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09-17 投稿


tipping 发音

英:[?t?p??]  美:[t?p??]

英:  美:

tipping 中文意思翻译





tipping 短语词组

1、fly-tipping n. ─── 向街上乱倒垃圾废物

2、hand tipping device ─── 手动倾卸装置

3、anti-tipping moment ─── 抗倾覆力矩

4、slag tipping ─── 堆渣场

5、box tipping equipment ─── 箱子倾卸设备

6、tipping angle ─── [机]顶锥角,顶圆锥角;顶端角,顶尖角

7、in his book the tipping point ─── 在他的书《引爆点》

8、rubble tipping ─── 碎石倾倒

9、ladle tipping ─── 钢包倾翻

10、automatic tipping device ─── 自动倾卸装置

11、double side tipping ─── 双面倾卸

12、table tipping ─── [网络] 神力使桌子转动

13、tipping bucket ─── 倾斜斗翻斗

14、propeller tipping ─── 螺旋桨包梢

15、tipping wagon ─── [化] 倾斗车

16、tipping arrangement ─── 翻转设备

17、tipping point n. ─── 卸载点; 1。引爆点、临界点、时间窗、价格点、量变到质变的分界点

18、tipping attachment ─── 倾翻附件

19、tipping grate ─── [机] 倾斜炉篦

tipping 词性/词形变化,tipping变形

现在分词:tipping 原型:tip

tipping 常用词组

tipping point ─── 卸载点

tipping 相似词语短语

1、dipping ─── v.蘸(dip的现在分词)

2、hipping ─── n.安装帮木;v.损伤…的髋部(hip的ing形式)

3、tippling ─── n.酒;烈酒;vi.饮酒;vt.习惯性地饮酒

4、tippings ─── n.倾斜;倒垃圾;v.(使)倾斜;倾倒;轻触;给小费(tip的现在分词);n.(Tipping)(美)蒂平(人名)

5、kipping ─── v.睡觉;逃学;住宿(kip的ing形式)

6、tripping ─── adj.敏捷的;步伐轻快的;流利的;v.绊倒;脚步轻快地走(或跑或跳);(字句)轻松自如地吐出;开动(尤指出动开关)(trip的现在分词)

7、gipping ─── n.吉平(英国地名)

8、lipping ─── n.唇形变;v.用嘴唇接触;轻轻说出(lip的ing形式)

9、nipping ─── adj.锋利的;刺骨的;尖酸刻薄的;v.夹紧;阻止…的成长;造成冻伤(nip的ing形式)

tipping 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、An example of a tipping point is the thawing of the permafrost. ─── “气候引爆点”的一个例子就是永久冻土层的融化。

2、His name was on the tip of my tongue. ─── 他的名字就挂在我的嘴边。

3、While such explanations may be crude, the hard truth seems to be that tipping does not work. ─── 尽管这些解释也许不很成熟,而事实看起来就是,支付小费并不能起到什么作用。

4、He was mean not to give her a tip. ─── 他真小气,不给她小费。

5、He started tipping beans into a pan. ─── 他开始把豆倒进锅中。

6、Don' t lean on the table or it' ll tip up. ─── 别倚桌子, 不然就倚倒了.

7、Visitors are always amazed, the site manager says, to discover how much more there is to landfilling than tipping waste in a hole. ─── 填埋地点的经理人说,参观者通常很诧异地发现填埋的垃圾比倾卸在洞中的垃圾要多很多。

8、The tip of one finger touched it! ─── 她的指尖终于触到了扳机!

9、It is common practice in the US to tip the waiter. ─── 在美国给服务生小费是很普遍的现象。

10、Thanks for tipping me off about those shares. ─── 多谢你给我通报有关那些股票的消息。

11、I'll tip you the wink when it's safe to come in. ─── 可以安全进来时,我会向你使眼色的。

12、Most of you probably think that you hate tipping, too. ─── 你们大多数人可能也都讨厌给小费。

13、Did you remember to tip the driver? ─── 你记得给司机小费了吗?

14、He always has some money at the tip of his fingers. ─── 他手头总有些钱。

15、The bus stopped abruptly, nearly tipping me out of my seat. ─── 公共汽车突然刹车,差点儿把我从座位上甩出去。

16、They whipped round among themselves to give the Indian guide a tip. ─── 他们各捐了一点钱给那个印第安向导作为小费。

17、He had a tip that the black horse would win the race. ─── 他有个秘密消息说那匹马将在比赛中获胜

18、When should I tip in a beauty salon? ─── 在美容院何时该给小费?

19、In America alone,tipping is now a $16 billion a year industry. ─── 仅在美国,小费这一行当每年的总额高达160亿美元。

20、The Chinese people have happily put an end to tipping. ─── 中国人有幸废除了小费。

21、Only the tip of iceberg poped out of water. ─── 只有冰山的尖端突出于水面。

22、The waitress received a handsome tip. ─── 女侍者收到了数量可观的小费。

23、Zoellick, reiterating that many of them are at a 'tipping point. ─── 他重申,很多贫困国家都处于“临界点”。

24、He gave the waiter a generous tip. ─── 他给了服务员很多小费。

25、She nearly -got to give him a tip for his service. ─── 她几乎忘记给他的服务付小费。

26、Such a flanged girder is referred to as unsymmetrical and must have tipping brackets fitted at name frame spaces. ─── 法兰的梁提到,不对称,必须有引爆支架装在伟大框架空间。

27、As you see things getting closer and closer to that tipping point, you're going to see a frenzy of activity take place. ─── 当我们看待事情越来越接近临界点的时候,我们有可能会看到一些很狂乱的事情发生。

28、Did you remember to tip the waiter? ─── 你记住给服务员小费了吗?

29、He tip the money in his pocket onto the counter. ─── 他把口袋里的钱倾倒在柜台上。

30、If you take my tip, you will make a lot of money. ─── 如果你采纳我的建议,你将赚很多钱。

31、What's a reasonable tipping rate in a restaurant like that? ─── 在像那样的餐厅里,合理的小费该给多少?

32、Tipping the bowl made it flow like a liquid. ─── 将碗倾斜,它便象液体一样流动。

33、Waiters and restaurateurs are forever tipping off the press so that when Cheung tries to leave a restaurant, a phalanx is waiting for her. ─── 饭馆的侍应生和老板总会向媒体告密,所以每当张曼玉离开饭馆时,总有一群人在等候着她。

34、It lies at the southern tip of an island. ─── 它位于岛的最南端。

35、Don't forget to tip the hairdresser. ─── 别忘了给美师小费。

36、His house is located on the tip of the peninsula. ─── 他的房子位于半岛的顶端。

37、In this tip, I focus on the server side. ─── 在本技巧中,我把重点放在了服务器端。

38、Represent only the tip of the iceberg. ─── 只是冰山一角。

39、You will not forget to tip the driver,will you ? ─── 你不会忘记给驾驶员小费吧?

40、I have her name on the tip of my tongue. ─── 她的名字就在我嘴边,却说不出来。

41、They felt it to be undignified to accept a tip. ─── 他们觉得接受小费有损尊严。

42、What is her name? It's on the tip of my tongue! ─── 她叫什么来着?她的名字就在我嘴边,可一时竟想不起来了。

43、Displays the balloon tip in the taskbar. ─── 在任务栏中显示气球提示。

44、There is no service charge and tipping is at your discretion. ─── 不收服务费,给不给小费由你自行决定。

45、Did you remember to tip the porter? ─── 你记得给搬运工小费了吗?

46、O'Keefe regarded his glowing cigar tip. ─── 奥基夫凝视着他那支点燃着的雪茄烟头。

47、You won't forget to tip the driver,will you? ─── 你不会忘记给驾驶员小费的吧?

48、Tipping well is a chance to show off. ─── 多掏小费是炫耀、表现自己的机会。

49、They are about to pass their tipping point. ─── 他们马上就要超过临界点了。

50、I have her name at the tip of my tongue. ─── 她的名字就在我嘴边,却说不出来。

51、Steve came to work late this morning; he must have been tipping his elbow last night. ─── 史蒂夫今天早上上班迟到了; 他昨晚准是出去喝了酒。

52、No. Gee, it's on the tip of my tongue. ─── 不是。天啊!话在嘴边,就是想不出来。

53、Danger of tipping backwards of jib! ─── 向后倾斜副臂危险!

54、What's her name? It's just on the tip of my tongue! ─── 她叫什么名字来着?就在嘴边就想不起来了.

55、She gave the porter a small tip. ─── 她给了行李服务员一点小费。

56、He left a tip under his plate. ─── 他把小费放在盘子下面了。

57、He tacked on a dollar for the tip to the waiter. ─── 他额外又给了那个侍者1美元小费。

58、The tip of a rattlesnake's rattle. ─── 响尾蛇发声器官的末端

59、Have you given the waiter a tip? ─── 你给侍者小费了吗?

60、Is it customary to tip waiters in your country? ─── 在贵国依照惯例是否应该付给服务员小费?

61、To cause to turn or tip over; capsize. ─── 使翻倒,使翻覆;使颠覆

62、The tip of a pouring spout, as on a pitcher. ─── 壶口倒水口的末端,如水罐上的

63、Here's a tip I picked up from my mother. ─── 告诉你一个窍门,是我从妈妈那学来的。

64、Believe it or not,this is just the tip of the iceberg. ─── 信不信由你,这才只是冰山的一角。

65、A grade of Chinese black tea, obtained from the fifth and largest leaf gathered from a shoot tip of a tea plant. ─── 功夫茶中国的一种浓茶,茶叶采自茶树顶部第五片和最大的一片叶子

66、In many Asian countries,tipping has never really caught on at all. ─── 在许多亚洲国家,付小费从未真正流行起来。

67、In the United States there is no consistent practice in regard to tipping. ─── 在美国关于给小费没有统一的做法。

68、He started tipping the pea pods into a pan. ─── 他开始把豌豆荚倒进锅中。

69、His name is at the tip of my tongue. ─── 他的名字就在我的嘴边,就是想不起来。

70、You are not bound to give a tip to the waiter. ─── 你不一定非给服务员小费不可。

71、Do you know when to tip and how much to give? ─── 你知道何时该给小费以及该给多少吗?

72、We leave the tip of $ 5,how about we each pay $ 10? ─── 付五美元小费,我们每人出十美元,如何?

73、He was always flush in tipping. ─── 他给小费总是很大方。

74、He always walks carrying a cane with a silver tip. ─── 他经常拄着镶银顶的拐杖散步。

75、She gave theboyone dollar for a tip. ─── 她给仆人一元钱作赏钱。

76、Don't lean on the table or it'll tip up. ─── 别倚桌子,不然就倚倒了。

77、And I think Linux is definitely very close to reaching that magic tipping point where it will be easy to use for all levels of users. ─── 而且Linux的设计使之非常接近一个临界点,过了这个临界点,Linux就可以被各种层次的用户方便的使用。

78、"Right you are," agreed the policeman, tipping his cap. ─── “行了,您哪,”警察满口应承,并且轻轻碰一碰他的帽沿。

79、I had a rude comment on the tip of my tongue, but I decided not to say it. ─── 一句粗话已到嘴边,但我还是决定不说为好。

80、In America, they usually tip taxi drivers. ─── 在美国,人们一般要给出租汽车司机小费。

81、As the diamond tip of the drill revolves, it is lubricated by mud. ─── 在钻机的金刚钻头旋转的时候,泥浆便进行了润滑。

82、Click the light bulb to see the tip. ─── 单击灯泡便可显示提示。

83、The above are only the tip of the iceberg. ─── 以上只是冰山的一角。

84、Please remember (ie Don't forget to tip) the waiter. ─── 别忘了给服务员小费。

85、Antarctica is about 600 miles from the tip of South America. ─── 南极洲到南美洲尖端的距离约为六百英里。

86、He's not in the habit of tipping at any restaurant. ─── 不论在什么样的餐馆他都没有给小费的习惯。

87、Don't tip your tea into the saucer. ─── 不要把茶倒进茶碟里。

88、It's an insult to tip a waitress in Iceland. ─── 在冰岛给女招待小费是对她的侮辱。

89、Once I looked up "tipping" in a dictionary. ─── 有一次我在字典里查了“tipping”这个词。

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