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09-17 投稿


loathful 发音

英:[['l???f?l]]  美:[['lo??f?l]]

英:  美:

loathful 中文意思翻译



loathful 短语词组

1、loathful loathsome ─── 讨厌的令人 ─── 讨厌的

loathful 相似词语短语

1、deathful ─── adj.致命的;像死一样的

2、mouthful ─── n.一口,满口

3、slothful ─── adj.怠惰的,懒惰的;迟钝的

4、wrathful ─── adj.愤怒的;激怒的

5、youthful ─── adj.年轻的;早期的

6、boatful ─── n.一船所载的量

7、worthful ─── adj.有价值的;可贵的

8、soothful ─── 舒缓的

9、toothful ─── n.微量,微小

loathful 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Several Beijing partners and sponsors who could be affected by the flap have been loath to comment. ─── 几家可能受影响的北京奥组委合作伙伴和赞助商一直不愿就此发表看法。

2、Loath to tread on the blossom as she comes and goes. ─── 忍踏落花来复去。

3、He spent so many unforgettable days with them that he was loath to part with them. ─── 他与他们一起度过那么多难忘的日子, 他舍不得离开他们。

4、With 1992 and the prospect of a single market bearing down on them, many businessmen and government officials are loath to allow full Japanese competition. ─── 1992年将届,展望单一市场已迫在眉睫,工商界人士与政府官员都不愿允许日本人全力竞争。

5、be loath to do sth for sb ─── 不愿为某人干某事

6、Hans Robben was, though, also keen to reiterate that his son was not in any way unsettled at Chelsea, who he believes would be loath to sanction his departure in any case. ─── 尽管如此,汉斯也多次表示他的儿子在切尔西很安心,他也相信不管怎样切尔西也不会让罗本离开的。

7、If discover the child is honest,do not like not loath also child. ─── 如发现孩子实在不喜欢也不要勉强孩子。

8、Though I am never loath to grant salvation, ─── 我从未勉强地承认他的拯救,

9、When he suggested a meal, I was nothing loath. ─── 当他提议吃饭时, 我高兴极了

10、He consented at once, nothing loath. ─── 他非常乐意地立即同意了。

11、Many old families have a numer of seletons in thire closets which they are loath to discuss. ─── 很多古老的家庭都有他们不愿意讨论的家丑.

12、A Girl that Is Loath to Go to School--an analysis of a psychoconsultative case ─── 一个不愿上学的女孩--心理咨询案例分析

13、In many instances, local bureaus are loath to shut down or penalize the manufacturers and industrial plants that are often a large source of revenue for a region. ─── 在许多情况下,当地环保部门不愿关闭或者惩罚那些通常能给地方带来滚滚财源的生产企业和工厂。

14、Many women are loath to see someone else's children drawing their husband's affection away from their own offspring ─── 很多中国女人则不愿意看到别人的孩子把丈夫的爱从自己的孩子身上移走。

15、I am loath to close. ─── 我不愿意就此结束。

16、She was loath to depart. ─── 她不愿离开。

17、Most people are loath to spend their days in ceaseless conflict with authority, especially when it can only end in the defeat of the isolated individual. ─── 大多数人厌恶将他们的时间花在和当权者没完没了的争论上,尤其是这仅仅以被隔离的个人的失败而告终。

18、The next step, which many people are loath to face, is figuring out what to do with their now sharply diminished investment dollars. ─── 下一步就是弄明白该拿自己如今已大幅缩水的投资怎么办,这也是很多人讨厌面对的。

19、’ Mr Frost sees the project as a win-win solution to a European problem. ‘For some reason European recyclers have been loath to handle self-adhesive label liners because of the silicone. ─── 弗罗斯特先生认为,该项目作为一个双赢的解决欧洲问题。'出于某种原因欧洲再造已经不愿意处理不干胶标签班轮由于硅。

20、He was loath to surrender his sweetheart to his wife; yet how refuse so trifling a present as a heifer? ─── 他实在不想将情人交给自己的老婆; 但是他又怎好拒绝象一头母牛这样的区区小意思呢?

21、He asked my name, which I was very loath to give, but there was no remedy. ─── 他问我的姓名,我很不愿意告诉他,但是没有办法。

22、In the beginning, Aleck had given the coal speculation a twelvemonth in which to materialize, and had been loath to grant that this term might possibly be shortened by nine months. ─── 开始时,艾莱柯把投资煤矿的收益期定为十二个月,她对这个期限也许会缩短为九个月的问题不予考虑。

23、He seemed somewhat loath to depart . ─── 他似有不愿离去之意.

24、Contented with old ways and loath to change ─── 安常袭故

25、beginning to perceive that it would be foolish to sit sulking for the misbehaviour of a pack of curs: besides, I felt loath to yield the fellow further amusement at my expense; ─── 我开始觉得为了一群狗的失礼而坐在那儿生气,可有点傻。

26、antipathetic to new ideas; averse to taking risks; loath to go on such short notice; clearly indisposed to grant their request ─── 与新思想格格不入;反对冒险;不愿意急急忙忙的走;明显不愿意批准他们的请求

27、I suspected now asks the manager is wants loathful QQ to ask intentionally! ─── 我怀疑现在要求经理是要可厌的QQ故意地要求!

28、" As Li prepares for a nationwide tour with the other finalists, her handlers are loath to discuss the political dimensions of the program or of Li's triumph. ─── 当李宇春准备和其他“超级女声”展开全国巡演的时候,她的经纪人并不愿意在政治层面上谈论这档电视节目和李宇春的胜出。

29、I suspected now asks the manager is wants loathful QQ to ask intentionally! ─── 我怀疑现在要求经理是要可厌的QQ故意地要求!

30、to be loath to depart ─── 不愿离去

31、Loath to disappoint the children, he was ready to climb the tree. ─── 当中的一个人从包里拿出一双“耐克”跑鞋,开始穿上。

32、So the Organization is loath to criticize a member country, but instead works behind the scenes. ─── 因此该组织不愿意批评成员国,相反,它在幕后开展工作。

33、He seemed somewhat loath to depart. ─── 他似乎不愿离去。

34、Although the protoss are loath to sacrifice valuable templar, those who do achieve this final level of commitment are forever honored in the memories of their people. ─── 应该说神族高层不愿意牺牲数量已经很有限的圣堂武士,不过对于这些勇敢的英雄,他们光辉的身影将永远留在人们的记忆当中。

35、But I am put to the eave that makes it loath can be gotten quite, it can eat hard, until eat all fodder a with nothing left. ─── 但是我放到让它勉强可以够得著的屋檐上,它会努力去吃,直到把全部草料吃个精光。”

36、When you see traits in others you loath, it is possible that you are seeing the part of youself that you detest. ─── 当你看到在别人身上你很讨厌的缺点,你可能看到的是你对于你本身不满意的地方。

37、But the loathful typhoon Senlake, chooses in Mid-Autumn Festival small long vacation period assumes an awe-inspiring pose. ─── 但让人讨厌的台风“森拉克”,偏偏选择在中秋节小长假期间“发威”。

38、She seemed somewhat loath to depart. ─── 她似乎不愿意离开。

39、He was loath to admit his mistake. ─── 他不愿承认自己的错误。

40、When he suggested a meal, I was nothing loath ─── 当他提议吃饭时, 我高兴极了 loathness

41、4. He was loath to surrender his sweetheart to his wife; yet how refuse so trifling a present as a heifer ? ─── 他实在不想将情人交给自己的老婆;但是他又怎好拒绝象一头母牛这样的区区小意思呢?

42、I try hard so that make my loath to believe, should when I discover I am very tired, want not to continue to believe him? ─── 我努力得让自己勉强去相信,当我发现我好累时要不要继续相信他呢?

43、4 your Loath some Embracer! ─── 你们这位令人恶心的讹诈犯!

44、Want, would rather give you the shoulder of lean so, loath, how can you do? ─── 想想看,原来情愿给你倚靠的肩膀,又不情愿了,你能怎么办?

45、He should be loath to take someone else's word as fact. ─── 实际上,他不情愿接受其他人的意见。

46、beginning to perceive that it would be foolish to sit sulking for the misbehaviour of a pack of curs: besides, I felt loath to yield the fellow further amusement at my expense; since the humour took that turn. ─── 我开始觉得为了一群狗的失礼而坐在那儿生气,可有点傻。此外,我也讨厌让这个家伙再取笑我,因为他的兴致已经转到取乐上来了。

47、Sir Alex Ferguson would likely be loath to sanction Heinze's departure to Merseyside, but should Rafa Benitez outbid foreign interest then a deal could yet be concluded. ─── 弗格森爵士并不情愿海因策离开,但是贝尼特斯所出的价钱多与其他国外的俱乐部,因此交易可能进行。

48、10.antipathetic to new ideas; averse to taking risks; loath to go on such short notice; clearly indisposed to grant their request. ─── 与新思想格格不入;反对冒险;不愿意急急忙忙的走;明显不愿意批准他们的请求。

49、be loath of ─── 不愿意

50、He was loath to be left alone. ─── 他不愿意独自被留下来。

51、be loath to ─── 不愿

52、Loath to speak; close-mouthed. ─── 寡言的,沉默的不愿意说话的;嘴紧闭的

53、be loath for him to go ─── 不愿意他去

54、Close in under the sheltering rock Buck made his nest.So snug and warm was it, that he was loath to leave it when Francois distributed the fish which he had first thawed over the fire. ─── 巴克紧挨着挡风的岩石做了个窝,既温暖又舒适,当福楼沙分发在火上烤热时他都不情愿离开。

55、But the government is loath to consider a mandatory saving plan. ─── 但是美国政府却不愿意考虑强制性储蓄计划。

56、I was loath to go with him. ─── 我不愿和他一起去。

57、He always is very loath ground was held in the arms, had crossed a body, grumbling: "Wife, I am too tired, very dozy. ─── 他总是很勉强地抱了一下,便翻过身去,咕哝着:“老婆,我太累了,好想睡。”

58、lief or loath ─── 不管愿意不愿意

59、He was loath to surrender his sweetheart to his wife; yet how refuse so trifling a present as a heifer ? ─── 他实在不想将情人交给自己的老婆;但是他又怎好拒绝象一头母牛这样的区区小意思呢?

60、He is loath to get out of bed on cold morning. ─── 在寒冷的早晨他讨厌起床。

61、I lost interest to the gender gradually, sometimes very loath be engaged in, also do not have former feeling again, lose confidence to the life from this, generate negative sentiment to the job. ─── 我渐渐对性失去了兴趣,有时很勉强从事,再也没有从前的感觉了,由此对生活失去信心,对工作产生消极情绪。

62、After carrying andprotecting it for so many miles, Khadgar felt a pain of loss.The letter of introduction represented hisfuture, and he was loath to see it disappear, even for a moment. ─── 但是,考虑到达拉然的学者们对他的生活琐事都大惊小怪,特别是对麦迪文的介绍和他的个人成果是那么的大相径庭,卡德加感觉还是不要过早下结论为好。

63、When he suggested a meal,I was nothing loath. ─── 当他提议吃饭时,我高兴极了。

64、At a time when cost-conscious American consumers seem loath to spend as before, manufacturers need to play a larger role. ─── 在成本意识上升的美国消费者不愿像以往那样花费之前,制造商需要发挥更大的作用。

65、I was very loath to dispose of them for a trifle ─── 我极不愿意得到一点点钱,就把它们让给了别人。

66、"They react on this one problem very slow, very loath. ─── “他们在这一问题上反应很慢,很不情愿。

67、Children are very conservative where food is concerned,they are very loath to try anything out of the ordinary. ─── 孩子们在食物上非常保守,他们非常不愿意尝任何特殊的东西。

68、Experts on advisory panels are often loath to take widely used medicines out of doctors’ hands, even when their safety is uncertain. ─── 专家咨询小组往往不愿意采取广泛用于药品出医生的手,甚至当他们的安全是有不确定性。

69、nothing loath ─── 十分愿意

70、Other Democratic leaders have been loath to take up the politically difficult issue now. ─── 其他的民主党派领导人则厌恶承担目前的政治困难。

71、I am loath to go on such short notice. ─── 我不愿这么急急忙忙就走

72、Experts on advisory panels are often loath to take widely used medicines out of doctors' hands, even when their safety is uncertain. ─── 咨询小组的专家们往往不情愿从医生手中拿走已被广泛使用的药物,即使这些药物在安全性方面具有不确定性。

73、But at least in most places, we remain loath to both cherish and consume whales. ─── 但是,至少在大多数地区,我们仍然不愿意既珍惜鲸鱼又毁灭鲸鱼。

74、Mr.Buffett is paying for Burlington Northern partly with Berkshire shares -- something he has long been loath to do. ─── 巴菲特收购Burlington的支出中将有一部分是伯克希尔的股票,而他一向不愿用本公司股票收购企业。

75、If the past is any guide, Chinese leaders may find a local scapegoat to imprison or execute, but will be loath to permit a critical examination of the causes. ─── 举例来说,为什么学校倒塌?建筑法规得到执行了吗,或它们不足以把损害降到最小?如果施工有问题,是谁的错?

76、Chelsea's Portuguese tactician was also loath to get carried away with his side having gone top of Group A, courtesy of Werder Bremen and Barcelona's stalemate in Germany. ─── 得益于云达不莱梅和巴塞罗那在德国战成平局,切尔西登上了A组的积分榜首,但是这位葡萄牙战略家对此反应的十分冷静。

77、He was loath to surrender his sweetheart to his wife. ─── 他实在不想将情人交给自己的老婆。

78、As you can imagine, I was nothing loath to miss the Sunday morning church parade and readily volunteered to walk the dogs instead. ─── 你可以想像得到,我很高兴没去参加星期天早晨做礼拜的行列,却主动乐意地去遛狗。

79、But China in particular seems loath to challenge Washington directly when China is building its economy and, as a consequence, its national power, in great part through exports to the United States. ─── 但是当中国搞他们的经济建设时明确说明似乎不愿意直接挑战华盛顿,尤其是其综合国力,在很大程度上是通过对美国的出口。

80、Nevertheless intermediary expresses, lin Qingxia emphasizes repeatedly: "Can sell can not sell, not loath. ─── 不过中介表示,林青霞再三强调:“可卖可不卖,不要勉强。”

81、Like it or loath it, plastic, even in the highest quality form, is simply, cheaper to make. ─── 喜欢与否,它不愿意,塑胶,即使在最高质量的形式,简单来说,制造成本更低。

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