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09-17 投稿


providential 发音

英:[pr?v?'den?(?)l]  美:[,prɑv?'d?n?l]

英:  美:

providential 中文意思翻译



providential 词性/词形变化,providential变形

副词: providentially |

providential 短语词组

1、providential happiness ─── 天赐的幸福

2、providential will ─── 天意

providential 相似词语短语

1、providentially ─── adv.神助地;幸运地;照天意

2、evidential ─── adj.证据的;基于证据的;提供证据的;可作证据的

3、provincial ─── adj.省的;地方性的;偏狭的;n.粗野的人;乡下人;外地人

4、precedential ─── adj.有先例的;优先的

5、prudential ─── adj.谨慎的;明辨的

6、provide tips ─── 提供提示

7、presidential ─── adj.总统的;首长的;统辖的

8、providently ─── adv.有远虑地

9、provident ─── adj.节俭的;有先见之明的;顾及未来的

providential 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Praise God for His providential care as Alliance missionaries and their children have been safely evacuated from the war-torn African country, Ivory Coast. ─── 国语事工:请继续为邀约操国语的侨胞,参加十月份不同的聚会祈祷,求主赐给有渴慕认识真理的心。

2、It struck her as providential that she should be the instrument of his initiation. ─── 在她看来,由她来担任这个启蒙的角色实出天意。

3、Proverbs 21 begins by expressing the sovereignty of God and His providential care.He is in control over all things. ─── 廿一章一开始就论到上帝的主权和祂的眷顾,祂能统管所有的事;

4、In all this and much more, we can see the providential hand of God guiding the American colonists, despite their sins. ─── 在这些以及更多的事实中,我们可以看到虽然殖民地的人犯了许多的罪,神旨意之手依然带领着他们。

5、But she is so dependent on you, which make an providential opportunity for you to express your love and appreciation to her. ─── 她没有各种眼花缭乱的饰物挂满全身,因此你不必担心和她走在一起会叮当作响。

6、The red cow didn't die by chance; and your rheumatism can hardly be reckoned among providential visitations!' ─── 那条红牛不是偶然死掉的,而你的风湿病还不能算作天赐的惩罚!”

7、Every step by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency; ─── 他们向着国家独立所迈出的每一步,似乎都已鲜明地显示了神佑的征象。

8、So why does God allow this? Why isn't there providential protection or blessing? The answers unfold throughout the rest of the psalm. ─── 所以为什么神会允许这样的事发生呢?为什么不是幸运的保护或是赐福呢?答案在诗篇的后面部分作出解析。

9、There was another shout of laughter. Bink hadn't crashed headlong into the wall, thanks to the providential stone under his foot, but evidently someone thought he had. ─── 又有一个人大笑起来。幸亏踩到那块石头,宾克才没有一头撞在墙上,但显然有人以为他撞了个正着。

10、Nora thought it was providential that they had asked her to visit just now, when she so desperately needed pampering. ─── 劳拉想在她失落而需要人宠爱的时候,正是在此时他们邀请她作客真是太幸运了。

11、We shall receive very singular providential help if the LORD sees that we try to provide for others. ─── 上帝应许要救我们脱离困境,就像我们曾救助别人那样。

12、The pistols were loaded so our escape is indeed providential. ─── 手枪已上了膛,所以我们能逃走纯属巧合。

13、" "I escaped by a most providential circumstance, which seems a very simple one. ─── “我是靠了老天爷保佑才幸免于难的,而且情况倒似乎十分简单。

14、A providential wind carried the raft to the shore. ─── 天缘巧合,来了一阵风把木筏吹到了岸边。

15、The chair into which he allowed himself to fall was placed in front of that mirror, so fatal for him, so providential for Marius, in which he had read Cosette's reversed writing on the blotting book. ─── 他倒在镜子前面的一把椅子上,这镜子对他是种不幸,但对马吕斯却是一种天赐,在镜中他见到了珂赛特吸墨纸上的反面字迹。

16、Their departure just before the floods was providential. ─── 他们恰在发洪水之前离开,走得真是时候。

17、then He produces a providential crisis where we have to decide - for or against, and from that point the "Great Divide" begins. ─── 那时候就成为我们生命的一个十字路口。不管危机在什麽地方向你逼近, 都要坚定地将你的意志完全降伏在神面前。

18、From the taxi that took us to the dock for launches, my old city of Barranquilla looked strange and sad in the first light of that providential February. ─── 我们坐出租车去码头上船,其时二月(这个神赐的二月)的天色微明,Barranquilla,我长久居住的这座城市,在晨光中显得陌生而伤感。

19、The last half of Psalm 147 celebrates God's providential care of His own people who dwell within the city of Jerusalem. ─── 第一四七篇的下半段是描述上帝如何看顾祂住在耶城中的百姓。

20、Their departurejust before the floods was providential. ─── 他们恰在发洪水之前离开,走得真是时候。

21、You can then start the work of providential recreation on this earth. ─── 接下来,你们才能在这地上展开摄理性的再创造的工作。

22、The usual tenor of a man's life, the dwelling of his soul, is the true test of his state.Perhaps the providential visitation experienced by Hagar struck Isaac's mind, and led him to revere the place; ─── 在平淡、平实的生活中,仍然保守自己的心,常与上帝同在,对这没有经过惊涛骇浪的以撒而言,确是个蛮真实的考验。

23、and by many of our Circles the destructiveness of the Thinner Sex is regarded as one among many providential arrangements for suppressing redundant population, and nipping Revolution in the bud. ─── 在我们许多圆形看来,抑制多余人口、把革命消灭在萌芽状态有很多种方法,而这个瘦小性别所拥有的破坏力不过这些众多方法中的其中一个而已。

24、When distributing news dispatches up to our newspaper, only 6 nets, Sohu obtains potato, cruel Hua Yi is providential the network head that award sows authority. ─── 截至本报发稿时,只有土豆、酷6网、搜狐获得华谊天意授予的网络首播权。

25、Soames Forsyte was a member of the board of the Providential Premium reassurance Society ─── 索姆斯·福赛特是天佑再保险会的董事。

26、help us believe in your providential love;renew our faith in you. ─── 帮助我们信得过祢的慈爱和保守,并更新我们对祢的信心。

27、a heaven-sent rain saved the crops; a providential recovery. ─── 及时的雨解救了庄稼;奇迹般的恢复。

28、They know that they are not forgotten of God, and though it may seem that they are overlooked in His providential distribution of good things, they look for a time when all this shall be righted. ─── 他们知道上帝必不永远忘掉他们,即使表面看来,很多福份好运都轮不到他们,但他们相信,总有一天,上帝会公平地对待他们。

29、The psalm emphasizes the goodness, omnipotence, and providential care of God for which He deserves to be praised. ─── 这篇诗篇强调上帝的良善、无所不能、及照顾,所以祂当受赞美。

30、Nora thought it was providential that they had asked her to visit just now, when she so desperately needed pampering. ─── 劳拉想在她失落而需要人宠爱的时候,正是在此时他们邀请她作客真是太幸运了。

31、The red cow didn't die by chance; and your rheumatism can hardly be reckoned among providential visitations! ─── 那条红牛不是偶然死掉的,而你的风湿病还不能算作天赐的惩罚!

32、The distinction between the kinds of plants being created may solve one problem, but it ignores another and more significant one: the providential foundation that lies behind Genesis 2. ─── 做出不同种类植物的区分也许可以解决一个问题,但是它忽略了其他更重要的问题:第二章背后的上帝的看护的基础。

33、Providential: This disposition of likelihood and individual is concerned. ─── 天意:这个可能和个人的性格有关。

34、In all this and much more, we can see the providential hand of God guiding the American colonists, despite their sins. ─── 在这些以及更多的事实中,我们可以看到虽然殖民地的人犯了许多的罪,神旨意之手依然带领着他们。

35、Occurring at an opportune time; providential. ─── 天赐的,最合适宜的在合适的时间发生的;天赐的

36、The psalm emphasizes the goodness, omnipotence, and providential care of God for which He deserves to be praised. ─── 这篇诗篇强调上帝的良善、无所不能、及照顾,所以祂当受赞美。

37、I believe in the natural course of life-if he is truly the providential destiny for me, he is waiting for me somewhere ahead. ─── 我相信生命的自然旅程,如果他真的是我前世注定的缘分,就一定会在前方等着我。

38、a providential recovery. ─── 幸运的康复。

39、the Rosetta stone, that providential archaeological find. ─── 罗塞塔石板,是一项幸运的考古发现

40、Providential: This disposition of likelihood and individual is concerned. ─── 天意:这个可能和个人的性格有关。

41、He asserted that Greek rationalism and Abrahamic spirituality had fused, a couple of centuries before the coming of Christ, in a providential synthesis. ─── 他在去年的雷根斯讲话说到了希腊文化,犹太文化以及启示录之间的关系,逻辑严谨,但仍引发不少争议。

42、This was providential rest and shelter until the moon rose. ─── 在月亮上来之前,这是一个幸运的休憩与隐蔽之所。

43、henceforth he plainly perceived the providential, divine and human sense of the great things which he had been taught to detest, and of the great men whom he had been instructed to curse. ─── 从此以后他能看清当初别人教他侮蔑咒骂的那些事和人中间的天意、神意和人意了。

44、It struck her as providential that she should be the instrument of his initiation ─── 在她看来,由她来担任这个启蒙的角色实出天意。

45、He explained the yellow fever epidemic as a providential act to discourage urban growth. ─── 他对黄热病疫情对城市化进程的阻碍为一种巧合做出了解释。

46、in a providential manner; as determined by providence. ─── 以神助的方式;由天意决定的。

47、Am I lacking in faith, failing to trust in God's providential care for me and my family? ─── 我是否缺乏信德?无法信靠天主对我和家庭的看顾与安排?

48、Accordingly, the providential responsibility to find and establish God's love as a condition of the eternal ideal lies upon us, humankind today. ─── 于是,摄理性的责任分担就是去寻找与树立起神的爱,并且把神的爱当成永恒理想的条件,这样的责任分担今天就是落在我们人类的肩上。

49、So why does God allow this ? Why isn't there providential protection or blessing? The answers unfold throughout the rest of the psalm. ─── 所以为什么神会允许这样的事发生呢?为什么不是幸运的保护或是赐福呢?答案在诗篇的后面部分作出解析。

50、1.Their departure just before the floods was providential . ─── 他们恰在发洪水之前离开, 走得真是时候.

51、and your rheumatism can hardly be reckoned among providential visitations! ─── 而神的造访也很难让你的风湿病康复。

52、and your rheumatism can hardly be reckoned among providential visitations!' ─── 而神的造访也很难让你的风湿病康复。”

53、By then, however, Chiang had come to think that the loss of the mainland might have been “providential”. ─── 到那个时候,蒋介石已经认为失去大陆或许是“天意”。

54、The history of humankind seeking the eternal life is the course of the providential dispensation. ─── 寻求永生生命的人类历史就是一部摄理历史路程。

55、So why does God allow this ? Why isn't there providential protection or blessing? The answers unfold throughout the rest of the psalm. ─── 所以为什么神会允许这样的事发生呢?为什么不是幸运的保护或是赐福呢?答案在诗篇的后面部分作出解析。

56、The providential plan certainly is better than ours and sometimes beyond our understanding. ─── 神的计划肯定比人的计划好,甚至超出了我们的理解。

57、I believe in the natural course of life-if he is truly the providential destiny for me, he is waiting for me somewhere ahead. ─── 我相信生命的自然旅程,如果他真的是我前世注定的缘分,就一定会在前方等着我。

58、Providential: Good, in this I emphasize falling first, our expect software is not simple operation website, basically be technical provider. ─── 天意:好的,在这我先强调下,我们意想软件不是简单的运营网站哦,主要是技术提供商。

59、The blessings of existence and providential sustaining were not somehow earned by Adam and Eve. ─── 这种存在的赐福,以及神维持生命的眷护,不是靠亚当和夏娃努力挣得的。

60、Ahasuerus' insomnia was providential, for he learned that Mordecai had never been rewarded for saving his life. ─── 亚哈随鲁王的不眠症是上帝恩眷,因他藉此知道末底改救了他的生命,却始终未得赏赐。

61、providential justice ─── 天罚

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