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09-17 投稿


reparable 发音

英:[?rep?r?b(?)l]  美:[?rep?r?b(?)l]

英:  美:

reparable 中文意思翻译



reparable 短语词组

1、Reparable This Station ─── 可赔偿本站

2、Reparable Spare Division ─── 可赔偿备件处

3、Reparable Processing Center ─── 可赔偿处理中心

4、reparable loss ─── [法] 可补偿的损失

reparable 同义词

curable | rectifiable | corrigible

reparable 反义词


reparable 词性/词形变化,reparable变形

名词: reparability |副词: reparably |

reparable 相似词语短语

1、prepayable ─── 可预付的

2、repairable ─── adj.可修理的;可挽回的;可补偿的

3、irreparable ─── adj.不能挽回的;不能修补的

4、separable ─── adj.可分离的;可分隔的

5、repayable ─── adj.可偿还的;可报复的

6、repealable ─── 废止的;撤消的

7、reportable ─── adj.可报告的;值得报告的

8、reparably ─── 可修复的

9、repeatable ─── adj.可重复的;可复验的

reparable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Her mistakes looked easily reparable in the light of her restored self-confidence. ─── 她恢复了自信心以后,所犯的错误似乎也并非不可补救了。

2、Her mistakes looked easily reparable in the light of her restored self-confidence . ─── 她恢复了自信心以后,所犯的错误似乎也并非不可补救了。

3、We can hope the damage is reparable. ─── 但我们希望这种损失是可以挽回的。

4、there is scarcely a hope that anything in his character or fortunes is reparable now. ─── 要想他的性格或命运改变怕是没有希望的。

5、1. reparable damage to the car; ─── 对车来说可补救的损害;

6、repar expense ─── 修理费

7、An Improved Reparable Key Distribution Protocol ─── 一种改进的可修复密钥分配协议

8、Reparable Processing Center ─── 待修品处理中心

9、The Problem of an Eigenvalue of a Parallel Reparable System with a Warm Stardby ─── 具有热储备可修复平行系统本征值问题

10、Reparable damage to the car; reparable wrongs. ─── 对汽车造成可修理的损害;可弥补的错误

11、This reparable strategy is based on such concepts that the failing myocyte accompanied with intrinsic defects in structure and function could be improved biologically . ─── 在此背景下,中医界在总结和反思以往工作的基础上亟须更新观念,果断抛弃一些过时的理论。

12、We can hope the damage is reparable. ─── 但这点损伤,我们还是可以有望弥补的。

13、And the different damage state of a platform structure can be defined as the reparable damage state and the failure state.(5) The concept of structural seismic safety margin coefficient is proposed. ─── (5)在导管架式海洋平台地震破坏分析的基础上,提出了结构抗震安全裕度系数的概念。并针对平台结构进入破坏阶段后的中等破坏状态和局部倒塌状态,给出了相应的表达式。

14、In a marriage, if one betrayed another in physical body,it is reparable; ─── 一段婚姻中,如果一方肉体背叛了,那还有挽回的余地;

15、Reparable damage to the car;reparable wrongs. ─── 对汽车造成可修理的损害;

16、reparable damage to the car ─── 对汽车造成可修理的损害

17、The Distribution of Eigenvalue with the Four-State Reparable System ─── 具有四个状态可修复系统本征值分布

18、reparable wrongs ─── 可弥补的错误

19、Reparable This Station ─── 该站待修

20、reparable damage to the car; rectifiable wrongs. ─── 对车来说可补救的损害;可补救的错误。

21、If parents choose to give their youngster another type of beverage, they should choose one that is ' nutritionally reparable, ' Baker said. ─── 父母应该给稍大的孩子喝牛奶,在给孩子选择其他饮料时,应选择相应牛奶营养的。

22、Next Higher Reparable Assembly ─── 下一代更高级可修理的装配

23、Study on Reparable Rings of Bearing Steel ─── 轴承钢钢领可修复性研究

24、reparable temperature-sensitive mutant ─── 回复性温度敏感突变型

25、out of repar ─── adj. 失修

26、Asymptotic Stability of a Parallel Reparable System with Warm Standby under Common-cause Failure ─── 具有热储备的可修复平行系统在由常规错误引起失效下的渐进稳定性

27、Asymptotic Stability of a Parallel Reparable System with Warm Standby under Common-cause Failure ─── 具有热储备的可修复平行系统在由常规错误引起失效下的渐进稳定性

28、Her mistakes looked easily reparable in the light of her restored self-confidence ─── 她恢复了自信心以后,所犯的错误似乎也并非不可补救了。

29、Reparable Key Distribution Protocols for Internet ─── 可修补的互联网密钥分配协议

30、they prefer to buy a new one rether than repar it. ─── 与其修旧的,不如买辆新的。

31、Reparable Key Distribution Protocols for Internet ─── 可修补的互联网密钥分配协议


33、This destruction is, perhaps, the least reparable of the ecological ravages which distinguish our age. ─── 这种语言上的破坏,或许是我们历史阶段的社会生态破坏中最不能修复的。

34、reparable mutant ─── 修理性突变体

35、Keywords spinal cord concussion;reparable;functional obstruction of nerve; ─── 脊髓震荡;可恢复;神经功能障碍;

36、reparable damage to the car; reparable wrongs. ─── 对汽车造成可修理的损害;可弥补的错误

37、Consolidated Reparable Inventory ─── 统一可修物资目录

38、reparable loss ─── [法] 可补偿的损失

39、Reparable Spare Division ─── 待修品备用处

40、reparable damage to the car; rectifiable wrongs. ─── 对车来说可补救的损害;可补救的错误。

41、The woman work seven o'clock.The man repar the car a quater past five.The girl study portuguese nine thirty-five. ─── 提供六个人的活动时间: 一个女人、一个男人、一个女孩、一个男孩、你和我。

42、reparable queueing system ─── M/G/1(EMV)可修排队系统

43、The failure models of reparable system under different repairing games are constructed according to the reliability theory. ─── 根据可靠性理论,建立不同的维修策略下可修复系统的失效模型。

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