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09-17 投稿


juvenility 发音

英:[,d?u?v?'n?l?t?]  美:[,d??v?'n?l?ti]

英:  美:

juvenility 中文意思翻译



juvenility 词性/词形变化,juvenility变形

名词复数: juvenilities |

juvenility 相似词语短语

1、juveniles ─── n.少年(juvenile的复数形式);稚气

2、juvenilely ─── 未成年

3、puerility ─── n.天真,幼稚;孩子气,未成熟

4、juvenilities ─── n.年轻,年少;不成熟

5、juvenile ─── adj.青少年的;幼稚的;n.青少年;少年读物

6、juvenilize ─── vt.抑制……的生长;使……保幼

7、senility ─── n.[基医]衰老;高龄;老态龙钟

8、veniality ─── n.可宽恕性;可宽宥

9、juvenilia ─── n.少年读物

juvenility 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Juvenility cofactors have been identified as terpenes. ─── 幼年辅助因子已经鉴定出是萜类化学物。

2、Why there are so many problems ? the causation is that: people have no good understands to "city management" , the system reforms lagged and the exterior conditions are juvenility. ─── 出现这些问题,主要有以下原因:对经营城市的认识不科学、城市政府职能定位不明确、体制改革滞后以及相关的外部条件不成熟。

3、The Advances on Juvenility and its Regulation in Higher Plant ─── 植物童性及调控的研究进展

4、Lively. crazy and tough juvenility. ─── 我和它仿佛已经有了一种默契。

5、-clinical treatment using antibiotic paste to stuff juvenility permanent teeth. ─── 方法:采用抗菌素糊剂充填年轻恒牙进行临床治疗。

6、In addition, the juvenility of the capital market causes foreign capital"s obstacle and etc. ─── 另外由于我国产权交易市场和资本市场发育的不成熟导致外资并购的障碍等。

7、Although there are many juvenility parts, I hope the article can help the company improve risk management and accelerate audit department’s value to increase. ─── 虽然本文在论述当中还有许多不成熟的地方,但希望通过本文的研究,能够帮助NCL公司改善风险管理水平、促进审计部门的价值的提升。

8、The juvenility of theory and practice makes us carry further theoretic disussion necessarily. ─── 理论和实践的不成熟,值得我们深入的探讨。

9、root juvenility ─── 根不成熟性

10、Keywords Nasopharygeal neoplasm;Juvenil angiofibroma;Surgical procedure;Endscopic; ─── 关键词鼻咽血管纤维瘤;内窥镜;外科;手术;

11、, Novela juvenil. ─── 风格: Juvenile fiction.

12、Related Factor Analysis of Juvenil Depression with Self-mutilate Hehavior and Suicide Ideation ─── 抑郁障碍青少年自伤行为、自杀观念相关因素剖析

13、Probe Using Antibiotic Paste to Stuff Juvenility Permanent Teeth ─── 抗生素糊剂填充年轻恒牙的探讨

14、Effects of damaging of arcuate nucleus on bone growth and development in male juvenil rats ─── 损毁弓状核对幼年大鼠骨生长发育的影响

15、At last, based on the fact that the warrants product is juvenility in Chinese market, the suggestion about the perfection of warrants market in China will be brought forward. ─── 最后本文针对中国权证市场还不成熟的现状,提出了完善权证市场的建议。

16、in the days of my juvenility ─── 在我年少的时候

17、Current composite structure components mechanics research comes to relatively mature, but the joints research is relatively juvenility. ─── 目前对组合结构构件的力学性能研究已经比较成熟,但是,节点的研究相对滞后。

18、juvenil de america,s.a. ─── [家用电器] a.

19、Wanna crazily record down, da every dead juvenility time point of mine ─── 想要疯狂地记录下,我每一个时点死掉的青春

20、purpose: To probe one suitable way to treat juvenility patients who suffer dental disease,Methods. ─── 目的:探索一种适合青少年牙病病人的冶疗办法。

21、Objective To summarize the CT features of sacroiliac joint in juvenility with ankylosing spondylitis. ─── 目的总结幼年强直性脊柱炎患者骶髂关节的CT影像特征,探讨CT对该病的诊断价值。

22、Reinforced concrete masonry shear wall structure is a new type of structure, the theory of computing and analysis for it is juvenility. ─── 配筋砌块砌体剪力墙结构是一种新型的建筑结构体系,其内力分析和计算理论还较不成熟。

23、Objective To analyse the endocrine etiology of breast fibroadenoma in juvenility,and investigate the expression of estrogen receptor(ER), progestogen receptor(PR) and adrenocorticotropic normone(ACTH) in breast fibroadenoma tissue. ─── 目的分析少年乳腺纤维腺瘤的内分泌病因及调查雌激素受体(ER)、孕激素受体(PR)和促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)在该肿瘤组织中的表达。

24、Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) propuso un proyecto que se llamaba La Escuela de Liderazgo Juvenil. ─── 联合国计划发展署提出一项为校园青年领导人才训练之计画,以培养和训练学生。

25、who is the juvenility authur of best of made of china? be suspecting new. ─── “猜一下谁是中国最成功的年轻作家?”

26、Juvenility confactors have been identified as terpenes. ─── 幼年辅助激素已经鉴定出是萜类化学物。

27、This may be attributed to the materiality, instability and juvenility of their moral development levels. 5. ─── 这与幼儿期道德发展的具体性、不稳定性和不成熟性的特点有关。

28、, Literatura juvenil. ─── 风格: Pictorial works.

29、clinical treatment using antibiotic paste to stuff juvenility permanent teeth. ─── 方法:采用抗菌素糊剂充填年轻恒牙进行临床治疗。

30、This article also analyzes the nonstandard behaviors of some STEVCs and indicates the juvenility of the STEVC innovation, and provides some solution for the standardization of the STEVCs. ─── 本文的研究表明,在城市化进程进程中,广州农村的土地被大量征用,农民洗脚上田,原本以农为本的农村发生了质的变化,而农村集体经济的产权矛盾也由此更加尖锐起来。

31、Note: 3 continuous short day controls. 3 3 continuous long day controls after juvenility. ─── 注:3指连续的短日照处理。33指在短日照中完成幼龄期后接受连续的长日照处理。

32、"Love on the first sight" or "Hate for an instant" are the signs for juvenility. ─── “一见钟情”或“瞬间成恨”常被视为不成熟的标记。

33、Results: It is scientific and reasonable using antibiotic paste to stuff juvenility permanent teeth.in order to achieve function s resume.dental root s growth go on.and apjcal forms. ─── 结果:对青少年恒牙用抗菌素由消毒到充填,可以达到恢复功能,牙根继续发育和根尖形成的目的,是完全科学合理的。

34、juvenility cofactors have been identified as terpenes ─── 幼年辅助因子已经鉴定出是萜类化学物。

35、Maybe not only women , but also men themselves yearn the days of their juvenility . ─── 也许不单是女人。男人也怀念自己年少的日子。

36、Keywords juvenility;sex etics;KAP. genital health;actualities investigation;correlativity analysis; ─── 青少年;性道德;KAP;生殖健康;现状调查;相关分析;

37、juvenility factor ─── 稚蚕

38、The moving point appears in juvenile novels, in which juvenile readers may take part in the stories and realize the narrative world, with the enhancing on psychology of juvenility. ─── 随着人们对少年心理认识的提高,为了让少年读者参与故事,从不同的侧面看待世界,于是在少年小说又出现了动点视角,多方位多层次地展示叙事世界。

39、The juvenility of theory and practice makes us carry further theoretic discussion necessarily. ─── 理论和实践的不成热,值得我们深入的探讨。

40、Its disadvantage is short development time, juvenility technology, high cost and high pressure operation. ─── 不足之处是:发展时间不长,技术不完善,生产成本高,高压操作。

41、Studies on Juvenility and Limited Inductive Photoperiod of Petunia hybrida 'Fantasy' ─── '幻想'矮牵牛幼龄期和限界性诱导光周期的研究

42、Great progress has been made on finishing concrete technology in foreign countries, but the geochronology development is juvenility and faultiness in our country. ─── 国外已经取得了相对成熟的饰面混凝土技术,但国内技术还很不成熟、很不完善;

43、the great asset is juvenility and easily to shape! ─── 最大的资本是年轻,具有很强的可塑性!

44、Studies on Juvenility and Phenologic blossoms of Different Mei Flower Cultivars ─── 梅花不同品种幼树期及开花物候期研究

45、However, the strategy of private brand in China is still in juvenility stage and meets many problems.There is not a powerful private brand with social influence. ─── 但是,目前国内零售商的自有品牌战略还很不成熟,处于初级阶段,碰到了很多难点,真正具有强大社会影响力的零售商自有品牌还没有出现。

46、juvenil yak ─── 幼年牦牛

47、Flowering Regulating Genes and Their Relations with Juvenility in Woody Plants ─── 木本植物开花调节基因的分离克隆及其童期控制

48、the study is just an exploring on this field for the juvenility of artificial intelligence. ─── 由于人工智能技术还处于发展阶段,本文的研究尚属一种探索性的工作。

49、Point out the market foreground of CRM and it’s juvenility. ─── 通过CRM在航空业的现状的描述和对国内外的忠诚旅客系统的状况的分析,指出了CRM的市场前景及其目前的不成熟。

50、Clinical Experience on Treating Juvenil Radial Head Subluxation ─── 少年型桡骨小头半脱位诊治体会

51、Liability insurance, as juvenility in insurance world, develops with the purpose of allocating the risks caused by industry revolution. ─── 责任保险作为一种较为年轻的保险,是为了顺应工业革命后分散危险的需要而产生的。

52、Juvenility is the time which we only own the right to achieve our dreams. ─── 年轻是我们唯一拥有权利去编织梦想的时光。

53、Flowering Regulating Genes and Their Relations with Juvenility in Woody Plants ─── 木本植物开花调节基因的分离克隆及其童期控制

54、So it is essential tostudy the mechanisms of maturation,juvenility retention and rejuvenation before uniform,true-to-type,long-term cloning of trees can be achieved. ─── 为实现树木长期与原种一致的无性繁殖,必须了解其成熟作用和幼态保持的机理,选取幼态组织作为繁殖材料或采用人工复壮措施。

55、1The abuse appears in smooth water ,the virtue appears in adversity. 2I observed in juvenility that,there are nine pieces unsucceed when I do ten things, so I do the ten fold works. ─── 1 顺境时显现恶习,逆境时凸现美德。2 我年轻时注意到,我每做十件事有九件不成功,于是我就做了十倍的工作。

56、During the bud, characters about legal terms of Confucianism"s documents of earlier Qin Dynasty are as follows, non-statute legal terms are juvenility; ─── 处于萌芽时期的先秦儒家法律用语有以下几个方面的显著特征:法律用语不成熟;

57、You can despise our juvenility, but let's prove who leads this time. ─── 你可以轻视我们的年轻,我们会证明这是谁的时代

58、I am appreciate to appear some juvenility minds for the development foreground of Economics and Trade relationship between China and England by this chance ,offer you consult . ─── 我愿借此机会,就中英经贸关系的发展前景,发表自已的一些不太成熟的看法,供各位参考.

59、Juvenility and full of energy are our capital. ─── 年轻和充满活力是我们最大的资本。

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