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09-17 投稿


irritative 发音

英:[??r?te?t?v]  美:[??r?te?t?v]

英:  美:

irritative 中文意思翻译



irritative 词性/词形变化,irritative变形

动词过去式: irritated |动词现在分词: irritating |动词过去分词: irritated |副词: irritatingly |名词: irritator |动词第三人称单数: irritates |

irritative 短语词组

1、irritative diarrhea ─── [医] 刺激性腹泻

2、histio-irritative ─── [医] 刺激组织的

3、irritative cervical sympathetic paralysis ─── [医] 刺激性颈交感神经麻痹, 霍钠氏综合征

4、irritative lesion ─── [医] 刺激性损害

5、irritative radiation ─── [医] 刺激性放射

6、irritative miosis ─── [医] 刺激性瞳孔缩小, 痉挛性瞳孔缩小

7、irritative cirrhosis ─── [医] 刺激性肝硬变

irritative 反义词

appease |soothe | calm

irritative 同义词

rub | foment | pain | displease | hurt | devil | rag | sore | make | wound | grate | disturb | get to | exasperate | sting | up | incite | worsen | madden | get at | infuriate | bother | stir | incense |annoy | harrow | rankle | anger | chafe | rub the wrong way | skin | rile | gravel | trouble | vex | aggravate | nark | agitate | provoke | instigate | worry | stir up | nettle | spite | inflame | torment

irritative 相似词语短语

1、abirritative ─── adj.镇静的;消除紧张的

2、incitative ─── 煽动的

3、irritation ─── n.刺激;激怒,恼怒,生气;兴奋;令人恼火的事

4、caritative ─── adj.(拉)博爱的

5、imitative ─── adj.模仿的;仿制的

6、irrigative ─── adj.冲洗的;灌溉的

7、irrelative ─── adj.无关系的;不关连的

8、irritating ─── adj.刺激的;气人的;使愤怒的;烦人的,使人恼火的;vt.刺激;激怒;使烦恼;使发炎,使不适;使不耐烦;使(身体某部分)疼痛(irritate的现在分词)

9、irritate ─── vt.刺激,使兴奋;激怒;vi.引起恼怒,引起不愉快

irritative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、RESULTS Compound Zhenfan ear powder was reliable in quality and non irritative in clinical application with a total effective rate of 100%. ─── 结果复方珍矾耳用散质量可靠,应用无刺激性,临床有效率达100%。

2、irritative cirrhosis ─── [医] 刺激性肝硬变

3、irritative radiation ─── 刺激性射线疗法

4、RESULTS Compound Zhenfan ear powder was reliable in quality and non irritative in clinical application with a total effective rate of 100%. ─── 结果复方珍矾耳用散质量可靠,应用无刺激性,临床有效率达100%。

5、And large quantity of tanin would remain in the tea-leaf,which will become irritative strong oxid after oxidation and irritate the stomach and intestines inducing inflammation. ─── 经氧化后,这 些丹宁酸会变成具有刺激的强烈氧化物,对肠胃会造成刺激,引发炎症。

6、The result of rabbit’s skin irritation, eye irritation and vaginal irritation experimentation with Kunbaikang cream showed that no irritative reaction occurred; ─── 家兔皮肤刺激性、眼刺激性以及阴道刺激性试验表明坤百康乳膏无刺激性;

7、Add it according to our plan. It is not strongly irritative to skin, if it contacts with skin, wash it with soap or clean water immediately. ─── 根据我方提供的使用方案进行投加.对皮肤无明显刺激,如与皮肤接触,用肥皂水或清水立即冲洗即可。

8、Alkyl polyglycoside (APG)is made from re newable natural materials.As a Green surfactant, it is not irritative or poisonous, and could be biodegraded completely. ─── 烷基多聚糖苷作为一种“绿色”表面活性剂,具有生物降解快速完全,且无毒无刺激的特性。

9、irritative expectorant ─── 刺激性祛痰药

10、The irritative symptoms of lower urinary tract of three patients were relieved after two weeks' treatment.The weight abated obviously after a half year. ─── 减肥药物治疗2周后3位患者的尿路刺激症状开始缓解,半年后体重明显减轻。

11、irritative miosis ─── 刺激性瞳孔缩小

12、5 Volatile or irritative chemicals must be handled under the circumstances of good ventilation ; ─── 5对于有挥发性的或有刺激性的化学品必须在通风良好的情况下进行操作;

13、Conclusions Disinfection under the barrier environment with 2% peracetic acid aerosolis irritative and harmful to laboratory workers and animals. ─── 结论2%过氧乙酸溶液在对运行中的实验动物屏障环境进行喷雾消毒,对实验动物及工作人员呼吸系统有刺激性损伤。

14、Treatment of Symptomatic Epilepsies with Lesionectomy and Bipolar Coagulation on Irritative Zone in Cortexes ─── 脑内病灶切除加皮质区刺激治疗继发性癫痫

15、The poor prognosis of bladder cancer associated with irritative symptoms of blodder should be studied. ─── 伴有膀胱刺激症状的恶性肿瘤由于预后不良在治疗中应引起重视。

16、is caustic, and it is strong irritative to skin and eyes. ─── 具有腐蚀性。对皮肤及眼睛有强烈的刺激性。

17、Using toothpaste to wash collars not only cleans them, but helps ward off skin allergies since toothpaste contains less irritative chemicals than other detergents. ─── 用牙膏清洗衣领,不但可以轻松去除污垢,而且牙膏中所含的刺激性化学成份远远低于其它洗涤剂,不会让皮肤过敏。

18、Irritative hyperplasia of oral mucosa ─── 口腔粘膜刺激性增生

19、The poor prognosis of bladder cancer associated with irritative symptoms of bladder should be studied. ─── 伴有膀胱刺激症状的恶性肿瘤由于预后不良在治疗中应引起重视。

20、irritative conjunctivitis ─── 刺激性结膜炎

21、Objective:To study the local irritative response of azitromycin injection in the rabbit. ─── 目的:了解阿奇霉素粉针剂注射后家兔血管及肌肉是否产生局部刺激性反应。

22、Result The most symptoms in these patients were irritative symptoms,gross hematuria,abnormal urine and high ESR. ─── 结果泌尿系结核最常见的症状和检查异常为膀胱刺激征、血尿、尿常规异常、血沉增高。

23、irritative symptom of rectum ─── 直肠剌激症状

24、Multiple irritative experiments on eyes and skin in domestic rabbits were carried out to observe the safety to human body. ─── 通过对家兔眼睛、阴道黏膜及其皮肤刺激实验观察该洗液对人体的安全性。

25、irritative response ─── 刺激性反应

26、Do not take any irritative food like spice, alcohol or seafood, etc. ─── 使用期间不宜食辛辣、酒类、海鲜等刺激性食物。

27、Conclusions:This chlorine dioxide disinfectant can kill effectively the vegetative forms of bacteria and bacterial spores.It belongs to substance of non-toxic class and is slightly irritative to skin. ─── 结论,该二氧化氯消毒剂可有效杀灭细菌繁殖体和细菌芽孢,属于无毒级物质,对皮肤有轻度刺激性。

28、Add it according to our plan.It is not strongly irritative to skin, if it contacts with skin, wash it with soap or clean water immediately. ─── 根据我方提供的使用方案进行投加.对皮肤无明显刺激,如与皮肤接触,用肥皂水或清水立即冲洗即可。

29、irritative gas poisoning ─── 刺激性气体中毒

30、Objective To explore the relationship of irritative painful point and cutaneous nerve. ─── 目的探讨激痛点与皮神经关系。

31、sensitive skin will be damaged since the tissue is lack of water, and damages the skin if it contacts with irritative substance. ─── 敏感性肤质缺水,皮肤就会由于皮肤组织缺水而受损,一旦碰到刺激性的物质都会伤害到皮肤。

32、Keywords Female;Urinary tract;Irritative symptom;Cernilton;Therapeutics; ─── 女性;尿路;刺激征;普适泰(舍尼通);治疗学;

33、axonal irritative lesion ─── 轴突刺激性损害

34、Safety and protection: toxic, smellless, it's powder and solution is irritative to skin, eyes and mucosa. ─── 安全防护:本品有毒、味,其粉尘和溶液对皮肤、睛和黏膜有刺激作用。


36、ABSTRACT Under the condition of high pressure, the irritative reaction occurred after being stimulated for the Yeast cells. ─── 摘 要 高压条件下,酵母菌细胞受到刺激后发生应激性反应。

37、Causative analysis and nursing care of neonates with eakage after ntravenous injection of irritative drugs ─── 新生儿静脉输注强刺激性药物渗漏的原因分析及护理

38、Objective: To study the alteration of the irritative constituents of cibot rhizome after it is processed. ─── 目的:研究狗脊炮制后的刺激性成分。

39、Objective To study the therapeutic effect of Cernilton used for female patients with irritative symptom of low urinary tract. ─── 目的了解普适泰(舍尼通)对女性下尿路病变患者顽固存在的排尿刺激症状的疗效。

40、Using water as disperse medium, toxic and irritative odor free; ─── 以水为分散介质无毒无刺激性气味。

41、Keywords e;organic pigment;aromatic amine;irritative dye;azo dye; ─── 染料;有机颜料;芳香胺;过敏性染料;偶氮染料;

42、Female; Urinary tract; Irritative symptom; Cernilton; Therapeutics ─── 女性;尿路;刺激征;普适泰(舍尼通);治疗学

43、irritative lesion ─── [医] 刺激性损害

44、Keywords Bladder neoplasms;Hematuria;Bladder irritative symptom;Diagnosis;Treatment; ─── 关键词膀胱肿瘤;血尿;诊断;治疗;

45、The dimethyl sulfate, a substance that is used to produce industrial dyes and pesticides, can be corrosive and irritative to human skin, eyes and the upper respiratory tract. ─── 硫酸二甲酯是用来生产燃料和农药的物质。它对于人类的皮肤,眼睛和上呼吸道系统具有腐蚀和刺激作用。

46、The perception of this polluted air can trigger annoyance as well as irritative responses or even be associated with general symptoms and behavioral changes well below established guideline levels. ─── 感觉到这种污染空气的存在能引发被烦扰和不快的反应,即使污染排放量远远低于所规定的标准水平也会与一般的病症和行为变化联系在一起。

47、This treatment can stimulates cell renewal ;Inhibits skin irritative reaction ;Eliminates eye puffiness and fades out dark ring around eye area . ─── 功效:能激发皮肤细胞再生,抑制过敏反应,消除眼袋,淡化眼圈,深层补湿,消除乾纹。

48、Add the chemicals directly into the water-collecting basin with a quantity required by us.It is not strongly irritative to skin, if it contacts with skin, wash it with soap or clean water immediately. ─── 将药剂直接加入到集水池中,投加量按我方提供的预膜方案进行.对皮肤无明显刺激,如与皮肤接触,用肥皂水或清水立即冲洗即可。

49、neuronal irritative lesion ─── 神经元刺激性损害

50、The difference in irritative (symptom) score was significant between CAO and non-CAO groups by Wilcoxon-Rank Sum W test. ─── 在本实验中,十七位药物治疗中的慢性气道阻塞症老年男性及十八位非慢性呼吸道阻塞症老年男性在门诊完成此问卷及其他的实验室检验。

51、This treatment contains Caviar Extract , Thymus extract , Wheat germ oil , N.M.Factors .It stimulates cellrenewal ;Inhibits skin irritative reaction . ─── 功效:疗程主要成份为微脂囊分子鱼子精华、胸腺素、麦芽维他命E、天然保湿因子。

52、Safety and protection: toxic smellless it's powder and solution is irritative to skin eyes and mucosa. ─── 安全防护:本品有毒、无味,其粉尘和溶液对皮肤、眼睛和黏膜有刺激作用。

53、irritative blepharitis ─── 刺激性睑缘炎

54、irritative iritis ─── 剌激性虹膜炎

55、It is strong irritative to skin and eyes. ─── 对皮肤及眼睛有强烈的刺激性。

56、Irritative symptom ─── 刺激征

57、irritative symptoms of bladder ─── 膀胱刺激症

58、RESULTS: The preparation is stable, and it is not irritative. ─── 结果:该制剂稳定且无刺激性。

59、irritative gas ─── 刺激性气体

60、Multiple irritative experiments on eyes and skin in domestic rabbits were carried out to observe the safety to human body. ─── 通过对家兔眼睛、阴道黏膜及其皮肤刺激实验观察该洗液对人体的安全性。

61、The result showed that WUDI Analgesic Species did not make erythema, swelling and the local irritative reaction in skin of rabbit. ─── 结果表明无敌止痛搽剂作外用时,未发现家兔皮肤的红斑、水肿反应,未出现局部刺激反应;

62、The assistant therapeutic effect of Sanjinpian used for female patients with irritative symptom of low urinary tract ─── 三金片对女性下尿路刺激征病变的辅助疗效观察

63、Eleven patients with bladder cancer associated with bladder irritative symptoms were diagnosed by ultrasonography and cystoscopy. ─── 另外在11例伴有膀胱刺激症状的膀胱恶性肿瘤中,4例为非移行细胞癌,7例为移行细胞癌。

64、Fatalness: It is strong irritative to skin and eyes. ─── 危规性:本品对皮肤及眼睛有强烈的刺激性。

65、Clinical study of irritative painful point and cutaneous nerve ─── 激痛点与皮神经关系临床研究

66、irritative diarrhea ─── 刺激性腹泻

67、Multiple irritative experiments on eyes and skin of domestic rabbits and on micronucleus assay of polychromatic erythrocytes in mice bone marrow were carried out to observe the safety for human body. ─── 通过对家兔眼睛、多次皮肤刺激性实验及对小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核试验观察对人体的安全性。

68、RESULTS: The main clinical manifestations of TSAF were irritative choke after drinking or eating, fever, stubborn pulmonary infection, dyspnea, tachycardia and becoming thin, etc. ─── 结果:胸腔胃-气道瘘主要临床表现为烧灼样刺激性呛咳、发热、顽固性肺部感染、呼吸困难、心动过速、消瘦等;

69、Safety and protection: toxic, smell less, it's powder and solution is irritative to skin, eyes and mucosa. ─── 安全防护:本品有毒、味,其粉尘和溶液对皮肤、睛和黏膜有刺激作用。

70、Extra-esophageal reflux laryngitis causes direct irritative effects, and chronic trauma from vocal abuse or from constant throat clearing accounts for nodule formation. ─── 食管外反流性喉炎能引起直接的刺激作用,发音滥用或持续清嗓引起的慢性创伤可以解释结节的形成。

71、irritative cervical sympathetic paralysis ─── 刺激性颈交感神经麻痹

72、primary irritative dermatitis ─── 初发刺激性皮炎

73、Irritative symptoms lessened with repeated exposures. ─── 刺激症状随着重复暴露而减轻。

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