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09-17 投稿


jumbling 发音

英:[?d??mbl??]  美:[?d??mbl??]

英:  美:

jumbling 中文意思翻译




jumbling 同义词

junk | clutter | strew | jumbal | confuse | mix | hodgepodge | hotchpotch | patchwork | mingle | throw together |muddle | scramble | mare's nest | fuddle | welter | heap | odds and ends | smother | mess up | mess | disarrange | shuffle | mix up

jumbling 短语词组

1、jumbling tower ─── 混杂塔

jumbling 反义词


jumbling 词性/词形变化,jumbling变形

动词过去分词: jumbled |动词现在分词: jumbling |动词过去式: jumbled |动词第三人称单数: jumbles |

jumbling 相似词语短语

1、mumbling ─── n.含糊的话语,咕哝;v.含糊地说,咕哝;(用无齿牙床)困难地咀嚼(mumble的现在分词)

2、jumblingly ─── 杂乱无章

3、bumbling ─── adj.装模作样的;笨手笨脚的;爱管闲事的;胡乱的;v.笨手笨脚;跌跌撞撞地前进;模糊不清地说话;(昆虫)发嗡嗡声(bumble的现在分词)

4、tumbling ─── n.翻腾运动;adj.歪斜状的;v.摔倒;(使)跌倒;跌跌撞撞地走;用滚筒干燥机甩干;弄皱(tumble的现在分词)

5、fumbling ─── adj.笨拙的;支支吾吾的;n.笨拙;v.笨手笨脚地做(某事);笨嘴拙舌地说话;支支吾吾地说;摸索(fumble的现在分词)

6、bumblings ─── adj.装模作样的;笨手笨脚的;爱管闲事的;胡乱的;v.笨手笨脚;跌跌撞撞地前进;模糊不清地说话;(昆虫)发嗡嗡声(bumble的现在分词)

7、rumbling ─── n.隆隆声,辘辘声;怨声,传言;adj.隆隆声的,辘辘声的;(争吵)无休止的;v.隆隆作响;轰鸣着缓慢行进;低沉地说;(非正式)看穿(阴谋);(非正式)打群架(rumble的现在分词)

8、bejumbling ─── 混乱

9、humbling ─── adj.令人羞辱的;v.羞辱(humble的ing形式);使…谦恭;使…卑贱

jumbling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、dividers that keep the files from jumbling. ─── 使档案免于混淆的分类卡

2、Dividers that keep the files from jumBling. ─── 使档案免于混淆的分类卡

3、Looks like an old age, a youth, locates the development time interval is dissimilar, also cannot general jumbling together. ─── 就像一个老年、一个青年,所处的发展时段是不一样的,也不能笼统的混为一谈。

4、Theoretically , a corporate accountant’s phone could pick up a worm and, when synced to a PC, let it loose on the company’s network, jumbling accounts. ─── 理论上,公司会计师的手机可能感染病毒,一旦手机连接上个人计算机并同步更新数据,病毒便可能流窜至公司网络而扰乱账目资料。

5、But the team concluded that those anomalies were created by jumbling of strata when debris flowed back into the crater after the impact. ─── 但是小组总结认为这些异常是当碎片在撞击后回流到陨石坑时的地层混杂造成的。

6、Looks like an old age, a youth, locates the development time interval is dissimilar, also cannot general jumbling together. ─── 就像一个老年、一个青年,所处的发展时段是不一样的,也不能笼统的混为一谈。

7、One should not be on the border with the Arabian Plate, as the Arabian Plate will roll its top part to the East, jumbling rock in its path. ─── 人们不应该待在阿拉伯板块的边缘,因为阿拉伯板块顶端将滚向东部,搅乱沿路的岩石。

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