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09-15 投稿



parsimoniously 发音

英:[?pɑ?rs??mo?ni?sli]  美:[?pɑ?s??m??ni?sli]

英:  美:

parsimoniously 中文意思翻译



parsimoniously 网络释义

adv. 吝啬地;极度俭省地

parsimoniously 相似词语短语

1、acrimoniously ─── adv.毒辣地;尖刻地

2、acrimonious ─── adj.讥讽的;(言辞、辩论)激烈的,尖刻的

3、harmoniously ─── adv.和谐地;调和地

4、parsimoniousness ─── 吝啬

5、parsimonious ─── adj.吝啬的;过于节俭的;质量差的

6、ceremoniously ─── adv.隆重地

7、querimoniously ─── 牢骚地

8、perspicaciously ─── 洞察地;睿智地

9、sanctimoniously ─── adv.伪善地;伪装虔诚地

parsimoniously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Draws bonus parsimoniously in the part To be listed fully suffered denounces, Minsheng Bank's here revises especially noticeably. ─── 不过,现在可以确定,民生银行此举意在为其进行的增发再融资“铺路”。在九日发布的民生银行公告中,该行“慷慨”地修订了原有的分红章程。

2、In alliance numerous chief instructors, “the Zen master” is not that kind gives the young people parsimoniously the opportunity the training. ─── 上周,孙悦在湖人对阵欧洲劲旅巴塞罗那的比赛中取得“零的突破”。

3、In scientific inquiry, ‘knowing’ refers to ‘knowing parsimoniously. ─── 在科学研究中,“知之”意味着“简而知之”。

4、Nature produces them only very slowly, parsimoniously, and at a constant rate. ─── 但大自然对这些人物的造就非常缓慢。非常吝啬,而且始终如此。

5、Must relax the grading criterion suitably to the foundation bad student, gives the praise not parsimoniously , by definitely primarily; ─── 对基础差的学生要适当放宽评分尺度,不吝啬地给与表扬,以肯定为主;

6、The energy released by the watch engine, the barrel, must be mastered, controlled and distributed parsimoniously at a rate corresponding to the real flow of time, to its exact measure. ─── 机械表发条盒的能量释放,应该是可以控制地、均匀地、稳定地、可测量地在释放的过程中。

7、They spend not in the least parsimoniously, isenjoying the fashion life. ─── 他们花钱毫不吝啬,享受着时尚生活。

8、Nature produces them only very slowly, parsimoniously, and at a constant rate ─── 但大自然太吝啬了,总是以一个恒定不变的却又是太慢的速度造就着这种天才。

9、The net friend “the double knife” said: “the people often parsimoniously give others a praise. ─── 网友“双刀”称:“人们往往吝啬给别人一句表扬。

10、energy released by the watch engine, the barrel, must be mastered, controlled and distributed parsimoniously at a rate corresponding to the real flow of time, to its exact measure. ─── 表发条盒的能量释放,应该是可以控制地、均匀地、稳定地、可测量地在释放的过程中。

11、Nature produces them only very slowly, parsimoniously, and at a constant rate. ─── 大自然对这些人物的造就非常缓慢。非常吝啬,而且始终如此。

12、Must relax the grading criterion suitably to the foundation bad student, gives the praise not parsimoniously, by definitely primarily; ─── 对基础差的学生要适当放宽评分尺度, 不吝啬地给与表扬, 以肯定为主;

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