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09-17 投稿


irk 发音

英:[??rk]  美:[??k]

英:  美:

irk 中文意思翻译



irk 网络释义

vt. 使烦恼;使厌倦

irk 词性/词形变化,irk变形

动词过去分词: irked |动词过去式: irked |动词第三人称单数: irks |动词现在分词: irking |

irk 短语词组

1、Indigosol Golden Yellow IRK ─── [化] 溶蒽素金黄IRK

2、Anthrasol Golden Yellow IRK ─── [化] 溶蒽素金黄IRK

irk 相似词语短语

1、lirk ─── 里尔克

2、firk ─── firk公司

3、birk ─── n.比尔克(姓氏)

4、Kirk ─── n.教会;苏格兰教会;n.(Kirk)人名;(德、丹)基尔克;(英)柯克

5、Ark ─── n.约柜;方舟;(美)平底船;避难所;n.(Ark)人名;(俄、土)阿尔克

6、Dirk ─── n.短剑,匕首;vt.用短剑刺;n.(Dirk)人名;(德、荷、葡)迪尔克;(英)德克

7、erk ─── n.英皇家空军阶级最低的兵;n.(Erk)人名;(俄、土、德)埃尔克

8、irks ─── vt.使烦恼;使厌倦

9、mirk ─── n.阴郁;黑暗;adj.黑暗的;阴郁的;n.(Mirk)人名;(匈)米尔克

irk 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ireland's 12.5% rate continues to irk fellow euro-zone members. ─── 爱尔兰12.5%的企业税税率一直困扰着欧元区的其他成员。

2、Do baggy clothes irk your parents? ─── 穿松垮垮的衣服会不会叫你父母讨厌?

3、His outspoken honesty continues to irk those in power or who are privileged, but endears him to ordinary people. ─── 他直言不讳的诚实继续激怒当权者或有特权,但他到普通百姓endears。

4、Tariffs may irk price-conscious consumers but at least they raise revenue for the public coffers. ─── 关税虽然会让那些对价格敏感的消费者苦恼不已,但至少还能增加国库税收。

5、His own failure to do so will irk the officials in Washington who wield such power over his bank. ─── 他自己没有这样做将令华盛顿对他的银行行使此项权力的官员不痛快。

6、Bad grammar tends to irk teachers. ─── (学生的)语法不好常使老师生气。

7、Synonyms abrade, bother, ||bug, chafe, exercise, fret, gall, irk, provoke, ─── 死板的:保守的::气恼的::苦恼的(同义词)

8、By midday the irk of his pack became too oppressive. ─── 走到中午的时候,累赘的包袱压得他受不了。

9、Does baggy clothes irk your parents? ─── 穿松垮垮的衣服会不会让你父母讨厌?

10、And all the while, interested in the discussion, Martin had been aware of an irk in it as well. ─── 在一定意义上给马丁印象最深的是知识(一切知识)之间的相互联系。

11、In keeping with the theme of simplicity, which I keep mentioning, there is another very common way that websites irk their visitors. ─── 我一直强调要“保持简单”的这个主题。

12、Tariffs may irk price-conscious consumers but at least they raise revenue for the public coffers. ─── 关税虽然会让那些对价格敏感的消费者苦恼不已,但至少还能增加国库税收。

13、The Reds passed up chance after chance at Pride Park, just as they did in last weekend’s FA Cup defeat to Portsmouth, and the manager concedes it is beginning to irk him. ─── 曼联在普莱德公园球场错过了一次又一次的机会,就如同上星期他们在足总杯输给朴茨茅斯一样,弗格森对此已经开始有点厌倦了。

14、But this week has a couple of barriers which irk you a bit. ─── 但这周会有一些障碍会使你有一点烦恼。

15、It irk him that she have think of it first. ─── 她竟先想到那件事,为此他很不痛快。

16、The style of writing here is collection of literate musings and digressions which I rather liked but, judging by Amazon reviews, it appears to irk some readers. ─── 文风这里是收集识字musings和digressions我,而不是喜欢,但,从亚马逊的评语,这似乎irk一些以飨读者。

17、In keeping with the theme of simplicity, which I keep mentioning, there is another very common way that websites irk their visitors. I call these "Browser Interference" and "Non-standardisation". ─── 我一直强调要“保持简单”的这个主题。这里还有其它两种使访问者感到疑惑的方式,我称之为“浏览器干扰”和“非标准化”。

18、Mr.Zardari's decision not to restore the judges may irk lawyers who have campaigned hard for their reinstatement. ─── 扎尔达里不愿恢复法官职务可能会使强烈要求复职的法律界人士感到失望。

19、But in reality, the boys irk the film were out talking the girls at a ratio of three to one. ─── 但在现实生活中,孩子们都说这部电影从台湾的女孩在一个以三比一。

20、But it could irk conservative House Democrats because the measure will add to the deficit. ─── 但减税计划可能会引起众议院民主党保守派议员的不满,因为这会加重美国的赤字负担。

21、Such an approach might irk Japan. ─── 但这样的方式可能会惹恼日本。

22、This purports to be more than just a bid to irk Labour by pinching one of its favourite adjectives, promising to realise “progressive ends by conservative means”. ─── 据说此举深深激怒了工党,因为它承诺以“以保守的方式实现进步的目标”----挪用了后者最偏爱的一个形容词。

23、Such an approach might irk Japan. ─── 但这样的方式可能会惹恼日本。

24、But a big drawback, which may irk loyal Mac followers, is that the site is unable to accommodate users with Macintosh-operating systems, allowing them to send but not preview or receive cards. ─── 但它也有一个很大的缺陷,就是不能接纳使用Macin-tosh操作系统的用户:用户只能发送而不能预览或接收贺卡----这一点也许使Mac的忠实追随者感到恼怒。

25、Since I am always what I am,just let go of this fabulous irk and focus on what is absorbing myself instead. ─── 然而我终究还是我,不如放弃这传说中的苦恼,一心一意的注意好此时此刻的事。

26、But Mr.Eastwood also confesses to some sympathy for Walt's choice of words in a way sure to irk the Hollywood types who have finally embraced him despite his libertarian politics. ─── 不过克林伊斯威特也坦承,对华特的用语有些同情,这肯定会让那些不计较他自由派政治立场、总算接受他的好莱坞人士恼火。

27、His own failure to do so will irk the officials in Washington who wield such power over his bank. ─── 而他在此问题上的不作为势必将惹恼华盛顿的那些对他银行有如此重大影响的官员们。

28、Anthrasol Golden Yellow IRK ─── [化] 溶蒽素金黄IRK

29、indigosol brilliant orange IRK ─── 溶靛素亮橙IRK

30、That role is passing to Germany, which places big restrictions on what its forces can do in Afghanistan, and has ties with Russia that irk former Soviet satellites. ─── 这样一来,可就轮到德国出场了。该国的军队在阿富汗战事中表现出了极大的克制,其政府与俄罗斯的密切关系也惹恼了前苏联的一干卫星国。

31、By midday the irk of his pack became too oppressive. ─── 走到中午的时候,累赘的包袱压得他受不了。

32、But relations with America will be pricklier than expected, partly because his pretensions to big-power status irk Washington. ─── 但与美国的关系将会比预期的有更多磕绊,部分归因于他自命不凡的大国姿态让华盛顿很不爽。

33、irk v. ─── 使苦恼,厌烦.

34、Don't like the color of light? Use these bulbs for closets, laundry rooms and other places where it won't irk you as much. ─── 如果你不喜欢节能灯光的颜色,那就只在一些家里你不怎么待的地方装那些灯泡就行了,比如说壁橱和卫生间。

35、Probst was happy Bob took home the win, but one thing did irk him. ─── 普罗布斯特为鲍勃取得胜利感到高兴,但有一件事除外。

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