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hindu 发音

['hindu:; 'hin'du:]

英:  美:

hindu 中文意思翻译




hindu 网络释义

adj. 印度教的;印度的n. 印度人;印度教教徒

hindu 短语词组

1、Hindu calendar ─── 印度历

2、Hindu-Arabic numeral ─── [网络] 阿刺伯数字;阿拉伯数字

3、Hindu Kush Mountains ─── [网络] 兴都库斯山脉;兴都库什山;兴都库什山区

4、Hindu numeral ─── [网络] 印度数字

5、Hindu calendar month ─── [网络] 印度日历月

6、hindu lotus ─── 印度莲花

7、Hindu Kush ─── 兴都库什山(亚洲中部山脉, 位于阿富汗和巴基斯坦之间)

8、Makara (Hindu mythology) Makara( ─── 印度教神话)

9、Hindu deity ─── [网络] 印度神

10、Agama Hindu Dharma ─── 阿伽马印度教佛法

11、hindu datura hind ─── 数据

12、Hindu-Arabic a. ─── 阿拉伯数字的

hindu 反义词


hindu 同义词

perception | observation | recall |reflection | retrospection | remembrance

hindu 词性/词形变化,hindu变形


hindu 相似词语短语

1、Lindum ─── 林丹

2、hinau ─── n.齿杜英木的一种

3、Hindu ─── n.印度教教徒;印度人;adj.印度教(或教徒)的

4、bhindi ─── n.秋葵,六角豆

5、Hindus ─── n.印度教徒

6、hinds ─── n.(Hinds)人名;(瑞典)欣兹;(英)海因兹

7、hind ─── adj.后部的;n.雌鹿;n.(Hind)人名;(英、芬)欣德

8、Pindus ─── 品都斯山脉

9、hindgut ─── n.[生物]后肠;尾肠

hindu 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Dhoti: a loincloth worn by Hindu men in India. ─── 印度腰带:在印度被印度男人穿着的腰带。

2、He became sympathetic toward the Hindu gods and goddesses, explaining them in a liberal fashion. ─── 他变得对印度教的神和女神有同情心,以一种自由主义的风格解释他们。

3、The Hindu rightist BJP faces an uphill battle. ─── 印度右翼政府目前举步维艰。

4、Watch out for the Hindu Diwali, the Tamil Teemeedee (fire-walking) and the Chinese New Year. ─── 你且等着,既有印度人的排灯节,又有泰米尔人的度火节,还有中国人的新年。

5、The Hindu civilization dates back to at least 2000 B.C. ─── 印度文明可远溯到公元前2000年。

6、He came from the highest Hindu caste. ─── 他出身印度最高的种姓。

7、Hindu legend tells of the deity Shiva founding Varanasi and taking up residence there once upon a time. ─── 印度神话中提到,神建造了瓦腊纳西并曾一度居住于此。

8、Only the hardiest sadhus, or holy men come to pay their respects at the very heart of the Hindu world. ─── 只有最吃苦耐劳的苦行僧或者圣人才会来到此地,表达对这块印度教心脏地带的无尚敬意。

9、Apocalypse for the Hindu is the natural ending of the world in the fourth age, the Kali Age. ─── 印度教的启示就是关于宇宙四个时期中的完结时期,也就是卡利年代。

10、Hindus had long claimed that the mosque had been built over the birthplace of a Hindu god, Ram, and a Hindu temple later dedicated to him. ─── 印度教徒长期以来一直声称这座清真寺建在了一位印度教信奉的神Ram的出生地,而后建立了一座印度教的神庙供奉着它。

11、Keshab, on the other hand, regarded image worship as idolatry and gave allegorical explanations of the Hindu deities. ─── 另一方面,柯沙布把敬神视作偶像崇拜,对印度教神灵给予讽喻的解释。

12、The Asian Age newspaper said Hindu priests were outraged. ─── 《亚洲年代》报道说印度教祭司们义愤填膺。

13、Hindu society during the eighteenth century had been passing through a period of decadence. ─── 印度社会在十八世纪期间经历了一个颓废时期,这是穆斯林的统治末期。

14、The third of the four main Hindu castes: the mercantile and professional caste. ─── 印度教四个主要世袭阶级的第三个等级;商人和自由职业者阶级。

15、Hindu monasteries have been constructed across India and Asia. ─── 印度教修道院分布于印度和亚洲其他地区。

16、According to the strict rules of Hindu iconography, Ganesha figures with only two hands are taboo. ─── 依照印度教肖像学的严格规则,甘尼萨只有二臂的外形是被禁止的。

17、Samadhi is a term used in Hindu and Buddhist yogic meditation. ─── 三摩地是印度教和佛教瑜伽冥想使用的术语。

18、Hindu woman married to a Parsi, came to ask for my blessings for her three-year-old son who could not speak. ─── 一个印度教女人和一个帕西人结婚,她来为她不能说话的三岁孩子求我的祝福。

19、The Himalayas are also located near the Indus Valley, as is the Hindu Kush mountain range. ─── 喜马拉雅山脉也位于印度河流域附近,就与印度库什山脉一样。

20、A loincloth worn by Hindu men in India. ─── 印度腰带在印度被印度男人穿着的腰带

21、Hindu man watched the eclipse as he took a bath in the Ganges River in Varanasi , India. ─── 在印度的发拉那西,一个印度教徒一边观看日蚀,一边沐浴。

22、Some of the Indian Sufis were greatly influenced by Hindu customs. ─── 一些印度苏菲派受到印度教习俗的极大影响。

23、They invoked Hindu scripture to justify their position. ─── 他们援引印度教的经文为他们的立场辩护。

24、"I'd like to get out of here," says the Hindu boy weakly. ─── “我想离开这儿。”印度人有气无力地说。

25、The concept of fractals has been used to examine the form of the Hindu temple, both in terms of its planning and external appearance. ─── 不规则碎片形的概念用作棱验印度庙宇的形态,既用在计划编制方面,也用在外观方面。

26、Jyotisha is the Hindu system of astrology, one of the six disciplines of Vedanga. ─── 周谛士是印度的占星体系,是吠陀经的六个部分的学科之一。

27、Kabul, south of the Hindu Kush, is linked by narrow passes to the northern plains. ─── 位于库什山脉南部的喀布尔由一条狭窄的道路通向北部平原。

28、Department of Urology, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. ─── 中山医科大学附属第三医院

29、But this unusual idea of synchronicity is easily explained by the Hindu view of reality. ─── 但这个关于同步性的不寻常点子,可以简单的由印度人对于现实的视点解释。

30、"Vajpayee Promises Second Green Revolution", The Hindu, March 21, 2004. ─── "印度总统卡拉姆呼吁进行第二次绿色革命",新华社新德里2004年1月8日电.

31、Such rows occur chiefly among Protestant Christians, but also among Hindu and Sikh immigrants to the English-speaking world. ─── 此类争论主要发生在新教基督徒中,不过也发生在说英语的印度教和锡克教移民中。

32、Tying the nuptial knot between the loose ends of the bride and groom attires is a ritual at every Hindu wedding. ─── 印度传统的婚礼服装,发布在印度,充分利用当地文化的表现。

33、Indians mournfully called this “the Hindu rate of growth. ─── 印度人沮丧的将其称为“印度教增长率”。

34、"We are oppressed by Hindu chauvinism, but our view is not to establish Magar chauvinism. ─── “我们反对印度教沙文主义,但我们并不想成为玛嘉沙文主义。

35、Good intentions have not lost their power to devastate or to mire the earnest bearers of them in the Hindu Kush. ─── 在兴都库什山脉地区[1],这种“好意”仍保持其破坏力,或者让那些最“热忱”的心怀“好意”的人们身陷泥潭。

36、A Hindu holy man stands on the banks of the Ganges in Varanasi, December 3, 2001. ─── 图为一名印度教神职人员站在恒河边。

37、Hindu rule was already tottering before Muslim penetration. ─── 在伊斯兰教渗入之前,印度教的统治已经摇摇欲坠了。

38、The Hindu goddess Laxmi, is also called Padma, Kamia and Kamalasana, all names for the lotus. ─── 印度的女神Laxmi又叫Padma、Kamia、Kamalasana,都是莲花的意思。

39、SHERRI饶 : In many yoga classes I go to, there's a mix of asana, Hindu chants, and spiritual mysticism. ─── SHERRI饶:我参加过的许多瑜伽课中都会将瑜伽体位、印度圣歌以及精神神秘论融为一体。

40、Indian girls throw colored powder on each other. Holi is known as the most exuberant and playful of Hindu festivals. ─── 印度女孩互相投掷颜料粉末,胡里节在印度被认为是最欢乐和热闹的宗教节日。

41、Used as a title for the Hindu deity Krishna. ─── 世界主宰用作印度神克利须那的称号

42、Kathmandu's Durbar Square, a Hindu temple sits silently amongst ancient historical monuments of old. ─── 加德满都的杜巴广场,囊括了几百年历史的古迹建筑,这就是其中一座印度教寺庙。

43、He had a fine grasp of Hindu law. ─── 他对印度法律颇有研究。

44、The Wuqia earthquake occurred only 25 days after the Hindu Kush earthquake. ─── 乌恰地震发生在兴都库什地震之后仅仅25天。

45、So was the rightwing Hindu nationalist BJP, which lost a large amount of territory. ─── 右翼印度教民族主义党派印度人民党也被打败了,它失去了很多地盘。

46、Tinsel has even been put up inside commercial aircraft that fly from mainly Buddhist Colombo to predominantly Hindu Jaffna. ─── 从佛教城市科伦坡飞往印度教圣地贾夫纳(斯里兰卡北部港口)的飞机里,也挂了一些金箔和银箔的圣诞装饰品。

47、In the 1990s, when the Hindu nationalists were thrust to national power, they won three elections in Meerut in a row. ─── 上世纪90年代,印度教民族主义者开始谋求国家权力时,就曾连续三届赢得过密鲁特的选举。

48、A new fighting attitude was introduced into the slumbering Hindu society. ─── 一种新的战斗姿态进入了沉睡的印度社会。

49、Though known as a devout Hindu, Gandhi rarely visited temples, and was generally repelled by the rituals and customs of organized religion. ─── 虽然甘地是个虔诚的印度教徒,但是他极少去庙里朝拜,并通常会对有组织的宗教仪式和传统感到反感。

50、Hindu holy man, center, prepares to cast his vote in Ayodhya, India, Thursday, April 23, 2009. ─── 一个印度教圣地的人,中心,准备投了票在阿约提亚,印度,星期四,2009年4月23日。

51、His opinion came under fire from Hindu priest Mahant Surendra Nath. ─── 他的言论受到印度祭司马翰苏兰卓?那特的抨击。

52、For a Manila cheroot and the price of a drink he will suck any Hindu's ass. ─── 为了一支马尼拉雪前和买一杯酒的钱他愿意舔随便哪个印度人的屁股。

53、A couple weeks ago it was a public holiday which is a Hindu festival called Divali. ─── 原因可能是学生们平日要上课,没有办法到北网中心观看比赛。

54、The third of the four Hindu classes, comprising farmers, herders, artisans, merchants, and businessmen. ─── 吠舍印度四个种姓等级中的第三等级,由农夫、畜牧者、手工艺者、商人和生意人组成

55、What is the Hindu theory on the existence of ghosts. ─── 印度有关鬼灵存在形式的理论是什么。

56、Considered impure by Hindu law, they are generally permitted to perform only the most menial jobs. ─── 受印度教教义规定,这些人只能干最低级粗重的活。

57、A Hindu holy man pauses after praying on Sunday. ─── 一名印度教圣人周日祈祷后稍事休息。

58、Hindu temples and Muslim mosques stand alongside Chinese temples. ─── 华人庙宇的旁边矗立着兴都庙和回教堂。

59、They had been invited to a Hindu wedding and were not sure what happened on such occasions. ─── 有人邀请他们去参加一个印度教徒的婚礼,但他们不清楚这样的庆典会是怎样一种场面。

60、An ancient Hindu astrology used 27 houses of 13 degrees 20 minutes, which are key numbers in the Mayan calendar. ─── 一个古代印度占星家利用27间13度20分的房子,是玛雅历法的重要数字。

61、Shiva, in Hindu lore, is Planet X and Kali, the Dark Twin, is his wife. ─── 印度传说中的湿婆,就是X星而卡莉,黑暗双星,是他的妻子。

62、The Hindu Temple is an approved place of worship for the performance of marriages under the Marriage Ordinance (Chapter 181). ─── 印度庙是一处认可的崇拜地方,依据《婚姻条例》(第181章),可供教友举行结婚典礼。

63、Hindu sect worshiping of Vishnu. ─── 信奉大神毗湿奴的一个印度教流派。

64、Observant students of ideas will recognize Hindu beliefs in this movement as well. ─── 善于观察思想的人也会在这个运动中认出印度教信仰的影响。

65、And the Hindu Adam was happy and he and his wife roved about on the beautiful earth. ─── 印度故事中的亚当是快活的,他和他的妻子在美丽的大地上漫游着。

66、Looking back down, we see one of many decorative Hindu temples in the area of the Rock Fort. ─── 向下俯视,我们看到在岩堡周边许多装饰精美的印度寺庙中的一座。

67、Any of four classes, comprising numerous subclasses, constituting Hindu society. ─── 印度的世袭等级构成印度社会的、由无数个次等级组成的四个社会等级之一

68、You may go skiing in the Tien-Shan Mountains, or trekking across the mountains and valleys of the Hindu Kush. ─── 你可以在天山山脉滑雪,或翻山越领穿越兴都库什河谷。

69、I am as comfortable entering a Hindu temple, a mosque, a church and a Chinese temple. ─── 去兴都庙宇、回教堂、教堂或华人庙宇,我的心情是一样的自在。

70、India celebrates Diwali, the annual Hindu festival of lights. ─── 印度庆祝排灯节,一年一度的印度教的重要节日。

71、Pretty in pink: Hindu men apply colour powders on each other as they celebrate Holi in Amritsar, India. ─── 印度教传统狂欢节荷利节在每年3月初的月圆后举行,是象征春天到来的庆典。

72、He did not know Sanskrit and very soon broke away from the popular Hindu religion. ─── 他并不懂得梵语,也很快地与印度通俗宗教脱离。

73、The inner panels show scenes from the Hindu epic, the Ramayana. ─── 党内面板显示画面从印度教史诗,罗摩衍那。

74、One hundred and forty-five people were killed in a stampede at a Hindu temple in northern India. ─── 一百四十五人在北印度的印度教寺庙中发生的踩踏事件中死亡。

75、Out of the Hindu tradition comes Yogic meditation, which is also purely concentrative. ─── 在印度传统中是瑜伽禅定,也是一种纯粹的专注。

76、The Century Frangipani is a native tree that has been associated with Buddhist and Hindu cultures. ─── 内庭院里的铝金属和鸡蛋花花池创造出一种富有启发性的空间体验。

77、By this elevation to a status parallel to that of the Hindu Brahma, the Buddha receded far beyond the reach of mortal man. ─── 这个晋升状态相似的印度教梵天,佛陀下降超出了的人类的人。

78、"The Hindu idol, my dear Mac (name changed), don't you remember, the one they called the Kalpa Vigraha? ─── “马克(化名),我亲爱的老伙计啊,我说的是那个印度铜像啊。

79、He works as a consultant with Fujitsu Services, and is also Secretary General of the Hindu Forum of Britain. ─── 他目前是富士通公司的顾问,也是英国印度教论坛的秘书长。

80、Did Buddhist uses that as well? I heard that in Hindu terms, like the sound of the origins of the universe. ─── 也会用到这些吗?我在印度教中听到过,就好像是宇宙起源时的声音。

81、In the Hindu religion, cows are considered scared. ─── 印度教视母牛为圣物。

82、They ridiculed as relics of a barbarous age the images and rituals of the Hindu religion. ─── 他们嘲笑印度宗教的偶像和典礼是一个野蛮时期的崩溃。

83、The Veda is also regarded as the basis of all the later Shastraic texts used in Hindu doctrine and practice. ─── 吠陀也被认为是应用于印度教教条和实践的所有后期圣典的基础。

84、Liberhan, a judge, debunks the BJP's long-held claim that the mosque was spontaneously torn down by Hindu zealots. ─── Liberhan在报告中揭露道,BJP长期以来都宣称,阿约提亚清真寺终将被印度教狂热分子所摧毁。

85、The Hindu way of burning the body is very significant. ─── 印度的燃烧身体的方法非常有意义。

86、The Hindu boy looks at me reproachfully."You should have told me!"he says. ─── 印度人以责备的目光望着我道,”你早该告诉我的!

87、IVC seals depict animals, perhaps as the object of veneration, comparable to the zoomorphic aspects of some Hindu gods. ─── 印度河流域文明的图案也描绘动物,也许是所崇拜的对象,相当于一些印度教神的动物形象。

88、In Hindu and Buddhist mythology, a semidivine being, half human and half serpent. ─── 印度教和佛教神话中一类精灵,其形半人半蛇。

89、Like all Hindu scriptures, the Rig Veda was passed on primarily in an oral fashion. ─── 像所有的印度文献一样,《梨俱吠陀》主要是通常口头方式来相传。

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