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09-15 投稿



inadmissibility 发音

英:[??n?d?m?s??b?l?ti]  美:[??n?d?m?s??b?l?ti]

英:  美:

inadmissibility 中文意思翻译



inadmissibility 同义词

inadmissibility 反义词


inadmissibility 相似词语短语

1、amissibility ─── 和蔼可亲

2、transmissibility ─── n.遗传性;[机]传递率;传递性

3、inadmissibly ─── 不可接受的

4、impermissibility ─── n.不许可,不允许

5、intromissibility ─── 可接纳性

6、inaccessibility ─── n.难达到;难接近;无法理解

7、inadvisability ─── n.失策;不能变更

8、admissibility ─── n.可容许;有入场的资格

9、irremissibility ─── 不予受理

inadmissibility 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、you failed to attend a hearing on removability or inadmissibility within the last five years? ─── 你有没有出席在过去五年内就撤换,或受理听证?

2、Examination of admissibility or inadmissibility of opposition, indicating ─── 异议允许进入或不允许进入审查,指示

3、I enjoyed it very much, I wanted to learn the piano also once but home condition inadmissibility. ─── 我非常喜欢,我也曾经想学钢琴但家里的条件不允许。

4、Inadmissibility of the use of funds for housing loans, loans. ─── 不允许用拆借资金搞住房贷款。

5、Arbitration Commission in five days from the date of receipt of the request, in accordance with the conditions of admissibility decision of admissibility or inadmissibility. ─── 仲裁委员会在收到申请书之日起5日内,根据受理条件决定受理或不受理。

6、But reasonable choice of security mode, reducing production costs is the inadmissibility of negligence. ─── 但公道拔取不攻假方法、贬低不入产本钱是商家不禁止粗放的题纲。

7、Sorry, inadmissibility here to park. ─── 对不起,这里不允许停车。

8、Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention and Interference in the Internal Affairs of States; ─── 不容干涉和干预别国内政宣言;

9、Thus, if you arrive at ports of entry in Korea without a Korean visa, you may be subject to inadmissibility. ─── 因此,如果您在韩国的入境口岸无法出示韩国签证的话,您可能会被拒绝入境。

10、Wang Dan : There are two parties : the inadmissibility of the use of loans in the form of buying land; The funds can not be less than 35%. ─── 王石:这里有两个约定:不允许用贷款的形式买土地;自有资金不能低于35%。

11、Examination of admissibility or inadmissibility of opposition, indicating ─── 异议允许进入或不允许进入审查,指示

12、The Inadmissibility of Best Affine Invariant Estimation of Fractile of Exponential Distribution ─── 指数分布分位点最佳仿射同变估计的非容许性

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