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09-17 投稿


inconsolable 发音

英:[?nk?n's??l?b(?)l]  美:['?nk?n'sol?bl]

英:  美:

inconsolable 中文意思翻译



inconsolable 网络释义

adj. 无法安慰的(名词inconsolability,副词inconsolably);极为伤心的

inconsolable 词性/词形变化,inconsolable变形

副词: inconsolably |名词: inconsolability |

inconsolable 反义词


inconsolable 同义词

wretched | desperation | brokenhearted | devastated | desolate | heartbroken | disconsolate |despairing | grief-stricken

inconsolable 短语词组

1、inconsolable maria ─── 伤心欲绝的玛丽亚

inconsolable 相似词语短语

1、inconsolableness ─── 伤感

2、inconstruable ─── 不可改变的

3、incoagulable ─── 不能凝固的;不凝的

4、incontrollable ─── adj.不能控制的

5、inconsolably ─── adv.无法安慰地

6、inconscionable ─── 无意识

7、inconsonance ─── n.不和谐;不协调

8、consolable ─── adj.可藉慰的;可安慰的

9、inconsumable ─── 非消费性的;用不完的

inconsolable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is believed that Shah Jahan was inconsolable to the point of contemplating abdication in favour of his sons. ─── 据说,沙·贾汗极为悲伤,甚至打算退位,将王位让给他的儿子们。

2、The children were inconsolable when their father died. ─── 这些孩子因为丧父而悲伤不已。

3、an inconsolable misfortune ─── 无可慰藉的不幸

4、3. Though both parents grieved, his little mother was inconsolable. ─── 鸟爸爸和鸟妈妈都很难过,然而小鸟妈妈却伤心至极。

5、1. The little girl was inconsolable at the loss of her kitten. ─── 失去了她的小猫之后,那个小女孩悲痛欲绝。

6、inconsolable widow ─── 无以慰藉的寡妇

7、The children were inconsolable when their father died。 ─── 这些孩子因为丧父而悲伤不已。

8、Photographs of Gana, looking stricken and inconsolable, attracted crowds to the zoo. ─── 的照片看起来饱受疾病折磨,悲痛欲绝,使很多人来到动物园。

9、my mother died I was inconsolable. ─── 母亲去世的时候,我伤心欲绝。

10、He was inconsolable after his pet died. ─── 宠物死了之后,他伤心至极。

11、Inconsolable --- Backstreet Boys I close the door ─── 关上那扇门

12、‘Oh, Bill,' she was inconsolable, ‘I'm losing it. I'm losing our baby.' ─── "噢,"比尔,她伤心欲绝地说,"我要流产了。我保不住我们的孩子了。"

13、The children were inconsolable when their father die d. ─── 这些孩子因丧父而悲伤不已.

14、This is our 56th game of the season, and in truth it is the first where defeat is inconsolable. ─── 这是我们第56场比赛,而事实上这是我们头一遭碰到无法弥补的失利。

15、After a humiliating conflict with a customer, he is inconsolable. ─── 在经历一个顾客的羞辱性冲突后,他极为伤心。

16、it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable. ─── 但对于没有做过的事情的悔恨才是最大的悲哀。

17、(2)Her parents’ usual arguments only made her more inconsolable .Nothing they said made her feel any better. ─── 通过第二句“什么事情也不能使她感觉好些”,可以判断“inconsolable”的意思是:“无法安慰的”。

18、If he had pulled out due to injury, Americans would have been disappointed, but they would not have been inconsolable . ─── 如果他因伤退赛,美国人会很失望,但是不会伤心至极。

19、His inconsolable widow continued to keep the wine-shop. ─── 他的遗孀,得不到一点安慰,继续开着那店铺。

20、28. The little girl was inconsolable at the loss of her kitten. ─── 那个小女孩丢失了她的小猫,极为伤心。

21、inconsolable grief ─── 无法抚慰的悲伤

22、He Xinghao, also 15, did not make it out alive. His body was pulled out hours later from the rubble as presented to inconsolable parents. ─── 何晓波(音译),也是15岁,去没有能够生还。他的尸体在数小时后被脱出,他们伤心欲绝的父母就在他尸体旁边。

23、Baby I would tell you every time you leave,I'm inconsolable. ─── 每次你的离开,带给我的都是无尽的伤痛和不安。

24、Crying like an inconsolable child the day that Marco Unico announced his retirement, due to the onlyopponent who was able to stop him: his chrystal ankles... ─── 那是一个泪水纷飞的日子,那一天独一无二的马尔科宣布挂靴,向伤心不已的球迷们挥手告别,身后留下的是永远的遗憾。

25、When his wife Laodamia heard of this she was simply inconsolable. ─── 他的妻子拉俄达弥亚听到这个消息,悲痛之心无法得以慰藉。

26、But, after Marian's death, things were never the same in the glade, for all had loved her, and all mourned her loss, while Robin Hood himself was inconsolable. ─── 但是,在玛丽安死后,在森林空地事情完全就变了模样,因为所有的人都敬爱她,所有的人为她的去世而悲伤,而罗宾本人尚不能平抚伤痛。

27、The little girl was inconsolable at the loss of her kitten. ─── 失去了她的小猫之后,那个小女孩悲痛欲绝。

28、was inconsolable after his pet died. ─── 宠物死了之后,他万分沮丧

29、The littel girl was inconsolable at the loss of her kitten. ─── 那小女孩因失去她的小猫而伤心不已。

30、She listened, then said the usual things grown-ups say to soothe a child, but I was inconsolable. ─── 她仔细听着,随后用惯常大人们劝慰小孩的话哄着我,可我不怎么好哄。

31、I was almost inconsolable when the deal broke down a few months ago because Feyenoord went public with Arsenal's interest," said van Persie. ─── 当几个月前的谈判失败时,我感觉到心灰意冷。

32、The idea was that if mum came to 9 a small child in hospital the child would be upset and inconsolable for hours. ─── 一般的想法是如果母亲来到医院探望小孩,小孩就会烦躁不安,几个小时内无法安抚。

33、PAUL: I cried after a particularly horrific gig.If we don't come off stage on the edge of collapse, then we never made enough effort and i become inconsolable until the next gig. ─── 在一次可怕的演出后我哭了,如果我们不直到崩溃边缘才下台,我们就无法达到效果,直到下一场演出之前我都会很沮丧。

34、According to Collins German dictionary, the word means "hopeless, miserable, wretched or inconsolable" ─── 根据科林斯字典的解释,这个单词意为“绝望、痛苦、可怜或者悲惨至极”。

35、I think you're so blinded by inconsolable rage that you don't care who you hurt. ─── 我觉得,极端的愤怒让你丧失了理智,根本不管被你伤害的人(他们的死活)。

36、Hearing this inconsolable answer I wanted to encourage him not to give up, but my mouth felt unable to say any positive words. ─── 听到他失落的回答,我很想鼓励他一定不要放弃,但我却无论如何也说不出任何鼓励的话语。

37、inconsolable when her son died. ─── 儿子死时她痛不欲生。

38、I received a Dear John Letter from my girl friend, which made me inconsolable. ─── 我收到女友来的绝交信,令我伤心欲绝。

39、Like everyone connected to the club the combative Mali midfielder was inconsolable after the disappointing loss to Manchester United seven days ago. ─── 像俱乐部中的所有人,马里凶猛的中场对7天前输给曼联的比赛非常失望。

40、They were inconsolable when their only child died. ─── 他们唯一的孩子去世时,他们简直痛不欲生。

41、Turner's friends said he was inconsolable ─── 特纳的朋友说,他伤心至极。

42、Suma, a 45-year-old elephant and long-time resident of the Zagreb Zoo, was bereaved and inconsolable after her pachyderm partner of tens years died of cancer. Until she heard Mozart. ─── 舒玛是一头长期住在札格雷布动物园的45岁大象,她在长达10年的厚皮类伴侣死于癌症后痛失倚靠、哀痛逾恒。直到她听到莫札特为止。

43、She is inconsolable for the loss of her husband. ─── 她因丈夫的离世而痛不欲生。

44、The Brazilian Olympic team captain seemed inconsolable, in fact, after his team's 3-0 defeat to Argentina in the semifinals. ─── 在他们0比3惨败给阿根廷之后,巴西队长事实上非常伤心。

45、When he left Spain, I was inconsolable. ─── 他离开西班牙时我沮丧极了。

46、It appears to the afflicted Mr. Guppy and his inconsolable friend, that there is no end to the Dedlocks ─── 格皮先生感到心情沉重,他的朋友也感到兴味索然,在他们看来,德洛克家的人好象是没完没了。

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