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09-17 投稿


lamplight 发音

英:['l?mpla?t]  美:['l?mpla?t]

英:  美:

lamplight 中文意思翻译



lamplight 网络释义

n. 灯光;灯火

lamplight 短语词组

1、jottings under lamplight ─── 灯光下的随笔

lamplight 相似词语短语

1、alight ─── adj.燃烧着的;闪亮的;(兴奋得)神采飞扬的;v.(鸟或虫等)飞落;从(公共汽车、火车等)下来

2、lamplit ─── adj.用灯光照明的

3、limelight ─── n.众人注目的中心;石灰光,石灰光灯;v.使受到注目

4、flat light ─── 单调光;平淡照明

5、lamplighters ─── n.点灯用具;点燃街灯的灯夫

6、lamplighter ─── n.点灯用具;点燃街灯的灯夫

7、airlight ─── n.[气象]空气光,空中光

8、flashlight ─── n.手电筒;闪光灯

9、backlight ─── n.(照片或绘画的)背景光;背后照明;v.从背后照亮

lamplight 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Use lamplight to distinguish: Illuminative brightness and colour are additionally one kind of method that stylist uses partition of divisional function sex. ─── 利用灯光区分:照明的亮度和色彩是设计师用来区分功能性分区的另外一种手段。

2、The application effect of different trench in rice-fish farming with lamplight insect lure in Nigeria ─── 尼日利亚稻田养鱼加灯光诱虫应用效果分析

3、In this case, stylist uses bright-coloured colour and multicoloured lamplight activation the atmosphere of the spot, foil bright-coloured yellow in order to conceal type rainbow tube more brightly. ─── 在本案中,设计师利用鲜艳的色彩与五光十色的灯光活化了现场的气氛,以隐藏式霓虹灯管将鲜艳的黄色衬托得更加明亮。

4、Peculiar modelling, gorgeous colour, cooperate proper lamplight again, this sofa builds a kind of your person's infatuate mysterious emotional appeal. ─── 奇异的造型、艳丽的色彩,再配合恰到好处的灯光,这款沙发营造出一种令人着迷的神秘情调。

5、For example uptodate bedroom much windowsill, do not use naturally well, wasteful rather space weaves in windowsill comfortable seat, install lamplight of playgoing drama sex. ─── 例如现时的居室多窗台,自然不好好利用,未免浪费空间在窗台编排舒适的座位,装看戏剧性灯光。

6、Use lamplight, greenery to distinguish. ─── 利用灯光、绿色植物来区分。

7、One evening I look out the window of my secluded cabin, and there are soft languid flakes falling in the golden lamplight. ─── 一天晚上,从我那僻静的小木屋朝窗外望去,金黄的灯光中只见柔软的雪花正纷纷扬扬地飘洒。

8、Be told from meaning of the culture that wash bath even if " carry coloring colour and modelling, lamplight and luxurious will model dreamy scenery impression " . ─── 从洗浴文化意义上讲就是“运用色彩与造型,灯光与豪华来塑造梦幻风景印象”。

9、Her face looked pale in the lamplight. ─── 她的脸在灯光下显得很苍白。

10、As the old withered woman spoke, a smile glimmered on her countenance, like lamplight on the wall of a sepulchre. ─── 这个枯槁的老太婆说着,脸上闪出一丝笑容,恍如墓穴壁上的微光。

11、It is easier to read by daylight than by lamplight. ─── 在日光下读书比在灯光下读书舒适。

12、As he approached the gate, the lamplight showed a man of about forty walking by . Xiangzi thought he recognized his face and deportment, but hesitated to accost him. ─── 刚走到门脸上,灯光下走来个四十多岁的男人,他似乎认识这个人的面貌态度,可是不敢去招呼。

13、The sitting room is local the assurance of cream-colored and lamplight comparatives be identical, white plasterboard is revealed perfect linear, this also is current relatively popular design ploy. ─── 客厅局部米色与灯光的把握相当吻合,白色的石膏板流露出完美的直线,这也是当今较为流行的设计手法。

14、The graph is: Chinese style furniture and adornment fall in contemporary lamplight, appear free from vulgarity all the more and glamour is boundless. ─── 图为:中式家具和装饰品在现代灯光下,显得格外脱俗而魅力无穷。

15、The atmosphere that below bright lamplight reflect the festival dines together will be more enthusiastic. ─── 在明亮的灯光辉映下节日聚餐的气氛会更加热烈。

16、Different colorific lamplight is aspersed when coming down, become in whole house time excessive colour, flowery and clinking. ─── 不同色彩的灯光洒下来的时候,整间屋子里都变得流光溢彩,绚丽无比。

17、The droplight appearance of primitive simplicity with marble qualitative material, gift lamplight of a kind of massiness quiet. ─── 云石材质的吊灯外形古朴,赋予灯光一种厚重的安宁。

18、Of sitting room, dining-room pink went to a bedroom but much weaker, the lamplight in the evening is umbriferous go up in pink wall, build the aura that gives a kind of romance, sweetness. ─── 客厅、餐厅的粉红色到了卧室可就淡多了,晚上的灯光投影在粉红色的墙上,营造出一种浪漫、甜蜜的气氛。

19、Protruding shows the decorative thread at metope, below lamplight, form the shadow that has the law naturally, make a vision contented, full. ─── 凸现于墙面的装饰线,灯光下,自然而然地形成有规律的阴影,让视觉充实、饱满。

20、Multicoloured lamplight and the adornment with abstract metope draw echo. ─── 五彩的灯光与墙面抽象的装饰画呼应。

21、It's like looking for your keys under the lamplight. They may not be there but at least it's easy to see. ─── 这就像在灯光下找钥匙,钥匙可能不在那里,但至少你会一目了然。

22、There is a quietness and warmth of a lamplight inside a small train stop. ─── 小站里有着恬静温暖的灯光。

23、Use these auxiliary lamplight to have a lot of mediums, if be in dining-room furniture (vitreous ark) inside install illume, the local lighting of area of artwork, adornment. ─── 使用这些辅助灯光有许多手段,如在餐厅家具(玻璃柜等)内设置照明,艺术品、装饰品区域的局部照明等。

24、Must choose illume according to wall and ceiling, for instance, brunet metope can absorb the light, need stronger lamplight. ─── 一定要根据墙壁和天花板来选择照明,比如,深色的墙面会吸收光线,就需要较强的灯光。

25、Desk lamp and a few hide the lamplight of type is decorated, appear have adornment effect quite. ─── 台灯和一些暗藏式的灯光修饰,就显得颇有装饰效果。

26、Under the greenish lamplight her face, flushed a dark red and streaked with powder, looked like an over-cooked pig's liver, mottled and repulsive. ─── 她的脸红起来,黑红,加上半残的粉,与青亮的灯光,好像一块煮老了的猪肝,颜色复杂而难看。

27、Among them lamplight design is very important, because the eyesight of the old person is met commonly,ebb somewhat. ─── 其中灯光设计极为重要,因为老人的视力一般会有所衰退。

28、He had backed away as she killed his compatriot, and stood near the edge of her lamplight. ─── 在她杀死他同胞的时候,他在后退,现在已经接近她手中灯光的边缘。

29、On the use of lamplight, besides lens headlight indispensable, droplight and wall lamp are completely OK eliminate. ─── 在灯光的使用上,除了镜前灯必不可少,吊灯和壁灯则完全可以剔除。

30、But in Maldives you can discover amazedly, the bathroom here is actually make a top with the leaf, sea wind makes a wall, billows sound is music, life is lamplight " pure natural " between bath. ─── 但在马尔代夫你会惊异地发现,这里的浴室竟然是以树叶作顶,海风作墙,涛声是音乐,日月为灯光的“纯天然”沐浴间。

31、It is partition with lamplight, it is support illume appliance, perhaps use different illuminance, different light source, will break up dimensional design. ─── 以灯光为隔断,是依靠照明器具,或者用不同的照明度、不同的光源,来分割空间的设计。

32、They looked bigger under the warm lamplight. ─── 如此艳景,着实让他心猿意马。

33、Same argument, if indoor lamplight is aspersed equably to everywhere, criterion the result is obvious; ─── 一样的道理,假如室内灯光均匀地洒向各处,则效果平淡无奇;

34、The lamplight on the desktop of feigned course of study wants bright, can use animal model desk lamp, but should notice to assure intensity of illumination. ─── 做作业的桌面上的灯光要明亮,可用动物造型台灯,但要注重保证照度。

35、In the evening, the Marionette studied by lamplight. ─── 到了晚上,木偶就在灯光下学习。

36、In the lamplight the withered leaves collect at my feet,and the wind begins to moan. ─── 在灯光下一片片枯叶飘落在地,夜的风呜咽呻吟。

37、The Lamplight Configuration of Commercial Exhibiting Center ─── 商业展示中心的灯光配置

38、Illume in dusk a lamplight, read extensively Gu Jin, among them lasting appeal not character is axiomatic. ─── 在暮色中点亮一盏灯光,博览古今,其中的韵味不言自明。

39、Want to avoid lamplight to produce a shadow at the same time, shoot the light so unsuited with. ─── 同时要避免灯光产生阴影,所以射灯不适宜用。

40、With the broken-through photoelectricity science and technology, you can electricize your mobile telephone wherever and whenever the Sunshine, lamplight, and candlepower exist. ─── 以突破性光电科技,只要有阳光、灯光、烛光,就可随时随地为手机提供无空电量!

41、After a week's tense workstudy, it feels good to sit in the ball room, listening to light music in the soft lamplight. ─── 在一周的紧张工作和学习之余,坐在舞厅,在柔和的灯光下,听听轻音乐,感觉真好。

42、Be like burning hot summer in, the antependium of the green of lamplight foil water that moves with cool color or baby blue, trifling cool idea is added in the heart that can let a person, hot feeling also can tend quiet. ─── 如炎热的夏季里,用冷色调的灯光陪衬水绿色或淡蓝色的桌布,可以让人的心里增添些许的凉意,热的感觉也会趋于平静。

43、Its method is board face appreciably inclined raise, fall in sunshine (or below lamplight) watch its to whether have wave state, if not have,explain relatively level off. ─── 其方法是将板面略微斜抬起,在阳光下(或灯光下)观其是否有波浪状,若无就说明较平整。

44、Listlessly, she pushed herself up from the desk and rose to her feet. The lamplight cast the shadow of her early-ripening young form against the bed canopy. ─── 于是她懒洋洋地撑着桌子立起来,让灯光把她的早熟的少女的影子投在帐子上。

45、The adornment of corresponding ground glass lies between screen, in lamplight wear shoot, attack by surprise mirrors thin tree film, class refute is full of secret touch again. ─── 对应的磨砂玻璃的装饰隔屏,在灯光的穿射下,掩映出稀疏的树影,班驳又富有神秘感。

46、The Disposition and Application of Lamp, Lamplight in the Interior Decoration ─── 室内装饰中灯、光的布置与应用

47、But in the lamplight, downed with light brown hair! ─── 但在灯光之下,到处是淡棕色的绒毛!

48、The lamplight struck a gleam from her bracelets. ─── 她的手镯在灯光的照射下闪闪发亮。

49、They are in more before dawn time, in lamplight the devious lane with dim, little personnel, look for lone, weak diminutive to do it. ─── 他们多在凌晨时分,在灯光昏暗、人员少的偏僻小巷,找单身、弱小的人下手。

50、To sex of shading cloth shading differentiate, have a very simple method, illuminate shading cloth to lamplight namely, the penetrable degree be clear at a glance of its light. ─── 对于遮光布遮光性的鉴别,有一个很简单的方法,就是将遮光布对着灯光照一下,其光线的穿透程度一目了然。

51、She is smiling alone in the lamplight ─── 她在灯光中孤独的微笑

52、Generally speaking, chinese style furniture always is compared dark tonal, if do not have lamplight to complement, whole room can appear very dark heavy, frozen, without spark. ─── 一般来说,中式家具总是比较暗的色调,假如没有灯光来补充的话,整个房间会显得非常暗沉、冰冷、没有朝气。

53、The lamplight of the sitting room has two functions, practical with ornamental. ─── 客厅的灯光有两个功能,实用性的和装饰性的。

54、He could see only the top of her head, her loose hair gleaming in the lamplight. ─── 他只能看见她的头顶,松散的头发在灯光下闪闪发光。

55、After a week's tense work and study, it feels good to sit in the ball room, listening to light music in the soft lamplight. ─── 在一周的严重工作和进修之余,坐在舞厅,在柔和的灯光下,听听轻音乐,感受真好。


57、To independent cloakroom, reasonable arrangement wants when the design lamplight, tonal wait for an element, make blend in indoor whole style already, hold oneself individual emotional appeal again. ─── 对于独立的衣帽间而言,设计时要合理安排灯光、色调等元素,使之既融入室内整体风格,又保持自己独特的情调。

58、Another hundred or so passengers alighted before the screwed up, tearful face of his younger son appeared under the lamplight. ─── 又下来了百多人,方才看见脚踏上人丛中现出七岁的孩子的上半身,承着电灯光,面目作哭泣的形相。

59、Her jewels shone brilliantly in the lamplight ─── 她的珠宝在灯光下灿烂发光。

60、Nightly, travel book of great capacity leaves in downy desk lamp lamplight, cannot calling is not a kind satisfied. ─── 夜间,在柔和的台灯灯光下遨游书海,不可谓不是一种舒服。

61、Generally speaking, common lamplight illume can let a space appear for no reason, be in especially the porch place that highlights living space premise. ─── 一般来说,普通的灯光照明会让空间显得平白,非凡是在凸显居住空间前提的玄关部位。

62、Of furniture put want the drag in configuration to lamplight, fixed position, and the contrast of light and shade. ─── 家具的摆放要牵涉到灯光的配置、定位,以及明暗的对比。

63、Additional, lamplight of even reasonable arrangement, tonal, let it blend in indoor whole style faultlessly already, hold oneself emotional appeal again. ─── 另外,还要合理安排灯光、色调,让它既能完美地融入室内整体风格,又保持自己的情调。

64、Wall of one side art is on the right side of, lamplight hides ably in the groove of metope, water is dizzy the dark grain like ases if to dropping off gradually in downy light. ─── 右侧是一面艺术墙,灯光巧妙地藏在墙面的凹槽里,水晕般的暗纹在柔和光线中仿佛正渐渐散去。

65、Dress up the method of bridal chamber is very much, but cannot leave as a whole colour, lamplight is applied with what decorate gimmick. ─── 妆扮新房的手段很多,但总的来说离不开色彩、灯光和布置手法的运用。

66、If used polishing brick, little light leaves as far as possible in the home at ordinary times, avoid lamplight even point-blank or affect an eye through reflection. ─── 假如使用了抛光砖,平时家中尽量开小灯,还要避免灯光直射或通过反射影响到眼睛。

67、The affection of Silicon controlled lamplight interference towards TV program manufacture system ─── 可控硅灯光干扰对电视节目制作系统的影响

68、Construction and Suggestion on Tianjin City Night Scene Lamplight ─── 天津市夜景灯光的建设与建议

69、He stepped close to my bed and leaned down so that his face was in the lamplight, and I saw that he was no ordinary man at all. ─── 他走近我的床边,弯下身子,使他的脸被笼罩在灯火之下,我发现他根本不是个正常人。

70、We are therefore enlarging them to scale to enable readers to study them by lamplight or even in their cups. ─── "故今只按其形式,无非略展些规矩,使观者便于灯下醉中可阅"

71、His countenance, in the bright circle of lamplight, was certainly that of an ancient, but it shone with something unyielding, even immortal. ─── 在明快的灯光下,他的脸庞无疑是一张老人的脸,但有某种坚定不移的、甚至是不朽的神情。

72、He watched sleepily the flakes,silver and dark, falling obliquely against the lamplight. ─── 他睡眼朦胧地注视着街灯下纷纷下落的雪花,或明或暗。

73、It had begun to snow again.He watched sleepily the flakes, silver and dark, falling obliquely against the lamplight. ─── 他睡眼迷蒙地望着雪花,银色的、暗暗的雪花,迎着灯光在斜斜地飘落。

74、Her p ale face stood out in the lamplight. ─── 在灯光下,她脸色显得特别苍白。

75、She seemed to have powdered her face again and the lamplight gave it a grey-green tinge, rather like a black withered leaf covered with frost. ─── 她的脸上大概又擦了粉,被灯光照得显出点灰绿色,像黑枯了的树叶上挂着层霜。

76、Because of dimensional accretion, be linked together with dining-room again, the effect that lamplight builds is crucial. ─── 因为空间的增大,又与餐厅相连,灯光营造的效果就至关重要。

77、Freestone is somehow pervious for the light, setting off the sparkling visual effect of brightness by contrast with the lamplight. ─── 与灯光辉映成趣,烘托出晶莹通透,灯壁辉煌的视觉效果;

78、looking at window of lamplight, bit by bit back ward. suddenly, i seem to see the spark path. ─── 看着车窗外的灯光,一点一点的向后移去。刹那间,我好像看见星火的轨迹,

79、Accordingly, reasonable decorate lamps and lanterns, ability develops the intelligence of animals of lamplight faultlessly, all exhibit the glamour of lamplight. ─── 市场中许多的灯饰采用了自然属性,如梅花壁灯、鱼尾台灯等。灯具的色彩多显得温馨、典雅,别具色彩,而且日趋高档化、艺术化、精致化。

80、Arrangements for each fine point as from the projection of lamplight to the touch of bedcover signify your sleep quality is highly valued. ─── 从灯光的投影到床单的触感,每一个细节的安排,都意味着我们对您睡眠品质的重视。

81、The respect is designed in lamplight, best setting is close to the illuminant of natural light, make the color of the dress adjacent and normal, with convenient and master choice. ─── 在灯光设计方面,最好设置接近自然光的光源,使衣服的颜色接近正常,以方便主人选择。

82、Her cheeks glowed red in the lamplight. ─── 她的双颊在灯光下变得通红。

83、The quilts are blushing in the lamplight. ─── 今宵灯影纱红透。

84、Why can not you sit below lamplight and see more clearly ? ─── 你为什么不坐在灯光下面而可以看得更清楚些?

85、Different country has different emotional appeal, of Anglicism classic and grave, frenchy is lively and Anacreontic, the not stick to one pattern of American type, need lamplight to cooperate. ─── 不同的国家有不同的情调,英国式的古典庄重,法国式的活泼明朗,美国式的不拘一格等,都需要灯光来配合。

86、The Study of the Lamplight Landscape Planning for City Squire ─── 城市广场灯光景观规划研究

87、We drank tea by lamplight in his sparsely furnished house. ─── 我们在他这间没什么家具的房子里,我们在灯下喝茶。

88、Madame Defarge immediately called to her husband that she would get them, and went, knitting, out of the lamplight, through the court-yard. ─── 德伐日太太立即告诉丈夫她去取,然后便打着毛线走出灯光,进了天井。

89、Accordingly, in lamplight decorate go up to cannot have depressive feeling certainly. ─── 因此,在灯光的布置上一定不能有压抑感。








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