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09-17 投稿


intrigued 发音

英:[?n?tri?ɡd]  美:[?n?tri?ɡd]

英:  美:

intrigued 中文意思翻译




intrigued 词性/词形变化,intrigued变形

名词: intriguer |动词现在分词: intriguing |副词: intriguingly |动词第三人称单数: intrigues |动词过去分词: intrigued |动词过去式: intrigued |

intrigued 短语词组

1、intrigued by ─── 对…感兴趣

intrigued 相似词语短语

1、intriguant ─── 奸夫

2、intriguing ─── adj.有趣的;迷人的;v.引起…的兴趣;策划阴谋;私通(intrigue的ing形式)

3、introduced ─── v.介绍;引进(introduce的过去分词);adj.引进的;引种的

4、intrigue ─── n.阴谋;诡计;复杂的事;私通;vt.用诡计取得;激起...的兴趣;vi.私通;密谋

5、-naigued ─── 关闭

6、outintrigued ─── 出游的

7、brigued ─── 布里格德

8、intrigues ─── n.阴谋;诡计;复杂的事;私通;vt.用诡计取得;激起...的兴趣;vi.私通;密谋

9、intriguer ─── n.[法]密谋者,阴谋者;私通者

intrigued 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The future Princess was intrigued to finally meet the most eligible bachelor in England, thought she was not impressed with his five-foot-ten-inch height, thinking to herself that she would tower over him in high heels. ─── ”尽管黛安娜对于他五英尺十英寸的身高并不心为然,觉得要是她穿着高跟鞋肯定会高过他,但这位未来的王妃还是期盼与英国最令人中意的单身汉见面。

2、Astronomers are also intrigued by Barnes' work because such wild collisions ap pear to be the mechanism by which galaxies are transformed from one type to another. ─── 天文学家们被巴尼斯的工作所吸引还因为这种剧烈的碰撞似乎是星系从一种类型向另一种类型转换的机制。

3、Yet today I am intrigued that his rebelliousness was not expressed during those rare times when Papa was not in the house. ─── 如今我倒很想知道当爸爸偶尔不在家的时候,他的叛逆为什么就不表现出来呢。

4、Nielson, who was not involved in the study, said he's intrigued that the odors influenced dreams indirectly through emotions, rather than through the direct incorporation of smells. ─── 尼尔森并未参与研究,但他认为气味通过情绪间接对梦境产生影响,并非直接通过气味。

5、Well, thank you very much and you're using your people skills already. I'm intrigued by how you keep reinventing yourself. How do you do it? ─── 哦,非常感谢,你开始使用人际技巧啦!你能不断地为自己增值,对此我非常感兴趣,你是怎么做到的?

6、He felt deeply drawn to him, and not solely because he was intrigued by the contrast between O'Brien's urbane manner and his prize-fighter's physique. ─── 他非常留意奥勃良,还不全因为奥勃良温文尔雅的举止和拳击手般的体格造成的鲜明反差叫他好奇。

7、They constantly intrigued against each other. ─── 他们之间彼此耍阴谋。

8、You know I live in flushing so everything there is basically Chinese, but those Chinese characters intrigued me the most. ─── 你知道我住在法拉盛所以那里的所有东西都是中国式的,但是这些中国的文字最让我着迷。

9、But an eager start-up looks at risk differently, and so might consumers intrigued by the prospect of shopping in cyberspace. ─── 但是迫不及待的新兴公司对风险有不同的看法,而被网际空间购物的前景所吸引的消费者可能也是如此看待。

10、But they were equally eager to see the Karmapa Lama, and what they saw intrigued them. ─── 但是他们同样急于见到噶玛巴喇嘛,并且他们所见到的令他们着迷。

11、He switched he studies to another field that intrigued her: medicine. ─── 他把学习方向转到了另一个感兴趣的领域:医学。

12、But she was also intrigued by the rhino stamp, barely a kiss of a postmark, and her address in caps. ─── 不过她也对大写的地址和犀牛邮票感到好奇,因为上面几乎没有加盖邮戳。

13、This monster has intrigued people so much that there has been a movie(and a darn good one, too) made out of it. ─── 这个怪兽使人们如此好奇,已经有根据它拍的电影了(还算不错)。

14、He spent much of the international break recording matches and trying to watch his players in action but he was also intrigued by the Ballack situation. ─── 在国际比赛日中,他花了大量时间在关注他的球员的表现上,另一方面,巴拉克的情况也引起了他的注意.

15、Have you ever been so intrigued by a pop-up ad that you bought whatever they were raving about? ─── 你曾经被弹出的广告打动,以至购买被他们吹得天花乱坠的产品吗?

16、Intrigued, Papadopoulos asked Hillis and his colleagues at Applied Minds to design and build a prototype for Sun. ─── 在好奇之下,帕帕多波罗请奚力思和他在应用心灵的同事为升阳设计及制作原型机。

17、Thirteen months ago, in a Florida library he took a book off the shelf and found himself intrigued with the notes in the margin. ─── 13个月前,在佛罗里达的图书馆里他从书架上拿下一本书。

18、I was intrigued by his story, which was pieced together by my assistant. ─── 他的经历经过我的助手的整理编排,使我产生了莫大的兴趣。

19、All the factions intrigued against each other, resorting to deception and fraud. ─── 各派勾心斗角,尔虞我诈。

20、The future Princess was intrigued to finally meet the most eligible bachelor in England,thought she was not impressed with his five-foot-ten-inch height,thinking to herself that she would tower over him in high heels. ─── 尽管黛安娜对于他五英尺十英寸的身高并不心为然,觉得要是她穿着高跟鞋肯定会高过他,但这位未来的王妃还是期盼与英国最令人中意的单身汉见面。

21、Without need of further coaxing, the partner and his three associates hunch over the30- penny nails and set to the challenge, intrigued and engaged. ─── 合夥人和其他三个同伴面对这一堆铁钉,立刻全心投入,准备解题。

22、Most children are intrigued with fary-tales. ─── 大多数孩子都对童话故事感兴趣。

23、Ferriss did last month.What has really intrigued people is not the specific ideas, Mr.Bronson speculated, but its provocative title. ─── 布朗森认为,真正引人注意的,不是特定的一些观念,而是它煽动的书名。

24、It slowly meanders into her feelings about life, death and love, questions that have intrigued mankind for centuries. ─── 亦以狗为向导,打开心扉,去倾听其他狗主的精彩故事。在这些人与狗的故事背后,我们探索的是人类永恒的命题:生命、死亡和爱。

25、Mr Sager, intrigued, walked over and touched the weary rattler.There was no reaction. ─── 塞奇先生很好奇,走到蛇旁边摸了一下,没有反应。

26、Intrigued, she asked, "How can you tell them apart? ─── 她困惑不解地问道:"你怎么分清公母的?

27、Most students who begin to study plasma physics are intrigued by the unstable nature of plasmas. ─── 大多数开始学习等离体物理的学生,总是会对等离体的不稳定性质着迷。

28、She is instantly smitten, he is intrigued and by degrees they fall in love. ─── 她遂对他一见钟情。他则认为她十分迷人。逐渐地,二人跌入爱河。

29、I have always been intrigued with the relationships between animal forms and pottery forms, and how this relationship has been so commonly used in so many cultures. ─── 一直以来动物的造型及陶瓷造型的关系及此关系如何广泛用于各文化中都使我著迷。

30、He was intrigued by her story. ─── 他被她的故事迷住了。

31、You've really intrigued me,tell me more! ─── 你说的真有意思,再给我讲一些吧!

32、As in the West, it is the "phenomenon" Obama who makes the difference and the Chinese are particularly intrigued by the idea that a black person could move into the Oval Office for the first time. ─── 不过,法新表示,不管谁能赢得大选,中国都希望与美国维持一种稳定的关系,从而为其创造一个良好的环境,以便继续发展经济,推动社会发展。

33、They all were intrigued and no one laughed or made fun of it. ─── 他们被激起了极大的兴趣,没有人发笑或对它开玩笑。

34、Hibernation has long intrigued biologists. ─── 冬眠长期以来一直引起生物学家的兴趣。

35、We may be sceptical yet intrigued to find out more about the would-be magic methods used. ─── 对那里采用的近乎魔法的教学方法,我们感到怀疑,但又十分好奇。

36、Several years before, as I remember it, Dr. Conwell had been tremendously intrigued by a true story, which had an ageless moral to it. ─── 我记得,康威尔博士在几年前曾为一个真实的故事而深深着迷,因为它道出了一个永恒的道理。

37、They love pretend play and are intrigued by stories about magic, dreams and what seems humanly impossible. ─── 他们喜欢玩过家家,他们总是对故事里的魔法、美梦和一些人类不可能做的事情充满好奇。

38、Intrigued by her rumored powers, he delves into finding out more. ─── 密谋被她谣传了权力,他进入发现更多之内探究。

39、He intrigued with Smith against Robinson . ─── 他同史密斯密谋对付鲁宾逊。

40、But more than beauty, the minds of women intrigued him. ─── 但是女人的精神比美貌更引起他的兴趣。

41、He no doubt would be intrigued to see the tide turning again today. ─── 如果今天看到这股趋势再次改变,他毫无疑问会迷惑不已。

42、You've really intrigued me—tell me more! ─── 你说的真有意思—再给我讲一些吧!

43、Whether it be bird, fish or beast, the porpoise is intrigued with anything that is alive. They are constantly after the turtles, who peacefully submit to all sorts of indignities. ─── 不管是鸟类,鱼类还是野兽,海豚感兴趣的是活着的动物。他们经常追逐安静的屈服于各种侮辱的海龟。

44、The region has thus long intrigued archaeologists, who have been excavating the crumbling ruins of a medieval citadel there since the 1930s. ─── 因此,考古学家很早就对这个地区发生兴趣,自1930年代以来,一直在挖掘一座中世纪堡垒的废墟。

45、I was intrigued by the first woman that asked a question of Oprah during the first webinar. ─── 在首次网络讨论会上,对第一个问关于奥普拉的问题的女人,我很好奇。

46、She is intrigued to tap this "bonanza" by encouraging Martin to improve himself and become a writer. ─── 她对开发这个才智的“富矿”很有兴趣,就鼓励马丁提高文化、进行创作。

47、The idea that all energy and wealth comes from the sun really intrigued him. ─── 所有的能量和资源都来自太阳的想法引起了他的兴趣。

48、Intrigued by Jamal’s story, the jaded Police Inspector begins to wonder what a young man with no apparent desire for riches is really doing on this game show? ─── 冷漠的警官被贾默尔的故事激起了兴趣,他开始好奇一个不贪图金钱的年轻人在这个游戏节目中到底在做什么?

49、Delgado was particularly intrigued by the experiments of Swiss physiologist Walter Rudolf Hess. ─── 尤其是瑞士生理学家黑斯的实验工作,更引起他极大兴趣。

50、Intrigued by this riddle, he decides to meet and interview old friends and comrades around the world. ─── 于是他决定环游世界,去拜会当年的那些老朋友和战友,他需要了解那个时期自己的生活中到底发生了什么事。

51、In 1872, Yellowstone became the world's first national park. It is a wonderful land which has intrigued the minds of men and moved them, inspired them. ─── 1872年黄石成为世界上第一个国家公园。这里是一片神奇的土地,它激发了人们的情感,鼓舞着他们,鞭策着他们。

52、No, it was the odd numbers which intrigued me.He used to figure it out to the last centime.If I was to pay in full I would have had to break a sou. ─── 不,使我大惑不解的是那些余数,他算帐一直要算清最后一个生叮若要把帐全部付清,我必须得找开一个苏才行。

53、Intrigued, Hahnemann took some quinine himself to see if it really had this effect. ─── 出于兴趣,哈内曼自己吃了一些奎宁以观察是否真的有这种作用。

54、She was intrigued by the stated contradiction. ─── 她对陈述上的矛盾很感兴趣。

55、In the summer of 2003 we began to zero in on one microfossil type whose complex morphological characteristics particularly intrigued us. ─── 2003年夏天,我们开始瞄准一种微化石的类型,其复杂的形态特徵特别引起我们兴趣。

56、WILLIAM: Oh yes -- excellent. Ahm -- any horses in that one? Or hounds, of course. Our readers are equally intrigued by both species. ─── 威廉:对了,电影中有马吗?我们的读者对这些比较感兴趣!

57、Outside experts are intrigued but worry about people blaming all obesity on viruses, when this may be just one of many causes. ─── 他们认为,外行人对这一发现很好奇,但是担心人们将所有的肥胖归咎于病毒,因为这也许仅仅是许多原因中的一种。

58、Meanwhile, Michele was intrigued that many people in the area seemed to recognize him. ─── 与此同时,令米歇尔不解的是,这个地区的许多人似乎都认得麦克。

59、A small group of dissatisfied officers intrigued against the government. ─── 一小撮不满的官员们谋反政府。

60、He had briefly bemoaned the fact that he had not married wealthy young Suzanne Walter, but he soon became intrigued with the idea of seducing her mother, a pillar of dignity. ─── 原先,他曾为未能娶上年轻、富有的苏珊娜·华代尔小姐而感到懊丧,但不久就策划想要勾引她那雍容华贵的母亲。

61、Intrigued by the thermomagnetic motor concept, Peck offered to underwrite Tesla's research. ─── 佩克对这个热磁马达的概念感兴趣,愿意资助特士拉的研究。

62、A Spanish inventor, intrigued by his son's incessant crying, has designed a detector that he says will tell harassed parents within 20 seconds if their baby is hungry, bored, tired, stressed or uncomfortable. ─── 儿子不停的哭闹促使一位西班牙发明家设计了一种哭闹探测器,据他说,这种装置能在20秒内告诉穷于应付的父母孩子是饿了、烦了、累了、紧张了还是不舒服了。

63、Many were intrigued how the two skippers would get on. ─── 2001年,沃尔沃帆船赛的改革又前进了一步。

64、- Because I'm intrigued, all right. ─── -因为我好奇,行吗?

65、He is a big fan of Estonian animation and is intrigued by what little animation he has seen from the former Soviet state Georgia. ─── 他是爱沙尼亚动画的大粉丝,对任何看过的前苏联乔治亚州的动画作品都抱著无限的好奇心。

66、His nonfigurative pursuit toward his life during this period has intrigued many scholars who have made deep researches into it with their own thinking and emotional experience. ─── 他这一时期对生命抽象的执着追寻,引发了诸多学者对此的研究热情,并在此融入了自我的情感体验和思索。

67、But at the moment I'm intrigued with movies and filmmaking. ─── 但目前我迷上了电影和制片。

68、Mm-hmm. So he's pretty good? -Yeah. -But now see, I've always been intrigued by it and admired people who could do it. ─── 嗯嗯。所以他很棒?-是。-但现在,我被这种想法所吸引并敬佩冲浪的人。

69、She is quickly befriended by many students at her new high school, but she is intrigued by the mysterious and aloof Cullen siblings. ─── 她和很多同学不同,不追求时髦、虚荣,也没有心目中的明星偶像,甚至到了有点孤僻的地步。

70、I had to invent as much material again as I used from the novel, in order to tell the story that most intrigued me. ─── 为了将故事最吸引我的地方讲述出来,我只能又创造了很多素材,几乎与我使用小说中的一样多。”

71、He conspired and intrigued only to bring down ruin on himself. ─── 他耍尽阴谋诡计,结果却落得身败名裂。

72、He was intrigued out of power. ─── 他被人施诡计搞下了台。

73、Among themselves at Olympus they intrigued and scrambled for supremacy; ─── 在奥林匹斯山上,他们之间也勾心斗角,争权夺利;

74、He is intrigued by the idea that synaesthesia could explain auras, but doesn't see a way to prove it. ─── 他的想法很诡异,认为通感能解释光环,但是理解不了证明光环的途径。

75、You have finished the book you're intrigued but still confused. ─── 你已读完那本你感兴趣的书,但还不太理解。

76、They are entertaining companions and are more intrigued by the idea of love than the actual day to day involvement. ─── 他们是娱乐、更迷上了同伴的想法每天爱比实际参与。

77、Man has been intrigued with blood coagulation ─── 人类一直对血凝感兴趣。

78、He had intrigued with his brother against the king. ─── 他和他兄弟一起密谋反对国王。

79、It definitely has intrigued magicians since then as just about every performer with cards since that time has included some version of this trick in their repertoire. ─── 它作为关于每个执行者与卡片从那以后从那以后确定地吸引了魔术师, 时间包括某一这个把戏的版本在他们的保留节目。

80、Thirteen months ago, in a Florida library he took a book off the shelf and found himself intrigued with the notes in the margin. ─── 十三个月以前,在佛罗里达州的一家小书店里面,当他从书架上面拿下来一本书后,他注意到书上边缘空白处的眉批。

81、Intrigued by the idea, shocked at its audacity, folks around town are whispering it. ─── 密谋的想法,它的荒诞使人震惊,使得小镇周围的人们都对他议论纷纷。

82、And he thinks his viewers are intrigued by how things work. ─── 他认为观众对于如何做菜很好奇。

83、At one moment they look at you with their intrigued eyes, and suddenly run away scared by unknown behavior. ─── 前一秒它们还好奇地打量着你,下一秒可能就被什么风吹草动给吓得转身就跑。

84、In fact, at the end of the pilot, lethally provocative questions are raised, forcing viewers to tune in again if they were the least intrigued. ─── 如需保留或观看高清晰电影,请购买正版来支持影视行业!

85、Fairy - tales intrigued most children. ─── 多数儿童对童话故事感兴趣。

86、One observer noted that His Holiness seemed particularly intrigued by paintings by Mark Rothko and Jackson Pollock. ─── 一位观察员发现,法王似乎对马克罗斯科和杰克逊波拉克(多多注:两位都是著名的抽象主义画家)的作品尤其感兴趣。

87、I was intrigued with his frank criticisms ─── 他那坦率的批评引起了我的兴趣。

88、Easily intrigued, you're constantly finding new ways to challenge your mind, whether it's by reading the newspaper, playing a trivia game, or composing a piece of music. ─── 容易地密谋,你正在不变地发现新的方法挑战你的心,是否它是藉由看报纸,玩一场琐事比赛,或构成一个音乐。

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