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09-17 投稿


interdental 发音

英:[??nt?r?dentl]  美:[?nt??dent(?)l]

英:  美:

interdental 中文意思翻译



interdental 短语词组

1、interdental groove ─── [医] 牙间沟

2、interdental space ─── [医] 牙间隙

3、interdental papillae ─── [医] 牙间乳头

4、interdental splint ─── [医] 牙间夹

5、interdental embrasure ─── [医] 牙间楔状隙

6、interdental cleft ─── [医]牙间裂

7、interdental fold ─── [医] 牙间褶

8、interdental septa ─── [医] 牙间隔, 牙中隔

interdental 相似词语短语

1、intersertal ─── adj.填隙的;间片的

2、interdigital ─── adj.指状组合型的;n.(晶体管构造的)指状组合型

3、interdentil ─── 齿饰间距

4、interfrontal ─── adj.额骨间的

5、integumental ─── 表皮

6、interdeal ─── interdeal公司

7、interdentally ─── 齿间的

8、interseptal ─── adj.间隔的

9、incidental ─── adj.附带的;偶然的;容易发生的;n.附带事件;偶然事件;杂项

interdental 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If your interdental space is large, you had better use interdental brush to clean between the teeth. ─── 如果您的间隙太大最好用间隙刷。

2、Keywords Mandibular fracture;Interdental ligation;Minimal invasion;Expansive compression screw; ─── 下颌骨骨折;牙间结扎;微创;伸缩加压钉;

3、(2) interdental spacing Treatment plan: (1) temporary restoration and root canal therapy of #21; ─── 治疗计划:(1)以复合树脂做为#21临时填补材料,根管治疗;

4、Interdental brush and toothpick double use. Provide customer dual choice. ─── 牙间刷、牙签双用,提供客户多样选择。

5、interdental massage ─── 牙间按摩法

6、interdental space ─── [医] 牙间隙

7、interdental fold ─── [医] 牙间褶

8、interdental splint ─── [医] 牙间夹

9、interdental food impaction ─── 牙间食物嵌塞

10、Interdental brush and toothpick double use. Provide customer dual choice. ─── 牙间刷、牙签双用,提供客户多样选择。

11、The conditioning of the interdental papilla is a simple, direct, predictable, and low-cost alternative. ─── 挤压成型龈乳头是一个简单、直接、理想而经济实惠的可选方法。

12、Excise undercuts and interdental septa etc. and cut spillways, if required. ─── 切除缺口和牙中隔,如有必要,切去楔状隙。

13、Excise undercuts and interdental septa etc. and cut spillways, if required. ─── 切除缺口和牙中隔,如有必要,切去楔状隙。

14、interdental gingival crater ─── 牙间隔嵴顶缺损

15、interdental canals ─── 牙间管, 赫希费尔德管


17、This case report describes how to reconstruct the interdental papilla using a piece of palatal wedge soft tissue for the situation due to the side effect from GTR surgery. ─── 本报告提出一病例利用上颚舌侧楔行软组织来重建因牙周引导组织再生手术引起的牙间乳头缺损。

18、If you have Spaces between teeth, it is best to clean these with an interdental or single-tufted brush. ─── 如果你的牙齿间有缝隙,那最好用牙间刷或者单簇牙刷来刷牙缝。

19、Object: To compare the clinical effect in restoring interdental food impaction between inlay and crown. ─── 目的:比较嵌体与全冠治疗牙间食物嵌塞的临床操作及修复效果。

20、interdental brush ─── 牙间隙牙刷

21、Methods: 14 cases of crown-root-fractured teeth were surgical extracted to a required position, Stabilized by interdental suturing and periodontal dressing. ─── 方法:临床14例斜行冠根折患者根冠内封氢氧化钙,局麻下牵引牙根至所需位置,牙间缝合,塞治剂塞治固位。

22、Keywords Interdental distraction osteogenesis;Alveolar cleft;Outcome evaluation; ─── 牙间牵引成骨;齿槽嵴裂;效果评价;

23、interdental cells ─── 牙间细胞

24、Currently in operation in oral care products, marketing and sales, professional oral health supplies: Interdental brush, floss, mouthwash, toothbrush, toothpaste and scraping the tongue and so on. ─── 目前正在运作口腔护理产品的市场推广和销售,专业的口腔保健用品:牙间刷、牙线、漱口水、牙刷、牙膏和刮舌器等。

25、interdental tissue ─── 牙间组织

26、inflammation of interdental papillae ─── 牙间乳头炎症

27、Interdental ligation ─── 牙间结扎

28、Objective:The clinical effect of light cured resin in treating front interdental spaces was studied. ─── 目的:观察光敏树脂修复前牙列稀疏的临床效果。

29、She declared that in some areas my flossing and work with the interdental brushes was so incompetently executed that unless I reformed, I could lose my back teeth. ─── 在过去的一周中,我调查了一些人,询问他们自己接受批评并做出改变的次数。

30、And if that means spending 15 minutes a day juggling four interdental brushes, then so be it. ─── 对我而言,如果这仅仅意味着每天花15分钟倒腾4个牙间刷,倒也无妨。

31、If your interdental space is large, you had better use interdental brush to clean between the teeth. ─── 如果您的间隙太大 最好用间隙刷。

32、If you scan fissures and interdental spaces using the DIAGNOdent, you can be sure that you have done the best for your patient and that he has had the best possible diagnosis for his money. ─── 使用DIAGNOdent扫描裂缝和牙间隙,您就能为患者尽到最大的努力,为患者提供最好的诊断。

33、interdental cell ─── 间齿细胞

34、interdental papilla ─── 牙间乳头

35、Keywords partially edentlous restoration;implant supported denture;aesthetic effectiveness;interdental papillae; ─── 牙列缺损;种植义齿;美学效果;牙龈;

36、Interdental papilla of gingiva ─── 龈牙间乳头

37、interdental cleft ─── 牙间裂

38、interdental stripper ─── 牙间去除器

39、The Study of the Relationship of Malodor and Microbial Composition of Interdental and Subgingival Plaques in Periodontitis Patients ─── 牙周炎患者龈下菌斑与口臭相关性的研究

40、interdental papillitis ─── 牙间乳头炎

41、(4) orthodontic treatment for anterior interdental spacing; ─── (4)矫正治疗前牙齿间空隙;

42、closure of interdental space ─── 关闭牙间隙

43、The symphysis is sectioned into two halves by malleting a spatula osteotome into the partially sectioned interdental osteotomy site. ─── 切片的耻骨是分为两半的malleting一铲骨凿到局部切片间截骨网站。

44、interdental eyelet wiring ─── 牙间金属小环结扎

45、interdental stimulator ─── 牙间按摩器

46、interdental stick ─── 牙签

47、Keywords Periodontitis;Dental plaque;Dental devices;home care;Interdental brush; ─── 牙周炎;牙菌斑;牙科装置;家用治疗;间隙刷;

48、interdental canal ─── 牙间管

49、interdental papillae ─── [医] 牙间乳头

50、In the case of a large tooth gap, you can use interdental brushes or toothpicks. ─── 在一个大的牙齿差距的情况,您可以使用牙缝刷或牙签。

51、interdental groove ─── [医] 牙间沟

52、In addition, the interdental space over the anterior region of the mandibular arch was closed. ─── 下颚则关闭因牙齿融合而产生的间隙。

53、interdental embrasure ─── 牙间楔状隙

54、An interdental consonant. ─── 齿间辅音

55、And if that means spending 15 minutes a day juggling four interdental brushes, then so be it. ─── 对我而言,如果这仅仅意味着每天花15分钟倒腾4个牙间刷,倒也无妨。

56、Keywords Light cured resin Acid-etch and bonding technique Front interdental spaces; ─── 关键词光敏树脂;酸蚀粘结技术;前牙牙间隙;

57、interdental wiring ─── 牙间结扎固定

58、if that means spending 15 minutes a day juggling four interdental brushes, then so be it. ─── 如果这仅仅意味着每天花15分钟倒腾4个牙间刷,倒也无妨。

59、interdental clasp ─── 牙间卡环

60、interdental septa ─── 牙间隔

61、interdental gingiva ─── 牙间龈, 邻间隙龈

62、interdental spillway ─── 牙间溢出道

63、INDICATIONS: Oral-B Interdental Brush Refills Designed for cleaning in between wide spaces, metal bridges, and braces. ─── 适应症:欧乐- B牙缝刷笔芯之间宽阔的空间,金属桥梁,括号,清洗设计。

64、Probe into the usage of PFM in the reytoration of irregular interdental space Of upperanterior teeth ─── 上前牙不规则间隙应用烤瓷冠桥修复探讨

65、Clinical study on the auxiliary effectiveness of dental floss or interdental brush in severe chronic periodontitis ─── 应用牙线、间隙刷辅助治疗重度慢性牙周炎的疗效观察

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