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09-16 投稿



inalterable 发音

英:[?n???lt?r?b(?)l]  美:[?n???lt?r?b(?)l]

英:  美:

inalterable 中文意思翻译



inalterable 词性/词形变化,inalterable变形

名词: inalterability |副词: inalterably |

inalterable 相似词语短语

1、unfilterable ─── 非滤过性的

2、invulnerable ─── adj.无懈可击的;不会受伤害的

3、alterable ─── adj.可改变的

4、unalterable ─── adj.不能改变的;坚定不移的

5、unalterably ─── adv.不可改变地,坚定不移地

6、inutterable ─── 不可言喻的

7、inalterably ─── 不可变更地

8、inalienable ─── adj.不可分割的;不可剥夺的;不能让与的

9、inalterableness ─── 不可分割性

inalterable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mobile communication devices such as PDA and cellular phone will be inalterable and credible by installing the PTD (Personal Trusted Device). ─── 手机等行动装置加装此安全模组晶片将成为可信赖之防窜改装置,即个人信赖装置。

2、The dial shall be made of copper aluminum alloy, inalterable black numerals and graduation on white background. The manufacture of same will be to applicable standards. ─── 仪表的刻度盘应为机械指针式,应选用铜铝合金材质,底色为白色,上面标的数字和刻度为黑色(不易褪色),刻度分配应采用厂家提供的标准。

3、Principle of judge inalterable ─── 庭审法官同一原则

4、Mobile communication devices such as PDA and cellular phone will be inalterable and credible by installing the PTD (Personal Trusted device). ─── 手机等行动装置加装此安全模组晶片将成为可信赖之防窜改装置,即个人信赖装置。

5、It originates from Decree of Heaven, exterior force, which is inalterable, which is not decided by oneself. ─── 责任来源于天命,一种外来的力量,是不可改变的,不由自己决定。

6、Mr. Lee's determination for Taiwan independence seems inalterable ; a leopard cannot change its spots. ─── 李先生有独立的决心,似乎很难改变;这是本性难改吧!

7、Lee's determination for Taiwan independence seems inalterable ; ─── 这是本性难改吧!)

8、Unique technology with inalterable earths ensures exquisite wear all day. ─── 独特的技术与精湛的一成不变地球确保一整天不掉妆。

9、the inalterable routine of a physician. ─── 内科医生的一成不变的诊治程序

10、Mr. Lee's determination for Taiwan independence seems inalterable ; ─── (李先生有独立的决心,似乎很难改变;这是本性难改吧!)

11、today, to believe that the past is inalterable . ─── 而今,相信过去无法给篡改,也意味着成一个疯子。

12、Abstract: The principle of judge inalterable is an important principle in the criminal justice.It is significant to ensure the justice of trail outcome and procedure. ─── 文章摘要: 庭审法官同一是刑事审判程序中一项重要的原则,对保证审判程序和结果的公正有着重要意义。

13、This is the cultural play of signification that theorists have discussed as if it were an inalterable feature of life. ─── 这就是理论家们谈论的意义的文化游戏,仿佛它是生活的固定不变的特性。

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