜悯;对……感到同情

4、-ty ─── abbr.总产量;总收率(totalyield);n.(Ty)人名;(英)泰

5、city ─── n.城市,都市;adj.城市的;都会的

6、mity ─── adj.多螨的

7、-ity ─── abbr.水晶麻(IntermingleYarn);内外之合说(心理学术语)

8、Pty ─── abbr.巴拿马城(PanamaCity);伪终端(Pseudo-TerminalUtilities);节目类型(ProgramType)

9、ety ─── suff.表“性质”;表“状态”;n.(Ety)人名;(罗)埃蒂

ity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、EPC casting process with adopting hollow EPS pattern and EPMMA pattern to elimi nate car burization,wrinkle and inclusion defects was introduced,and high qual ity grinding balls were produced. ─── 介绍了采用空心EPS模样、EPMMA模样解决增碳、皱皮、夹杂缺陷的工艺途径,生产出优质的磨球。

2、Juvenile form of Alexander disease with GFAP mutation and mitochondrial abnormal ity ─── 伴有GFAP突变和线粒体畸形的幼稚型Alexander病

3、We analyzed the neceess- ity and importance to continue these studies. ─── 分析了继续深入开展这一研究的必要性和重要意义。

4、Internal conflicts can only be solved by external forces, because internal ity requires conventions and inward-looking. ─── 内部矛盾的解决需要依靠外部力量,因为内部永远是守旧的、自我封闭的。

5、"You know," he said to himself, "integral hyperspace capabil ity is rather useful in a starfighter; why don't we have it yet?" ─── “你看,”他自言自语道,“拥有完整的超空间跳跃设备对一架战机来说至关重要;可为什么我们就没有一台呢?”

6、low- permeabil- ity fractured reservoir ─── 低渗透裂缝性油藏

7、The Application of Homemade Polyurethane Adhesives in Low Polar ity Shoe Materials ─── 国产聚氨酯胶粘剂在低极性鞋材上的应用

8、Therefore, the calculating method for the bearing capac ity and the deformation of underpinning structure were derived. ─── 并建立了新旧混凝土交接面承载力的计算公式 ,进而提出了桩梁式托换结构承载力和变形的计算方法 .

9、Regular-ity (with) regularity He keeps morning exercises with monotonous regularity. ─── 他极其单调和有规律地进行晨练。

10、Abstract: Besides the heat, the death-cause in building fire is mostly due to the tox ic ity of the fire smoke. ─── 文摘:建筑火灾中致人死亡的因素除了热以外,更多的是因为烟气的毒性。

11、potable water qual. ity analyzer ─── 便携式

12、It is main objective to improve the capac ity of intersections, because the capacity of intersection affects the efficiency of the highway network. ─── 交叉口通行能力的大小直接影响到整个路网效率,提高交叉口的通行能力是目前道路网的重要目标之一。

13、Effects of Total Water Soluble Extract of Fructus Corni on Life Qual ity and Tissue of Adrenal Gland in the Rat of Kidney Yang-deficiency ─── 山茱萸水溶性总提取物对肾阳虚动物模型生命质量和肾上腺组织的影响

14、The Monographic Teaching and the Cultivation of Students'Ability and Qual ity ─── 专题式教学与能力、素质培养

15、The contents of Evans blue in the tis sues of three groups,which were used as the indices of vascular permeabil ity,were calculated by the standard curv e and spectrophotometry. ─── 使用标准曲线和分光光度法测量各组组织中伊文思蓝含量(作为血管渗透性的指标)。

16、T he loc i of aboveground stand ing crops anddens ity dynam ics of A lltum b iden tatum during restor-ing success ion. ─── 曲线表现出中间过渡型的特点。

17、Global stabil- ity ─── 全局稳定性

18、The results suggested that the reduction of SR Ca2+ transport capac- ity might be closely reated to exercise-induced skeletal muscle fatigue . ─── 本研究结果提示急性运动后SRCa2+摄取功能下降可能与运动性骨骼肌疲劳密切相关。

19、I have my doubts about your abi I ity to conti nue as an agent. ─── 我对你能否继续担当特工有所怀疑.

20、CERTIFY that I have explained to the deponent the nece ity of making full disclosure of all relevant documents. ─── 兹证明我已经向提供书面证词者说明提供所有相关文据的必要性。

21、The Male Ster ity in Wheat Induced by New Gametocides-EK and ES ─── 利用化学杀雄剂EK和ES诱导普通小麦雄性不育

22、C ity policem en;so nam ed because of their black uniform s. ─── 城里的警察,因为警察穿黑色的制服,故名。

23、Through probing into quality in service enc ounter,the present research particularly discusses how to promoting tourist qual ity in service encounter to realize customer satisfaction for tourist enterprise s. ─── 本文通过服务接触质量探讨,着重论述了旅游企业如何提高旅游服务接触质量以实现顾客满意

24、The text focuses on the differece and the similar ity among the initial consonant system of Enshi dialect, Mandarin and the peripheral dialect. ─── 摘要本文讨论恩施方言声母系统与普通话声母及周边方言声母系统的异同,重点着眼于“异”。

25、Archiland advocates the harmonious green design concept "ity-human-nature" and preserves professional ethics of " quality first" . ─── 筑土倡导“城市、人、自然”和谐的绿色设计理念,坚守品质至上的职业道德。

26、An Experimental Report on the Training of the Fine Personal ity Quality of the Middle School Girls ─── 培养女中学生优良个性品质的实验研究

27、Effect of Protonic Acids Types on the Structures and Conductiv ity of Polyaniline ─── 掺杂质子酸的类型对聚苯胺结构和电导率的影响

28、When the addition quant ity was4%,abnormity of core materials occurred easily during stacking ferment ation. ─── 一、二次酒的窖内发酵升酸幅度较大,产的酒总酸、总酯含量较低,酒的口感也差,但出酒率较高。

29、At the second part, the necess ity and emergency of improving our insurance law legal system is concluded by analyzing the state of our insurance trade and insurance legal system. ─── 本文第二部分分析了我国的保险业和保险法制的现状,从整理、分析中得出完善我国保险法制的必要性和紧迫性的结论。

30、Vocal music teaching is not only the training of singing abil ity, imagination, the state of mind, the singing psychology are also important t o the students who want to learn the vocal music well. ─── 声乐教学中不仅是歌唱能力的培养,想象能力、精神状态、歌唱心理往往对学生学好声乐也是至关重要的。

31、chiral ity ─── 手征性, 手性

32、4.The isolines of a ir grav ity anom aly d ifferences betw een W DM 94 and OSU 91 m odel(un it:m gal,in terval of isolines:5m gal). ─── 图4 W DM 94和OSU 91模型空间重力异常差异等值线图(单位:m gal,等值线间距:5m gal) F ig.

33、Abstract: It is main objective to improve the capac ity of intersections, because the capacity of intersection affects the efficiency of the highway network. ─── 文摘:交叉口通行能力的大小直接影响到整个路网效率,提高交叉口的通行能力是目前道路网的重要目标之一。

34、It is a dis- ease complex which is usually associated with other neuroectodermal abnormalities and photosensitive- ity. ─── 此病为一综合症,且常合并神经外胚层的异常及光敏感性。

35、Fortune, I am inclined to think has bound you in heavier chai and imposed upon you a sterner nece ity than on your captives. ─── 你们在左面和右面都被大海封锁着,可用于逃遁的船只连一艘都没有。环绕着你们的是波河,它比罗讷河更宽,水流更急;

36、Besides the heat, the death-cause in building fire is mostly due to the tox ic ity of the fire smoke. ─── 建筑火灾中致人死亡的因素除了热以外,更多的是因为烟气的毒性。

37、seco nd,to use ad-v anced teaching means and intensify the training o f the teaching technical abil ity; ─── 二是运用先进的教学手段,强化师范技能的训练;

38、Capillary effect of semi -products, conveyor and dyeing quality should be controlled to improve the qual ity of frosted corduroy. ─── 为提高霜花灯芯绒的质量,必须从半制品毛效、履带板印和染色质量等三方面进行控制,以生产出高质量的产品。

39、Setting up eco梒ity systematic management should abide by the rules of integrity, network and dynamic superiority. ─── 建构生态城市管理系统,应当遵循整体性原则、网络化原则和动态优化原则。

40、Methods 197 teachers from Qufu Normal Univers ity were inves tigated with the Self-Rating Scale of Sleep. ─── 方法采用睡眠状况自评量表(SRSS)对197名曲阜师大教师的睡眠状况进行调查。

41、polar(ity) relay ─── 极性继电器

42、2 T he re lative v iscos ity of CM CHSin the presence and absence of10-4m o l/L various surfactan ts(1. ─── 标题: 图2有无表面活性剂(10-4m o l/L)存在时CM CHS的比浓粘度与其浓度的关系 F ig.

43、bearing capac ity ─── 承载力

44、This paper analyzes blacking filming mechanism,selects a new combi nation method,which can control filming speed reasonably and raise blacking qual ity effectively. ─── 对发黑成膜机理作了分析,选用了新的结合方式,合理控制成膜速度,有效提高了发黑质量。

45、Nonlocal ity of the Wheel er-de Witt Equation ─── Wheeler-de Witt方程的非局域性

46、monostabil ity ─── 单稳态

47、teaching qual ity ─── 教学质量

48、However, the company would start seeking approval again if it found an interesting investment opportun- ity. ─── 不过,如果发现感兴趣的投资机会,和黄港口还会提出申请。

49、3 R ichness,d ivers ity and evenness indexes offorest comm un ities at d ifferen t a ltitude insou thern T a ihang M ts. ─── 标题: 图3太行山南段植物群落物种丰富度、多样性和均匀度指数随海拔的变化趋势 F ig.


51、I never met Judy again, w h ich w as a p ity. ─── 我再也没有见到朱迪,非常遗憾。

52、flexibil- ity ─── 挠度

53、The paper also puts forward some suggestions for defining bearing capac ity by engineering piles. ─── 同时 ,提出了利用工程桩作压载试验确定桩承载力的有关建议

54、In the convulsionary larvae,the activ ity of glutamic decarboxylase decreased by {8.67%. ─── 抽搐期体内谷氨酸脱羧酶活性降低了8.67%。

55、The approximate method of pr obabil ity analysis of consolidation for sand-drained ground and its accuracy is researched. ─── 研究了砂井地基固结概率分析的近似方法,并探讨了近似方法的精度。

56、Wang HM, Li P, Wang MT, et al.Biocompatibil ity evaluation of BGC, HA, Ti and cocr by human fetal osteobcast cell cut true methods[J].Chin J biomed engineering, 1996, 15(3): 239-44. ─── [5]王惠明,李梵,王模堂,等.四种骨替代材料的人成骨细胞生物相容性研究[J].中国生物医学工程学报,1996,15(3):239-44.

57、Quantitative analysing to the present stage o f c ity environmental noise is a basic work that control effectively city noise poll ution. ─── 对城市环境噪声状况进行定量分析是实现城市噪声污染有效控制的基础性工作。

58、Methods 20 patie nts with nasal cav ity conglutination after endoscope operation were analyzed retrospectively, and the conglutination was separated under endoscope. ─── 方法回顾内窥镜鼻窦手术后发生术腔粘连20例,并采用镜下手术分离粘连。


60、This paper examines the social function,effect and ideal of commun ity libraries from the angle of social structure. ─── 文章从社会结构系统的角度,探讨了社区图书馆的社会功能、作用、理想。

61、Based on two theories from American scholar Porter and IMD on nationa l competitive capacity, this paper designs the models of urban competitive capac ity including 10 indicator systems by the support of its concept explanation. ─── 以波特和IMD两种国家竞争力理论模型为基础,探讨了城市竞争力的概念,并设计了 包括10大指标体系在内的城市竞争力模型。

62、Tibetan tea drinking and tea utensils are an important component part of tea culture of Tibetan national tea ity. ─── 藏族茶欢茶具艺术是谊民族茶文化中的一个重要组成部分。

63、Keywords Jianweiyuyang granules;in vitro and in vivo sensit iv ity test;terminal uridine deoxynucleotide nick end labeling (TUNEL) technique;apoptosis;bupleurum chinense;corydalis yanhusuo; ─── 关键词健胃愈疡颗粒剂;消化性溃疡;幽门螺旋杆菌;抑菌试验;原位末端标记法;细胞凋亡;柴胡;延胡索;

64、2 The ca lcu lated g loba l net ecosystem productiv ity N EP(a)and accum u lative N EP(b)basing on GCM andobserved clim ate data. ─── 标题: 图2利用GCM模式及实测的气候资料计算出的每年陆地生态系统净碳通量N EP(a)和累积的N EP(b) F ig.

65、principle of minimum potential energy in theory of elastic- ity ─── 弹性力学最小势能原理

66、ity is limited, please place your order without delay. ─── 我方此类商品的存货有限,请尽快订货。

67、Paul Gauvreau ,The Three Myths of Bridge Aesthetics,Univers ity of Toronto, ─── 杉山和雄,桥梁造型学,朝仓书店,日本,2001

68、Keywords Reservoir;Microstructure;Heterogene ity;Rock pore;Fractal;Image analysis; ─── 储集层;微观结构;非均质;岩石孔隙;分形学;图像分析;

69、The objective of BASF-YPC Company !imited IPS Project is to comp!ete the project safe!y, within budget, on schedu!e and with good qua!ity. ─── 扬子巴斯夫有限责任公司IPS项目的目标是:在预算内,按时地、高质地,安全地完成项目。

70、surrounding rock stabil- ity ─── 围岩稳定性

71、The paper has expounded components and several types of coal bed gas and analys ed the influences of microlithotype, matur ity, reservoir pressure and so fort... ─── 对分析煤盆地间、钻孔间以及煤层间煤层气成分的变化具有重要意义。

72、ity almost always leads to a deadening of individual creativity and energy." ─── 一致性几乎总是压抑个性化创造和活力。

73、More ity, for him, means do what is expedient. ─── 对他来说,道德就是选方便的事做。

74、Ity of inspiring confidence. ─── 他有本事能让别人信任他。

75、The inte ity of Flamenco i ires a se e of magic, and evokes3 from its audience an inte e reaction. ─── 弗拉门戈的热情激发了神奇的魔力,也博得了观众们热烈的反应。

76、This paper introduces electric system of flat-coil machine with flouncing reduction function from aspect as elec tric ity winding,PLC pro gram me and touch screen design. ─── 介绍带减薄功能的电机线圈数控扁绕机的电气系统组成,PLC程序设计和触摸屏的设计。

77、ity Huffman.Lynette Scavo Marcia Cross.Bree Van De Kamp Eva Longoria.Gabrielle Solis Nicollette Sheridan. ─── Edie Britt中文名:绝望的主妇第六季英文名称:Desperate Hou ...

78、METHODS:Totally 3 848 freshmen were evaluated by using the University Personal ity Inventory(UPI) at the first semester when they entered university every year for four years continuously. ─── 方法:采用大学生人格问卷,当每年新生入学第1学期时,在全体新生(3848名)中进行测评,连续4年;

79、Strengthening the medica l files written canonically and legally has made the quality of the medical qual ity improved obviously. ─── 一年分4个季度随机抽查病历500份及平时抽查科室运行的病历进行质量评审检查分析,对主要存在问题进行归纳分析,及时作出相应的对策。

80、Lukewarm sponge baths will do, and if the air is not always very fragrant in the human vic in ity, the automobile fumes are gone. ─── 人们凑合著用温热的海绵洗澡,虽然汽车废气已经消失了,但人们附近的空气却不总是那么芬芳了。

81、A thin solid electrolyte film of yttria stabilized zirconia with high den s ity, less porosity was fabricated by this method with 54vol%solid content slurr y. ─── 新型陶瓷与精细工艺国家重点实验室清华大学材料科学与工程系,北京100084;

82、Write a check for 10% of your monthly income and place it in the mailbox. Send it to your church, a ity, or a worthy cause, but give it away. ─── 写下一张面值为你月薪10%的支票。然后放进邮箱,寄给你所在地区的教堂,捐给慈善机构,或是为其它有价值的事业。总之,捐献出去。

83、Zhelin Power Station installed two Francis hydrogenerating units with unit capac ity 120MW, the total capacity is 240MW. ─── 柘林水电站装有2台单机容量为120MW水轮发电机组,电站总装机容量为240MW。

84、Turn on oximeter by activating power. O erve pulse waveform/inte ity di lay and audible beep. Compare oximeter pulse rate with client's radial pulse. ─── 打开电源,接通血氧计。观察脉搏波形/强度和嘟嘟声。对比血氧计脉率与病人桡动脉搏动。

85、At board meetings you have to get used to the formal ity of the language. ─── 参加董事会议必须习惯那种古板的语言.

86、“Upon carefu l consideration,one cannot but be am azed theub iqu ity of amb igu ity in language. ─── ”(仔细思考一下,我们不能不惊奇地发现普遍存在的语言歧义现象)。

87、This paper states that making innovations include vital three compr eh ensive information process links, which are causality and generality and similar ity. ─── 创新思维过程包括对象及其部整关系和因果关系的信息处理,共性关系为核心的综合信息处理,相似关系为核心的综合信息处理三个关键环节。

88、C ity policem en;;so nam ed because of their black uniform s. ─── 城里的警察,,因为警察穿黑色的制服,,故名。

89、Results:In indica ting peripheral ducts, the capabil ity of digital pantomography was higher than conventional pantomography(P

















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