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09-17 投稿


jolty 发音

英:[['d???lt?]]  美:[['d?o?lt?]]

英:  美:

jolty 中文意思翻译



jolty 词性/词形变化,jolty变形

动词第三人称单数: jolts |动词过去分词: jolted |副词: joltily |动词现在分词: jolting |动词过去式: jolted |名词: jolter |形容词: jolty |

jolty 相似词语短语

1、jolted ─── v.猛推,搡;使颠簸,使摇动;使震惊,使觉醒;使突然活跃(或有效);n.颠簸,摇晃;一阵强烈的感情(如震惊);一份(烈酒)

2、jonty ─── 琼蒂

3、jolly ─── adj.愉快的;欢乐的;宜人的;adv.很;非常;vt.(口)用好话劝某人做…;(口)用好话使高兴;vi.(口)开玩笑;n.(Jolly)人名;(法)若利;(英、印)乔利;(德)约利

4、jolt ─── v.猛推,搡;使颠簸,使摇动;使震惊,使觉醒;使突然活跃(或有效);n.颠簸,摇晃;一阵强烈的感情(如震惊);一份(烈酒)

5、jotty ─── 到

6、jolts ─── n.颠簸;令人震惊或失望的事;严重挫折(jolt的复数);v.使震动;使震惊;猛敲;在臂部作皮下毒品注射;干涉(jolt的三单形式)

7、jolter ─── n.振实制型机;震动造模机

8、joltily ─── adv.摇动地;震惊地

9、jollity ─── n.酒宴;高兴;欢乐

jolty 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Wall Street ends a volatile week with an unexpected jolt of confidence and a jump of more than 5% in the major indexes in the latest session. ─── 华尔街以预料之外的信心冲击以及股市主要指数大涨5%以上而结束了波动的一周.

2、The two sealing faces are made out of anti-wear-out and Tungsten Carbide for suppression of mechanical jolt. ─── 两个封闭面是碳化钨材料所制成,而这个材质是特别抗磨损和机械突震。

3、He doesn't need a last jolt of adrenaline or dose of adulation. ─── 不需要最后的赞美和奉承。

4、A big jolt on Wall Street this afternoon. ─── 今天下午华尔街股市出现了巨幅震荡。

5、A tiny jolt of electricity quickly builds up then zooms down the neuron’s long axon, passing the information to other neurons. ─── 微量电流会快速增强,然后迅速通过该神经元的长条轴突,把讯息传递给其他神经元。

6、In the numbness, there is also a level of boredom, and one strives to find entertainment to jolt one out of the numbness. ─── 在麻木中,也有厌倦的程度,一个人会努力去寻找娱乐,让自己跳出麻木。

7、The announcement that I would be joining Chrysler in November must have been a real jolt to Henry Ford. ─── 我将于十一月加入克莱斯勒公司的事一宣布,亨利·福特肯定感到震惊。

8、An external jolt of electricity helps generate hydrogen gas at the cathode. ─── 在外部电流下能在阴极处产生出氢气。

9、A dramatic display of political courage by the world's biggest economy and the traditional leader of the multilateral trading system could still jolt the round from apathy to action. ─── 作为世界上最大的经济体和多边贸易体系的传统领导者,它富有政治勇气的生动表现可以将谈判从冷漠拉回到积极中来。

10、Intending to 12)jolt him away from the 13)deadly 14)current, she 15)whacked him with a 16)handy 17)plank of wood by the back door, breaking his arm in two places. ─── 为了救他于危难之中,她就近从后门边上抄起一块厚木板照他劈去,把他的胳膊劈成两段。

11、A tiny jolt of electricity quickly builds up then zooms down the neuron's long axon, passing the information to other neurons. ─── 微量的电流会快速增强,然后迅速通过该神经元的长条轴突,把讯息传递给其他神经元。

12、Clifford sat with a fixed face as the chair slowly mounted. When they came to the top of the rise he stopped; he would not risk the long and very jolty down-slope. ─── 小车儿徐徐地向上前进,克利福坐在车里,呆板地向前望着。当他们到了最高处时,他把车停住,他不肯向那不平的斜坡冒险下去了。

13、a jolt of electricity; a jolt of whiskey. ─── 一股电流;一口威士忌

14、When our plane landed in the storm,it hit the runway with a jolt . ─── 我们的飞机在暴风雨中着陆时,颠簸着落在地上。

15、Put on your pointy hat, grow a beard, drink Jolt Cola and come join in the fun. ─── 带上你的尖顶帽,长一副胡须,喝着震动可乐加入到娱乐当中来把。

16、But the point of the frightening statistics about impending water shortages, epidemics and crop failures, says one of the authors, is to jolt politicians into preparing for the coming afflictions. ─── 不过,一位著者指出,之所以要公布那些令人感到恐慌的数据来表明水资源短缺、行病泛滥和作物歉收迫在眉睫,就是为了“震动”政治家以制定应对方案。

17、Suddenly he felt a jolt, as if he had heard some sound or been struck by some idea-he couldn't say for sure. ─── 忽然心中一动,像想起一些什么,又似乎是听见了一些声响,说不清;

18、In December the leading central banks acted together to jolt the money markets into life. ─── 12月,发达地区央行采取联合行动挽救货币市场。

19、He registered a mental jolt. ─── 他露出了内心的惊讶。

20、When light scatters off the electrons, it gives them a jolt that changes their motion. ─── 光波受到电子散射时,给电子一个反冲因而改变了它们的运动。

21、disturbed psychologically as if by a physical jolt or shock. ─── 像在物理上受到摇晃或者震动一样在心理上受到扰乱。

22、Harrys stomach gave a jolt; the Thestrals head was suddenly pointing towards the ground and he actually slid forwards a few inches along its neck. ─── 哈利的胃猛地晃悠一下,黑司兽忽然冲地面垂直飞落,他在马脖子上朝前滑了好几寸。

23、Do not make a round trip jolty porch rail, lest the welding line of baluster bottom ruptures. ─── 不要往返摇动阳台栏杆,以免栏杆底部的焊缝断裂。

24、Imaginary events can cause real fear, sadness or happiness, and you may even jolt in your seat if you are surprised by something (a monster leaping from the shadows, for example). ─── 想象的事件会带来真的恐惧、悲伤或快乐,你也许会因为某样东西(例如一个影子怪兽)而一跃而起。

25、The news of the accident gave her an unpleasant jolt /quite a jolt . ─── 她听到出事的消息吃了一惊[大吃一惊].

26、And I think I always like a "Jolt". ─── 但我却总是很喜欢Jolt。

27、When we started to head back, many people in our group were not feeling well due to the jolty ride and the high altitude. ─── 在回程的路上,团里许多人都因为糟糕的路况和高海拔再次感到不舒服,大家都试着在车上小睡一会儿或者安静地休息,没有一个人在聊天,说笑。

28、A hot jolt scalded Ennis and he was out on the landing pulling the door closed behind him. ─── 埃尼斯象被一股热浪灼到了似的。他走出房间,站到了楼梯口,随手关上身后的房门。

29、I think it comes from Java, one kind of coffee is called Java, and "Java" begins with "J", so they called it "Jolt". ─── 我想它来自于爪哇的一种咖啡,名字就叫"Java"(爪哇)。Java"以"J"为字首,所以把咖啡叫作"jolt"。

30、disturbed psychologically as if by a physical jolt or shock ─── 像在物理上受到摇晃或者震动一样在心理上受到扰乱

31、The news of the accident gave her an unpleasant jolt. ─── 她听到出事的消息吃了一惊。

32、Four years ago, a survey in this newspaper argued that it might require internal shocks to jolt the Saudis into taking reform seriously. ─── 四年前,本报的观察提到:应该给沙特阿拉伯一次内动力,将它推到严肃认真的改革中去。

33、fastens without reason jolty scent-bottle, this meeting quickens its volatilization. ─── 别无故摇动香水瓶,这会加速它的挥发。

34、The jolt to his arm caused him to drop the pistol and stagger backwards, his head enveloped in a cloud of acrid smoke. ─── 只听得轰的一声大响,一股热气扑面,手臂猛烈一震,火枪掉在地下,眼前烟雾#?漫,不由得退了两步。

35、The truck started with a jolt. ─── 大卡车发动时摇晃了一下。

36、So the next day after the funeral, along about noontime, the girls' joy got the first jolt. ─── 因此在下葬以后的第二天,在中午前后,姑娘们的欢乐心情首次遭到了打击。

37、Residents of Quetta city sit outside their homes as earthquake jolt the city today. ─── 今天当地震发生时,基达市的居民坐在他们房屋的外面。

38、But instead of feeling the rope jolt and hold, she just kept on falling, free-falling into the void. ─── 因此她凌空冲向山脊的那一头,不料并没有感觉到绳索急遽抽动、固定,反而自由落体般坠下虚空。

39、He gave these scoundrels a jolt . ─── 他给这些恶棍以当头一棒。

40、It was unclear whether the return of Sens.McCain and Obama to the capital would provide the jolt needed to reach a bipartisan deal that gives cover to politicians of both parties. ─── 尚不清楚麦凯恩和奥巴马返回首都能否带动两党达成一项对双方政治家均有好处的跨党派协议。

41、In a soothing monotone, he highlights the scariest hairpin turns on his itinerary, the ones that combine difficulty with danger plus a jolt of existential risk. ─── 他以平缓的语调强调了他的工作日程来了个九十度的急转弯,困难中又混杂着危机,还有夹带一点风险。

42、Intending to jolt him away from the deadly current she whacked him with a handy plank of wood by the back door, breaking his arm in two places. ─── 为了帮助他摆脱致命的电流妻子用门后的唾手可得的一块厚木板重击丈夫,将丈夫的手臂劈成两半。

43、But drugs do more than provide the dopamine jolt that induces euphoria and mediates the initial reward and reinforcement. ─── 但药物不只会造成多巴胺的变动,来引发快感以及起初的报偿和强化作用。

44、If workers and firms believe that the inflation target will be hit, then short-term inflationary shocks, such as the recent jolt to energy prices, will be absorbed rather than setting off a wage and price spiral. ─── 如果工人和公司相信通货膨胀目标可以实现,那么人们将会关注如近期能源价格波动这类的通货膨胀影响,而不会产生工资水平和价格水平螺旋上升的现象。

45、For news and sports junkies, and TV-generation folks who’d rather watch than read, it supplies a jolt of TV-like video on demand. ─── 对于新闻和体育迷,以及那些偏爱读图而非读书的“电视一代”而言,该服务提供了一些类似电视节目的视频点播服务。

46、If the risk of a collision persists, Front Assist triggers a warning jolt with a brief build-up of brake pressure. ─── 如果碰撞的危险存在,前方辅助触发一个短暂加强刹车压力的警告震动。

47、The bus stopped with a jolt. ─── 公车一蹦停了下来。

48、Intending to jolt he since the deadly current, IT whacked he dawn a hory plank of cotton by the ago entrance, brokeing his arm in few socates. ─── 为了救他与危难之中,她就近从后门抄了一块厚木版朝他劈去,把他的胳膊劈成两段。

49、Kuwashiro says signals will be sent to all trains to allow engineers to stop quickly, possibly before a potentially damaging seismic jolt hits the tracks. ─── Kuwashiro说送到火车上的信号让工程师在地震摇晃毁坏铁轨前快速的组织可能带来的危害。

50、Residents of Quetta city sit outside their homes as earthquake jolt the city today. A government official says at least 80 people have been killed in an earthquake in southwestern Pakistan. ─── 今天当地震发生时,基达市的居民坐在他们房屋的外面。一名政府官员称发生在巴基斯坦西南部的地震至少已经有八十人丧生。

51、She's so hungry. he said softly. I looked over at Martin and a jolt of surprise ran through me. ─── “它饿成这样。”马丁轻声说道。我朝马丁望去,浑身感到一股惊奇的颤动。

52、IN THE optimistic view, Barack Obama has given a jolt of energy to theCopenhagen climate talks. ─── 在乐观主义者看来,奥巴马给哥本哈根气候会议注入了一股强大的推动力。

53、To test that idea, Phillips and his co-workers bred fruit flies with a jolt of one of the human superoxide dismutase compounds, SOD1, to be expressed only in the flies' motor neurons. ─── 为了测试这个想法,菲力普斯及同事培养出能产生少量人类超氧化物歧化酶SOD1的果蝇,而且让SOD1只在运动神经元表现。

54、With a dizzying jolt, my dream abruptly became a nightmare. ─── 一阵令人作呕的眩晕,我的梦境瞬间变成恶梦。

55、Innovative Uranus will link up to the Sun today and give everyone a jolt. ─── 代表着创新的天王星将连接着太阳,它将给每个人一个震撼。

56、"They have clearly decided to go for this option because it's unusual and will jolt viewers and challenge them about their assumptions," she said. ─── 她说:“很清楚,他们已经打定主意要抨击这种选择,因为它太不寻常,将会动摇观众的态度,并挑战他们曾经的推断。”

57、The scene stealer is Gong Li as Hatsumomo, the geisha Sayuri dethrones. She's a live wire, and watching her try to destroy her rival gives the film the jolt . ─── 巩俐扮演的初桃抢夺了镜头,这个初桃最后被小百合取代了头牌的位置.初桃是一个精力旺盛,极具活力的艺伎,她与竞争对手的较量,并且毁灭对手的过程付予影片以震撼力.

58、jolt molding machine with turnover plate ─── [机] 震动旋转模板造模机

59、The government program which gave auto sales a jolt ended last night. ─── 刺激汽车销售的政府计划已于昨晚结束。

60、Bernanke were to shave.'Could this be the bold stroke that is needed to jolt the economy back to where it should be?' Mr.Warthen posited in his blog. ─── 不过,他还是会用剃须刀把在脸上乱长的胡子修得很短,并发誓说:“我才不会像伐木工人那样满脸都是大胡子呢。”

61、The bus checked with a jolt. ─── 公共汽车一蹦突然停下来。

62、Normally reserved Finns say there is no better way to celebrate the short summer months than with contests that add a jolt of adrenaline and silliness to bright summer nights. ─── 在平日较为保守的芬兰人看来,没有什么方式比举办这些新奇有趣的比赛来欢度他们短暂的极昼夏日时光更为美妙了。

63、Now and again a hole gave the first sledge a jolt;the next was jolted in just the same way, and the next, and the sledges followed one another, rudely breaking the iron-bound stillness. ─── 前面的雪橇在行驶时碰到了一个坑洼,颠簸了一两下,后面的几辆雪橇也同样地碰到了坑洼,这几辆雪橇莽莽撞撞地打破禁锢着的寂静,开始拉开距离向前驶去。

64、"It's a rush for me." Associate Agriculture Commissioner Scott Soares chinasaid Massachusetts also gets a jolt from the Concrete Machine. ─── 坚持经常对金属件表面认真擦拭保养,将附着在金属机件表面的水分、尘土和其它杂质除掉,涂上机油、润滑脂、油漆或用油纸包扎起来,使其与外界隔离。

65、The worst jolt most of us ever get be when we fall back on our own resource . ─── 我们大多数曾经受到最坏的冲击,是当我们要退一步依赖自己的力量之时。

66、The two-minute-long jolt, centered inland, 145 kilometers south of the capital Lima, blacked out power for a time to most of the country. ─── 为时两分钟的地震的震中位于首都利马以南145公里处,致使全国大部分地区一度断电。

67、On the ground his fighters have given Israel's war machine a jolt. ─── 在地面战上他的士兵给以色列战争机器以重创。

68、When they came to the top of the rise he stopped;he would not risk the long and very jolty down-slope. ─── 当他们到了最高处时,他把车停住,他不肯向那不平的斜坡冒险下去了。

69、My life become more jolty day by day. ─── 我 的 生 活 , 日 益 的 桀 骜 和 颠 簸 。

70、The two contact surfaces are made out of anti-wear-out and Tungsten Carbide for suppression of mechanical jolt. ─── 两个接触面是由抗磨损和机械突震之碳化钨所制成的。

71、jolt squeeze stripper molding machine ─── [机] 震动压挤拔模造模机

72、With a solid jolt, the spacecraft at last sets down on dry land in the western American desert. ─── 一阵剧烈晃动后,太空船终于降落在美国西部沙漠乾地。

73、Jolt: v. Make somebody act by giving him or her a sudden shock ─── 使某人受到震惊而采取行动

74、BEIJING, China "CNN" -- In one big jolt, the worst earthquake to hit China in 32 years changed the lives of millions of people in the nation's heartland. ─── 北京,中国"CNN""--在一场大震动里,在32年中袭击中国的最严重地震在国家的中心地带改变了数百万人(们)的命运.

75、The jolt also winded me a lot making talking on the radio difficult. ─── 剧烈的摇晃也使我喘不过气来,所以给无线电通讯造成了困难。”

76、One sure way to give yourself a jolt of well-being is to cross some nagging task off your list. ─── 完成一些烦人的事情是保证能让你感到一阵心情轻松的一个方法。

77、Can be her very urgent appearance, that jolty hand appears so agog, she got on a car. ─── 可是她很急的样子,摇动的那只手显得那么急切,她就上了车。

78、They had dreamed of giving industry a new lease of life, but now-now it looked as if they would soon be brought back to earth with a jolt! ─── 他们发展企业的一场大梦! 现在快到梦醒了罢?

79、bump [jolt] along the mountain road ─── 在山路上颠簸行驶

80、As we wondered whether the other two bunks would be taken, there was a sudden jolt and the Rossiya wearily pulled out of Yaroslavskaya station. ─── 我们正想知道还有两位旅伴是谁,火车突然撞击了一下,罗西娅号有气无力地驶出了雅罗斯拉符斯卡娅火车站。

81、Sudden unpleasant shock; jolt ─── 令人难受的猛然震动;颠簸

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