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09-17 投稿


iterated 发音

英:[??t?re?t?d]  美:[??t?re?t?d]

英:  美:

iterated 中文意思翻译



iterated 词性/词形变化,iterated变形

动词过去分词: iterated |动词第三人称单数: iterates |动词现在分词: iterating |动词过去式: iterated |

iterated 短语词组

1、iterated map ─── 迭代映射

2、iterated series ─── 迭[累]级数

3、iterated extension ─── 多重扩张

4、iterated integrals ─── 累积分,[数]迭代积分

5、iterated network ─── [计] 累接网络, 链形网络

6、iterated function ─── 叠函数

7、iterated algorithm ─── [计] 迭代算法

8、iterated kernel ─── 叠核

9、iterated line graph ─── [计] 迭线图

10、iterated electrical filter ─── 多节滤波器,链形滤波器

11、iterated system ─── 迭代系统

12、iterated operation ─── [计] 迭代操作, 迭代运算

13、iterated interpolation method ─── [计] 迭代插值法

14、iterated contraction ─── 多重收缩

15、iterated code ─── [计] 迭代码

16、iterated value ─── 迭代值

17、re-iterated (re-iterate ─── 的过去时) vt. 重申;反复地做

18、iterated integral ─── [计] 迭代积分

iterated 相似词语短语

1、siderated ─── 偏袒

2、integrated ─── adj.综合的;完整的;互相协调的;v.整合;使…成整体(integrate的过去分词)

3、liberated ─── adj.无拘束的;放纵的(尤指在社交和性关系方面);vt.解放;使摆脱束缚(liberate的过去式)

4、literates ─── adj.受过教育的;精通文学的;n.学者

5、iterates ─── vt.迭代;重复;反复说;重做

6、reiterated ─── 反复的;重复的

7、itinerated ─── vi.巡回;巡回传教

8、-trated ─── 特蕾特

9、iterate ─── vt.迭代;重复;反复说;重做

iterated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、select,or,end;iter until while end; ─── Jackson伪代码:seq,end;

2、DOA Estimation via Iterated QR Decomposition ─── 基于迭代QR分解的DOA估计技术

3、Among the processes in the Project Management Process Groups,the links are often iterated. ─── 在各项目管理过程组的子过程之间,经常反复多次产生联系。

4、The method holds both low-computational costs in Iterated Conditional Mode(ICM) and global optimum in simulated annealing(SA).Image restoration experiment is done with low SNR ima... ─── 利用该方法恢复被加性高斯噪声污染的低信噪比图像,取得良好的实验结果。

5、Believability based Iterated Belief Revision ─── 一种基于可信度的迭代信念修正方法

6、iterated fission probability ─── 反复裂变几率

7、iter a tertio ad quartum ventriculum ─── 中脑水管

8、A rule-driven algorithm based on an iterated finite state transducer is proposed in present research to automatically convert graphemes to corresponding phonemes. ─── 可以使用基于规则驱动的迭代有限状态转录机来解决这一问题。

9、Some Limit Results on the Law of the Iterated Logarithm of NA Sequences ─── NA序列重对数律的几个极限定理

10、ITER aims for three principal goals. ─── ITER有三个主要目标。

11、Structural design and optimization of cryostat feedthrough for ITER magnet ─── ITER磁体过渡馈线的结构设计与优化

12、A Class of Iterated Function Systems with Two Parameters and Their Attractors ─── 一类具有双参数的迭代函数系及其吸引子

13、A differential cryptanalysis of the iterated block cipher based on the new round function is presented. ─── 对基于此种新轮函数的一种迭代型分组密码进行了差分密码分析。

14、Didn't these nations already agree to build ITER last year? ─── 去年这些国家不是已经同意建造ITER了么?

15、For example, in *++iter the increment changes the value of iter , and the (changed) value of iter is then used as the operand to * . ─── 例如,*++iter表达式的自增操作修改了iter的值,然后将iter(修改后)的值用作*操作符的操作数。

16、a tertio ad quartum ventriculum iter ─── [医] 中脑水管

17、The correctness, especially the degree of the closeness, by which iterated results approach the correct result. ─── 一个事件的确切程度,尤其指迭代运算结果对正确结果的逼近程度。

18、On General Solutions of the Iterated Functional Equation ?f 2(x)=af(x)+bx? ─── 关于迭代函数方程f~2(x)=af(x)+bx的通解

19、In June of 2005, the parties agreed to build ITER in the south of France at Cadarache. ─── 2005年6月,各方同意在法国南部Cadarache建造ITER。

20、A Law of the Iterated Logarithem For Geometric Series ─── 一个几何加权级数的重对数律

21、Iterator iter = session.iterate("from cat in class eg. ─── 关系也是延迟装载的。

22、ITER aims to do this at a scale and in conditions that will demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion as a practical energy source. ─── ITER计划旨在证明在这样的规模和条件下,核融合作为一个实用能源的科学理论和技术都是具有相当可行性的。

23、Although the ILC's price tag may seem steep, it is roughly comparable to the costs of large science programs such as the LHC and the ITER nuclear fusion reactor. ─── ILC的造价看似昂贵,它倒还和LHC与ITER核融合反应器等大型计画的花费约略相当。

24、ITER is an experimental reactor which will reproduce the physical reaction of fusing the nuclei of atoms that occurs in the Sun and stars. ─── ITER计划是要设立一个实验反应炉,以再现太阳和其他恒星内部的原子核融合反应。

25、The Law of Iterated Logarithm for NA Sequences with Non-identical Distributions ─── 不同分布NA序列的重对数律

26、He iterated his viewpoint. ─── 他重复了他的观点。

27、In this paper laws of the iterated logarithm for quantile density estimator and its derivative estimators areestablished when data are subject to left-truncated and right-censored observations. ─── 对数在左截断右删失数据下,我们基于乘积限估计给出了分位密度估计,获得了分位密度估计及其导数的重对数律.

28、A Law of the Iterated Logarithm for the Product of Geometric Series of NA Sequences ─── NA列几何加权级数乘积和的重对数律

29、The girl did not move though the policeman iterated his command let she go . ─── 警察重述他的命令叫她走,她还是没走。

30、The girl did not move though the policeman iterated his command hat she go. ─── 警察多次命令这个女孩离开,但是她就不动。种竹成林。

31、the correctness,especially the degree of the closeness,by which iterated results approach the correct result ─── 一个事件的确切程度,尤其指迭代运算结果对正确结果的逼近程度

32、A deeply iterated Buddhabrot, a special rendering of the Mandelbrot set ─── 一个反复重复的Buddhabrot,芒德布罗集的一个特殊描述

33、In truth, it could take several more years before scientists and engineers on the project can coax a power-producing plasma from ITER. ─── 事实上,项目科学家和工程师要花几年的时间才能使ITER产生出一个输出能量的等离子体。

34、iter update (List.tl file_l); ─── 听 听 听 听 听 听List.

35、The more influential way of computer simulation for the irregular nature scenery such as the tree is IFS (Iterated Function System) posed by Barnsley . ─── 对树木等非规则自然景物进行计算机模拟方法中具有较强影响力的是由Barnsley提出的迭代函数系统IFS方法。

36、iterated logarithm random walk ─── 叠对数随机走动

37、Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) ─── 国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)

38、A Quasi Condensation Iterated Function Systems with Controllable Array Factors ─── 含可控阵列因子的类凝聚迭代函数系统

39、The engineer rarely achieves the best solution the first time;a design may have to be iterated several times. ─── 同意这句话:工程师很少能够上来就找到最佳的解决办法,一个设计往往要反复多次。

40、Tit for tat is a highly effective strategy in game theory for the iterated prisoner's dilemma. ─── 一报还一报“是解决重复博弈的最有效策略。此方法同样适用于人际关系处理中。

41、Based on the thought to find appropriate iterated initial values, an auto grid splitting (AGS) is presented. ─── 从寻找一组合适的迭代初值出发,提出自动网格剖分方法。

42、Hausdorff dimensions of a class of contractive invariant set induced from restricted iterated mode ─── 一类限制迭代方式的压缩不变集的盒维数

43、A Research on Multi-Point Iterated Methods ─── 一种多点迭代方法

44、At this point the RequestInjector has iterated, and once again will be waiting for the next message for propagation. ─── 此时将迭代RequestInjector,并且再一次等待下一次的消息传播。

45、Correlation and factorial analyses are used to reduce the iterated information and simplify soil indexes. ─── 因子分析能有效地减少土壤性质指标间的重复信息,起到筛选和精简指标的作用。

46、She is an idiot on computer, so, as a ITer, resolving problems of our computer is my duty-bound job. ─── 在电脑方面,我姐姐是个“白痴”。所以,作为一个IT人,解决我们的电脑问题就成了我义不容辞的工作。

47、Individual Process Groups and individual constituent processes are often iterated prior to completing the project. ─── 各个过程组及其子过程在项目完成之前经常被多次反复。

48、A large and complex project may have some processes that will have to be iterated several times to define and meet stakeholder requirements and reach agreement on the processes outcome. ─── 大而复杂的项目可能要求某些过程反复多次才能确定和满足利害关系者的要求,并就这些过程的结果达成一致意见。

49、An Iterated Model on the Degree of Willingness to Cooperate Based on Member Characteristic and History Information ─── 基于成员特征及历史信息的合作意愿度迭代模型

50、iterated interpolation method ─── 叠加插值法迭代插值法

51、YUAN Yu-ze.Precise asymptotics in law of the iterated logarithm of random fields[J].J of Zhejiang University:Science Edition,2005,32(2):152-155. ─── [3]袁裕泽.随机场重对数律的精确渐近性[J].浙江大学学报:理学版,2005,32(2):152-155.

52、We should, just as Mr.Peters had iterated, try our best to familiarize ourselves with exotic civilizations. ─── 就让我们像彼得外长始终强调的那样,抱着努力的心态,试着去接受异域风情、异种文化。

53、Here I didn't set this up as a iterated integral yet. ─── 这里还没有变成累次积分。

54、insert (iter, pair (j, zero)); ─── 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 iter = v.

55、A recovery method based iterated de-noising for radio interference on backscatter ionogram ─── 基于迭代去噪的返回散射同频干扰修复方法

56、If the intensity homogeneity is not satisfied with a segmentation criterion, it is re-segmented by increasing threshold.This process is iterated till no region needs resegmented. ─── 如果灰度均匀度不满足灰度均匀度分割准则,则增加分割阈值,对该区域进行再分割。

57、Based on fundamental properties of matrix group inverses and circulant matrices, this paper describes a particular application in both of the above concepts of iterated functions of integers. ─── 基于群逆阵和循环矩阵的基本特征,该文阐述这2类矩阵在整数迭代函数中的一种重要应用。

58、Evolution of strategies based on genetic algorithm in the iterated prisoner's dilemma on complex networks ─── 基于遗传算法的重复囚徒困境博弈策略在复杂网络中的演化

59、Chung's law of the iterated logarithm ─── Chung型重对数律

60、Dell’s approach, as iterated above, is to serve customers’ interests. ─── Dell的做法,就是迎合客户的兴趣。

61、An open architecture robot controller is used as the testbed.The NURBS curve is calculated with an ICP (Iterated Closest Point)-based fitting algorithm. ─── 使用开放式机器人控制器系统作为试验平台,NURBS曲线通过迭代最近点的拟合方法获得。

62、Chover' s law of iterated logarithm ─── Chover重对数律

63、Moreover, such a simple logic can be iterated and amplified, since all neurons work on a similar principle of connecting and sharing. ─── 此外,既然所有的神经元的连接和分享原理都大同小异,这种简单逻辑可以重复和放大。

64、Under some conditions, it is proved t hat the kernal estimators converges to the regression function at the rate of th e law of the iterated logarithm. ─── 在一定条件下,证明了其收敛速度符合重对数律。

65、Researches the CORDIC algorithm and its two work modes deeply and in system, implements iterated (gate efficiently) CORDIC processor and on-line (high performance) CORDIC processor. ─── 对CORDIC算法以及两种工作模式,进行了较为深入和系统的研究。 基于FPGA,实现了高资源利用率的迭代结构CORDIC处理器和高性能的在线式CORDIC处理器。

66、ITER(International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) is a planning international Tokamak reactor designed to demonstrate the feasibility of the full dimensions controlled nuclear fusion technology. ─── 国际热核聚变实验实验堆)是规划建设中的一个为验证全尺寸可控核聚变技术的可行性而设计的国际托卡马克实验堆。


68、It is to be once more iterated that healing is but one distortion of the Law of One. ─── 我们要再次强调,治疗只是一的法则之中的一项变貌。

69、The law of the iterated logarithm for weight sum of random series ─── 加权和的重对数律

70、iter Condition.signal s.queues ; ─── 听 听 听 听 听 听 List.

71、Virtual Design of ITER Vacuum Vessel In-wall Shielding Structure ─── ITER真空室内屏蔽结构的虚拟设计

72、In the iterated prisoner's dilemma the game is played repeatedly. ─── 在重复的囚徒困境中,博弈被反覆地进行。


74、Thermomechanical analysis of the DFLL test blanket module for ITER ─── ITER中国液态锂铅实验包层模块结构热应力数值模拟

75、The dual functional lithium lead test blanket module and the testing strategy for ITER[J].Chin J Nucl Sci Eng,2005,25(4):347-360(in Chinese). ─── ITER中国液态锂铅实验包层模块设计研究与实验策略[J].核科学与工程,2005,25(4):347-360.

76、Based on the fractal constructive methods of Barnsley,a class of nonlinear iterated function systems with two parameters was constructed. ─── 基于Barnsley的分形构造法,构造了一类具有双参数的非线性迭代函数系.

77、ITER; International Thesaurus of Refugee Terminology; ─── 国际难民术语词汇;

78、Under the MRF-MAP framework, the Iterated Conditional Modes (ICM) was used tosolve the cost function. ─── 介绍了在MRF-MAP框架下,采用条件迭代模式(ICM)求解值函数的方法。

79、As an application of this criterion a result about subsequence principle on iterated logarithm law for the case of Banach space of type 2 is given. ─── 作为这一法则的一个有趣应用,给出了2-型空间情形的一个关于叠对数律的子序列原理的结果。

80、N-player iterated prisoner's dilemma ─── 多人囚徒博弈

81、They all bring about the state of illness lingering,deferment and iter... ─── 因此,临证从痰瘀辨治是治疗该病的根本方法。

82、During the operational time of the ITER, the cooling water will remove 80% of the fusion energy depositing in the shield blanket. ─── 在ITER的运行过程中,80%的聚变能都要通过屏蔽包层里面的冷却水带出到环境中。

83、The girl did not move though the policeman iterated his command that she go. ─── 警察重述他的命令叫女孩走,但她没动。

84、law of the iterated logarithm ─── 反对数定律

85、we used that to set up the iterated integral. ─── 我们还用那个来建立累次积分。

86、The ITER project, admirable though it is, should be merely a component of a concerted effort. ─── 国际热核聚变能源研究计划,尽管绝妙,本来应当只不过是整个能源研究开发协调努力的一部分。

87、Fractal image compression is first proposed by Barnsley and is developed from the mathematical theory called Iterated Function Systems (IFS), which is an important branch of Fractal Geometry. ─── 分形编码是由Barnsley首次提出的,源于迭代函数系统理论(分形几何的重要组成部分)。

88、The Attractors and Fractal Images in the Complex Iterated Function System With Variable Parameter ─── 变参数复迭代系统的吸引子及其分形图

89、iterated function system of contractions ─── 压缩函数系

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