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09-15 投稿



heteromorphy 发音


英:  美:

heteromorphy 中文意思翻译



heteromorphy 相似词语短语

1、heterostrophy ─── 异养

2、heteromorphic ─── adj.[生物]异形的,[生物]异态的;[化学]多晶型的

3、homeomorphy ─── n.异物同形属

4、heterotopy ─── 异位;语音错乱

5、heterography ─── n.违反规则的拼法

6、heteromorphism ─── n.异形;[遗]异态性;多晶现象

7、heterotrophy ─── n.[生物]异养;营养异常;不是自养(等于heterotrophism)

8、actinomorphy ─── n.辐射对称花型;辐射对称

9、heteromorphous ─── adj.[生物]异形的;多晶的

heteromorphy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The microstructure deformation in the aging process of the alloy has been stated ,and the heteromorphy has been found the cause of the natural aging process of the 2011 alloy . ─── 分析了工艺参数对合金力学性能的影响,阐述了合金时效过程中的微观组织变化,找出了2011合金自然时效进程缓慢的原因是异质形核。

2、On the Heteromorphy and Heteromorphic Poems'Values of the Chinese and Foreign Poems ─── 论中外诗歌中形异及形异诗的价值

3、However, working parts lose or bum because heteromorphy's parts crack in the corner and wrinkle in the actual stamping. ─── 但在实际的冲压生产中,类似异形盒件在转角处易破裂或起皱,导致产品质量差或报废。

4、Certain experiment results about heteromorphy. ─── 关于异态性质的若干实验结果。

5、The microstructure deformation in the aging process of the alloy has been stated, and the heteromorphy has been found the cause of the natural aging process of the 2011 alloy. ─── 工艺参数对合金力学性能的影响,阐述了合金时效过程中的微观组织变化,找出了2011合金自然时效进程缓慢的原因是异质形核。

6、Keywords silicon;diamond;the amount of nucleation;powder catalyst;heteromorphy nuclear; ─── 硅;金刚石;成核量;粉末触媒;异形核;

7、On the Heteromorphy and Heteromorphic Poems'Values of the Chinese and Foreign Poems ─── 论中外诗歌中形异及形异诗的价值

8、Three basic processes are heterochrony, heterotopy, and heteromorphy. ─── 三个基本的过程是异时性、异托位和异态。

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