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militia 网络释义

n. 民兵组织;自卫队;义勇军;国民军

militia 词性/词形变化,militia变形


militia 短语词组

1、explication de mini militia ─── 小型民兵说明

2、Ninja (militia) ─── 忍者(民兵)

3、unorganized militia ─── 无组织民兵

4、Volunteer Militia Regiment ─── 志愿民兵团

5、militia mine ─── 民兵地雷

6、militia-man n. ─── 民兵; ─── 民兵组织

militia 相似词语短语

1、militias ─── n.民兵;国民军;义勇军(militia的复数)

2、militiamen ─── n.民兵,国民卫队队员(militiaman的复数)

3、miliarial ─── 粟粒

4、milit. ─── n.士兵;军队;军事;adj.军队的

5、milia ─── milium的复数;n.(Milia)人名;(意)米利亚

6、Philistia ─── n.非利士(地中海东岸古国,为非利士人居住的地方)

7、militiaman ─── n.民兵;民兵组织

8、militaria ─── n.(具有历史意义的)军用物品

9、miliaria ─── n.[皮肤]痱子;[皮肤]粟疹

militia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Is the militia really going to be called out? ─── "难道民兵真的要调出去?

2、The militia had called a strike to protest against alleged atrocities by the police against local tribespeople. ─── 塔利班声称为喀布尔一家宾馆的开枪攻击事件负责,这起事件造成至少八人丧生,包括五名联合国外籍员工。

3、In Hopei, for example, militia were organized by professors and teachers of North China. ─── 例如在河北省,由华北的教授和教师们发起组织了民军。

4、This applies to field armies, regional troops and people's militia. ─── 不论野战军、地方军、民兵,都是如此。

5、Under the socialist labor emulation, he ranked with the militia have been advanced as a collective, I have repeatedly been rated as exemplary militia. ─── 在社会主义劳动竞赛中,他带的民兵排多次被评为先进集体,本人也多次被评为模范民兵。

6、We need to improve the national defense mobilization system and consolidate the militia and reserve forces. ─── 完善国防动员体制,加强民兵、预备役部队建设。

7、The outgoing governor, Garcelon, summoned Chamberlain, the commander of the Maine militia, to take charge. ─── “各位,我们今天的战斗将决定这场战役的结果,而我也深信这次战役的结果也将决定这场战争。

8、They formed an exclusive, polygamous community with a militia and territorial ambitions. ─── 他们组成一个排外的,一夫多妻的社会,有自己的民兵武装和对领土的野心。

9、First came the PLA men, then the people's militia. ─── 人民解放军走在前面, 其次是民兵。

10、Police in Germany have arrested two Rwandan militia leaders on suspicion of crimes committed in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo. ─── 德国警方逮捕了两名卢旺达国民军领导,因其在刚果民主共和国东部曾有犯罪嫌疑。

11、Under militia's the the pursuing and attacking, gangsters escaping the remote mountains. ─── 在民兵们的追击下,匪徒们逃进了深山。

12、And several groups of militia in the area would come to the aid of Harpers Ferry. ─── 在这一地区有几支民兵力量将会来援助哈珀斯。

13、It is the honourable duty of citizens of the People's Republic of China to perform military service and join the militia in accordance with the law. ─── 依照法律服兵役和参加民兵组织是中华人民共和国公民的光荣义务。

14、The International Criminal Court (I.C.C.) is scheduled to announce Monday if a former Congolese militia leader will face trial on war crimes charges. ─── 国际刑事法庭定于星期一宣布一名前刚果武装领导人是否会因战争罪行而接受审判。

15、Analysts say the "Village Guards" militia is the key support element for the Turkish army in its war against the PKK. ─── 分析人员称,村庄卫队军事组织是与库尔德工人党的战争中土耳其军队的主要支撑力量。

16、Like the Rocket Militia they can be put to versatile uses. ─── 像火箭兵一样,它们是多面手。

17、His threat comes as security forces engage in heavy fighting with a militia from Sadr's Mahdi Army. ─── 他的威胁来自于与萨德尔的马赫迪军的民兵进行激战的安全部队。

18、A pro-government militia claimed on Saturday that Mr Aweys had been killed - or seriously injured - during fierce battles for the town of Webho. ─── 周日,一支亲政府的国民军宣布,在韦勃镇的激烈交战中,阿维斯先生身受重伤或已被打死。

19、Only the president or a state govern or could call out the military or state militia. ─── 只有总统或州长才能紧急召集军队或州人民自卫队。

20、He became a full-timer YCL (Young Communist League) member and commander of a people's militia. ─── 他参加了党的活动,在久姆拉被政府逮捕。

21、Militia Ministration says the bluing U.S. federal budget deficit will raise even higher next year, shattering the record set four years ago. ─── 布什政府称,美国联邦财政赤字明年将再创新高,打破4年前创下的财政赤字记录。

22、He went off to the wars, too and was a great militia general. ─── 他也打仗去了,后来成为民军的大将。

23、The army,the armed police and the militia have played an important role in defending and building up our motherland. ─── 军队、武警和民兵在保卫和建设祖国中发挥了重要作用。

24、The Militia is falling back, General. Freeport will soon be ours. ─── 守城的民兵们开始溃败了,将军。自由港就要属于我们了。

25、They ordered the American militia to disperse and opened fire when the order was disobeyed. ─── 他们命令美国民兵解散并对不服从命令者开火。

26、Before the British conquest in 1792, the Nayar caste supplied Kerala's royalty and nobility, militia, and land managers. ─── 在1792年英国征服印度之前,喀拉拉邦中的皇族、贵族、民兵和土地经营者都来自纳亚尔种姓。

27、Brighton, and a whole campful of soldiers, to us, who have been overset already by one poor regiment of militia, and the monthly balls of Meryton. ─── 光是麦里屯一个可怜的民兵团和每个月开几次跳舞会,就弄得我们神魂颠倒了,怎么当得起白利屯和那整营的官兵!”

28、The local people's militia should be reorganized in accordance with present conditions. ─── 各地民兵,须按目前条件,重新组织。

29、A Taliban spokesman says the hard-line militia killed two German hostages in Afghanistan, a report disputed by government officials. ─── 一个塔利班发言人说顽固派民兵杀在阿富汗杀死了2名德国人质,这次报道也引起了政府官员的争议。

30、side, the militia was heaping up wood for a bonfire. ─── 一侧,民兵们正在堆起木柴,准备生起篝火。

31、It maybe the furnishment of local militia or armed escort. ─── 可能是民团或镖局的装备.

32、At nineteen Washington was a major in the Virginia militia, and at twenty-three years of age he led all of Virginia's army. ─── 十九岁时,华盛顿任弗吉尼亚的民兵少校,二十三岁时他率领了整个弗吉尼亚的军队。

33、However, Ironside said this is the first time this year that a militia group has voluntarily handed over children from its ranks. ─── 但是,爱恩赛德说这是武装分子今年首次主动释放童子军。

34、After blacks sought to control the courthouse, a much larger armed militia of whites gathered to roust them out. ─── 1877年重建时期结束,联邦军队撤出后,南方白人重新掌控了几乎所有的政府和法院职位。

35、From the commander of militia, he went to the governor's.The governor was a brisk little man, very affable and unpretentious. ─── 他从民团长官那里直接去见省长,省长是一位矮小而活跃的人,十分温良和纯朴。

36、"As each other's resources in far above me, a strong return to power, and made De Yekuai militia, to defeat, he really is not an easy task. ─── “由于对方的资源远在我之上,回复力很强,而且民兵造得也快,要想战胜他还真不是一件容易的事情。

37、If the Japanese were in some strength, the militia would not attempt to attack them, but would content themselves with sniping. ─── 如果日军兵力甚强,民兵就避免与敌人正面遭遇,只是进行狙击。

38、Mr Kagame will need to provide clear evidence of a break with Mr Nkunda and a commitment to preventing Rwandan citizens from fighting in his militia. ─── 卡加梅总统需要提供事实存在的证据来表明与恩昆达将军的分裂,并做出承诺来保证卢旺达平民不会加入恩昆达将军的战斗组织。

39、In the main square of Minsk, the Lyceum pupils join forces to build a tent city, which is then brutally pacified by militia. ─── 在明斯克的主要广场,学院的学生们加入反对力量在广场上建起帐篷营,而他们最终被军方残酷的镇压了。

40、Other male citizens belonging to the age group of 18 to 35,who are qualified for reserve service shall be regimented into the ordinary militia. ─── 其余18岁至35岁符合服预备役条件的男性公民,编为普通民兵。

41、In July the covert SS force was dubbed the SS-Heimwehr Danzig and was portrayed as a militia of local Danzig Germans. ─── 在7月原来偷偷摸摸的党卫队被授予了但泽国防党卫队的称号。俨然就是但泽德意志人的地方武装。

42、Iraqi staffs in the Public Affairs sector have complained that Islamist and Militia groups have been negatively affecting daily routine. ─── 伊拉克公共事务部门工作人员抱怨伊斯兰激进组织和民兵扰乱了他们的日常事务。

43、He established a village militia system (see baojia), reorganized the Hanlin Academy, and restructured the civil-service examinations. ─── 他还建立了乡村的军事体制(参阅baojia)、重组翰林院,并调整了中国文官制度。

44、It would be an excellent way to meet new friends. You could invite the militia. ─── 办舞会是与新朋友见见面的好方法你可以邀请军官们来参加。

45、Christians are frequent targets of kidnappers because they are thought to be rich and to have no militia or tribe to protect them. ─── 基督教徒通常被认为很有钱、且缺乏民兵部落制度等保护,因此常沦为绑架犯目标;

46、The armed forces of the PRC are composed of the PLA, both the active and reserve components, the Chinese People's Armed Police Force and the militia. ─── 中华人民共和国的武装力量由中国人民解放军现役部队和预备役部队、中国人民武装警察部队、民兵组成。

47、The militia in Lebanon has agreed to pull out of Beirut. ─── 黎巴嫩的民兵组织已经同意撤出贝鲁特。

48、Iran must stop supporting the militia special groups that attack Iraqi and coalition forces, and kidnap and kill Iraqi officials. ─── 伊朗必须停止支持攻击伊拉克人和联合军队的民兵特别小组,并且绑架和杀害伊拉克官员。

49、The militia practise two or three times a week. ─── 民兵每周训练两三次。

50、Their troops were untrained militia. ─── 他们的军队是未受过训练的民兵。

51、You may hire refugees, militia recruits and townsmans in taverns. ─── 可以在酒馆招募难民,民兵和镇民。

52、"Nobody's invading us and nobody's going to," said Melly coolly, looking toward a group of the militia. ─── "现在没有人侵略我们,也没有人要来侵略我们,"媚兰冷冷地说,同时朝一群民兵望去。

53、Iraqi and US forces raided the Shiite militia stronghold in Baghdad today. ─── 伊美两军今天突袭了巴格达什叶派民兵据点。

54、The militia turns to fight a guerilla war and they do keep the Japanese army from going south. ─── 但兵力悬殊,加上武器粮饷所限,清军又弃守,他们仅能以游击战术,拖延日军南下速度。

55、On a visit to the fractious south, he scolded Shia militia leaders for their defiance of central authority. ─── 他比他的前任更果断的行动,他打破了议会的僵局,组成了包括逊尼党派在内的同盟。

56、His threat comes as security forces engaged in heavy fighting with militia from Sadr's Mahdi Army. ─── 他是在伊安全部队与其领导的马赫迪军发生大规模武装冲突后做出这一表示的。

57、Sword staff wielding militia armoured in plate. ─── 剑矛民兵装备板甲,战力颇为可观。

58、The militia were called out to guard the borderland. ─── 召集民兵保卫边疆。

59、Under militia's the the pursuing and attacking,gangsters escaping the remote mountains. ─── 在民兵们的追击下,匪徒们逃进了深山。

60、Heavy fighting broke out between Iraqi security forces and the Mahdi Army Shiite militia earlier on Tuesday. ─── 周二早些时候,伊拉克安全部队与马赫迪军队的什叶派民兵爆发了激烈的斗争。

61、It is the first day of a major military operation targeting militia faction in the south. ─── 今天是针对伊南部民兵派别的大规模军事行动的第一天。

62、The Batab Militia are Mayan commoners who are recruited from their crafts or from the fields, where many work as labourers. ─── 巴塔布棍兵皆来自平民,多为农夫或工匠,在军中充任劳役。

63、And, the FBI confronts the most heavily armed militia that US law enforcement has ever faced. ─── FBI面临美国执法单位碰过的火力最足的民兵。

64、If I were those swordsmen from the militia, I'd have refused to die. All their lives were worth only the value of an egg! ─── 如果我是那群太尉府的刀客,我一定死不瞑目,原来这么多条命加起来,只不过值一个鸡蛋。

65、This, in turn, has given "Hezbollah a state-like existence and capacity that is unlike any other militia anywhere in the region, " he said. ─── 他说,这实际上赋予了真主党类似国家级的生存力和能力,显然有别于中东地区任何其他民兵组织。

66、The next day a suicide-bomber in the west of the country killed at least 37 members of an anti-Taliban militia. ─── 第二天,巴基斯坦西部地区的一起自杀式炸弹袭击事件至少导致了37名反塔利班武装人员丧生。

67、Taliban:Political and religious faction and militia that came to power in Afghanistan in the mid-1990s. ─── 塔利班,神学士:阿富汗的政治宗教教派,拥有军事力量,曾在1990年代中期执掌阿富汗政权。

68、Those who survived the landing were mostly killed,after taking fire with the militia below the dormer for a night. ─── 幸存伞兵在楼顶与民兵隔着天窗枪战一宿,大部战死。

69、III.Iraqi and US forces raided the Shiite militia stronghold in Baghdad today. ─── 伊拉克军队和美军今天突袭了什叶派穆斯林在巴格达的据点。

70、It formalizes the de facto power that, with his feared militia, Mr Kadyrov has long wielded anyway. ─── 实际情况是,卡德罗夫自身军事力量强大、其在该地区影响力早已不容小觑,普京此举乃是予以正式认可。

71、Some of the hilltops around the dam are held by private militia hired by American contractors. ─── 围绕水坝的一些山头由美国承包商雇佣的私人民兵控制。

72、They began distributing ammunition to the militia. ─── 他们开始把弹药发给民兵。

73、When they do fight, they fight as a militia phalanx. ─── 当他们作战时他们是用民兵方阵战斗。

74、the sure bulwark of your defense_a national militia_may be readily formed into a well_disciplined and efficient organization. ─── 你们防卫的坚实堡垒——一个全国武装人民也可随时转变为纪律良好和高效的组织,

75、The militia dispersed the rioters. ─── 民兵驱散了闹事者。

76、Use screens of militia and cheap troops to draw enemy fire. ─── 可以使用大批分散站位的民兵及其他廉价单位来吸引敌人的火力。

77、You son of a bitch, they're about to call the militia. ─── 你这个混蛋,他们快要叫民警来了。

78、People gathered to form a militia to protect their town. ─── 人们聚集起来,组成国民自卫队来保卫他们的城镇。

79、They will run through their basic training so that we will get a good idea what the militia is. ─── 他们将把他们的基本训练做一遍,使我们好了解民兵是怎么回事。

80、Militia troops armed with a falchion which could be used for slashing and chopping, some falchions also had a point which could be used for thrusting. ─── 巴德拉民兵们使用弯刀作战,狂劈猛砍威势惊人,部分弯刀尖端锋利,尚可用于戳刺。

81、The name is innovative,and it's from local militia in Shandong,a lot of stye and reasonable price,and there must be one you like! ─── 名子起得很有创意啊,它是来自山东民团的铁枪,款式多样价格公道,,总有一枝合你心意!

82、The "standing household militia" was one of the various kinds of armed forces in the countryside. ─── “挨户团”是当时湖南农村武装的一种,它分常备队和非常备队两部分。

83、Two alleged Congolese militia leaders have denied war crimes at the start of their trial at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. ─── 两名被指称的刚果国民军首领在海牙国际刑事法庭审判开始的时候就否认了战争罪行。

84、Naderi's brother Jafar had been a militia commander during the last days of Soviet occupation, with a 12, 000-member private army. ─── 那德里的兄弟贾法尔(Jafar),在苏联占领阿富汗期间,曾是地方武装的指挥官。手下拥有12,000人的私人武装。

85、The brigade arrived voluntarily at a center set up to integrate militia fighters into the national army, Ironside told CNN. ─── 他们主动来到一个专门为民兵同国民军混合的中心区。

86、Archer Militia are bow-equipped peasants called upon to provide a settlement with a garrison of missile troops. ─── 弓箭民兵就是征召起来的装备弓的农夫,可以作为聚落的远程守备部队。

87、Italian crossbow militia, armoured with mail and a pavise. ─── 巨盾持弩民兵装备链甲和全身巨盾。

88、The foreign secretary was clear this was the work of a student militia controlled by elements of what he called the Iranian regime. ─── 外长明确指出,这是一个学生民兵组织干的坏事,他们被所谓伊朗政权里的一群人控制。

89、Meet the bribed local militia man to be guided to the surveillance room. ─── 和被收买的敌人会面做为向导去监视器中枢房间。

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