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09-17 投稿


impeccability 发音

英:[?mpek??b?l?ti]  美:[?mpek??b?l?ti]

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impeccability 中文意思翻译



impeccability 词性/词形变化,impeccability变形

动词过去分词: impearled |动词现在分词: impearling |动词第三人称单数: impearls |动词过去式: impearled |

impeccability 相似词语短语

1、impregnability ─── n.攻不破;不受影响

2、impalpability ─── n.不能触觉或感知的状态或性质

3、impermeability ─── n.不渗透性;不透过性;不能渗透的性质或状态

4、peccability ─── n.易犯过失;易犯罪

5、imperviability ─── 可减损性

6、impeachability ─── 弹劾

7、implacability ─── n.不缓和;难以安抚;无情

8、impeccably ─── 无可挑剔地;毋庸置疑地;无瑕疵地;完美地

9、impassability ─── n.不通,不能通行

impeccability 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The fifth chapter is suggestion on the impeccability of limited company incorporation legal system in Macao. ─── 第五章,关于完善澳门有限公司设立法律制度的建议。

2、the frequency modulation or the insistence of your logical mind and when, with impeccability, you stand clean as a Keeper of Frequency. ─── 当你们战胜频率调整或者坚持你们的逻辑思路并且你们认为能够做到,无过的,作为频率的管理者你们经受清除。

3、The fifth chapter is suggestion on the impeccability of limited company incorporation legal system in Macao. ─── 第五章,关于完善澳门有限公司设立法律制度的建议。

4、Fred Kofman is a living example of what he preaches, a man of sensitivity, impeccability, and keen consciousness. ─── 弗雷德卡夫曼就是他说教的活例子,一个敏感、无缺点并且热衷意识的人。

5、Inflation has generally been low in rich countries over the past 15 years. But grant Mr Trichet the benefit of the doubt on impeccability. ─── 过去的15年里,富国的通货膨胀率总体较低,使特里谢在无可挑剔这个方面可以面对质疑。

6、The young girls frolicked beneath the eyes of the nuns; the gaze of impeccability does not embarrass innocence. ─── 小姑娘们在那些修女的眼前尽情戏谑,吹毛求疵的眼光并不能影响活泼天真的性格。

7、By impeccability we mean aligning actions to accurate belief. It is 'Walking Your Talk'. ─── 我们所谓的无罪性是将行动对准正确的信念,就是「言行一致」。

8、Self Mastery is embodied in periods of planned detachment. It is that period in which impeccability is crystallized. ─── 自主体现在有计划的分离时期,因为在这个时期无罪成形了。

9、But love requires strength, and impeccability is defined by being true to your self. ─── 但爱需要力量,要做到完美无缺必须要对自己完全诚实。

10、from sin to impeccability ─── 原罪化与无罪化

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