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09-17 投稿


iconography 发音

英:[,a?k?'n?gr?f?]  美:['a?k?'nɑgr?fi]

英:  美:

iconography 中文意思翻译



iconography 短语词组

1、iconography of remembrance ─── 纪念肖像画

2、iconography and iconology ─── 图像学和 ─── 图像学

3、iconography and mythology ─── 肖像学与神话

4、iconography of buddhist and ─── 佛教和

5、iconography photos ─── 肖像照片

iconography 词性/词形变化,iconography变形

形容词: iconographic |名词复数: iconographies |名词: iconographer |

iconography 相似词语短语

1、sonography ─── n.超声波扫描术;超声波检查法

2、iconographer ─── n.肖像研究家;肖像学者;肖像画家

3、scenography ─── n.透视法;配景图法;布景的透视法

4、iconographic ─── adj.肖像的;图像材料的;肖像学的;图示法的象征

5、actinography ─── n.光化线强度测定法;[光]光量测定法

6、monography ─── n.专论;专刊

7、iconographies ─── n.肖像研究;肖像学;图解

8、ichnography ─── n.平面图;平面图法

9、phonography ─── n.表音速记法;速记表音符号

iconography 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the last chapter.the paper further analyzes the shades of music iconography between china and abroad in the course of its development,and makes a bright prospect of it. ─── 最后的结语部分,讨论了中国音乐图像学与国外音乐图像学学科发展的不同之处,并对其发展前景作一展望。

2、It represents a phase in the portraiture of Elizabeth I before the emergence of allegorical images representing the iconography of the "Virgin Queen". ─── 这部画作在讽刺“童贞女王”的肖像画作出现以前,代表了后来逐步采用的伊丽莎白一世的肖像画法。

3、This clashes with the traditional U.S.-centric winter iconography, resulting in anachronisms such as a red fur-coated Santa Claus surfing in for a turkey barbecue on Bondi Beach. ─── 这与以英美为中心的传统冬季形象形成了不调和的对比,那是由于时差的错误,例如穿着红色皮大衣的圣诞老人邦迪海滩的火鸡烧烤场旁的海水上冲浪。

4、Although this is possible, the fresco iconography does not really supply enough evidence to support it. ─── 尽管这是可能的,但壁画肖像学确实没有足够的证明材料支持它。

5、From analyzing the one-sidedness、monotony and disadvantages of present urban street design, the author puts up the importance of using pre-design and iconography design during our work. ─── 通过对当今街道设计中的片面性、单一性及其弊端的分析,揭示“预先设计”、“形象设计”等方法在实际设计过程中的重要性。

6、The central sculptural component evokes a Minimalist representation of the ruined skeleton of a church, referencing both the romantic iconography of painters such as Caspar David Friedrich and the imagery of a Black Metal album cover. ─── 主要的雕塑组成唤起了已被破坏的教堂骨骼的最低纲领主义的表现,涉及画家们的浪漫主义人物画法,例如卡斯帕大卫佛莱里奇,也涉及了黑金属相册封面的肖像。

7、As transformed in the framework of contemporary art, these symbols and iconography take on the role of talismans that pave the way for a world where tolerance, compassion and harmony can reign. ─── 当转换于当代艺术的框架之中,这些符号与图像幻化出了一个宽容、怜悯与和谐共存的世界。

8、Analysis on Changes of Iconography and Peripheral Hemocytes in Children with Mycoplasma Pneumonia ─── 小儿支原体肺炎外周血细胞及影像学改变分析

9、Most pieces were commissioned portraits or religious iconography, and there was no need for explanation. ─── 大部分作品都是定制的肖像画,或是宗教画像,根本无需做任何说明。

10、The Iconography and Relationship Between Asymptomatical Cerebral Infarction and Vascular Dementia ─── 无症状性脑梗死与血管性痴呆影像学及相关关系

11、8. Iconography is a common application of this strategy. ─── 此外,运用图标也是一种不错的方法。

12、One would think that Woolf, as an agnostic, would have little time for religious imagery yet ironically she is found to utilise the iconography of religion to highlight its paradoxes. ─── 有人认为,作为不可知论者的伍尔夫不会费心思在宗教隐喻上,具有讽刺意味的是,伍尔夫利用宗教研究来强调其悖论。

13、It was a strong feature in the progressive and influential iconography of the time. ─── 这是一个强大的功能在逐步和有影响力的影像学的时间。

14、Discussion about Cultivating the Ability of Application for Iconography Examination in Students of TCM ─── 论中医学生申请影像学检查能力的培养

15、The finished conception, complete with symbolic iconography, adds a sense of democratic purpose to the former president and statesman. ─── 在已审结的观念,彻底与符号意象,增添了一种民主的目的是为美国前总统和政治家。

16、8.In which, the modality of Cubism, the thinking of Futurism, the layout design of Dadaism and the iconography &layout of the Super realism were influenced most. ─── 其中以立体主义的形式、未来主义的思想观念、达达主义的版面编排,超现实主义对于插图和版面的影响最大。

17、But I realize that I can't expect her to share my prima vista intuition sight unseen, or my feeling that the anomalies in the iconography count in favor of my attribution rather than against it. ─── 但我明白,不能期望她和我一样的高瞻远瞩,或者和我有一样的感觉:这些图解学上的悖反现象很重要,对我判断作者是谁是有利而不是有害。

18、The oblique rays of the sun on the orchards create this typical landscape that traditional iconography would associate with an earthly paradise. ─── 阳光撒在果园里形成了独特的景致,就像传统肖像画中描绘的天堂。

19、Hon works with acrylic spray gun, and coalesces circle and square, form and format to create his personal iconography. ─── 韩氏擅用塑胶彩喷笔,结合方圆之形与状,自成一套意象。

20、The Iconography of Traditional Chinese Painting and Its Status Quo ─── 中国传统绘画图式及当前存在状态

21、The key design element is a perforated metal fence that abstracts the iconography of the church while acting as a permeable membrane between the private memorial spaces and the public realm. ─── 设计的关键因素是穿孔金属围栏,教会用抽象的表达意象,传达私人空间和公共领域相互衔接的地域。

22、Recently, he has begun work on a series of symbology thrillers featuring his popular protagonist Robert Langdon, a Harvard professor of iconography and religious art. ─── 这是一部描写科学与宗教之间的矛盾的惊悚小说,故事以瑞士一个物理实验室和梵蒂冈城为背景。

23、Objective To explore the characteristics of clinic and iconography in cerebral schistosomiasis. ─── 目的探讨脑血吸虫病的临床及CT、MRI特点。

24、She was also linked with Anubis during Greek Times as Sopdet-Anubis, probably because of the iconography of her as a god, or riding on the back of a dog. ─── 她在希腊时期期间也跟导引亡灵之神联系在一起成为Sopdet-导引亡灵之神,或许因为她被视为神的肖像,或骑在狗背上的原因。

25、A treatise or book dealing with iconography. ─── 研究插图的论文或书籍

26、Artifacts returned to the Primary Universe are often linked to religious iconography; as their appearance on Earth seems to defy logical explanation. ─── 回到源宇宙的后生物常与宗教圣象联系起来,因为它们的出现缺乏合乎逻辑的解释。

27、Mechods By means of clinical manifestations of cerebrospinal fluid and iconography examination, clinical data were analysed retrospectively in 25 patients with tuberculous meningitis. ─── 方法结合临床表现、脑脊液、影像学等辅助检查,回顾性分析25例不典型结脑的临床资料。

28、No effective treatment. [Conclusions] The diagnosis of Myositis Ossificans Progressiva depends on the progressive ectopic ossification and typical malformation with iconography abnormal. ─── 结论进行性骨化性肌炎的诊断依赖于其渐进性的病程特点和典型畸形及相应的影像学改变。

29、"But it's a religious iconography, like a protective talisman over his children," he said. "David just loves his tattoos. He's a very good customer." ─── “但可以知道这是一个宗教图象,好象小孩的魔法护身符一类的东西,”他说。“大卫非常喜欢他的纹身。他是个很好的顾客。”

30、A Study of Neurological Manifestations and Iconography and Electrophysiology in Delayed Encephalopathy after Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning ─── 一氧化碳中毒后迟发性脑病的影像学、电生理学临床分析

31、The clinic and iconography characteristics of TOBS have been discussed. ─── 探讨基底动脉尖综合征(TOBS)临床及影像学特征。

32、What is the connection between the inner levels and the six children playing by Maitreya Buddha as typically depicted in Buddhist iconography? ─── 在弥勒佛的画像中,有六个小孩在一旁玩耍,这和内边境界有何关联?

33、The pathogenic factors, clinic characteristics, iconography representation, treatment and sequel prophylaxis of central pontine myelinolysis were discussed. ─── 探讨脑桥中央髓鞘溶解症的病因、临床特点、影像学表现、治疗及预后。

34、The knot is also one of the most familiar motifs found in Celtic jewelry and it originated from the Celtic iconography. ─── 也许为了顾及家人的意见,你们没有在一起。也许为了出国深造,他没有要你等他。

35、The whole thesis can be divided into four chapters:Chapter one is the survey of music iconography,it introduces the iconographic history and the external music iconography; ─── 本文分为四部分,第一部分为音乐图像学概述,介绍了图像学的历史沿革和国外音乐图像学的发展状况;

36、A Study of Developmental Discipline of Musical Iconography in Education ─── 音乐图像学学科教育与研究及可持续发展探研

37、Sculptor, painter, digital artist, scientist and mystic, Zush-Evru has created a body of work with a very personal iconography, which feeds from European surrealism as well as the most up-to-date cyborg aesthetics. ─── 作为一个雕塑家、画家、数码艺术家、科学家和神秘主义者,祖叙-伊夫鲁在欧洲超现实主义和现代的械装置美学的影响下,创作出了大量风格独特的作品。

38、Iconography: name, jersey, logo, mascot. ─── 形象:名称、球衣、标志、吉祥物。

39、This enables a critical analysis of the respective religious iconography as well as its transfer to a cultural modernity. ─── 由此产生了对不同的宗教意象及其向文化现代性转化的批判性分析。

40、Mechods By means of clinical manifestations of cerebrospinal fluid and iconography examination,clinical data were analysed retrospectively in 25 patients with tuberculous meningitis. ─── 方法结合临床表现、脑脊液、影像学等辅助检查,回顾性分析25例不典型结脑的临床资料。

41、The picture is of a woman with olive skin, rather than the white skin of European iconography, that appealed to both indigenous Mexicans and their mestizo descendants as one of them. ─── 图画上的一位妇女有着橄榄色的皮肤,而不是欧洲肖像的白色皮肤,表现出本土的墨西哥人和他们的混血儿后代都是他们中的其中一员。

42、Historical records, medical texts, and iconography are used in this article to reconstruct the selection, tasks, and treatment of the wet-nurses in imperial and aristocratic households; ─── 以现存史料来看,汉魏六朝士人之所以反对乳母,并非因为乳母来自低下阶层,血气乳汁有窳劣之虞,也非针对产母未能克尽母职;

43、Viewing several woodcarvings used to decorate the home of tribe’s chief, author detects that the police iconography was originally found during the Japanese-owned period. ─── 首先对于所搜集刻有警察图像的头目家屋雕饰详细描述其主题、 形式、图纹设计等;

44、1.In which, the modality of Cubism, the thinking of Futurism, the layout design of Dadaism and the iconography & layout of the Super realism were influenced most. ─── 康定斯基的绘画理论对达达主义、表现主义、超现实主义等西方现代艺术流派产生了深远的影响。

45、The palm branch is traditional Christian iconography associated with the celebrations of Palm Sunday and Easter. ─── 棕榈叶是基督教里同圣枝主日与复活节联系在一起的传统图案。

46、The iconography of Kuan Yin depicts her in many forms, each one revealing a unique aspect of her merciful presence. ─── 观音像描写了她许多形态,每一幅具有她特定慈悲存在的启迪形象。

47、This is the most luxuriant and picturesque valley along the entire course of the Danube, where the oblique rays of the sun on the orchards create this typical landscape that traditional iconography would associate with an earthly paradise. ─── 这是整个多瑙河流域最富饶、独特的地区。 阳光撒在果园里形成了独特的景致,就像传统肖像画中描绘的天堂。

48、Chapter three seeks to interpret the Iconography of the lotus image respectively in Buddhismart, literati art, and folk art, that is, the symbol and theme of the lotus image in different artcategories. ─── 第三章解读莲花图像在佛教艺术、文人艺术、民间艺术中各自的图像志,也即在不同艺术空间中莲花图像的象征和主题。

49、“The iconography of that climax is complex,” says Mr Grunenberg. ─── “达到那种高潮的肖像画法是复杂的”,格拉恩伯格讲道。

50、Although this is possible, the fresco iconography does not really supply enough evidence to support it. ─── 尽管这是可能的,但壁画肖像学确实没有足够的证明材料支持它。

51、It's a God symbol. It's even the same as the typical children's book iconography of the curls and the white beard. ─── 它是上帝的象征。它甚至与典型的儿童插图书中的卷曲状和白色胡须状一模一样。

52、The decoration in traditional residences has formed its special iconographic meanings, and the themes adhered to it need the interpretation and tracing of iconography. ─── 摘要传统民居的装饰在历史中形成了特定的图像意义,这些复杂的意义所依附的题材,需要图像学的阐释与追寻。

53、Clinical and iconography characteristics of cerebral schistosomiasis ─── 脑血吸虫病的临床及影像学特点

54、Before starting work on the bones, I studied some pictures of whale skeletons to give me a basic idea of the type of iconography I need. ─── 为了使工作更具效率,我使用一些自己制作的云状笔刷,制作这些笔刷很有趣也很容易。同时,我在近景处添加了一些岩石,使观众更加有身临其境之感。

55、Will the iconography of witches and warlocks remain a seasonal trend or will it be relegated once again to a just-for-Halloween thing? ─── 巫婆和术士的肖像将仍是一种季节性潮流,还是会被再次归为万圣节的专有物品?

56、It's a God symbol. It's even the same as the typical children's book iconography of the curls and the white beard. ─── 这之后其他还有圣经的形象。

57、According to the strict rules of Hindu iconography, Ganesha figures with only two hands are taboo. ─── 依照印度教肖像学的严格规则,甘尼萨只有二臂的外形是被禁止的。

58、There is certainly a wealth of prison imagery in your films. Perhaps you could discuss in more detail these recurring images; the iconography of your films. ─── 迈:你的电影里有许多监狱式的景象,可不可以具体说说这个反复出现的景象在你电影里的象征意义。

59、She is represented in iconography as a young martyr holding her eyes on a plate, and is the patron saint of eye problems and blindness. ─── 在圣像中,她以手捧盛有自己双眼的圆盘的殉道者的形象出现,是掌管眼疾和失明的神。

60、Chapter three is the main part of this paper, which is also a conclusion to the achievements made in music iconography. ─── 第三部分是本文的重点,对20世纪音乐图像学取得的成就作一总结;

61、molecular iconography ─── 分子影像学

62、My intent ( a bold one) with this brief text, is to explain in a simple but objective way a few basic semiotic concepts that apply to iconography in user interfaces. ─── 我写这篇文章的目的,是想以一种简单而客观的方式来解释这个词。

63、Through examples, the exhibition shows how the iconography of these civil religions is ritualized and artistically represented and how it works. ─── 本展览通过作品展现了这些民间宗教意像如何被仪式化,如何被艺术地表现以及这是如何发生的。

64、This is the most luxuriant and picturesque valley along the entire course of the Danube,where the oblique rays of the sun on the orchards create this typical landscape that traditional iconography would associate with an earthly paradise. ─── 这是整个多瑙河流域最富饶、独特的地区。阳光撒在果园里形成了独特的景致,就像传统肖像画中描绘的天堂。

65、The Swerve of Literary Forms: The Time of Iconography Is Coming ─── 文学形式的转向:语像时代的来临

66、An accessory is merely a piece of iconography,used to express individual identity. ─── 整句话译为:首饰只不过是一件造型,用来表达个人的个性。

67、When you think about it, the iconography of the barcode happens to pop up quite often, and not only in architecture. ─── 当你想一想,该条码意象恰好常常弹出,不仅在架构。

68、Early Christian iconography was symbolic (e.g., a fish symbolized Christ, bread and wine symbolized the Eucharist) and, like the religion, evoked mysticism and spirituality. ─── 早期基督教的图像运用偏重于象徵,如单画一条鱼就足以暗指基督,面包与酒引起圣餐的联想,且如同宗教一般与神秘主义及精神性有关。

69、Although these biographical circumstances were certainly influential, more interesting still is the specific iconography that Crewdson developed from it. ─── 虽然这些传记化的画面有足够的影响力,但更有趣的是从详细的插画中展开的场景。

70、Iconography features of portal vein system thrombosis in hepatocirrhosis patients after splenectomy ─── 肝硬化脾切除术后门脉系统血栓形成的影像学表现

71、Yet his iconography is distinct from that of Adad, and he sometimes appears alongside Adad with a baton of power or throwstick, while Adad bears a conventional thunderbolt. ─── 他的形象仍然与阿达截然不同,他有时候出现在阿达身旁,带有一根力量或投掷的指挥棒,而阿达则拥有常规的雷电符号。

72、Iconography Study of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva at Dunhuang after The Mid-Tang Dynasty ─── 中唐以后敦煌地藏图像考察

73、Keywords Medicine Iconography;MRI;Lacunar infarction;Brain stem; ─── 关键词医学影像学;磁共振成像;腔隙性梗死;脑干;

74、The iconography of Kuan Yin depicts her in many forms, each one revealing a unique aspect of her merciful presence. ─── 观音像描写了她许多形态,每一幅具有她特定慈悲存在的启迪形象。

75、All these papers are on the same iconography in Buddhist art. Please write a book report to synthesize their arguments, proofs and so on. ─── 上面的意思是写两本中的一本,还是两本都需要看完和比较啊?

76、The Political Campaign as Genre: Iconography and Ideological Affinity in the Cinema of the Seventeen Years ─── 作为类型的政治运动:十七年电影中的象征与意识形态关联

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