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hermeneutical 短语词组

1、Hermeneutical Circle ─── 解释圈

hermeneutical 相似词语短语

1、hermetical ─── adj.与外界隔绝的,密封的

2、hermeneutics ─── n.解释学;诠释学

3、hermeneutic ─── adj.经文注解的;(对书面文本)解释的,阐释的;n.解释的方法(或理论);解释学;圣经注解学

4、pharmaceutical ─── adj.制药(学)的;n.药物

5、hermeneutically ─── (对《圣经》等经书的)解释(学)地;释经学地

6、hermeneutist ─── n.解释学家;诠释学家(hermeneutics的变形)

7、frenetical ─── 狂热的

8、aeronautical ─── adj.航空的;航空学的;飞机驾驶员的(等于aeronautic)

9、cosmeceutical ─── n.药性化妆品

hermeneutical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hermeneutical phenomenology ─── 社会现象学

2、I keep a library of tomes - heretical, exegetical, hermeneutical and pharmaceutical. ─── 我有一个古墓的图书馆:异端的、训诂的、释经和制药的。

3、Therefore, we consider that hermeneutical - phenomenological philosophy of science is of great significance. ─── 因此,探讨现象学-解释学科学哲学具有十分重要的意义。

4、And it develops such four research methods as speculative and experimental, empirical and hermeneutical methods, carrys on a great deal of researches in foundamental field. ─── 现象学心理学提出思辨与实验、经验与解释四种可行的方法,并在基础领域进行了大量的研究实践。

5、of arts text is Hermeneutical dialogue, and text will revive inreaders' comprehension. ─── 艺术文本的本体存在方式是解释学的对话。 文本将在读者的理解中复活。

6、Although the “effective-historical” influence of Hegel’s thought possesses a key position in the genesis of Gadamer’s hermeneutical philosophy, this theme has not been investigated until now. ─── 高达美诠释学性哲思生成史中,黑格尔思想所具效应历史性作用十分关键,却至今未受学界探讨。

7、and it is to be interpreted within the hermeneutical context of the rule of faith. ─── 它也要在信仰准则(基要信条)这个释经背景内来解释。

8、How is the Natural Science Hermeneutical? ─── 自然科学如何是诠释学的?

9、As a part of XuFuguan's new confucianism, that how much profound connotation does his hermeneutical system of art contain,and what is its theoretic and realistic meaning? ─── 作为徐复观的新儒学体系的一部分,徐复观的艺术诠释体系到底有多少深刻内涵?其所具有的理论意义与现实意义到底如何?

10、The hermeneutical deep description is a method to describe the inner psychological course from the inter-subjective perspective. ─── 诠释学取向的深描,是从相互主观的角度,描述内在心理过程的方法。

11、hermeneutical circle ─── 解释循环

12、This article argues that in Zhu Xi's philosophy, both the epistemological-practical model of "knowing-doing" and the ethical-practical model of "constancy-expediency" have hermeneutical dimensions. ─── 对诠释时所表现的理解-应用的普遍形式而言,本文尝试做这样的说明:在朱熹的论述裹,认识论-实践论的知行概念,正如伦理学-实践论的经权概念一样,展示为某种诠释学模式。

13、Social science research mainly follows three reasoning: deductive reasoning, hermeneutical reasoning and critical reasoning. ─── 社会科学研究主要遵循演绎推理、诠释性推理和批判性推理三种推理模式。

14、Based on the background of his era, this text tries to give an explanation to Heidegger's linguistic turn from phenomenological and hermeneutical angles and analyze its influence. ─── 本文立足于海德格尔语言转向的时代背景,着重从现象学和诠释学的维度阐发其意义及其影响。

15、Why is confession able to assume this hermeneutical role? ─── 为什麽告解能够扮演解释的角色?

16、The natural sciences before scientific revolution were hermeneutical, but when it comes to the modem natural science, only with respect to ontology it is completely hermeneutical. ─── 摘要近代科学革命以前的自然科学是诠释学的。就近现代自然科学而言,在存在论的意义上,它完全是诠释学的;

17、A phenomenology of religion must be both existential and hermeneutical. ─── 宗教现象学必须既是存在性的又是诠释性的。

18、It had a great influence on the advocacy of non-being (wu) in the Xuanxue hermeneutical school in the Wei and Jin dynasties. ─── 并通过注解《道德经》阐发玄学理论,对魏晋玄学尤其是玄学贵无论风尚的形成有着重大影响。

19、A Hermeneutical Review of Legal Meaning Symbols ─── 法律意义标志的诠释学审查

20、In this connection, such ideas as "knowing-doing" and "constancy-expediency" have strong hermeneutical significance. ─── 所以知行与经权便有很强的诠释学意涵。

21、The important link between them is the hermeneutical circle. ─── 它们之间的一个重要的联结点是解释学循环。

22、The Hermeneutical Critique of Art Work ─── 艺术作品的解释学批判

23、How is the Natural Science Hermeneutical? ─── 自然科学如何是诠释学的?

24、which is almost the same thing as saying that the battle was basically a hermeneutical struggle. ─── 我们几乎可以这样说:这场战役基本上是一场释经学的战斗。

25、This study begins with the psychological problem of the dual character of Chinese and is a deep description of Chinese concept of the self from the hermeneutical view. ─── 本研究从中国人本土心理学中的两面性问题入手,对中国人的自我概念进行了诠释学取向的深描。

26、The introduction of basic hermeneutical theories and methods will bring new vitality to library science. ─── 解释学的基本理论、方法的引入为图书馆学研究带来新的活力。

27、hermeneutical education ─── 释义教育

28、8. the increasing prevalence and acceptance of hermeneutical oddities devised to reinterpret apparently plain meanings of Biblical texts; ─── 8.使用怪异的释经方法,对含义清楚、一目了然的圣经经文作重新解释,这种做法日益盛行,越来越被人接受;

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