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09-17 投稿


Kama 发音

英:[?kɑ:m?:,?kam?]  美:[?kɑm?]

英:  美:

Kama 中文意思翻译



Kama 短语词组

1、Belaya River (Kama) ─── 贝拉亚河(卡马)

Kama 相似词语短语

1、-ama ─── abbr.美国医学协会(AmericanMedicalAssociation);美国经营管理协会(AmericanManagementAssociation);美国飞机制造商协会(AircraftManufacturersAssociation);n.(Ama)人名;(西)阿马

2、Hama ─── n.哈马(叙利亚西部城市)

3、Rama ─── n.罗摩(印度教神名)

4、Yama ─── n.阎罗王

5、Gama ─── n.伽马(葡萄牙航海家)

6、Kama ─── n.爱神;欲望;卡马河(俄罗斯的河流)

7、Nama ─── n.那马部族(西南非洲霍屯督族中的一主要部落)

8、karma ─── n.(佛教、印度教的)羯磨,业;因果报应;气氛;n.(Karma)(美)卡尔马(人名)

9、kaama ─── 卡马

Kama 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Anal Kama Sutra position, the giver should be flat on their back, with the receiver on top facing the feet of the giver (imagine doggie style with the giver laying down). ─── 伽摩式:还是你躺着,他对着你的玉足(就是面壁式中你们两个换个位置)。

2、Caption :The rain also destroyed a 44-foot (13-meter) section of a dike near the base of the Kama Reservoir in Guangxi, Xinhua said. ─── 描述:据新华社报道,这场暴雨还导致卡马水库底部附近一段44英尺(约13米)长的堤坝被损毁。

3、Dream Edge - (Weapon) +5 Kama, Maiming, Aligned, Bodyfeeder, Destruction, Suppressed Power [ML:18, BTA] (Optional End Chest ─── 梦之边缘,+5单镰,残害,均衡,自养,破甲,隐藏能力;(支线箱子)

4、A river of eastern European U.S.S.R. rising in the Ural Mountains and flowing about ,4' km (880 mi) generally northwest to the Kama River. ─── 别拉亚河:苏联东部欧洲部分一河流,发源于乌拉尔山,流程约,4'公里(880英里),总体向西北住注入卡马河

5、A city of eastern European U.S.S.R. on the Kama River in the foothills of the Ural Mountains. Settled since early times, it grew rapidly as an industrial center in the19th century. Population,1, 056, 000. ─── 彼尔姆苏联东欧部分一城市,位于卡马河畔、乌拉尔山脉的山脚下。从很早的时候就有人居住,在19世纪迅速发展成为一个工业中心。人口1,056,000

6、A city of eastern European U.S.S.R. on the Kama River. It is an important industrial center. Population, 95,000. ─── 别列兹尼基:卡马河上位于苏联在欧洲部分之东部的一城市。是重要的工业中心。人口95,000

7、(And) American computers installed in the Kama plant helped the Soviets to reach annual truck-production goals five years ahead of schedule. ─── 装在卡马工厂的美国计算机帮助苏联人提前五年达到了预定计划中卡车年产量的指标。

8、Transactions in the 107 B shares, there are 16 stock price has doubled in price during the year, including * ST Kama B, Gujing Gong B, separation of B shares, etc.; ─── 在可交易的107只B股股票中,有16只股票价格年内价格实现了翻番,包括*ST凯马B、古井贡B、鼎立B股等;

9、The Kama Sutra has long been revered by lovers around the world as a source of sublime inspiration on romance and eroticism. ─── 卡马经一直崇敬约作为一种崇高的爱情和性欲的灵感来源世界爱好者。

10、Nobushi &Z-feel was formed at Kama in Kyushu in 1998.In 2000, it started to set up Taiko schools.In 2006, the number of school students had reached 6800. ─── 日本野武士鼓乐团于1998年在九州成立,从2000年起,该团开始开办太鼓学校,到2006年为之,学校的成员已经达到6800名。

11、A travel set of Kama Sutra favorites for spontaneous romance. ─── 旅行一套莱蒂卡马经收藏自发浪漫。

12、Germans closely co-operated with Russians in the development of armored vehicles at Kama, near Kazan in USSR. ─── 德国和苏联合作在卡赞附近的卡马军事基地研发装甲车辆。

13、Estonia's kama (a mixture of ground and roasted grains, including pea flour) added to chilled buttermilk or kefir is healthier and a taste well worth acquiring. ─── 爱沙尼亚的Kama(一种磨碎和烘烤过的谷物的混合食品,包括豌豆粉)加入酪乳或者酸乳酒更健康,值得品尝。

14、The choice of targets all personnel-intensive, difficult defense of "security weakness", such as the Taj Hotels, Europe Hotel, Roy White, Kama hospitals, theaters, and other cities. ─── 中英文对照:所选择的袭击目标全是人员密集、难以防御的“安全软肋”,如泰姬酒店、欧白罗伊饭店、卡玛医院、大都市影院等。

15、In India, Kama is the one responsible for shooting arrows of love at people. ─── 希腊的爱神叫做eros。

16、But also become Wuxi Kiama KAMA and heavy diesel-Chongqing, Chongqing Lifan power products distributor in Guangdong area. ─── 而且成为无锡凯马KAMA及重庆重柴、重庆力帆动力产品广东区总代理。

17、After studying in the Kama International Department for two weeks, I find that Kama is a nice school for me. ─── 来嘉玛国际部学习已两周了,嘉玛真是一所很好的理想学府,校园大而美丽。

18、You have to type either" kama 'or' sutra 'before it appears. ─── 你必须输入‘kama’或‘sutra’的关键字才能找到它。

19、Their teachings will be insulted and followers of Kama will wrest control of the mind from all human beings. ─── 他们的教导,将被侮辱和追随者的卡马将夺取控制铭记从所有的人。

20、For the last time, I'm a Kama master, I don't know this "sutra" you keep mentioning. . . ─── 我强调最后一遍,您一直念叨的经文,我这个忍镰大师根本听不懂哎。

21、It was now joined by the Handschar Division, as well as by the newly formed Albanian (Skanderbeg) and Croat (Kama) Waffen-SS divisions. ─── “弯刀”师和新加入的阿尔巴尼亚人(斯坎德坎师)和克罗地亚(卡玛师)也投入了战斗。

22、A metal truss bridge on stone piers, part of the Trans-Siberian Railway, crossing the Kama River near Perm, Ural Mountains Region, ca. 1910. ─── 一座石桥墩的金属桥,是西伯利亚大铁路的一部分,横跨Perm(在乌拉尔山脉地区)附近的卡马河(1910)。

23、KAMA GmbH is to launch its multifunctional die cutters into the UK market. ─── 卡马有限公司是推出多功能模具刀具进入英国市场。

24、I think my wedding gift to myself would be the complete Kama Sutra package. ─── 我给自己准备的结婚礼物就是全套的印度爱经。

25、I was born in Kama District of Nangarhar Province. ─── 个人简介:I am Syed Wafiullah "Muslim" from Afghanistan.

26、L: Lingam: Ancient Indian term for the representation of the penis; appears in the Kama Sutra and often used in reference to Tantric Sex. ─── 古印度表现阴茎的词儿。它出现于《爱经》,密宗性爱中也常常采用。

27、Address: Suite 1408, Central Building, No.271, South Hushu Road, Hangzhou, China. ( above Kama B.B.Q and Telephone Mall, the opposite side to Starbucks and LSB Wellness Club ─── 地址:湖墅南路271号中环大厦1408室。(卡玛烧烤和话机大世界楼上,对面是星巴克和蓝仕堡健身中心)

28、The traditional goal of life is to live with virtue, dharma, to gain wealth and success, artha, to find pleasure, kama, but in the end, to seek enlightenment, moksha. ─── 上大学的时候曾醉心于古印度文明,可惜很多学过的东西都忘记了。今天心血来潮记下这一点点,希望自己在追逐物质的同时还能受到些许精神之光的照耀。

29、Dream Edge - (Weapon) +5 Kama, Maiming, Aligned, Bodyfeeder, Shattermantle, Suppressed Power [ML:18, BTA ─── 梦之边缘,+5单镰,残害,均衡,自养,破抗,隐藏能力;


31、Forget about Kama Sutra, missionary style is all you can expect. ─── 忘掉《爱经》吧,有传教士式就不错了。

32、LTD. Launched in 1998, WUXI KAMA POWER CO. , LTD made its contributions to the researches of generators and general generator sets. ─── 无锡凯马动力有限公司成立于1998年,主要致力于发动机及通用发电机组的研制;

33、If we say that the first generation of heavy truck made by Misubishi technology is the band's breakthrough, Star kama coming up is the renascence. ─── 如果说采用三菱技术的第一代重卡是华菱的破茧之作,那么,即将量产上市的星凯马重卡,则是华菱的化蝶之作。

34、At present the 3 brands KAMA of this kind of patent product, BURG, SCHOCK already entered Chinese market. ─── 目前这种专利产品的三个品牌KAMA、BURG、SCHOCK都已进入中国市场。

35、hima’ i: laro kama’. ─── 小米没有残留在手中,

36、Appears prominently in the Kama Sutra and often used in the practise of tantric sex. ─── 它醒目地出现在《爱经》中,并常常用于密宗性活动。

37、More than 7000 residents have been relocated following a collapse in part of the spillway of the Kama reservoir dam Friday evening in Luocheng County, Guangxi, caused by days of heavy rainfall. ─── 受近日强降雨影响,7月3日晚,广西罗城县卡马水库水位急剧上涨,水库大坝导流洞出口部分被冲毁。出现险情后,广西立即采取了抢险措施。

38、Overall budget in KAMA Company is based on target profits.And the import of its over budget is on the basis of its different subsidies’ life stage. ─── 并且以KAMA集团为案例,介绍了其以目标利润为导向,根据企业生命周期不同而确定不同的预算管理重点的全面预算管理体系。

39、" It is the mount of Sarasvati, goddess of wisdom and learning.It is also, sometimes, a vehicle of Lakshmi and of Brahma.When it is mounted by Kama, god of love, it represents desire. ─── 是撒拉瓦蒂,知识和智慧之女神的坐骑,有时候也是拉克什米和梵天的交通工具。

40、Dream Edge - (Weapon) +5 Kama, Maiming, Aligned, Bodyfeeder, Shattermantle, Suppressed Power [ML:18, BTA] (Optional End Chest ─── 梦之边缘,+5单镰,残害,均衡,自养,破抗,隐藏能力;(支线箱子)

41、Caption :Workers smashed rocks that were used to reinforce the damaged Kama reservoir dam. ─── 描述:图为工人们正在敲碎石块,这些碎石将用于加固被损毁的卡马水库大坝。

42、Method 47 depressive inpatients with anxiety symptoms and 32 depressive inpatients without anxiety symptoms had been evaluated by HAMD, KAMA and soon. ─── 方法对47例伴有焦虑症状的抑郁发作病人和32例不伴焦虑症状的抑郁发作病人进行临床对照分析。

43、Kama Sutra is not only the art master of Hindu religion, but also a part of international cultural treasury. ─── 婆罗门经典是印度教的神话经典,它是世界民族文化宝库中的一部份。

44、The Real Kama Sutra Is Not Tantra......but Heres Why You Should Be Interested In Both ─── 谭崔和卡马佛经常常是混在一起的性别今日作家。但是,你会发现下面,这两个非常有价值的课题只有远亲...

45、Himmler tried to make the units of the 13th Handschar and 23rd Kama Divisions follow the traditions of the old Muslim units of the Hapsburg Empire, which had ruled the region before World War I. ─── 希姆莱希望把第13“弯刀”师和第23”卡玛”师继承哈布斯堡帝国回教军队的光荣传统。那时的回教军队在一战前统治着这里。

46、Allaa hum ma-barik ala Muhammadin wa' ala a-li Muhammadin kama baruk-ta' ala Ibrahim, wa' a-la a-li Ibrahim. ─── In-naka hameedum Majeed(求你赐穆罕默德及其家属吉庆,犹如你赐吉庆依布拉欣及其家属!

47、WUXI WORLDBEST KAMA POWER CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved 苏ICP备09009227号 . ─── 2009无锡华源凯马发动机有限公司版权所有.

48、The three great enemies of man are Kama (desire), Krodha (anger) and Lobha (greed). ─── 人的三个最大敌人是业(欲望)、嗔(生气)和贪婪。

49、"This should not have to spend the money to be used in the development of Kama, the effect is self-evident. ─── “这笔本不该花去的真金白银如果用于凯马的发展方面,其效果是不言而喻。

50、For him it's mostly about his feats and enhancements. Kama, quarterstaffs will be customisable but carrying non-monk weapons limits your bonuses; de-equip them and it's fine. ─── 从她们的专长和天赋上补偿。单镰,棍流将会是流行,但是,装备非武僧武器将限制其职业奖励----脱下他们就好了。

51、A city of eastern European U.S.S.R.on the Kama River in the foothills of the Ural Mountains.Settled since early times, it grew rapidly as an industrial center in the19th century.Population, 1, 056, 000. ─── 彼尔姆苏联东欧部分一城市,位于卡马河畔、乌拉尔山脉的山脚下。从很早的时候就有人居住,在19世纪迅速发展成为一个工业中心。人口1,056,

52、NanChang KAMA Diesel Engine Co., Ltd ─── 南昌凯马柴油机有限公司

53、But the invention, which allows a wearer to top 60 miles per hour while maintaining any position found in the Kama Sutra, didnt exactly catch fire with consumers. ─── 简介: Frenchman Jean-Yves Blondeau first conceived of his plastic Buggy Rollin suit in 1994, while he was a student at Olivier de Serres design school, in Paris.

54、Weapon-wise, the monk will be proficient with kama, quarterstaff and shuriken. ─── 武器精通,武僧将擅长单镰,棍,和十字剑。

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