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09-17 投稿


llano 发音

英:[?ljɑ?n??]  美:[?lɑ?no?]

英:  美:

llano 中文意思翻译




llano 网络释义

n. (南美的)大草原n. (Llano)人名;(西)利亚诺

llano 短语词组

1、Llano Estacado ─── [网络] 埃斯塔卡多平原

2、Llano pocket gopher ─── 拉诺口袋地鼠

llano 词性/词形变化,llano变形

名词复数: llanos |

llano 相似词语短语

1、llaneros ─── 兰纳斯

2、Galliano ─── n.(金黄色加香草的意大利)加利亚诺酒;n.(意、美、法、阿)加利亚诺(人名)

3、llanos ─── n.大草原(llano的复数)

4、plano- ─── n.(Plano)普莱诺(美国一城市);n.(Plano)(美)普拉诺(人名)

5、llanero ─── n.大草原居民

6、-land ─── n.国土;陆地;地面;vt.使…登陆;使…陷于;将…卸下;vi.登陆;到达;n.(Land)人名;(英、德、葡、瑞典)兰德

7、solano ─── n.[气象]沙拉拿风(西班牙东南海岸夏季的一种东风);n.(Solano)人名;(意、西、葡、捷)索拉诺

8、Milano ─── n.米兰(意大利地名)

9、Plano ─── n.普莱诺(美国城市);n.(美、意、阿、西、法、英)普拉诺(人名)

llano 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was reburied permanently in Llano Cemetery in 1949, according to Amarillo Globe-News files. ─── 根据亚马瑞罗环球新闻文件,布莱克本的尸体于1949年最终埋葬在大公墓里。

2、We seek not only the brand, more demanding quality and create unprecedented high-quality, creating an unprecedented new value is gold llano sustained motivation and the pursuit of the source! ─── 我们所追求的不仅仅是品牌,更苛求的是品质,创造前所未有的高品质,创造前所未有的新价值,是亚诺金持续的源动力与追求!

3、Before the Puente de San Francisco bridge turn left onto Camino Llano. ─── 所有的12岁以下的儿童在使用现有的床铺之下不需付费。

4、when i said my hometown is inner Mongolia. they always ask me some same questions. can you ride horse? are you Mongol? the llano of there is very beautiful all right? ─── 你们是不是住在蒙古包了?haha sometimes i feel that so funny, in fact my hometown is very 普通。她和中国很多地方都是一样的啊,只是多了个少数民族而已。

5、Gansu Province is a multiracial province, it is one of 5 llano a pasturing area of countrywide at the same time. ─── 甘肃是一个多民族省份,同时又是全国五大草原牧区之一。

6、Extensive llano, azure sky, winding shed dripping Xi Linhe. ─── 辽阔的大草原, 蔚蓝的天空, 蜿蜒流淌的锡林河.

7、Llano Estacado ─── 埃斯塔卡多平原(美国高原)

8、Llano of Hu Lunbei Er is forage grass main source, because do not have pollution, grass to had pledged, get of Japan and Korea love. ─── 呼伦贝尔大草原是饲草主要产地,由于没有污染、草质好,深受日本和韩国的喜爱。

9、But then again Fusion is not expected to appear on the market until 2011, in the form of Llano. ─── 但是,然后再融合将不会出现在市场上,直到2011年,在拉诺埃形式。

10、16.Si se estaciona un turismo en llano y el conductor se aleja, entre otras medidas debe... ─── 如果在平地上停车驾驶员离开, 除了必要的措施, 必须...

11、3 is carried out on llano of Inner Mongolia Hu Lunbei Er after year, when other grazing thrive when, have nearly 70 thousand mus alfalfa death however. ─── 3年后,当其它牧草茁壮成长的时候,却有近7万亩的紫花苜蓿死亡。

12、The car sails on big bridge, it is a fresh and green llano head on. ─── 秉领导指示,我们又驱车赴会。小车驶上大桥,迎面是一片青翠的大草原。

13、It is reported, group of electric machinery of this batch of wind will be sent toward the Nei Monggol Autonomous Region, installation is in llano of Hu Lunbei Er wind field. ─── 据悉,这批风电机组将发往内蒙古自治区,安装在呼伦贝尔大草原风场。

14、The car sails on bridge, it is a fresh and green llano head on. ─── 秉领导指示,我们又驱车赴会.小车驶上大桥, 迎面是一片青翠的大草原.

15、"Llano today completed the great race. ─── “亚诺今天完成了很棒的比赛。

16、One day, this goat escaped the zoo, come to llano, ate delicate and goluptious green grass, just know to there still is so delicate green grass on the world. ─── 有一天,这只山羊逃出了动物园,来到了大草原,吃到了美味可口的青草,才知道世界上还有这么美味的青草。

17、Mention group of profit of Inner Mongolia Yi, let us associate to the llano of stretch to the horizon, lush of Wo Ye a thousand li, aquatic. ─── 提起内蒙古伊利集团,就让我们联想到一望无际的大草原,沃野千里、水草丰美。

18、Advanced in the system, management excellence, technical skills, cultural rich llano of gold, each and every staff of the value orientation and thinking are of considerable respect; ─── 让团体的智慧成为亚诺金的智慧,让群体的思维集合为亚诺金的创造力,是亚诺金独居奇峰、永求卓越的基点。

19、My team is very confident that out of the woods, I would like to Christie Llano - Zanetti will be back soon, he will help us a favor. ─── 我对球队走出困境非常有信心,我想克里斯蒂亚诺-扎内蒂马上就会复出,他会帮上我们的忙。”

20、Plum surname goatherd drives domestic Yang Heye's goat into boundless and indistinct llano together. ─── 李姓牧羊人则把家羊和野山羊一起赶进了茫茫大草原.

21、He was reburied permanently in Llano Cemetery in 1949, according to Amarillo Globe - News files. ─── 根据亚马瑞罗环球新闻文件,布莱克本的尸体于1949年最终埋葬在大公墓里.

22、Have over there llano, desert is mixed group of hill, still have half wet climate and be here forever haunt Yindian tribe, primitive, mysterious and gallant. ─── 那里有大草原、荒漠和群山,还有半湿润的气候和世世代代在这里生息的印第安部族,原始、神秘而壮丽。

23、The following day, piece surname goatherd is afraid that wild goat runs, drive domestic sheep into boundless and indistinct llano only. ─── 第二天,张姓牧羊人怕野山羊跑了,只把家羊赶进了茫茫大草原。

24、Llano seco orbivirus ─── 拉罗塞可环状病毒

25、Llano pocket gopher ─── n. 囊鼠

26、In beautiful and extensive Mongolia llano, "Valley of Chinese rare land " rising abruptly. ─── 在美丽辽阔的蒙古大草原,“中国稀土谷”正在崛起。

27、Llano Seco virus ─── 亚诺塞科病毒

28、Extensive llano, azure sky, winding shed dripping Xi Linhe. ─── 辽阔的大草原,蔚蓝的天空,蜿蜒流淌的锡林河。

29、There is llano over there, have desert, group hill, still have half wet climate and be here forever haunt Yindian tribe, primitive, mysterious and gallant. ─── 那里有大草原、有荒漠、群山,还有半湿润的气候和世世代代在这里生息的印第安部族,原始、神秘而壮丽。

30、Llano gold now branded products in China's major provinces and cities are gradually establish a perfect and highly efficient marketing network and perfect service system. ─── 现在亚诺金品牌产品正于中国各大省市逐步建立完善高效的营销网络和完善的服务体系。

31、Blackburn's body was removed, and he eventually was buried in Llano Cemetery, but his plane has remained in the Chinese lake for more than 60 years. ─── 布莱克本的尸体被打捞出来,最终被埋葬在大公墓里,但是他驾驶的飞机却一直埋藏在中国的湖泊里达60年之久。

32、I have been waiting for this day for 14 years," the Italian writer Roberto Javier Llano News Agency said. ─── 我等待这一天已经14年了,”作家罗伯托·萨维亚诺对意大利通讯社记者说。

33、Plum surname goatherd drives domestic Yang Heye's goat into boundless and indistinct llano together. ─── 李姓牧羊人则把家羊和野山羊一起赶进了茫茫大草原。

34、Busy in recent years pat piece, but it is no matter in barback, island, still be card of llano, small post, his take exercise not discontinuous over- . ─── 近年来忙于拍片,但不论是在军营、海岛,还是大草原、小哨卡,他的锻炼都未间断过。

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