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09-17 投稿


jeering 发音

英:[?d???r??]  美:[?d??r??]

英:  美:

jeering 中文意思翻译



jeering 同义词

Bronx cheer | boo | ridicule | catcall | gibe |taunt | jeering | barrack | raspberry | roast | hiss | call names | make fun of | fun | mockery | sarcasm | scoffing | of | make | laugh at | hoot | flout | scoff | sneer | heckle | mock | disapproval | abuse

jeering 短语词组

1、mocked in a jeering manner ─── 以嘲弄的方式嘲笑

jeering 词性/词形变化,jeering变形

动词第三人称单数: jeers |动词过去分词: jeered |副词: jeeringly |名词: jeerer |动词过去式: jeered |动词现在分词: jeering |

jeering 反义词


jeering 相似词语短语

1、veering ─── adj.突然转向的;突然改变的;n.顺时针转向;突然转向;v.转变方向;改变观点;顺转(veer的现在分词)

2、jeeling ─── 嘲笑

3、leering ─── v.(色迷迷地)看;抛媚眼,送秋波;斜睨;奸笑;n.(色迷迷的)目光;奸笑;媚眼,秋波;恶意的瞥视

4、jeeringly ─── adv.嘲弄地

5、bevering ─── 行为

6、cheering ─── n.欢呼;喝彩;adj.令人高兴的;v.欢呼(cheer的ing形式)

7、feering ─── n.菲灵(英国地名)

8、teering ─── 标签

9、peering ─── v.仔细看,端详,凝视;隐现;看见,出现;使与……相当(peer的现在分词)

jeering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Never jeer at a man because he is unfortunate ─── 千万不要因一个人的不幸而嘲弄他。

2、While anonymous in New York, Feng Luoyu, 26, wouldn't be able to walk down the street in her native country without people jeering. ─── 26岁的凤姐在纽约算是无名氏,但是在国内,她走在大街上都会被人讥笑一路。

3、8.in a disrespectful jeering manner. ─── 以没有礼貌的、揶揄的方式。

4、to jeer or shout at a player,speaker,or team ─── 对表演者、讲演者和队员嘲笑或大嚷

5、Don't jeer at the mistakes of others. ─── 别嘲笑别人的错误。

6、It lulls you to sleep only to stand by your bed and jeer at the dignity of the flesh. ─── 它哄你入眠,为的是要站在你床边,揶揄你肉体的尊严。

7、Do not jeer at the mistakes or misfortunes of others. ─── 不要嘲笑别人的错误或不幸。

8、Not content to jeer old favorite Derek Fisher, they booed Bryant's every move. ─── 他们已经不满足于只是嘲弄费舍尔,科比的每个动作他们都会发出嘘声。

9、The local tyrants and evil gentry jeer at your peasant association and say, 'How odd!Today, the world is a world of committeemen.Look, you can't even go to pass water without bumping into a committee man!' ─── 土豪劣绅形容你们农会的话是:‘巧得很啰,如今是委员世界呀,你看,屙尿都碰了委员。

10、Men open their mouths to jeer at me; they strike my cheek in scorn and unite together against me. ─── 他们向我开口,打我的脸羞辱我,聚会攻击我。

11、And you think that because your rotten little boats can outrun the Yankees, you've the right to come here and jeer at men who are brave and women who are sacrificing everything for the Cause--" ─── 你满以为有那几条小小的破船可以逃过北方佬的封锁,你就有权利到这里来嘲弄那些正在为主义贡献一切的勇敢的男人和女人了----"

12、Contemptuous or jeering laughter; ridicule. ─── 嘲笑轻蔑的,嘲弄的笑容;嘲弄

13、Don't jeer at my failure ─── 别嘲笑我的失败。

14、fan lockstep, be without creativity and imagination, know dead truth only, a muscle, xu Qiu is kicked in past goal, kick toward jeer somewhere else. ─── 9看笑话:这个夏天,我觉得自己象个偷渡到地球上的没有球籍的外星人,看见地球人正蔓延四年大面积传染一次的集体癫狂症。

15、jeer at ─── 嘲笑

16、It's not polite to jeer or sneer. ─── 嘲笑别人是不礼貌的。

17、They will be the James Merediths, courageously and with a majestic sense of purpose, facing jeering and hostile mobs and the agonizing loneliness that characterizes the life of the pioneer. ─── 他们将是年老的、饱受压迫欺淩的黑人妇女,以阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利市一位72岁的老妇人为典型。

18、"Brace up," said Rhett, and there was a hard, faintly jeering note in his voice. ─── "你放心,"瑞德说,声音里带着一点讥讽的语调。

19、Jeer Fibre He was shocked to the very fibre of his being. ─── 他整个身心都受到极大的震惊。

20、Don't jeer at others. ─── 不要嘲笑别人。

21、She dosed the jeering lads with a bucket of water ─── 她用一桶水教训那些嘲弄的少年们。

22、10 How long, O God, shall the enemy jeer? Shall the foe revile your name forever? ─── 天主,仇人欺凌辱骂要到何时?敌人岂能永远亵渎你的名字?

23、To others:giving a piece of creative advice is more useful than jeering. ─── 以上是个人经验,仅供参考!如果你想成为专家级的,算我没说。

24、The jeer of the sea enlightens me, I won't abominate you I am swimmy and it is serene to die in your cherish. ─── 大海的嘲笑是对我的启发,我一点不恨你,晕眩的我死在你的怀抱里是多么的安详。

25、But the absence of jeering was a reminder of how far this once-ostracised extremist is now accepted in French politics. ─── 不过,没有遭到嘲弄却提醒了人们这位一度遭到排斥的极端主义者在当今法国政坛被接受的程度。

26、jeer at a defeated enemy ─── 嘲笑一战败的敌人

27、he said refferring to United's fans jeering whenever their was a throw-in that didn't fluster the Reds rearguard. ─── 他说的是不管曼联那里的边线球都有球迷的助威声,不至于让后卫们紧张。

28、Late in the afternoon, on March 5, a crowd of jeering Bostonians slinging snowballs gathered around a small group of British soldiers guarding the Boston Customs House. ─── 在该年3月5日的午后,一群波士顿青年嘲笑驻守在波士顿海关大楼的英国士兵,并且对其扔掷雪球。

29、Don't jeer at the person who came last in the race - it's very unkind. ─── 不要嘲笑赛跑中跑在最后的人,这是很不友善的。

30、to jeer at; ─── 嘲诮。

31、spoke in a sneering jeering manner; ─── 以轻蔑、嘲弄的口吻说话;

32、to jeer at a defeated enemy ─── 嘲弄一个战败的敌人

33、Contemptuous or jeering laughter;ridicule. ─── 嘲笑:轻蔑的,嘲弄的笑容;

34、Jeer at the year liar. ─── 嘲笑那年度说谎大王。

35、His jeering words passed over her head and she did not even hear them.It was hard to believe there was so much money in all this bitter and poverty-stricken world. ─── 从人行道直到街边搭着个板篷,连结板篷柱子的长铁杆上拴着几匹骡马,骡马背上覆盖着破毯子和棉絮,骡马耷拉着脑袋任凭那蒙蒙细雨淋着。

36、"It was strange, really," he says. "Their fans, who were obviously all Croats, kept whistling and jeering at the Yugoslavia team and at the Serb player Dragan Stojkovic in particular. ─── "真的很奇怪"他说,"大部分是克罗地亚人的球迷,不停的吹着口哨,为南斯拉夫队呐喊助威,塞尔维亚球员达干·斯托克维奇十分抢眼。

37、Header Xie asked with a jeering tune with narrowing his eyes. ─── 咹?”谢队长眯着眼,又用嘲弄的口气问。

38、2. Do you live near here? 3. It's not polite to jeer or sneer. ─── 你住在附近吗?3.嘲笑别人是不礼貌的.

39、derision:Contemptuous or jeering laughter; ridicule. ─── "嘲笑:轻蔑的,嘲弄的笑容;嘲弄"

40、7.Most cons crowd to the fence to gawk and jeer, but Red and his group mount the bleachers and settle in comfortably. ─── 大多数围栏边的犯人都在观看或辱骂,但瑞德他们却蹬上一边的看台,舒服地呆着。

41、2.curled his lip in a supercilious smile; spoke in a sneering jeering manner; makes many a sharp comparison but never a mean or snide one. ─── 傲慢的笑着翘起了他的嘴唇;以轻蔑、嘲弄的口吻说话;做出了许多尖锐的比较但没有一个是低劣的或者嘲弄的。

42、Most Chinese profess contempt for “little Japan”, and young people with no experience of the war often jeer more stridently than their parents. ─── 大部分中国人表示鄙视“小日本”,而那些从未经历战争的年轻人通常比他们的父母更为慷慨激昂。

43、He had to face the jeering of his classmates. ─── 他只得面对同学们的奚落。

44、"The best way to drive out the devil, if he will not yield to texts of Scripture, is to jeer and flout him, for he cannot bear scorn." ─── 如果圣经的义正辞严一时无法叫他就范,驱赶魔鬼另有妙招,不妨试试嘲弄他、抑郁他,魔鬼最受不了人蔑视他。

45、Don't jeer at the mistake of others ─── 不要对别人的错误嘲笑。

46、He interrupted my speech with jeering. ─── 他以嘲笑打断了我的讲话。

47、The crowd was hooting and jeering at the speaker. ─── 人群发出嘘叫声嘲笑那个演说者。

48、Secondly, hidden sharp point of jocosity speech expresses novelist"s satire and jeer in amusing context. ─── 其次,暗藏机锋的诙谐性话语在笑谑中传达出小说家的讥讽;

49、Eager for more, he trained long and hard to overcome stage fright, the jeering of his peers, and the condescension of his neighbors. ─── 上进的他面对台前同龄人和邻里的冷嘲热讽,为了克服怯场心里,进行了长期艰苦的训练。

50、As cold jeer and hot abuses ─── 冷潮热骂

51、To avoid the jeering laughter he expected, he sneaked out in the dead of night to mail his first manuscript. ─── 为避免可能遭到别人耻笑,他半夜里悄悄溜出去寄第一次文稿。

52、I jeer and start yell. ─── 喝倒彩

53、With his wife beating about the bush beside him and jeering at him now and again, brother became restless from silent, and then indignant. ─── 嫂子在一旁不断地敲敲打打、冷嘲热讽,大哥由沉默变得烦躁,又由烦躁变得愤怒。

54、There was constant jeering and interruption from the floor. ─── 不时有嘲笑和打岔。

55、The crowd was large and enthusiastic, except for a loud group of opponents holding pro-life signs and jeering at me from the back. ─── 参加集会的人很多,也很兴奋,但是有一群吵吵嚷嚷的反对者举着反堕胎的标语牌,在舞台之后嘲弄我。

56、10.The children liked to jeer at the awkward student. ─── 孩子们喜欢嘲笑笨拙的学生。

57、"Here comes the little fenian, they'd jeer ─── 他们会嘲弄地说,“小芬尼亚来了。”

58、"To jeer or shout at a player, speaker, or team." ─── 喝倒彩:对表演者、讲演者和队员嘲笑或大嚷。

59、At school, the boys and the girls react: the girls with anger at the perpetrators, the boys with jeering at the dead girl's morality. ─── 在学校里,男生和女生对此事的反应大相径庭:女生对犯事者怒不可言;男生嘲笑那个死去的女孩太过保守。

60、They have to bear the jeer by other guys. ─── 他们会任人嘲笑。

61、Don't jeer at the mistake or misfortunes of others. ─── 不要嘲弄别人的错误或不幸。

62、His voice was soft but there was a vibrant note in it, and looking up into his dark face she saw in it none of the skepticism, the jeering humor she knew so well. ─── 他的声调很温柔,但有点震颤。 她抬走头来注视着他黝黑的脸,却没有看到丝毫令人困惑的迹像,也就是她所十分熟悉的那种嘲弄的神色。

63、Her words were made to seem all the more empty when jeering students at the forum overwhelmingly voted against the proposed laws with an impromptu show of hands. ─── 她说完后,学生齐嘘,并且即场举手投票。绝大部分学生反对立法。

64、A jeer; a gibe. ─── 嘲弄,讥笑

65、Alternately taunt and jeer at someone ─── 冷嘲热讽

66、jeer at a defeated opponent ─── 嘲弄被击败的对手

67、He looked over the counter at Leo , and Leo watched him with a weary, brittle jeer. ─── 他的两眼越过柜台向利奥望去,而后者则挂着一丝懒洋洋、冷冰冰的讥笑瞧着他。

68、Surroundings so numerous folk is jeering by him, he still keep creature that cool fashion and seem to don't put these people in the eye. ─── 周围那么多人在嘲笑他,他却依然是那淡然的模样,好像根本不把这些人放在眼中一样。

69、Booing and jeering is not allowed. ─── 中国人喜欢免费赠品。

70、Philistines may jeer that 20 years after the October victory the revolutionaries are again thrown back to modest propagandist preparation. ─── 十月革命胜利二十年以后,革命者重新退回到平凡的宣传准备的阵地上来了,让庸人们去笑话吧!

71、For those who stood before him jeering him, reviling him, taunting him, and actually thrusting their tongues out at him in mockery. ─── 那些站在祂面前,嘲弄祂、辱骂祂、讥笑祂和戏谑祂的群众。

72、To jeer or shout at a player, speaker, or team. ─── 喝倒彩对表演者、讲演者和队员嘲笑或大嚷

73、Then a sozzled client drags him away jeering that he always steals the booze. ─── 然后,一个烂醉的客户拉住他嘲笑他一直在偷酒。

74、Earlier in the month, Ron Margiotta, the board's chairman, referred to jeering opponents as "animals out of their cages" . ─── 在本月初,学校董事会主席RonMargiotta把那些可笑的反对者比作“逃出笼子的野兽”。

75、A scornful remark or tirade;a jeer. ─── 嘲弄的话或长篇的激烈言辞;

76、As to autograph of a line, basically be to sign what jeer to those, it is a celebrity go up the person that wants sign one's name. ─── 以前签售时,1000多人排队签名的,签着签着就有点累了,字迹会不同。

77、Bert's regard for Owen was equalled in intensity by his dislike of crass, who was in the habit of jeering at the boy's aspirations ─── 伯特对欧文的尊敬之深和他对克拉斯的厌恶之甚在程度上可以说不相上下。克拉斯常常讥笑这孩子的野心。

78、You may jeer,but can you do any better? ─── 你可以“讥笑”,但你能做得更好吗?

79、derisive laughter; a jeering crowd; her mocking smile; taunting shouts of 'coward' and 'sissy'. ─── 嘲笑;发出嘲笑的人群;她嘲弄的笑;嘲笑他是‘胆小鬼’、‘娘娘腔’。

80、she buried her face in his bosom, she clung to him, she poured out her terrors, her unavailing regrets, and the far echoes turned them all to jeering laughter. ─── 她紧紧地挨着汤姆,脸贴在他怀里,一古脑地诉说她的恐惧,连后悔都来不及了,这声音传到远处变成了嘲笑,回荡在通道里。

81、The big boys jeer at Tom because he is so small. ─── 大个男孩子们嘲笑汤姆,因为他个子很矮

82、Stop making a mock and a jeer out of other people's business. ─── 停止取笑别人的事情。

83、She flinched as she was carried through an angry, jeering crowd. ─── 她胆战心惊地被人抬着,穿过愤怒和嘲笑的人群。

84、Musical snobs often deride the harmonica as a serious instrument.Togibeis to make taunting, heckling, or jeering remarks: ─── 假充在音乐上内行的人经常嘲笑口琴作为严肃乐器的事实。指进行奚落、质问或戏弄的评论:

85、The local tyrants and evil gentry jeer at your peasant association and say,'How odd!Today,the world is a world of committeemen.Look,you can't even go to pass water without bumping into a committee man!' ─── 土豪劣绅形容你们农会的话是:“巧得很啰,如今是委员世界呀,你看,屙尿都碰了委员。”

86、Jeer Blocks, Lower Yard: Shows the jeer blocks stropped over the lower yard in between the cleats. ─── Jeer滑轮,下桁:夹板之间环绕在下桁上的Jeer滑轮。

87、They all jeer at the foolish speaker. ─── 他们都嘲笑那个愚蠢的演说者。

88、You can whistle, jeer and yarn at us: shame on China! ─── 你可以吹口哨,嘲笑,向我们大喊:中国不要脸!

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