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09-17 投稿


impacting 发音

英:[?m?p?kt??]  美:[?m?p?kt??]

英:  美:

impacting 中文意思翻译




impacting 词性/词形变化,impacting变形

动词现在分词: impacting |动词过去式: impacted |动词过去分词: impacted |名词: impaction |动词第三人称单数: impacts |

impacting 短语词组

1、probability of impacting ─── 撞击概率

2、impacting force ─── [力]冲击力,冲压力

3、impacting medium ─── [医] 封闭剂

4、impacting on ─── 影响;对…冲击,碰撞

impacting 相似词语短语

1、impactive ─── adj.冲击的;有不良影响的

2、impaction ─── n.压紧;装紧;嵌入

3、impactite ─── n.[岩]碰撞岩,冲击石

4、impairing ─── vt.损害;削弱;减少

5、impasting ─── vt.使成糊状;用浆糊封;涂厚色彩于

6、imparting ─── v.告知;给予,赋予(impart的现在分词);n.传达信息

7、compacting ─── adj.压实的;v.把……紧压在一起(或压实);(物质)变紧密;紧密地形成;缩短,精简;订立(或签订)(协定)(compact的现在分词)

8、implanting ─── v.灌输,生根;将……移植;被移植到;(受精卵)着床(implant的现在分词)

9、impainting ─── vt.描绘;画

impacting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、However, a further increase in farming area without impacting unfavourably on what remains of the world's natural ecosystems appears unlikely. ─── 然而,在不对全世界的自然生态系统的剩余区域产生不利影响的情况下,进一步增加农业面积似乎是不可能的。

2、We analyze concrete’s response to alterative load and impacting load in order realize concrete project’s dynamic monitoring. ─── 5、测试了机敏混凝土结构的动态特性,分析了机敏混凝土结构对交变载荷和冲击载荷的响应,为实现混凝土工程结构的动态检测提供了依据。

3、Auto insert the magnetic slice of uncharged magnetic of permanent motor into the outer crust of motor, and glue smearing, impacting, solidation. ─── 将永磁电机未充磁的磁瓦装入电机外壳中,并对磁瓦进行混胶、涂胶、压紧、固化的专用设备。

4、One person can make a tremendous impact. ─── 一个人可以取得巨大的成功。

5、Lower right corner of that white ball is SPHERES IMPACTING out of the rotation direction, the rules of many! I wish you a Happy playing! ─── 右下角的那白球是球打出去的旋转方向,玩法很多,祝你们玩的开心!

6、She said the plastic is impacting ocean ecosystems, though she doesn't yet know to what extent. ─── 戈尔茨坦表示这些塑料垃圾已经影响到海洋生态系统,尽管其危害程度尚不得而知。

7、But what specific impact on the market? ─── 但是具体对市场有何影响呢?

8、Supernovae studies have allowed scientists to see that dark energy has been impacting galaxies since as far back as nine billion years ago. ─── 有关超新星的研究使科学家了解到,追溯到90亿前暗能量就已经开始影响星系。

9、The generation of a large population of solid nucleants in the impacting spray leads to a fine equiaxed microstructure. ─── 冲击喷雾中大量固体成核剂的产生导致精细的等轴微结构。

10、Sports superstars even have a lot of social impact! ─── 体育明星还制造了很多社会效应呢!

11、It'll have a lot of impact at point of sale. ─── 在现场销售时会有很强的冲击效果。

12、He collapsed under the full impact of the blow. ─── 他受到重击而倒下.

13、All the cars must experience an impact test. ─── 所有小汽车都必须经过碰撞试验。

14、For an artist, the vision impact of war is lively. ─── 对于艺术家,战争的视觉冲击是活生生的。

15、One of the main objectives that we had set out to achieve was to run the project without impacting productivity or business objectives. ─── 我们设立的一个主要目标是执行该项目,但不影响生产力或业务目标。

16、They think about sustaining the impact. ─── 他们考虑的是维持影响力。

17、WTO Entry Impact on Job Market in China? ─── 中国入世对百姓就业有何影响?

18、The impact of the incident has not dissipated. ─── 中英文对照:事件的影响还未消散。

19、And what is the subsequent impact? ─── 其影响为何?

20、The comic impact is vitiated by obvious haste. ─── 喜剧效果被显然的匆忙削弱了。

21、Genes and Genomes: Impact on Medicine and Society. ─── 基因和基因组:对医药和社会的冲击。

22、Multi-work Condition Declivitous Impact Testing System was introduced which has variable impacting angle, rigidity, and length of stroke. ─── 工况倾斜冲击试验系统,该系统具有可变的冲击角度,刚度和行程长度。

23、Current political thoughts in the west is transmitting fleetly in the world.It causes challenging and impacting mainstream of our ideology. ─── 摘要当前西方政治思潮在世界范围内快速传播,对我国主流意识形态构成一定程度的挑战和冲击。

24、The article analyzes that all factors effect impacting toughness of welded seam of ERW pipe on the basis of mass produce and practice. ─── 在大量生产实践的基础上分析了影响ERW直缝电阻焊钢管焊缝冲击韧性的各种因素。

25、This paper chooses the west district in Linshui as research object, and studies that the coalmining impacting on environment and utilizing wastewater. ─── 以具有代表性的邻水县西区为研究对象,针对矿区开采引起的环境问题及煤矿废水资源化进行分析探讨。

26、The Impact of Solar Winds on Navigation Aids. ─── 太阳风对导航辅助设备的影响。

27、It's difficult to assess the impact of the President's speech. ─── 总统讲话的巨大影响很难估计。

28、Her speech made a profound impact on everyone. ─── 她的讲话对每个人都有深远的影响。

29、Individuals and groups of people may have, through their performance, an opportunity of impacting the total compensation earned. ─── 员工个人或团队的工作表现可能会对他们的总体总体收入产生影响;

30、The combination of bags and special boxes can avoid foundering and impacting. ─── 也可以将包装袋和专用箱结合使用后,还可以防止浸水和碰撞。

31、Represents software team in interactions with business customers reducing communication value for the rest of the team and impacting idea flow. ─── 代表开发组与客户进行交流,屏蔽了其他成员的发言权和开发思想上的交流。

32、In this paper, the application of the ultrasonic impacting technique to Xihoumen Bridge is presented. ─── 介绍超声波冲击技术在西堠门大桥上的应用情况。

33、How will the war impact on such a poet? ─── 战争对这样一个诗人会产生什么影响?

34、Have a lasting impact on the country's food sector. ─── 对中国食品行业产生持续的影响。

35、The impact blew out front tires. ─── 冲撞使前胎爆开。

36、Fundamentals of human performance, physiology, and life support impacting engineering design and aerospace systems. ─── 人类绩效、生理机能和生命维系的基本原理影响着工程设计和太空系统。

37、In Tazhong Area, the main factor of impacting average velocity is the depth of stratum and lithology of igneous. ─── 在塔中地区,影响平均速度的主要因素是地层埋深和火成岩的岩性。

38、Power battery is the key link in electric auto industry, and hydrogen alloy is the key material impacting the performance of Ni-MH battery. ─── 动力电池是电动车产业链的关键环节,贮氢合金又是决定镍氢电池性能的关键材料。

39、A word of caution for men trying to have kids: your laptop may be impacting the quality of your sperm. ─── 给那些想要小孩的男人提个醒:你的电脑也许正在影响你的精子质量。

40、Issues listed at the beginning of the list are impacting the system more than issues listed later in the list. ─── 列表开头列出的问题对系统的影响比列表中后面列出的问题对系统的影响大。

41、The political impact would be enormous. ─── 它的政治反响将是巨大的。

42、A piezoelectric element is appressed with the impacting object. ─── 一个压电元素是紧贴与冲击的对象。

43、Your task is to use SPHERES IMPACTING the opposite party, a hit in every 50 minutes. ─── 你的任务就是用球打中对方,每击中一次得50分。

44、His impact reflected anonymous dedication. ─── 他的影响反映出他不声不响的埋头工作。

45、Profound changes in the industry are impacting the CIO role and the potential sources of CIO value [4]. ─── 在这个行业的深刻变化的影响作用和潜在的资源信息长[4]的信息长值。

46、There is an opportunity to reinvent some of these areas without necessarily impacting greatly on existing communities. ─── 我们要重新开发这些地区,而不必影响到已有的社区。”

47、How to increase the welded seam impacting toughness of ERW pipe is a great problem among the technology of pipe manufacture. ─── 如何提高ERW钢管焊缝冲击韧性是制管技术中的一大难题。

48、Impacting the head and neck with waterfall to promote blood circulation, remove tinnitus and migraine and keep slim. ─── 以落差形成的瀑布冲击头、等部位,可起到促进血液循环,消除耳鸣、头松弛瘦身的作用。

49、The impact on Capital Adequacy Ratio. ─── 对资本金充足率的影响。

50、Do you think Socketed Items will have an impact? ─── 你认为插槽的物品有效果么?

51、Her speech made a tremendous impact on everyone. ─── 她的演说对大家震动很大。

52、The mechanism, process and macro-characteristics of the three kinds of impacting disasters were analyzed. ─── 分析了三类冲击灾害的发生机理、孕育过程及宏观特征。

53、The probability of any air-borne pollen grain impacting a female strobilus is in any case very small. ─── 任何在空气中飘浮的花粉粒粘着于雌球花的几率,在任何情况下都是很小的。

54、Few can deny the impact of his leadership. ─── 几乎没有人能否定他的领导作用。

55、Use bars, meters, and icons to give visual impact. ─── 使用条形图、指示器和图标可以产生强烈的视觉效果。

56、The point of the impact just shoots the goal. ─── 弹着点正好击中目标。

57、A market condition in which sellers are so few that the actions of any one of them will materially affect price and have a measurable impact on competitors. ─── 寡头卖主垄断一种由少数卖方控制的市场状况。因为卖主极少,以至卖主的任何行为都可能对价格产生实质影响,从而对其竞争对手产生相当大的冲击影响力

58、The largest impact you have on a Web page. ─── 您对Web页面的最大影响。

59、Good transparency and impact resistanceproperty. ─── 冲击性能好。

60、Impact on detection of depression? ─── 侦查抑郁症的影响?

61、Taking the maximum impacting load as designing object, an optimal design model of the fluid impactor is established. ─── 以最大冲击载荷为设计目标建立了冲击器的优化计算模型并进行实例计算。

62、The impact of the movie reduced them to tears. ─── 影片的感人力量催他们泪下。

63、How will the war impact on his generation? ─── 战争对他这一代会有什么影响呢?

64、Among them, the location option and overall layout of LP are important and basic parts for impacting the development of LP. ─── 在物流园区的规划过程中,其选址和总体布局是影响物流园区发展的一个重要的、基础性的环节。

65、Issues listed at the beginning of the list are impacting the system more than issues listed later in the list. ─── 列表开头列出的问题对系统的影响比列表中后面列出的问题对系统的影响大。

66、How infection impact Wound healing process? ─── 感染为何影响伤口愈合?

67、A serious impact on the state's fiscal revenue. ─── 严重影响了国家财政收入。

68、High-strength, impacting resistance, erosion resistance and abrasion resistance. Using for roof, gate and burner of EAF. ─── 强度高,抗冲击、抗冲刷、耐磨损。用于电炉顶,各种炉门、立柱、横梁、烧嘴等。

69、He died on impact, impaled on the railings below. ─── 他因撞击而死,被的栏杆刺穿了。

70、Add on the other BRICs, and the impact grows. ─── 再加上其它金砖四国(BRIC),其影响力在扩大。

71、Impact on the values in the Asian region. ─── 影响亚洲地区的价值观。

72、Follow-up and evaluation of training impact. ─── 对培训影响的跟踪调查和评估气体技师。

73、The exact contact with practice has practical impact on me. ─── 同实践的密切接触对我有实际的影响。

74、Lower right corner of that white ball is SPHERES IMPACTING out of the rotation direction, the rules of many! I wish you a Happy playing! ─── 右下角的那白球是球打出去的旋转方向,玩法很多,祝你们玩的开心!

75、The impact ruptured both fuel tanks. ─── 冲撞使两个燃料箱都爆裂了。

76、The dominating type of flight incidents is diverging of runway, overrunning, near-miss, tail/wingtip/engine strike and ground obstacle impacting. ─── 事故征候的主要类型为偏出、冲出跑道,危险接近,擦机尾或翼尖、发动机以及地面撞障碍物。

77、The impact jarred her ankles and she almost fell. ─── 冲击震伤了她的脚踝,她差点跌倒。

78、The financial impact on the town was staggering. ─── 对这座城镇的财政影响非常大。

79、My experience suggests to me that there is something definitely impacting certain people, perhaps at random, from the outside in. ─── 我的经验暗示我有一些明确的东西正在影响某些人,也许是随意的,来自于外部的。

80、What is the impact of promotions? ─── 促销的效果如何?

81、The weather can have a great impact on the battle. ─── 天气能有巨大的影响在那之上的战争。

82、Because the companies share suppliers, one maker's failure could bring down the supplier network, they say, impacting one or both of the others. ─── 他们指出,由于三家公司共享供应商,因此一家公司倒闭可能会拖垮供应商网络,从而影响另外一家或两家公司。

83、Only she can raise an impact on him. ─── 他就听她的。

84、Few places on earth have escaped its impact. ─── 几乎没有哪个国家能够免受其冲击。

85、Blending25% EMM with PE according to weight percentage can enhance the adhesion of the PE coating by 60% and the impacting height by 58.3%. ─── 在PE中加入25%EMAA能使涂层的附着力提高60%,涂层抗冲击强度增加58.3%。

86、Perhaps most important, these elections will put new faces before the public, especially from the opposition camp. This testing of the waters will measure the impact of the candidates, build name recognition and sift the issues. ─── 也许最重要的是,这些选举将使大众认识新面孔,尤其是来自反对党阵营的。这样投石问路将会测如候选人的影响力,建立知名度,并过滤问题。

87、The shock of impact was absorbed by the bumper. ─── 保险杠减少了冲击时的震动。

88、LI Wen-ya,LIi Chang-jiu.Effect of parameters of cold sprayed Cu particles on its impacting behavior[J].Acta Metallurgica Sinica,2005,41(3):282-286. ─── [1]李文亚,李长久.冷喷涂Cu粒子参量对其碰撞变形行为的影响[J].金属学报,2005,41(3):282-286.

89、If the ices had been rapidly vaporized by an impacting object, the expanding gases might have helped the ejected fragments reach escape velocity. ─── 假如这些冰层因撞击的物体而迅速汽化蒸发的话,那么膨胀的气体很有可能帮助弹射出去的碎片达到逃逸速度。

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