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09-17 投稿


kraken 发音

英:['krɑ?k(?)n]  美:['krɑk?n]

英:  美:

kraken 中文意思翻译



kraken 网络释义

n. 相传在挪威海中出现的怪物;挪威传说中的北海巨妖

kraken 词性/词形变化,kraken变形


kraken 相似词语短语

1、-taken ─── v.拿,带(take的过去分词)

2、bracken ─── n.欧洲蕨;n.(Bracken)人名;(英、德、瑞典)布拉肯

3、-raked ─── adj.倾斜的

4、braked ─── v.减速;刹车(brake的过去式和过去分词)

5、broken ─── adj.破碎的;坏掉的;v.折断;打碎;损坏(break的过去分词)

6、krakens ─── n.相传在挪威海中出现的怪物;挪威传说中的北海巨妖

7、awaken ─── vt.唤醒;唤起;使…意识到;vi.觉醒;醒来;意识到

8、kwaiken ─── 夸肯

9、brakes ─── n.[机][车辆]刹车(brake的复数);[机]制动;刹车系统;v.[机][车辆]刹车(brake的第三人称单数);打碎

kraken 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hades then kills the queen and swears revenge by releasing Kraken and if Andromeda is not sacrificed then Argos will be destroyed. ─── 接着,哈德斯杀死了女王,发誓要放出挪威海怪复仇;倘若不献出安德洛墨达,他将摧毁整个阿尔戈斯;

2、"Kraken Shell gives you some protection against physical damage as well as a debuff removal against certain spells." ─── "海妖外壳减少你受到的物理伤害,同样也可以移除某些技能的负面效果。"

3、M'avina's Embrace(Kraken Shell) 1SC ─── 马维娜的拥抱------马维娜之战斗诗歌(女妖壳甲)

4、Imagine, the last thing you know on God`s green earth is the roar of the kraken and the reeking odour of a thousand rotting corpses. ─── 想像一下,你临死之前在绿色的地球上听到的是海怪震耳欲聋的咆哮,闻到的是它腐尸般恶臭的呼吸.

5、The Kraken Wakes. John Wydham. An unusual "invasion from below" premise with a couple similar to Paul and Jamie from "Mad About You" fulfilling the lead roles. ─── 一个不寻常的“海下入侵”假设将产生“你疯了”想法的主角保罗和杰梅紧密联系在一起。

6、No, no, no, no, no, no, no. "Krocken" is how it`s pronounced in Scandinavian,and "kraken" is closer to that. ─── 不,不,不,不,不,不,不.“挪威海兽”是北欧那边的发音,“挪威海怪”更接近一点.

7、Porter M B.The KRAKEN Normal Mode program.Washington D.C.:Naval Research Laboratory,1992. ─── 李风华.中国科学院声学研究所硕士论文,1997年.

8、The Kraken Wakes. John Wydham. An unusual "invasion from below" premise with a ─── 一个不寻常的“海下入侵”假设将产生“你疯了”想法的主角波尔和杰梅紧密联系在一起。

9、We ain`t Scandinavians, are we? "Kraken." ─── 我们可不在北欧,不是吗?“挪威海怪.”

10、Tethyr for the Take Down Tethyr!quest in Dustwollow Marsh uses the model, he might be a kraken but it is unlikely since in lore its stated that no mortal can kill a kraken, and Tethyr is killed. ─── 在"击败泰瑟尔"任务中的泰瑟尔位于尘泥沼泽,它也是使用了这个模型,泰瑟尔也许是一只克拉肯,不过似乎有史以来就没有凡人能击败克拉肯,但泰瑟尔被干掉了.

11、I always heard it said "kraken". ─── 我总是听人们叫“挪威海怪.”

12、Using this new found rage and power, Kratos defeats the kraken and uses the Phoenix to enter the temple of the Fates . ─── 凭着愤怒和力量,奎托斯击倒了海妖,并驱使凤凰将他送到命运神庙。

13、Stories of the Kraken were likely inspired by a real marine monster: the Giant squid (Architeuthis). ─── 挪威海怪的故事,很可能受到一种真正的海洋怪物—巨型乌贼的启发。

14、[The kraken grabs Kratos and clenches him tightly in one of its massive tentacles. ─── [海妖用它的触手牢牢抓住了奎托斯。

15、About a century later, science finally attached a zoological name to the Kraken. ─── 大约又经过了一个世纪,科学终于对这种动物加上了一个动物学上的名称—“挪威海怪”。

16、who play upon harps and can charm the great Kraken to sleep; ─── 弹奏着竖琴,美妙的声音让巨大的喀拉肯(大海怪)安睡。

17、But what is a Kraken, and why would anyone want to release it? ─── 但是什么是“海怪”和为什么任何人都要释放它?

18、Isaac of Kraken is just like them.Hyoga is a little more serious but not too much. ─── 埃萨克是和他们一样的,冰河比他们严肃一点。

19、Kraken model ─── Kraken模型

20、Asteroid 101, in the distant galaxy of Kraken is a sombre and dangerous place... ─── 101号小行星,传说中是银河边缘一个黯淡的和危险的地方。

21、[Using this new found rage and power, Kratos defeats the kraken and uses the Phoenix to enter the temple of the Fates. ─── [凭着愤怒和力量,奎托斯击倒了海妖,并驱使凤凰将他送到命运神庙。

22、After her will come the others [no caps]. Crow and kraken, lion and griffin, the sun's son and the mummer's dragon. ─── 在她身后,乌鸦和海怪、狮子和狮鹫、太阳之子和戏子的龙也会随之而来。

23、Tethyr for the Take Down Tethyr!quest in Dustwollow Marsh uses the model he might be a kraken but it is unlikely since in lore its stated that no mortal can kill a kraken and Tethyr is killed. ─── 在"击败泰瑟尔"任务中的泰瑟尔位于尘泥沼泽它也是使用了这个模型泰瑟尔也许是一只克拉肯不过似乎有史以来就没有凡人能击败克拉肯但泰瑟尔被干掉了.

24、Perhaps the most famous legendary squid is the Norse Kraken, a monstrous, tentacled beast as large as an island that devoured ships whole. ─── 或许传说中最著名的乌贼是北海巨妖,像岛一样巨大的多脚怪吞噬过往船只。

25、Kraken are monstrously large creatures in mythology. ─── 北海巨妖在神话中是一只极度恶残的巨型生物。

26、House Greyjoy of Pyke - A golden kraken on black ─── 黑色之上一只金色的乌贼

27、That sounds like the Kraken to me. ─── 我觉得这听起来就像挪威海怪。

28、What other Opuses has Kraken produced, and do they plan to produce? ─── Kraken还会制作其他作品,并有计划地生产吗?

29、) Of all the lakes on Titan's surface, the target one would either be Ligeia Mare or Kraken Mare, both of which are comparable in size to the Great Lakes. ─── 在泰坦表面的众多湖泊中,首先被选中的目标是黎盖娅湖和海妖湖,论面积这两个湖泊都可与北美的五大湖区相媲美。

30、Crow and kraken, lion and griffin, the sun's son and the mummer's dragon.Remember the undying.Beware the perfumed seneschal. ─── 随后是其他人,乌鸦与海怪,狮子与狮鹫。

31、[A kraken appears from the depths behind Kratos. Without fear, Kratos casually walks towards the beast, still shouting out to Zeus. ─── [此时一只巨型海妖从奎托斯背后的深渊爬出来。面对怪兽奎托斯毫无畏惧,不顾一切地走进它,同时仍然不停的咒骂宙斯。

32、I'm a kraken from the sea!” ─── 我是一个从大海里来的海妖!

33、Based in London, a stone's throw from the magnificent St Paul's Cathedral, Kraken Opus also has a presence in New York, Dublin, Hong Kong, San Francisco, the Channel Islands and Warwickshire. ─── 总部设在伦敦,相邻于宏伟的圣保罗大教堂, Kraken Opus也在纽约,都柏林,香港,旧金山,海峡群岛和沃里克建立分支机构。

34、The dragon is the largest, the kraken is the strongest, the unicorn is the most enchanting, and the manticore and the gryphon are powerful in their own rights. ─── 龙是最巨大的,海怪是最强壮的,独角兽是最迷人的,而人头狮身龙尾兽及半狮半鹫兽就他们本身的条件而言是最强大的。

35、After her will come the others [no caps].Crow and kraken, lion and griffin, the sun's son and the mummer's dragon. ─── 在她身后,乌鸦和海怪、狮子和狮鹫、太阳之子和戏子的龙也会随之而来。

36、We don`t want the kraken to catch us. ─── 我们都不想让挪威海怪追上我们.

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