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09-17 投稿


invulnerability 发音


英:  美:

invulnerability 中文意思翻译



invulnerability 反义词


invulnerability 短语词组

1、nigh invulnerability ─── 近乎无敌

invulnerability 词性/词形变化,invulnerability变形

名词: involvement |动词现在分词: involving |动词第三人称单数: involves |动词过去式: involved |动词过去分词: involved |

invulnerability 同义词

impregnability | security | protection | freedom | imperviousness | immunity |proof | exception

invulnerability 相似词语短语

1、vulnerability ─── n.易损性;弱点

2、incurability ─── n.不能医治;不能矫正

3、insuperability ─── n.不能制胜;不能克服

4、intolerability ─── n.无法忍受;难耐

5、enumerability ─── n.[数]可数性;[数]可枚举性

6、inalterability ─── 不变性

7、inoperability ─── n.不宜手术性;不能手术性

8、invulnerably ─── adv.不受伤害地;不受损的

9、innumerability ─── n.无数

invulnerability 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The near-collapse of Bear Stearns punctures Wall Street's sense of invulnerability. ─── 几近破产的贝尔史登刺破华尔街脆弱的意识。

2、A worrior is not about perfection, or victory, or invulnerability, it's about absolute vulnerability, that's the only true courage... ─── 真正的战士不是完美的化身,不是攻无不克的勇士,也不在于铜头铁臂的身躯,而是绝对的脆弱,这才是真正的勇气!

3、The near-collapse of Bear Stearns punctures Wall Street's sense of invulnerability . ─── 险些遭遇破产危机的贝尔斯登银行打破了华尔街坚不可摧的神话。

4、He had, or thought that he had, a connivance, one might almost say a complicity, of events in his favor, which was equivalent to the invulnerability of antiquity. ─── 他曾经受过,或者自以为受过多次事变的默许,甚至几乎可以说,受过多次事变的包庇,使他成为一个类似古代那种金刚不坏之身的人物。

5、"The first year, these people everybody invulnerability, who also refused to go to blood collection. ─── “头一年,这些人个个刀枪不入,谁也不肯去采血。

6、Specially, the study on invulnerability considering cascade failure in complex networks is reviewed.Finally, the open questions and development trend are summarized and discussed. ─── 最后对复杂网络抗毁性研究存在的问题和未来发展的趋势进行了总结和展望。

7、* Items that cause an invulnerability proc will no longer cause players to drop flags in CTF matches. ─── 在CTF比赛中激活无敌的物品不会使玩家丢掉旗帜。

8、Edain sheaths a friendly unit in an invulnerability globe of sacred light for a very short time. ─── 伊甸民短暂地将一个友军单位包裹在不可侵犯的圣光核球内。

9、Escape now provides 1 second of invulnerability when it is activated. ─── 逃离现规定一秒的抗毁时,它被激活。

10、The second is the refined characters: Constitution should be a standard system of effectiveness and invulnerability, focusing on people's trivial and specific events in life. ─── 二是精细的品格:宪法应该是一个“有效且无漏洞”的规范体系,关注人们生活中琐碎、具体的事件;

11、Definition and Evaluation Modeling of Metro Network Invulnerability ─── 城市轨道网络抗毁可靠性定义及评价指标模型研究

12、This has been resolved and the invulnerability will begin immediately. ─── 这个问题目前已经被修正了,免疫状态将会即时生效。

13、Wand of Lightning Shield now contains 4 charges and is now dropped in the same class of items as greater healing potion, greater mana potion, potion of invulnerability, and scroll of the beast. ─── 闪电盾权杖可以用4次,但是改为与大生命药水,大魔法药水,无敌药水,野兽卷轴一组掉落。

14、The "Nigh Invulnerability Belt" now has a smaller chance of failure. ─── 接近无敌腰带失败可能下降.

15、In two years, America has gone from a sense of invulnerability to an awareness of peril; ─── 在两年的时间内,美国改变了自以为不会遭到攻击的观念,意识到危险的存在;

16、His opponents were still obsessed by his seeming invulnerability. ─── 他的对手还仍然对他表面上的坚不可摧感到棘手。

17、2.Fixed tooltip on Sturdy War Axe, War Golem, Invisiblity Potion, Invulnerability Potion, and Water Elementals. ─── 改正对锋利之斧,战争傀儡,隐形药水,无敌药水,水元素的描述。

18、Invulnerability of complex networks directly related to security and reliability of complex networks is a hotspot of the study of complex networks in recent years. ─── 复杂网络的抗毁性直接关系到复杂网络的安全性和可靠性,是近年来复杂网络研究的热点分支。

19、Conventional measures used in the invulnerability and survivability evaluation of tactical communication networks were first discussed, and shortcomings of these measures were pointed out. ─── 首先,讨论了战术通信网的抗毁性和生存性评估中常用的测度指标,并指出了这些测度的缺点。

20、Invulnerability Device ─── 无敌装甲

21、By contrast, two more distant powers , Russia and the United States, enjoyed a relative invulnerability. ─── 与上述国家比较起来,两个遥远的大国,俄国和美国,相对说来固若金汤。

22、Prior to Combat: Scout foes with detect magic and activate globe of invulnerability. ─── 战斗准备:使用侦测魔法探查敌人,并且施展法术无效结界。

23、It does not give rogues "4 seconds of invulnerability" as some people have said. ─── 这个修改不会像某些人说过的那样给予盗贼“4秒的无敌时间”。

24、Grants invulnerability to all Allied Turrets and causes them to attack 100% faster for 7 seconds. ─── 使所有友军炮台变成无敌状态,并且提高它们100%的攻击速度,持续7秒。

25、of invulnerability when you're making a movie. ─── 当你拍电影的时候,你会觉得自己是刀枪不入的。

26、It is shown that the degree-descend optimization strategy with 50% node selection proportion can improve the network invulnerability effectively. ─── 结果表明按度降序策略优化约50%的节点可以有效提高战域保障网络级联失效抗毁性。

27、It belongs to the giant Yaga-Shura and is somehow connected to his invulnerability. ─── 它属于巨人雅加苏拉的,而且和他刀枪不入的身体有某种联系。

28、Experimental results show the algorithm is simple and can reflect link importance in communication networks invulnerability more precisely. ─── 实验结果表明,该算法计算简单,可以精确地反映不同链路对通信网抗毁性的重要程度。

29、Practice with today's idea will help you to understand that vulnerability or invulnerability is the result of your own thoughts. ─── 今天的练习,有助于你了解,不论你是脆弱的或是百害不侵的,都在于你自己的一念之间。

30、In reality, the invulnerability does not go into effect until the next downtime. ─── 实际上,这个免疫状态将会在下一次服务器维护后才去生效。

31、A method to evaluate the invulnerability of communication networks ─── 一种通信网络抗毁性评价方法

32、When a conquerable station is conquered by a corporation whose alliance holds soverignty, in theory it should gain invulnerability until the corporation's alliance no longer holds sovereignty. ─── 当一个联盟拥有主权的军团夺取了一个可夺取的空间站后,理论上这个空间站将会获得免疫状态知道这个联盟失去主权。

33、Study on measures of communication network invulnerability ─── 通信网络抗毁性量度研究

34、They yawned a lot, but not from boredom: more of a cowlike contentment, a sense of peaceful invulnerability which we residents could not quite share. ─── 他们经常打哈欠,不是因为无聊,而是因为和牛一样清闲的满足,一种不会被破坏的平和,那是我们当地居民无法拥有的。

35、Those taking phony supplements reported a greater sense of invulnerability and less of a desire to exercise. ─── 那些吃了假补品的人后就有种刀枪不入的感觉,并且不愿意做运动。

36、The apparent invulnerability of emerging economies to the US slowdown is noteworthy. ─── 值得一提的是,新兴经济体明显未受美国经济放缓的影响。

37、In reality, the invulnerability does not go into effect until the next downtime. ─── 实际上,这个免疫状态将会在下一次服务器维护后才去生效。

38、His opponents were still obsessed by his seeming invulnerability. ─── 他的对手还仍然对他表面上的坚不可摧感到棘手。

39、Attack thoughts and invulnerability cannot be accetpted together. ─── 攻击的念头及百害不侵的能耐是不可能并存的。

40、Oceanides Thetis, Achilles’ mother grasped his heel to soak him in the Styx River after he was born.Therefore his whole body is invulnerability except the heel. ─── 他出生后,母亲海洋女神西蒂斯握着他的脚跟在冥河里浸泡,因此他全身除脚踵外其他地方刀枪不入。

41、The German penetration of the Allied lines was a damning commentary on the supposed (invulnerability) of the Maginot Line. ─── 马奇诺防线据说是固若金汤这一点,已被德军突破盟军防线这件事驳得体无完肤了。

42、In two years, America has gone from a sense of invulnerability to an awareness of peril; ─── 在我的计划中,一旦签署此项议案,额外的钱数就会开始出现在人们的薪水单上。

43、Added optimizations for character effects including invulnerability shader ─── 增加了角色的动作效果优化

44、Grants all nearby friendly units near physical invulnerability and increases hit point regeneration greatly. ─── 一级-使周围友方单位对物理攻击免疫并且提高25点/秒的生命回复速度。

45、" What the ego doesn't know, of course, is that only through the letting go of resistance, through becoming "vulnerable," can you discover your true and essential invulnerability. ─── 你会变得脆弱”当然“自我”不知道只有通过放弃抵抗,通过变得“脆弱”,你才能发现自身真正、重要的非脆弱。

46、The myth of Hitler's invulnerability was soon blown sky - high. ─── 希特勒不可战胜的神话不久被彻底粉碎。

47、In this paper, the conventional studies on invulnerability based on graph theory are reviewed firstly.The progress in analysis and optimization of invulnerability is reviewed in detail, respectively. ─── 本文首先从抗毁性分析、抗毁性优化两个方面详细综述了目前复杂网络抗毁性研究的进展。

48、Claws of Devastation, Talisman of the Gods, Wrath of Takamura, Invulnerability Potion, Infernal Cloak, Amulet of Spellshield, Runed Bracers, and Shield of the Gods restock time reduced significantly ─── 终极毁灭之爪,神之企鹅,无敌之石(20000,使用了能造出一块无敌区域),无敌药水,火焰斗篷,魔法免疫护身符,神秘腰带,上帝之盾的重新到货时间减少了

49、Attack thoughts and invulnerability cannot be accepted together. ─── 攻击的念头及百害不侵的能力是不可能并存的。

50、Study on measure of complex network invulnerability ─── 复杂网络抗毁性测度研究

51、Although the surface of a pair of invulnerability look, or feel tired heart. ─── 尽管表面一副刀枪不入的样子,还是常感觉到心累。

52、A Model of Invulnerability Evaluation Based on Routing-topology ─── 一种基于选路拓扑的抗毁性评估模型

53、In chapter 2, basic knowledge of graph theory and communication correlation to invulnerability on topological structure of RCN is introduced. ─── 文章第二章,介绍了与野战地域通信网拓扑层抗毁性相关的图论及通信基础知识。

54、In two years, America has gone from a sense of invulnerability to an awareness of peril;from bitter division in small matters to calm unity in great causes. ─── 在两年内,美国从曾经的不可侵犯到危险就在身边,又从为了一些鸡毛蒜皮而闹分歧到为了伟大的事业而形成空前的统一。

55、Surviving the gauntlet of misfortune early in a relationship can be a valuable litmus test, say counselors. A relationship crisis "smashes the illusion of invulnerability," says William Doherty, a ─── 幸存的挑战年初不幸的关系可以是一个有价值的试金石,说辅导员。阿关系危机“打破幻想的抗毁性,”说,威廉多尔蒂,一个

56、The Computer Network Algorithm of Invulnerability ─── 通信网络拓扑抗毁性算法

57、In two years, America has gone from a sense of invulnerability to an awareness of peril;from bitter division in small matters to calm unity in great causes. ─── 在本届议会任期里,我们有责任去改革那些与国家生死攸关的国内政策,我们也有机会来拯救国外数百万正在经受疾病折磨的生命。

58、The German penetration of the Allied lines were a damning commentary on the supposed invulnerability of the Maginot Line. ─── 马奇诺防线据说是固若金汤这一点,巳被德军突破盟军防线这件事驳得体无完肤了。

59、sense of invulnerability ─── 自以为不会遭到攻击的观念

60、The progress in measure, analysis and optimization of invulnerability is reviewed in detail, respectively, and the open questions and development trend are summarized and discussed. ─── 从抗毁性测度、抗毁性分析以及抗毁性优化三方面详细综述了复杂网络抗毁性的研究进展,并对该研究领域存在的问题和未来的发展趋势进行了总结和展望。

61、Attack thoughts and invulnerability cannot be accetpted together. ─── 攻击的念头及百害不侵的能耐是不可能并存的。

62、But let's for a moment abandon our Harvard savoir faire, our imperturbability, our pretense of invulnerability, and try to find the beginnings of some answers to your question. ─── 那让我们还是暂时摘下那戴着的哈佛面具,收起那缺乏热情的冷漠,卸下我们看似刀枪不入的伪装,让我们尝试去探寻你们问的一些问题的答案。

63、Edain sheaths a friendly unit in an invulnerability globe of sacred light for a very short time. ─── 伊甸民短暂地将一个友军单位包裹在不可侵犯的圣光核球内。

64、Invulnerability of Complex Networks:A Survey ─── 复杂网络抗毁性研究综述

65、Invulnerability(When this permement is put into graveyard or removed out game, instead sutffle it into its owner's library. ─── 不死身(当此生物将被放到墓地或移出游戏时,改为把其洗回拥有者牌库中。

66、There's a sense of invulnerability when you're making a movie. ─── 答:当你拍电影的时候,你会觉得自己是刀枪不入的。

67、But let's for a moment abandon our Harvard savoir faire, our imperturbability, our pretense of invulnerability, and try to find the beginnings of some answers to your question.[/quote ─── 让我们暂时扔掉哈佛人精明的处世能力、沉着和不可战胜的虚伪,试着来寻找一下你们问题的答案吧。

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