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09-15 投稿



increasable 发音

英:[[?n'kri:s?bl]]  美:[[?n'kri:s?b?l]]

英:  美:

increasable 中文意思翻译



increasable 相似词语短语

1、inerasable ─── adj.擦不掉的,抹不掉的

2、increasedly ─── adv.增多地

3、uncrossable ─── 不可交叉的

4、creatable ─── 可创造的

5、inclosable ─── 封闭的

6、increase ─── v.增加;增大;提高;增强;n.增加;增多;增长;n.(Increase)(英、美、印、尼日尼亚)英克里斯(人名)

7、inappeasable ─── adj.难满足的;难平息的

8、incapable ─── adj.不能的;无能力的;不能胜任的

9、incredible ─── adj.不能相信的,难以置信的;极好的,极大的

increasable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Now we should lay stress on monitoring birth defects and advocate perinatal health care, in order to reduce the IMR and increa the average life expectancy effectively. ─── 为降低婴儿死亡率,提高平均期望寿命,现阶段应以加强出生缺陷监测工作和提倡围产期保健作为重点。

2、Guard against the Increas of Appealed Dumping Cases of China after Accession to WTO ─── 谨防入世后我国被诉倾销案增多

3、Summary on No. 7 Fluid Bed Roster Modification to Increas Roasting Intensity ─── 提高7#沸腾炉焙烧强度的改造

4、Application of IFA in knowledge increasable neural network ─── IFA在知识可增殖神经网络中的应用

5、Two new studies find that despite the increasing snowfall that comes with global warming as a result of the increas. ─── 两项新的研究发现:尽管随着全球气候变暖,导致空气湿度增加,降雪也会增加,但南极洲的冰层融化的量要远大于降雪带来的增加量。

6、Cultural anticorruption should be realized by absorbing the fine culture home and abroad,strengthening ideological education,emphasizing system construction,and increa... ─── 文化反腐,需要通过吸收中外廉政文化精华、加强思想教育、注重制度建设以及加大惩治力度等途径来实现。

7、Demand for petroleum coke will increa se continuously and mainly in the field of aluminum industry. ─── 石油焦市场前景较好,未来需求量的增加主要集中在炼铝行业。

8、Methods to Increas the Qualification Rate of High Pressure Heater Stainless Pipe Welding Connection ─── 提高高压加热器不锈钢疏水管焊口合格率的措施

9、Then water plasticization was the leading role.It made the material ductile and increa... ─── 然后水增塑成为主要因素,它使材料韧性增加,冲击强度增大;

10、According to the calculating equations of the friction load on the rod string on the upstroke and downstroke, the friction load increases remarkably with the increa... ─── 孤东油田八区部分见聚油井摩擦载荷的计算值与实测值的实例对比表明,二者的数值差距很小,表明计算方法可行。

11、Note: Numeric keys will start at 0 and increas by 1 (See example3). String keys will remain the same (See example 1). ─── 注意:数值键将从0开始以基数1递增(见案例3);字符键保持不变(见案例1)

12、A Knowledge Increasable Method for Artificial Neural Network ─── 实现人工神经网络知识增殖能力的一种方法

13、Based on the research,simulates the combustor with a ring fin indicate that the ring fin can enhance the turbulence of the mixed gas in the combustor,improve combustion status,increa. ─── 在此基础上,模拟了带有环形翅片燃烧室的情况,表明环形翅片能增强微燃烧室内混合气体的湍流扰动,改善燃烧状况,有效地提高燃烧效率。

14、Research and Implement of Knowledge-Increasable Artifical Neural Network ─── 知识可增殖人工神经网络的研究与实现

15、An Improved Increasable Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm ─── 对增量式模糊聚类算法的改进

16、A cooperative application of N, P and K can increas e the co ntents of organic matter, available N, av... ─── N、P、K配施处理土壤有机质、速效氮、速效磷和速效钾增幅较大。

17、Ferrite slag is more efficient in removing As and Sb than fayalite slag.The distributions of Sn, Pb, Zn, As, Sb and Bi in gaseous phase increase with increa... ─── 研究表明:无论是硅酸铁炉渣体系,还是铁酸钙炉渣体系,挥发性的伴生元素锡、铅、锌、钾、锑和铋等在气相中的分配率均随熔炼温度的升高而明显增大。

18、The overall mission of our programmes is to develop professionals who can manage ethically, sensitively and holistically in a range of organisations in an increa... ─── 我们的方案的总任务是发展专业谁能够管理道德,敏感和一系列组织整体上在一个日益全球化和迅速变化的环境。

19、A nd the increas of labour productivity is most important factor of sustained gr owth of primary copper output in Chile. ─── 劳动生产率的提高,是智利铜矿产量持续增长的重要因素。

20、At present, community forestry has been believed to be one of excellent models on economy development, income increas of farmers and construction of eco? engineering in forest zones of our country. ─── 认为社区林业是目前我国林区发展、民增收和生态工程建设的一种较好的模式。

21、An Improved Increasable Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm ─── 对增量式模糊聚类算法的改进

22、Pig , The crazy increasable avoirdupois let you used to hear admiration. But have you ever heard oath? ─── 猪,体重的疯涨让你惯听了赞美,可你曾听到咒骂?

23、The article puts forward an improved increasable fuzzy clustering algorithm.The algorithm only calculates similar coefficient of increased data.Its result is the same as dynamic clustering algorithm. ─── 提出了一种增量式模糊聚类技术的改进算法,该算法仅对新增数据计算相似系数而直接聚类,其结果和动态聚类算法相同;

24、increasable algorithm ─── 增量式算法

25、Pig ,The crazy increasable avoirdupois let you used to hear admiration.But have you ever heard oath? ─── 猪,体重的疯涨让你惯听了赞美,可你曾听到咒骂?

26、The system can effectively instruct the management of pump plant and quarantee the injection pumps working safely,dependably,high performance.And it can increa... ─── 该系统能够有效地指导注水站管理,保证注水泵机组长期安全、可靠、高效运行,促进泵站的设备管理水平的提高,并取得明显的经济效益,实现了注水泵站的现代化管理。

27、Time still, as he files, brings increas to her truth, and gives to her mind what he steals from her youth. ─── 时间在飞逝中仍然带给她更多的真理,使她意识到青春丢失的东西。

28、Results:Histology revealed vacuolization in tubular cell, and that the prolifative activity of tubular cells decreased significantly and the activity of LDH increa... ─── 结论参麦可对抗环孢霉素A的肾毒性作用,促进损伤的肾小管上皮细胞增生。

29、Under a certainlowtemperature condition,the longer the woodlice were placed,the more increasable the mortality rate was. ─── 在一定的培养时间下随着低温强度加大,死亡率明显升高。

30、The combined estrogen with ipriflavone did not increas the effect and the alternate therapy can also prevent bone resorption in the ovariectomized rats. ─── 联合应用雌激素、依普拉芬不能增加疗效,交替使用亦可防止去势后大鼠的骨丢失。

31、Increas number of affiliates in program Cross-sell to partner sites. ─── 增加一些子公司交叉销售分支机构为合作伙伴。

32、The Federation's Chief Executive Offic er , Janet Voute , says cardiovascular diseases are on the increase across the African continent. Much of this , she says, is due to increas ed urbanization. ─── 世界心脏病联盟表示人们普遍认为心脏病和脑卒中是富贵病.但是研究显示因这种慢性病致死的案例中有80%是发生在中低收入国家和地区.

33、The cross between sub-acid varietties of heterozygote can increas the ratio of selective preponderance in progenies. ─── 主基因显性纯合的中酸品种相互间或与杂合品种间交配可增加后代群体优选率,提高育种效果。

34、Results There was no lymphatic vessels in central area of tumor,but around it there were many with endotheliocytic changes.Meanwhile the number of Golgi bodies and lysosome increa... ─── 结果癌肿中心区未见淋巴管,周围区有较多淋巴管和淋巴管内皮细胞变性,高尔基体和溶酶体数量增多,粗面内质网扩张、脱颗粒,内皮间连接开放,并可见部分内皮细胞破坏溶解。

35、A Knowledge Increasable Method for Artificial Neural Network ─── 实现人工神经网络知识增殖能力的一种方法

36、The results show that the degree of coating DHG using polymer P 100 is excellent and the tensile strength of coated DGH increas... ─── 结果表明,聚合物P-100包覆DHG的包覆度很高,且可显著提高拉伸强度。

37、The combined method of move and novlish the kidney had the function of increas BMD and BMC, The increasing of the BMDis better for the control group(p

38、the unit of degree awards too numerous disorderly and the degree awards the population to increasable day by day, the original verification principle and the means lack of operational in reference; ─── 学位授予单位日益庞杂和学位授予人数日益增多,原有的审核原则和办法缺乏操作性和参照性;

39、and as the curing time extended,the hardness,tensile strength and elastic modulus of SBR ebonite increas... ─── 随着硫化时间的延长,硬质SBR的硬度、拉伸强度及弹性模量增大,玻璃化温度显著提高。

40、Results of the experiment show that the air injection has a distinct effect on fiber fractionation,and a good fractionation performance is obtained with increa... ─── 实验结果表明,气体的充入对纤维筛分有明显的影响,随着充气量的增加筛分效果将得到改善。

41、This has lead to competition in ever sector being increasable high however the construction industry is increasingly competitive. ─── 这导致了竞争的日益激烈,但建筑业正变得越来越激烈。

42、Conclusion:Photochemotherapy can increas the sensitivity of advanced neoplasma to radiotherapy. ─── 结论 自血光化学疗法可提高中晚期肿瘤对放疗的敏感性,对肺癌、子宫颈癌的放疗增敏作用尤为显著。

43、Marriag and procreat increas my household responsibility. ─── 不同的岗位上自己也获得了很多。

44、Application of IFA in knowledge increasable neural network ─── IFA在知识可增殖神经网络中的应用

45、Placental increa ─── 胎盘植入

46、After 12 months of AV atomization inhalation treatment, IL2 were significantly increas ed, and IL4 and IgE were decreased (t=7.303, 2.494 and 2.225, respctiv ely, all P

47、We carried out experiment decreasing oxygen content of powder forging steel and heat treatment to increas shock toughness of powder forging steel. ─── 为进一步提高粉末锻钢的冲击韧性,进行了降低粉末锻钢的氧含量和热处理试验。

48、The quantity of electrical fire presents increasing trend,with the fast development and increasable power consumption. ─── 随着我国经济建设的快速发展,用电量增加。

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