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09-17 投稿


jolted 发音

英:[?d???lt?d]  美:[?d?o?lt?d]

英:  美:

jolted 中文意思翻译




jolted 短语词组

1、jolted upright ─── 直立颠簸

2、jolted out of ─── 摇出

3、jolted into ─── 撞上

jolted 词性/词形变化,jolted变形

动词过去式: jolted |动词第三人称单数: jolts |名词: jolter |形容词: jolty |动词过去分词: jolted |副词: joltily |动词现在分词: jolting |

jolted 相似词语短语

1、boulted ─── n.筛子;n.(Boult)人名;(英)博尔特

2、molted ─── vi.脱毛;换毛;n.换毛;脱皮;换毛期;vt.脱毛;换毛;n.(Molt)人名;(德、捷)莫尔特

3、jolter ─── n.振实制型机;震动造模机

4、bolted ─── adj.用螺栓栓的;脱离的,分开的;v.突然说出;突然冲撞;拴住(bolt的过去分词)

5、jolthead ─── n.笨头(等于jolterhead);笨人

6、polted ─── n.撞击;敲击;捣锤;韭菜的茎;v.撞击;敲击;n.(Polt)(美、奥、匈、德、俄)波尔特(人名)

7、jilted ─── v.抛弃;遗弃(情人或恋人)(jilt的过去式和过去分词)

8、jolled ─── 蛋黄

9、jollied ─── adj.愉快的;欢乐的;宜人的;adv.很;非常;vt.(口)用好话劝某人做…;(口)用好话使高兴;vi.(口)开玩笑;n.(Jolly)人名;(法)若利;(英、印)乔利;(德)约利

jolted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He is jolted out of his lethargy and into action when he realizes he has only a short time to finish the article. ─── 他意识到须在很短时间就得把文章写完,立即动手写起来。

2、The jolt to his arm caused him to drop the pistol and stagger backwards, his head enveloped in a cloud of acrid smoke. ─── 只听得轰的一声大响,一股热气扑面,手臂猛烈一震,火枪掉在地下,眼前烟雾#?漫,不由得退了两步。

3、The bus checked with a jolt. ─── 公共汽车一蹦突然停下来。

4、The two-minute-long jolt, centered inland, 145 kilometers south of the capital Lima, blacked out power for a time to most of the country. ─── 为时两分钟的地震的震中位于首都利马以南145公里处,致使全国大部分地区一度断电。

5、A jolt of electricity;a jolt of whiskey. ─── 一股电流;一口威士忌

6、Her angry words jolted him out of the belief that she loved him. ─── 她愤怒的话令他震惊,使他明白到她不再爱自己了。

7、Intending to jolt he since the deadly current, IT whacked he dawn a hory plank of cotton by the ago entrance, brokeing his arm in few socates. ─── 为了救他与危难之中,她就近从后门抄了一块厚木版朝他劈去,把他的胳膊劈成两段。

8、Her angry words jolted him out of the belief that Mary loved him. ─── 她愤怒的话语使他以为她爱他的信心动摇了。

9、The doctors said Nada's rubber-soled shoes had saved her life.They believe the force of the electricity jolted her heart beat back into a regular rhythm. ─── 医生相信,纳达之所以遭遇雷击而没有死亡,是因为她脚上穿着绝缘的橡胶底鞋子,而闪电电荷对她的心脏进行电击后,使之恢复了正常。

10、The news of the accident gave her an unpleasant jolt. ─── 她听到出事的消息吃了一惊。

11、The next he knew, he was dimly aware that his tongue was hurting and that he was being jolted along in some kind of a conveyance. ─── 他苏醒过来,迷迷糊糊地感到舌头受了伤,自己则在某种运输工具里一路颠簸着。

12、He gave these scoundrels a jolt . ─── 他给这些恶棍以当头一棒。

13、The truck jolted and rattled over the rough ground. ─── 卡车嘎吱嘎吱地在凹凸不平的地面上颠簸而行。

14、Just at the point we were about to come there was a loud "Moooo! " and we both jolted in shock. ─── 就在千钧蓄势待发之际,突然“哞”的一声巨响,我们俩都被震得差点丢了。

15、The truck started with a jolt. ─── 大卡车发动时摇晃了一下。

16、Determination to pursue his own course was jolted badly. ─── 他追求既定目标的决心遭到了粗暴干涉。

17、When one of the boys become a radical, the family was deeply jolted. ─── 出了个胆大妄为的乖张孩子当然令整个家族坐立不安。

18、But instead of feeling the rope jolt and hold, she just kept on falling, free-falling into the void. ─── 因此她凌空冲向山脊的那一头,不料并没有感觉到绳索急遽抽动、固定,反而自由落体般坠下虚空。

19、Bernanke were to shave.'Could this be the bold stroke that is needed to jolt the economy back to where it should be?' Mr.Warthen posited in his blog. ─── 不过,他还是会用剃须刀把在脸上乱长的胡子修得很短,并发誓说:“我才不会像伐木工人那样满脸都是大胡子呢。”

20、Her heart jolted when she saw him. ─── 她看到他时心里咯噔一下子。

21、IN THE optimistic view, Barack Obama has given a jolt of energy to theCopenhagen climate talks. ─── 在乐观主义者看来,奥巴马给哥本哈根气候会议注入了一股强大的推动力。

22、He registered a mental jolt. ─── 他露出了内心的惊讶。

23、A person without a sense of humour is like a wagon without springs, jolted by every pebble in the road. ─── 一个人没有幽默感,就如同一架没有弹簧的货车在满是鹅卵石的道路上摇晃。

24、She was jolted out of her reverie as the door opened. ─── 门一开就把她从幻想中惊醒。

25、Four years ago, a survey in this newspaper argued that it might require internal shocks to jolt the Saudis into taking reform seriously. ─── 四年前,本报的观察提到:应该给沙特阿拉伯一次内动力,将它推到严肃认真的改革中去。

26、At law firms, which have been jolted almost daily by layoffs, busywork rarely translates into that all-important billable hour. ─── 在律师事务所,几乎每天都会有人失业,做无用功对他们的薪水没有帮助。

27、Residents of Quetta city sit outside their homes as earthquake jolt the city today. ─── 今天当地震发生时,基达市的居民坐在他们房屋的外面。

28、His remark jolted her into action. ─── 他的话使她猛然醒悟而行动起来。

29、The pioneers jolted wesrward over rough trails in springless wagons with wooden wheels. ─── 先驱们驾驶木轮马车沿着羊肠小道,一路颠簸西进.

30、On the ground his fighters have given Israel's war machine a jolt. ─── 在地面战上他的士兵给以色列战争机器以重创。

31、An external jolt of electricity helps generate hydrogen gas at the cathode. ─── 在外部电流下能在阴极处产生出氢气。

32、The bus stopped with a jolt. ─── 公车一蹦停了下来。

33、Survivors said the plane jolted so violently while trying to land that luggage flew off the overhead racks. ─── 幸存者叙述说,飞机在试图着陆时颠簸得很厉害,以至于行李突然从舱顶行李架里飞落下来。

34、The wounded men, pale and bandaged up, with compressed lips and knitted brows, clung to the sides, as they were shaken and jolted in the carts. ─── 伤兵包着破布,面色苍白,紧闭着嘴,皱着眉头,抓住车栏杆在车上颠动、互相碰撞。

35、The bus stopped all of a sudden and the passengers were jolted forward. ─── 公共汽车突然刹车,乘客们猛烈地向前摔去。

36、At least four people were injured when an earthquake measuring 6.2 on the Richter scale jolted northern Taiwan. ─── 台湾北部发生震度达芮氏规模六点二级的地震,至少已经有四个人受伤。

37、A strong earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.1 jolted Japan's Kanto region Monday morning, but no tsunami warning was issued, the Japan Meteorological Agency said. ─── 国际在线报道(记者孙建和):当地时间11日7时22分,日本千叶县东北方向发生里氏6.1级的强烈地震。

38、In December the leading central banks acted together to jolt the money markets into life. ─── 12月,发达地区央行采取联合行动挽救货币市场。

39、Wall Street ends a volatile week with an unexpected jolt of confidence and a jump of more than 5% in the major indexes in the latest session. ─── 华尔街以预料之外的信心冲击以及股市主要指数大涨5%以上而结束了波动的一周.

40、He was jolted out of his lethargy and into action when he realized he had only a short time to finish the article. ─── 他意识到须在很短的时间里就得把文章写完,立即振作精神写起来。

41、After their on the water jolted two months, finally in severely coldly of November, in Ma3 Sha in nowadays fill the cantonal Pu Mao Si debarkation. ─── 他们在海上颠簸了两个月之后,终于在酷寒的十一月里,在现在的马莎塞州的普里茅斯登陆。

42、She was jolted by the betrayal of her trusted friend. ─── 她被信任的朋友出卖,感到大为震惊。

43、A powerful 7.0 earthquake jolted many areas and wrecked buildings on the main Indonesian island of Java on Wednesday, killing at least 44 people. ─── 印尼主要岛屿爪哇岛周三发生7.0级强烈地震,岛上许多地区震感强烈,不少建筑物受到破坏,地震至少造成44人死亡。

44、The earthquake has jolted us out of a complacency: for too long we in the cities have looked down on the provinces. ─── 这次地震震醒了我们,让我们认识到自己的自负之处:城市人轻视地方已经太久。

45、The jolt also winded me a lot making talking on the radio difficult. ─── 剧烈的摇晃也使我喘不过气来,所以给无线电通讯造成了困难。”

46、When Lampert found out, he was furious at Burkle's apparent end run. "It jolted me back to reality," he says. ─── 外界的反应让他颇为震惊:个别人认为绑架事件是他一手策划的,为的是争取更多时间。

47、With a solid jolt, the spacecraft at last sets down on dry land in the western American desert. ─── 一阵剧烈晃动后,太空船终于降落在美国西部沙漠乾地。

48、At one o' in the morning, five days before Christmas last December, Jennifer Sneed was jolted awaketed by full-blown labor pains. ─── 凌晨一点,离12月圣诞节还有5天了,詹妮佛史尼德从产前剧烈的阵痛中醒来。

49、He took me from behind as I clung to his headboard screaming with pleasure until I jolted into an almighty orgasm, dropped my head into his pillow and fell into a deep sleep. ─── 他从后面使用我,我撑在他的床头,没脑子地哼哼着舒服的小调。在一场天崩地裂的极乐之后,我一头扎进他的枕头里,睡的跟死一样。

50、It wasn't just adults who were jolted by the explosion. Children taking their midday naps were rudely awoken by the explosion, which showered their beds with broken glass. ─── 不只是大人,在熟睡中的小孩,轰然巨响下惊醒,直是用爬的爬出去,掉落床上的玻璃,是差点要人命。

51、But he interrupted Narada rudely when the carriage suddenly jolted to a stop in the middle of the road. ─── 但是,在这途中,不过途中马车突然紧急煞车时,他却很无礼地打断了那拉达法师的话。

52、A major earthquake measuring 7.9 Richter Scale jolted Wenchuan County of Southwest China's Sichuan province at 2:28 pm on Monday. ─── 一场7.9里氏震级的大地震于周一下午2点28分发生在中国西南边陲的汶川地区。

53、For a cup brimful of sweet water cannot spill even one drop of bitter water, however suddenly jolted. ─── 因为一个装满甜水的杯子绝对不可能溅射出一滴苦水,不管它受到如何突然的摇晃。

54、They had dreamed of giving industry a new lease of life, but now-now it looked as if they would soon be brought back to earth with a jolt! ─── 他们发展企业的一场大梦! 现在快到梦醒了罢?

55、In the numbness, there is also a level of boredom, and one strives to find entertainment to jolt one out of the numbness. ─── 在麻木中,也有厌倦的程度,一个人会努力去寻找娱乐,让自己跳出麻木。

56、She's so hungry. he said softly. I looked over at Martin and a jolt of surprise ran through me. ─── “它饿成这样。”马丁轻声说道。我朝马丁望去,浑身感到一股惊奇的颤动。

57、And I think I always like a "Jolt". ─── 但我却总是很喜欢Jolt。

58、He doesn't need a last jolt of adrenaline or dose of adulation. ─── 不需要最后的赞美和奉承。

59、Harrys stomach gave a jolt; the Thestrals head was suddenly pointing towards the ground and he actually slid forwards a few inches along its neck. ─── 哈利的胃猛地晃悠一下,黑司兽忽然冲地面垂直飞落,他在马脖子上朝前滑了好几寸。

60、The bus jolted to a halt. ─── 公共汽车猛地一颠停了下来。

61、The news of the accident gave her an unpleasant jolt /quite a jolt . ─── 她听到出事的消息吃了一惊[大吃一惊].

62、Innovative Uranus will link up to the Sun today and give everyone a jolt. ─── 代表着创新的天王星将连接着太阳,它将给每个人一个震撼。

63、But drugs do more than provide the dopamine jolt that induces euphoria and mediates the initial reward and reinforcement. ─── 但药物不只会造成多巴胺的变动,来引发快感以及起初的报偿和强化作用。

64、Something had jolted him awake. ─── 他被某事惊醒。

65、When light scatters off the electrons, it gives them a jolt that changes their motion. ─── 光波受到电子散射时,给电子一个反冲因而改变了它们的运动。

66、He was jolted forwards as the bus moved off. ─── 公共汽车开动时他猛然向前晃了一下。

67、Meanwhile the mail-coach lumbered, jolted, rattled and bumped upon its tedious way, with its three fellow-inscrutable inside. ─── 与此同时邮车正载着三个难测的奥秘轰隆轰隆、颠颠簸簸、叮叮当当地行走在萧索无聊的道路上。

68、They were jolted into action by AWARE's alleged pro-gay agenda, particularly in sex-education courses taught at some schools. ─── 他们被“妇女行动与研究协会”所谓的亲同性恋议程,特别是在一些学校教授的性教育课程上,推进到行动中。

69、Kimi Raikkonen, who jolted his back during a high-speed crash in Istanbul on Sunday, is expected to be fit enough to attend the test and is due to run on Wednesday and Thursday. ─── 在周日伊斯坦布尔赛道上因为高速下的撞击伤到了背的基米-雷克南(雷克南新闻,雷克南说吧)按计划会在伤愈后参加本次测试,预计时间为星期三和星期四。

70、So the next day after the funeral, along about noontime, the girls' joy got the first jolt. ─── 因此在下葬以后的第二天,在中午前后,姑娘们的欢乐心情首次遭到了打击。

71、Good healthy fear serves a purpose, it protects us from danger - as anyone who has burned a finger or been jolted by a few hundred volts knows. ─── 健全的恐惧有其用意,可保护我们脱离险境。手指曾受灼伤或被几百伏特的闪电击中的人都知道这个道理。

72、The Sichuan quake has jolted China just as it was meant to be celebrating its Olympic triumph. ─── 就在中国应当欢庆奥运胜利之时,四川大地震撼动了中国。

73、"It's a rush for me." Associate Agriculture Commissioner Scott Soares chinasaid Massachusetts also gets a jolt from the Concrete Machine. ─── 坚持经常对金属件表面认真擦拭保养,将附着在金属机件表面的水分、尘土和其它杂质除掉,涂上机油、润滑脂、油漆或用油纸包扎起来,使其与外界隔离。

74、On a recent Saturday, while Buss was inside the elevator, it jolted to a stop between the first and second floors. ─── 在最近的一个周六,当巴斯在乘坐电梯时,在第一层与第二层之间陡然停住了。

75、In each of the long German Vorspanns six or more pale, bandaged, and dirty wounded men were being jolted over the stony roads. ─── 几辆德国制造的长车身马车,沿着石板马路颠簸着,每辆都载有六名以上的脸色苍白、缠上绷带、形容污秽的伤员。

76、heart jolted when she saw him. ─── 她看到他时心里咯噔一下子。

77、The two contact surfaces are made out of anti-wear-out and Tungsten Carbide for suppression of mechanical jolt. ─── 两个接触面是由抗磨损和机械突震之碳化钨所制成的。

78、A big jolt on Wall Street this afternoon. ─── 今天下午华尔街股市出现了巨幅震荡。

79、Meanwhile, Pakistan was jolted early Friday by another strong aftershock. ─── 同时,巴基斯坦星期五早上又有强烈余震发生。

80、A hot jolt scalded Ennis and he was out on the landing pulling the door closed behind him. ─── 埃尼斯象被一股热浪灼到了似的。他走出房间,站到了楼梯口,随手关上身后的房门。

81、Every day, through the stony streets, the tumbrils now jolted heavily, filled with Condemned. ─── 囚车每天都载满了死刑犯,颠簸着沉重地驰过街道。

82、The government program which gave auto sales a jolt ended last night. ─── 刺激汽车销售的政府计划已于昨晚结束。

83、His remarks jolted everyone at the meeting. ─── 他的话让与会的所有人都感到震惊。

84、His remark jolted her into action. ─── 他的话使她猛然醒悟而行动起来。

85、With a dizzying jolt, my dream abruptly became a nightmare. ─── 一阵令人作呕的眩晕,我的梦境瞬间变成恶梦。

86、The two sealing faces are made out of anti-wear-out and Tungsten Carbide for suppression of mechanical jolt. ─── 两个封闭面是碳化钨材料所制成,而这个材质是特别抗磨损和机械突震。

87、For a cup brimful of sweet water cannot spill even one drop of bitter water however suddenly jolted. ─── 因为一个满了甜水的杯子绝对不可能倒泻出一滴苦水,不管是受到如何突然的震荡。

88、Intending to jolt him away from the deadly current she whacked him with a handy plank of wood by the back door, breaking his arm in two places. ─── 为了帮助他摆脱致命的电流妻子用门后的唾手可得的一块厚木板重击丈夫,将丈夫的手臂劈成两半。

89、And once our system has been jolted, the question becomes, will we survive? ─── 一旦我们的生活被打乱,问题就随之而来,我们能幸免于难吗?

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