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09-17 投稿


invective 发音

英:[?n?vekt?v]  美:[?n?vekt?v]

英:  美:

invective 中文意思翻译




invective 词性/词形变化,invective变形

副词: invectively |名词: invectiveness |

invective 相似词语短语

1、invectives ─── n.恶言漫骂,咒骂;猛烈抨击;adj.谩骂的;恶言的

2、invectively ─── adv.恶言恶语地;猛烈抨击地

3、inspective ─── adj.检查的;注意的;留意的

4、invocative ─── adj.祈愿的;祈求的

5、injective ─── adj.[数]内射的;[数]单射的

6、infective ─── adj.有传染性的,感染别人的

7、inventive ─── adj.发明的;有发明才能的;独出心裁的

8、convective ─── adj.对流的;传递性的

9、inflective ─── adj.屈折的;抑扬的

invective 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The romantic, melancholy atmosphere among the group by the pond suddenly became still and tense: every one of them could sense the approach of the "storm-centre," and they prepared themselves for an outburst of gratuitous invective. ─── 池子边那种冶荡幽怨的空气立刻变为寂静的紧张了。 那四个人都感觉到现在是那“风暴”的中心直向他们扫过来了,说不定要挨一顿没来由的斥骂。

2、How much more elegant is it to slay your foe, with the roses of irony than to massacre him with the axes of sarcasm or to belabor him with the bludgeon of invective ─── 用讥讽的玫瑰镇服你的对手,较之用嘲弄的板斧将他剁砍或用谩骂的大头棒将他捶打,更为温文尔雅。

3、Popular linguistic debate regularly deteriorates into invective and polemic. ─── 流行的语言辩论经常沦为谩骂和论战。

4、in foreign policy , colby expected an end to invective against the united states and a mellowing of allende ' s third world stance. ─── 在对外政策方面,科尔比估计会停止肆意攻击美国,并且会冲淡阿连德的第三世界立场。

5、1.The apathetic prodigy was left bereft of exultation brought by the triumphs because his reputation was besmirched by voluminous vitriolic invective. ─── 那冷淡的神童已经失去了成功带给他的欢呼雀跃,因为他的名声遭受了过多的刻薄谩骂。

6、A speech taht dripped invective ─── 一场恶言谩骂的演讲

7、In Green's invective there is the starveling author's jealousy of the prosperous actor ─── 格林的痛骂声里包含潦倒作家对发迹演员的嫉妒。

8、The latest invective from China suggests the government is not prepared to give ground in talks proposed for coming days. ─── 来自中国的最新非难称政府不会在即将举行的会谈中做出让步。

9、The gesture infuriated him and he let out a stream of invective. ─── 那种姿态把他激怒了,于是他破口大骂。

10、One disconcerting aspect of the fall was the invective it unleashed within China, particularly on the Internet. ─── 此次下跌不安的一面是在中国尤其在互联网上发泄出的抨击。

11、His invective was turned against himself for he was reminded that everyone knew he himself had been to prison. ─── 他骂人只是对他自己不利,因为有人提醒他,大家都知道他曾经坐过牢。

12、Sustained,harshly abusive language;invective. ─── 骂人话尖刻的责骂性言词;骂语

13、But the invective directed at Zhu by soccer fans on major websites was even more fierce. ─── 不过各大网站上球迷们针对朱广沪的言词更为激烈。

14、let out a stream of invective ─── 破口大骂.

15、a species of invective at once tough and suave. ─── 软硬兼施的一种漫骂。

16、One disconcerting aspect of the fall was the invective it unleashed within China, particularly on the Internet. ─── 此次下跌不安的一面是在中国尤其在互联网上发泄出的抨击。

17、Modern Teaching Sought and Invective P.E.Teaching ─── 现代教育理念与主体性体育教学

18、a good piece of invective, reveals the rigors and brutality of his captivity. ─── 一首抨击色彩诗作,揭露了英国对俘虏的血腥与残忍

19、To make(a speech,for example)lively and vivid with wit or invective. ─── 使生动活泼使(例如演说)因睿智或猛烈抨击而生动

20、The US Defense secretary, Robert Gates, sat in the front row, feeling the full force of Putin's invective. ─── 美国国防部长罗伯特?盖茨坐在前排,感受到了普京的猛烈抨击带给他的强大压力。

21、I think all this sort of invective,which is used only to inflame the passions of this House and of the country,exceedingly illtimed,and very impolitic. ─── 我认为所有这类通常只会激起下院和英国愤怒的抨击,是特别不合时宜和非常失策的。

22、we renew our pledge of support to prevent it from becoming merely a form for invective, ─── 我们重申予以支持:防止它仅仅成为谩骂的场所;

23、True, this battle ground may seem a little extreme for the groups to which you belong - but if you look beneath the veil of civility at the seething sarcasm, invective and innuendo, perhaps the picture come more into focus. ─── 是的,你所在的这个团队看上去是有点偏激,但是你能够通过这些激烈的挖苦,漫骂和讽刺发现积极的一面,整个团队的轮廓逐渐清晰起来。

24、But occupying as I did an ironclad Democratic district, I was spared the worst of Republican invective. ─── 但是,由于我所在的这个行政区是民主党长期占据绝对优势的区,所以我逃过了共和党最严重的恶言漫骂。

25、They are full of antagonism as well as invective rhetoric. ─── 文章中充满了尖锐的对立,甚至是谩骂。

26、They resorted to sarcasm irony, invective and self-praise ─── 他们求助于使用挖苦、讽刺、谩骂和自吹自擂。

27、She laid into him with her usual invective as soon as he opened the door. ─── 他一开门,她就像往常一样把他痛骂一顿。

28、The speaker made full use of his arsenal of invective. ─── 演讲者振振有词地大张挞伐.

29、Winter three-sentence statement because, in June of wounding invective cold; ─── 只因为良言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒;

30、Since then, mutual enmity, expressed in military confrontations, acts of sabotage and a steady stream of invective, has ripened into a broader strategic rivalry. ─── 从那时起,双方以军事对峙,蓄意破坏和不绝于耳的谩骂声为特点的敌对状态演变为更广泛的战略对抗。

31、speechesfilled with invective ─── 带有猛烈抨击的话

32、In foreign policy, Colby expected an end to invective against the United States and a mellowing of Allende's Third World stance. ─── 在对外政策方面,科尔比估计会停止肆意攻击美国,并且会冲淡阿连德的第三世界立

33、a spitter of invective. ─── 漫骂地吐唾沫的人

34、a volcano that spewed molten lava; spewed invective at his opponent. ─── 喷出大量熔岩的火山;对他的对手进行大肆谩骂

35、The deputy leader of the group, which is based in Baghdad, explained its campaign using a stream of homophobic invective. ─── 这个组织总部设在巴格达,其副首领用一连串谩骂同性恋者的语言解释了这个运动。

36、It is pretended, that I am retarding the cause of emancipation, by the coarseness of my invective, and the precipitancy of my measures. ─── 有人说,我采取粗俗漫骂的言辞和骤然激烈的手段,在这场解放事业中不过是装腔作势而已。

37、to discharge a stream of invective ─── 发出一连串骂人话

38、It was invective, not investigation, that got the early newspapers into trouble and needed to be justified. ─── 需要加以澄清的是,使早期报纸陷入麻烦之中的根源是新闻诽谤而不是新闻调查。

39、Sustained, harshly abusive language; invective. ─── 骂人话尖刻的责骂性言词; 骂语

40、Spewed invective at his opponent ─── 对他的对手发出猛烈抨击

41、Bitterness led to an exchange of invective between two people who didn't understand each other's needs, but there was no "War of Waleses. ─── 个中的酸楚导致这两个不了解对方需要的人相互指责。但是并没有发生"威尔士战争。"

42、Hillary Clinton, commanding the remote control, clicked through every channel only to encounter anti-Clinton invective all over the place. ─── 希拉里?克林顿操纵遥控器,点击每一频道浏览,不料到处看到的都是反对克林顿的谩骂。

43、2.Sustained, harshly abusive language;invective. ─── 骂人话尖刻的责骂性言词;

44、A woman had hurled racist invective at the family. ─── 一个妇女对这个家庭进行种族主义的破口谩骂。

45、He suddenly realized the other party had already hung up and nearly, called Miss Su up again to force her to listen to his invective through to the end. ─── 忽然发现对方早挂断了,险的要再打电话给苏小姐,逼她听完自己的臭骂。

46、At such times his command of invective was said to be classic and lethal ─── 在那种时候,据说他嬉笑怒骂的本领是极其杰出和无法招架的。

47、in a flood of obscene invective that rolled over and around him like the hot white water splashing down from the sudden eruption of a geyser. ─── 那女人连珠炮似地臭骂起来,好象温泉要突然迸发,一股白花花的热水直朝他身上喷来。

48、A brush dripping paint; a speech that dripped invective. ─── 滴着油漆的刷子; 充满猛烈抨击的演讲

49、a brush dripping paint; a speech that dripped invective ─── 滴着油漆的刷子;充满猛烈抨击的演讲

50、A brush drippingpaint; a speech that dripped invective. ─── 滴着油漆的刷子;充满猛烈抨击的演讲。

51、5.He had expected criticism but not the invective which greeted his proposal. ─── 他期望迎接他的提议的是批评而不是痛骂。

52、a speech full of invective ─── 大张挞伐的讲话

53、She laid into HIM with her usual invective as soon as he opened the door. ─── 他一开门,她就像往常一样把他痛骂一顿。

54、Invective, to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak, and to enlarge the area? ─── 来加强它的防护和一些新的缺点,并且扩大它在正式文书上运行的范围?

55、He had expected criticism but not the invective which greeted his proposal. ─── 他期望迎接他的提议的是批评而不是痛骂。

56、As she listened to the driver's increasingly more frank invective, nature won out over artifice and the redness of disgust showed through the applied redness.She whispered something to her father. ─── 她听汽车夫愈骂愈坦白了,天然战胜人工,涂抹的红色里泛出羞恶的红色来,低低跟老子说句话。

57、afire with annihilating invective; a devastating portrait of human folly; to compliments inflated I've a withering reply- W.S.Gilbert. ─── 因恶语谩骂而怒火中烧的;荒唐人类的讽刺像;对夸张的恭维我都给以讽刺的回答。

58、a stream of invective ─── 一顿痛骂

59、with the trundling out of Cultural Revolution-era political invective (“The Dalai Lama is a jackal wrapped in a habit, a monster with human face and animal's heart.” For pity's sake); ─── 当北京争取到奥运会主办权的那一刻,他们希望这场体坛盛事能够让世界认知到一个日新月异和更加开放的新中国。

60、They were wholly deaf to my arguments, or failed to perceive their force, and fell into a strain of invective that was irresistible. ─── 对于我的驳斥,它们听也不听,它们不觉得我声势汹汹,反而破口大骂,弄得我毫无办法。

61、This really aggravates the bird and he claws and scratches, and when the guy finally lets him out, the bird cuts loose with a stream of invective that would make a veteran sailor blush. ─── 这真的激怒了鸟儿,牠张牙舞爪起来。当这个人终于放牠出来时,鸟儿用一连串的辱骂来表示牠的愉悦,而那些话简直使老练的水手都觉得震惊。

62、He retorted the invective on her. ─── 他用恶言讽刺还击她。

63、What they dread most is that the articles might include not only invective but a good word here and there, and that would be awkward for them ─── 他们就是怕写出来的文章不专门骂人,还讲一点好话,那个事情就不好办。

64、and invective was said to be very classic and lethal. ─── 据说他嬉笑怒骂的本领是极其杰出的,令人无法招架的。

65、But at the same, warn some people not to issue impolite invective here. ─── 但同时警告一部分人,不要在这里进行无礼的谩骂。

66、To make(a speech, for example) lively and vivid with wit or invective. ─── 使生动活泼使(例如演说)因睿智或猛烈抨击而生动

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