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indium 发音

英:[??ndi?m]  美:[??ndi?m]

英:  美:

indium 中文意思翻译



indium 短语词组

1、indium arsenide ─── [建] 砷化铟

2、Indium tin oxide ─── 氧化铟锡

3、indium stibide ─── [化] 锑化铟

4、indium monobromide ─── [化] 一溴化铟

5、indium antimonide ─── [化] 锑化铟

6、indium oxychloride ─── [化] 氯氧化铟

7、indium trichloride ─── [化] 三氯化铟

8、indium phosphide ─── [建] 磷化铟

9、indium dichloride ─── [化] 二氯化铟

10、indium trisulfide ─── [化] 三硫化二铟

11、rubidium indium alum ─── [化] 铟铷矾

12、indium reduction ─── 铟的还原

13、Indium gallium zinc oxide ─── 铟镓氧化锌

14、indium monosulfide ─── [化] 一硫化二铟

15、indium chloride ─── [建] 氯化铟

16、cesium indium alum ─── [化] 铯铟矾; 硫酸铟铯

17、indium sesquioxide ─── [化] 三氧化二铟

18、indium (electro)plating ─── [化] 电镀铟

19、indium sulfate ─── [建] 硫酸铟

indium 词性/词形变化,indium变形

简写符号: In |

indium 常用词组

indium oxide ─── 氧化铟

indium 相似词语短语

1、indicium ─── n.标记;征候;邮戳

2、indic. ─── adj.印度的;印度语的;n.印度语系

3、indign ─── adj.不值得的;可耻的

4、indite ─── v.创作,写成文章

5、iridium ─── n.[化学]铱(Ir)

6、indies ─── n.印度地方,西印度群岛

7、indigo ─── n.靛蓝,靛蓝染料;靛蓝色;槐蓝属植物;adj.靛蓝色的

8、indict ─── vt.控告,起诉;[法]揭发

9、indiv. ─── 个人。

indium 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In this study, indium nitride nanowire was successfully grown by MOCVD system.Structure studied by x-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra and Raman spectrometer. ─── 一维奈米结构是能有效率的传输电子的最小尺度,也因此是理想中适合奈米尺度系统如此极端及多样化的工作环境。

2、Amalgam was mixed with mercury by the silver, copper and the tin powder.It s properties can be improved by adding few metals like zinc, indium and palladium . ─── 中文摘要汞齐合金主要是以银、铜与锡之合金粉末与汞混合而成的合金,有时也会添加少量金属(如锌、铟、钯等)以改善其性质。


4、most effective material for thin-film photovoltaics so far is copper indium gallium selenide (known as CIGS). ─── 目前为止,光电薄膜最有效的材质是铜铟硒化镓(CIGS)。

5、The common methods of reclaiming indium from the byproducts of lead metallurgy and zinc hydrometallurgy are enumerated,and analyzed every method's virtue and shortcoming. ─── 主要列举了从铅冶炼和锌湿法冶炼过程的副产品中回收铟的常用方法,并分析了各种方法的优缺点。

6、The etch pit density of SI-GaAs crystals can reach the order of 10~2/cm~2.There is no microprecipitate of indium in the crystals. ─── 晶体中位错腐蚀坑密度达到约10~2/cm~2数量. 晶体中没有观察到铟的微沉淀物.

7、Material containing low indium ─── 低铟物料

8、According to the principle that the property of indium and zinc is similar,the indium is enriched from zinc leached residue by vaporization process in kiln,the recovery rate of indium and zinc is greater than 80% and 90% respectively. ─── 根据锌、铟性质类似的原理,利用回转窑挥发法处理低铟的锌浸出渣,锌的回收率大于90%,铟的回收率大于80%。

9、It introduces the process of recovering Indium from Lead reverberatory dust with H2SO4 leaching-P204 extraction. ─── 摘要文章介绍了用H2SO4浸出-P204萃取法从铅浮渣反射炉烟灰中回收铟的生产流程。


11、Application of Indium Tin Oxide Film to Optical Solar Reflector ─── 氧化铟锡薄膜在光学太阳反射镜上的应用

12、A microchip that costs $5 to make from silicon, using the standard complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) process, would cost about $500 to fabricate from indium phosphide. ─── 使用标准的互补式金氧半导体(CMOS)制程,以矽做的微晶片成本如果是五美元,以磷化铟制作则得花上500美元。

13、The JACS article outlines the mechanism with indium oxide nanocrystals. ─── 彭表示:“我们将这一方法应用于其它体系。

14、radioactive isotope of indium ─── 111铟, 114铟

15、magnesium and indium co-doped lithium niobate crystal ─── 掺镁铟铌酸锂晶体

16、Nonlinear optical properties of indium tin oxide (ITO) films have been investigated by using second harmonic generation (SHG) technique. ─── 利用二次谐波产生技术研究了氧化铟锡薄膜的非线性光学特性。

17、The reclaim of indium from the course of nonferrous metallurgy ─── 有色冶金过程中铟的回收

18、The most effective material for thin-film photovoltaics so far is copper indium gallium selenide (known as CIGS). ─── 目前为止,光电薄膜最有效的材质是铜铟硒化镓(CIGS)。


20、One is indium tin oxide. ─── 一种是氧化锡铟。

21、The adsorption of humic acid with gallium and indium was studied. The ideal equation of adsorption isotherm about the experimental data was proposed, and the reaction mechanism was discussed. ─── 对腐植酸与镓、铟的吸附作用作了实验研究,提出了拟合实验数据的理想吸附等温方程,并对作用机理予以推断。

22、The foreground of applying indium tin oxide film to heat-insulating and energy|saving in glass field has been analysed. ─── 分析了氧化铟锡薄膜应用于玻璃领域隔热节能的前景。

23、Indium can be obtained from the leachant by extraction, chemical replacement and electrowinning.The article provides experiment data and technical support for reuse and detoxification of LCD. ─── 得到的铟的酸液经过萃取、置换和电解,可以得到铟的产品,为液晶显示器的资源化和无害化提供实验数据和技术支持。

24、Extraction of Indium From Dust of Lead Scum Reverberatory ─── 从铅浮渣反射炉烟尘中提取铟的新工艺研究

25、The invention relates to a solar battery cuprum-indium-gallium-selenium film key target material and a preparation method thereof. ─── 本发明涉及一种太阳能电池铜铟镓硒薄膜关键靶材及其制备方法。

26、The effect of change in Indium content on the anti-ageing, weldability, and surface roughness of tin-lead-indium alloy deposit was discussed. ─── 本文提出锡-铅-铟合金电镀工艺,探讨了铟含量的变化对锡-铅-铟合金镀层抗老化性、可焊性和光洁度的影响。

27、The study progress and research trend at present on the complex of scattered elements involving gallium, indium and thallium have been described. ─── 概述了稀散元素镓、铟和铊配合物的研究进展和目前研究动向.

28、The recovery of indium from waste ITO target is a problem to be dealt with urgently in production. ─── 从ITO废靶中回收铟是生产中亟待解决的问题。

29、Abstract: The adsorption of humic acid with gallium and indium was studied. The ideal equation of adsorption isotherm about the experimental data was proposed, and the reaction mechanism was discussed. ─── 文摘:对腐植酸与镓、铟的吸附作用作了实验研究,提出了拟合实验数据的理想吸附等温方程,并对作用机理予以推断。

30、Indium tin oxide (ITO) thin films ─── ITO膜

31、tin-doped indium oxide films ─── 掺锡氧化铟薄膜

32、It is found that the indium contents and distributions of QWs may effect the optical properties a lot. ─── 我们发现量子井的浓度及在样品中的分布位置会对样本之光学特性产生很大的影响。

33、If the nickel composition in the sample is less than 70%, the electrons is transported by the route formed on indium particle.Then the electric property is similar. ─── 当样品中镍含量在70%以下时,电子主要的传导路径为铟微粒所形成的导电通路,因此电性较相似。

34、A further discussion is made of how to improve the technology to increase indium residue's grade and indium recovery . ─── 就如何改进生产工艺,以提高铟渣品位及铟回收率作了较深入地探讨。

35、From the SSA images, we calibrate the average indium contents of the QWs. ─── 同时我们亦由应力分布分析计算其各个量子井的平均铟浓度。

36、indium phosphide nanocrystallite ─── InP纳米晶


38、In TEM results, we find that H2 process lead to stronger indium confinement in the well layers and can suppress the spinodal decomposition in the rim part of the wafer. ─── 在高解析度穿透式电子显微术结果中,我们发现经由氢气的处理,铟原子主要局限于井层,同时也减轻晶圆的边缘处的铟密集的效应。

39、The resources, manufacturers, present situation of industrial manufacture, and applications of Indium are recited, and its prospect is forecasted. ─── 本文叙述了铟的资源、生产厂家、工业生产现状、用途,并展望了其发展前景。

40、After further experimentation, they found what they were looking for in a more exotic stuff called indium antimonide . ─── 经过更进一步的研究,他们发现自己所寻找的是一种名字听起来很不同寻常的物质———锑化铟。

41、Guangxi zincum and indium Products Manufactory ─── 广西锌铟制品厂

42、This paper reveals a novel magneto-optic recording characteristic of Indium Bismuth Calcium Vitriol Iron Garnet (In-BiCaVIG) crystals in high power microwave (HPM) field. ─── 报道了铟铋钙钒铁石榴石 (In BiCaVIG)晶体在高功率微波场中的新颖磁光记录特性。

43、Effect of Seignette Salt Dose on Indium Analysis in EDTA Titration ─── EDTA滴定法中酒石酸钾钠用量对铟分析的影响

44、For this purpose, at least one indium tin oxide layer (10) is present in at least one of the further recording stacks (3). ─── 为此目的,至少有一个铟锡氧化物层(10)位于至少一个另外的记录叠(3)中。

45、The possibility of applying Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) film in the automobile front windshield has been analyzed by conducting two thermal shielding and one saving energy experiments. ─── 摘要通过两个隔热实验和一个节能实验,深入分析了ITO薄膜用于汽车前挡风玻璃的可能性。

46、The paper introduced the trend and recovery method of indium in its vertical retort process, togethered with the production practice, put forward method to improve the output of indium. ─── 介绍了铟在锌的火法冶炼过程中的走向及其生产工艺,然后结合生产实践,提出了提高铟产量的办法。

47、Studies on the effectiveness of carbon dioxide snow jet cleaning and low-frequency ultrasonic cleaning in cleaning indium tin oxide(ITO) glass were carried out. ─── 对干冰微粒喷射法和低频超声波法清洗ITO玻璃的效果进行了比较研究。

48、Determination of Indium in Scoria and Cigaretteash by AAS ─── 原子吸收光谱法测定矿渣、烟灰中的微量铟

49、In one of the samples, a low indium InGaN/GaN QW is grown before five high-indium ones, which are grown under the same conditions as those for growing the five QWs in another sample. ─── 其中一片样品在成长和另一样品相同的高浓度量子井结构之前,先成长一低浓度之量子井结构。

50、Since the reaction of chemistry is fast, the diffusion reaction should be intensified to improve the leaching rate of indium. ─── 由于化学反应较快,因此要提高铟的浸出效率,应设法强化扩散效应。

51、Indium - methyl - ethyl - diketone ─── 乙酰丙酮铟

52、To prevent non-ohmic contacts, choose an appropriate contact material, such as indium or gold. ─── 为了避免非欧姆接触现象,应当选用适当的接点材料,例如铟或者金。

53、optically optimal indium antimonid infrared detector ─── 光优型锑化铟红外探测器

54、Indium, for example, had previously been assigned an atomic mass between those of arsenic and selenium. ─── 例如,人们以前认为铟的原子质量介于砷和硒之间。

55、The first P-type covering layer (61) which composed of P-type nitride semiconductor containing indium and gallium sets contacting with one side of the active layer. ─── 一个由含铝和镓的P型氮化物半导体构成的第一P型覆盖层(61)被设置与有源层的一个面接触。

56、Recovery Indium from Waster ITO Target ─── ITO废靶回收金属铟

57、Paiva A P.Recovery of indium from aqueous solutions by solvent extraction[J].Separation Science and Technology,2001,36:1395. ─── 刘大春,杨斌,戴永年,杜国山,唐万启,韩龙.从富铟渣提取金属铟的研究[J].稀有金属,2005,29(4):574.

58、Study on Recovering Indium from Lead Dust with High Arsenic ─── 从高砷铅烟尘中回收铟的试验研究

59、Indium neutralizing precipitation ─── 中和沉铟

60、four water indium trichloride ─── 四水合三氯化铟

61、Of course there can be alloy compositions that contain bismuth, indium, and zinc. ─── 当然,合金成分可以包含铋、铟和锌。

62、Vertical gradient freeze (VGF) technology is a proven technique for growing semiconductors composed of multiple elements that include: gallium, arsenic, indium, and phosphorus. ─── 垂直倾斜结冰技术是被验证为成长半导体多样元素的混合,包括,锗,砷,铟和磷。

63、It describes the designs of one kind of indium metallurgy and the progresses in production.After these process improvement,designing target level have reached. ─── 介绍了某企业铟冶炼工序的设计,总结了生产中的改进。经改进后取得明显效果,产量、质量、定额指标均达到设计要求。

64、Jarosite process can obtain high recovery rate of zinc,simultaneously,most of indium remains in the jarosite residues and a little part of indium remains in the high acidities leaching residues. ─── 某锌精矿中铟含量很高,采用黄钾铁矾法处理该高铟锌精矿,在得到较高锌回收率的同时,大部分的铟进入矾渣,少部分进入高浸渣,从矾渣和高浸渣中可回收得到电铟。

65、The material of oar shape chemistry that phosphor turns indium chip to call photoetching glue through a kind on product line has package. ─── 磷化铟晶片在出产线上经过一种称为光刻胶的浆状化学物质进行包裹。

66、Keywords analytical chemistry;indium;polarography;CNI alloy; ─── 分析化学;铟;示波极谱法;CNI合金;

67、The paper analyzes the reason of disqualified indium of purity indium and series of measures to improve the technology,the qualified purity indium of 99.995% can reach 100%. ─── 分析了精铟质量不符合要求的原因,采取了一系列技术改进措施,含铟99.995%精铟的合格率达100%。

68、Indium is a relatively rare metal with increasing economic importance in a variety of high-tech application fields such as semiconductors, solar cells and display devices like LCDS. ─── 摘要铟是一种稀有金属,它在高科技产业中的应用价值越来越受到人们的普遍关注。由于供求矛盾突出,其消费价格水平不断上涨。

69、Keywords ITO;sputtering;Indium;wetting;welding; ─── 氧化铟锡;溅射;铟;润湿;焊接;

70、If power from the Sun is to become a major source of electricity, solar panels would have to cover huge areas, making an alternative to indium essential. ─── 如果要想把太阳能变成电能的主要来源,太阳能电池板就不得不覆盖大范围的地域,那么找一种可以替代铟的元素就很有必要了。

71、The commercial test for enrichment indium in B# tower bottom led by electrolysis was proceeded. ─── 为了有效富集B#塔底铅中的铟,进行了底铅电解富集铟工业试验。

72、AZO(aluminums zinc oxide films) which have many characteristics such as high ratio of performance to price and innoxious are the replacer of ITO(indium tin oxide films) . ─── 掺铝的氧化锌薄膜(AZO)具有性价比高、无污染等特点,是掺锡氧化铟(ITO)的最佳替代产品。

73、Indium(113mIn)Pentate Complexion Injection ─── 放射性铟喷替酸盐(113mIn)注射液, 铟(113mIn)-二乙三胺五醋酸注射液[诊断用药]

74、In MOCVD growth, to increase the indium incorporation, the techniques of prestrain growth and flow-rate modulation are to be used. ─── 同时,我们也将生长氮化铟及高铟氮化铟镓以为太阳能电池之应用。

75、A description is made of the present situation and existing proble ms of indium enrichment of Zhuzhou Smelter. ─── 介绍了株洲冶炼厂铟富集的生产情况,提出了存在的问题。

76、Technical process and application of indium are described ,and its future is also predicted. ─── 介绍了铟的生产工艺及应用,并对铟的开发前景进行了预测。

77、Keywords microwave irradiation;cycloalkanones;indium trichloride; ─── 微波辐射;环烷酮;三氯化铟;

78、lithium niobate doped with indium and iron crystal ─── 掺铟,铁铌酸锂晶体

79、A Study on Improving Indium Leaching Rate from Le ad Dust ─── 提高某厂铅烟灰铟浸出率的研究

80、Mercury-free paper liner contained indium ─── 无汞含铟浆层纸

81、In this paper,the practice of producing nanometer zincite and concentrating indium from the dust of smelting lead was introduced in detail. ─── 文章详细介绍了利用铅冶炼烟尘生产纳米氧化锌并富集铟的生产实践。

82、Obviously, jarosite process can successfully extract both zinc and indium. ─── 可见,黄钾铁矾法工艺处理高铟锌精矿可以达到综合回收锌和铟的日的。

83、pentetate indium disodium[111In] ─── 喷替酸铟[111In]钠

84、Global Solar uses a technology known as copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) to make its thin-film solar cells. ─── 全球太阳能利用技术称为铜铟镓硒( CIGS )将其薄膜太阳能电池。

85、Absorption Spectra and Photofading Research of an Indium Phthalocyanine Dye[J]. ─── 引用该论文 杨小兵,丁松涛,王安邦,李小银,杨裕生.

86、indium and iron doped lithium niobate crystal ─── 双掺铟铁铌酸锂晶体

87、The researchers are trying to replace the indium oxide with cheaper oxides like aluminum oxide, which possesses similar properties. ─── 研究人员们正在试图用具有类似性质的、较为便宜的氧化物像氧化铝来取代氧化铟。

88、Suggested method for the micro-determinalion of indium,bismuth and vanadium is given. ─── 从中找出了某些规律,并对此进行了讨论。

89、The resistivity and surface roughness of Indium tin oxide(ITO) films will affect the light-emitting efficiency and lifetime of the organic light-emitting diodes(OLED). ─── 氧化铟锡(ITO)膜的电阻率及表面粗糙度将影响有机电致发光器件(OLED)的发光效率及其使用寿命。


TCO靶材的全称是Transparent Conductive Oxide靶材,中文通常翻译为透明导电氧化物靶材。这类材料通常以薄膜形式应用于各种设备中,其特点是既具有良好的透明性,又具有良好的电导率。

常见的TCO材料包括铟锡氧化物(ITO,Indium Tin Oxide)、氟化锡(SnO2:F,Fluorine-doped Tin Oxide)和铝掺杂的锌氧化物(AZO,Aluminum-doped Zinc Oxide)等。




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