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09-19 投稿


iodized 发音


英:  美:

iodized 中文意思翻译



iodized 短语词组

1、iodized phenol ─── [医] 含碘酚

2、iodized proteins ─── [医] 碘化蛋白

3、iodized salt ─── 加碘盐

4、iodized starch ─── [化] 碘化淀粉 ─── [医] 碘化淀粉

5、iodized refined salt ─── 加碘精制盐

6、iodized lecithin tab ─── 碘化卵磷脂标签

7、iodized colllodion ─── [医] 碘化火棉胶

8、iodized lecithin ─── 碘化卵磷脂

9、stainless iodized oil ─── [医] 不着色碘 ─── [化]油

10、iodized lecithin tablets ─── 卵磷脂碘片

11、iodized oil ─── [化] 碘化油 ─── [医] 碘 ─── [化]油

12、iodized protein ─── [医]碘化蛋白

13、iodized table salt ─── 加碘食盐

iodized 词性/词形变化,iodized变形

动词过去式: iodized |动词第三人称单数: iodizes |动词过去分词: iodized |动词现在分词: iodizing |名词: iodization |

iodized 相似词语短语

1、iodizer ─── 加碘机

2、iconized ─── v.将(文件窗口)最小化;把……当作偶像

3、ionized ─── adj.[化学][物]电离的;已电离的;v.使电离,电离(ionize的过去式)

4、idolized ─── vt.极端崇拜;把...当偶像崇拜;vi.崇拜偶像

5、iodize ─── vt.用碘处理,使碘化;使含有碘,加碘

6、iodizes ─── vt.用碘处理,使碘化;使含有碘,加碘

7、iodised ─── v.用碘或碘化物处理(iodise的过去式和过去分词,等于iodize)

8、iridized ─── 以铱覆盖

9、anodized ─── adj.受过阳极化处理的;n.受过阳极化处理的金属表面;v.对(轻金属)作阳极处理;对…作阳极氧化(anodize的过去分词)

iodized 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Study of the GC Determination of Iodine in Iodized Salt ─── 气相色谱法测定加碘食盐中碘

2、Keywords Women;Infant;Child;Iodine;Nutrition;Iodized oid; ─── 妇女;婴儿;儿童;碘;营养:;碘化油;

3、Keywords Spinal cord;Gelatin sponge;absorbable;Iodized oil;Evoked potentials;motor; ─── 关键词脊髓;明胶海绵;吸收性;碘油;诱发电位;运动;

4、iodized phenol ─── [医] 含碘酚

5、Transcatheter Embolism of Hepatic Arterial with High-dose Super-liquid Iodized Oil for Treatment of Large Mass and Abundant Vessel Type of Hepatocellular Cancer ─── 大剂量超液态碘油栓塞治疗巨块富血管型肝癌

6、Methods Direct titrimetric method is used to measure the iodized salt. ─── 方法用直接滴定法测定盐碘含量。

7、Keywords Animals;laboratory;Portal vein;Embolization;therapeutic;Alcohol;ethyl;Iodized oil; ─── 关键词动物;实验;门静脉;栓塞;治疗性;醇;乙;碘油;

8、Although more than 90 percent of the population has access to iodized salt, only about 63 percent use it, according to a government report. ─── 根据一份政府报告,虽然90%以上的人口可以取得碘,但只有大约63%的人使用它。

9、Therefore, in Shanghai people to eat iodized salt in the pre-fall has been a high level of intelligence. ─── 所以上海地区人群在吃碘盐前的智商已属于很高水平。

10、Keywords Universal salt iodization;Household;Iodized salt;Survey;Evaluation; ─── 全民食盐加碘;居民户;碘盐;监测;评价;

11、Square Wave Voltammetric Determination of Iodate in Iodized Salt ─── 方波伏安法测定食盐中的碘酸根离子

12、Keywords Liver neoplasma;Embolization;therapeutic;Iodized oil;Floxuridine; ─── 原发性肝癌;栓塞;治疗性;碘化油;氟尿脱氧核苷;

13、popularize iodized salt ─── 普及碘盐

14、"Severe, prolonged deficiency can cause hypothyroidism. Eating seafood regularly or using iodized table salt will prevent iodine deficiency. Some countries have made dietary iodine additives mandatory. " ─── 严重或长期碘缺乏会造成黏液水肿,婴儿期碘缺乏会引起呆小

15、Keywords usehold iodized salt Iodine content Analysis; ─── 关键词居民户食用加碘盐;碘含量;分析;

16、Keywords IDD;Iodized salt;Prevailing trend; ─── 关键词IDD;碘盐;流行趋势;

17、Methods Emergent hepatic arterial catheterization was performed in 15 patients with span taneous rapture of HCC, using sponge gelatin, iodized oil and coil to embolize bleeding arterial branch. ─── 方法对15例HCC自发性破裂出血患者行急诊肝动脉插管,联合应用明胶海绵、碘油或加弹簧钢圈作出血动脉的栓塞治疗。

18、In nearby Pakistan, for instance, where 70 percent of households have no iodized salt, there are more than 600 small salt producers. ─── 比如,邻国巴基斯坦,在这个70%家庭使用无碘盐的国家,有600多家小型的盐商。

19、In others, civil libertarians demand a right to choose plain salt, with the result that the iodized kind rarely reaches the poor. ─── 另一些国家,国内的自由主义者要求有选择无碘盐的权利,结果碘化盐几乎难以惠及穷人。

20、In order to expand the usage of iodized salt, protect from iodine lacking diseases and i... ─── 本研究结果表明,加碘盐适合于食品工业使用,对腌制食品不会产生任何不良影响。

21、Keywords Leiomyomas Artery Perfusion Pingyangmycin Iodized oil; ─── 子宫肌瘤;动脉;灌注;平阳霉素;碘油;

22、Qualified iodized salt ─── 合格碘盐

23、I got to know the crucial use of iodized salt for us. ─── 从这个故事我知道了碘盐对我们有很大的用途。

24、It's iodized salt. ─── 我说的是碘盐。

25、Survey on iodine status of key population after readjusted iodized salt concentration in lechang city ─── 乐昌市调整加碘盐浓度后重点人群碘营养水平调查分析

26、Adding Iodide Efficiency of Iodized Salt in Common Cooking ─── 常规烹饪中加碘盐的补碘效率分析

27、National legislations on iodized salt that are enforced. ─── 国家关于碘化食盐的法规得到执行。

28、Keywords KIO 3;iodized salts;natural storage;iodine loss; ─── 关键词碘酸钾;碘盐;自然存放;碘损失;

29、A study of neonatal TSH in maternal administration of iodized oil before pregnancy ─── 孕前口服碘油后新生儿TSH值研究

30、Study on the neonate umbilical cord blood thyroid stimulating hormone level in the universal iodized salt areas and its application ─── 我国碘盐普及地区新生儿脐带血促甲状腺激素水平测定及其应用的探讨

31、Assessment of endemic goiter control with iodized salt in different concentration and oral iodized oil ─── 不同浓度碘盐碘油胶丸防治地方性甲状腺肿效果观察

32、In food industry, potassium iodate is main additive of iodized salt;furthermore, it can eliminate food quality. ─── 在食品工业中,碘酸钾是加碘盐的主要添加剂,碘酸钾还可以改善面食质量。

33、On the basis of the test result of salt container of small package, thesmall package problems of iodized salt and treatment method are discussed in this paper. ─── 提要本文以小包装食盐容器的测试结果为依据,对加碘盐小包装遇到的主要问题和处理方法进行了探讨。

34、Keywords Iodine Deficiency Disorders;Iodized salt;Comprehensive intervention; ─── 关键词碘;缺乏症;碘盐;综合干预;

35、Largely out of the public eye, they made terrific progress: 25 percent of the world's households consumed iodized salt in 1990. Now, about 66 percent do. ─── 就在公众毫无察觉的情况下,他们取得了惊人的进步:1990年,全世界25%的家庭使用加碘盐。而现在,这个数字是66%。

36、Keywords iodized salt;iodometry;standard solution; ─── 关键词碘盐;碘量法;标准溶液;

37、Coverage of qualified iodized salt at household level ─── 居民合格碘盐使用率

38、Keywords double pump;iodize automatically;iodized salt; ─── 双泵;自动加碘;碘盐;

39、A good monitoring system to make sure that salt is adequately iodized. ─── 建立良好的监测系统以确保食盐充分碘化。

40、Keywords Water iodine;Iodine excess areas;Iodine excess endemias;Iodized salt;Distribution; ─── 关键词水碘;高碘地区;高碘病区;碘盐;分布;

41、Keywords Liver neoplasms/therapy;Chemoembolization;therapeutic;Iodized oil/therapeutic use; ─── 关键词肝肿瘤/治疗;化学栓塞;治疗性;碘油/治疗应用;

42、Keywords Resident;Iodized salt;Iodine content;Surveillance; ─── 居民户;碘盐;碘含量;监测;

43、2) They continue to carry out the iodized oil distribution program, but only to women of childbearing age, since all the pupils are living in schools with an iodized salt supply. ─── 他们继续完成碘盐油发放项目,但只给育龄妇女,因为所有住校小学生都已享受碘盐的供给。

44、Keywords Volumetric Method Iodized Salt Ascorbic Acid; ─── 容量法;加碘盐;抗坏血酸;

45、In theis paper a design idea and a programming method for the CAD system of semi-automatic iodized salt machine were introduced. ─── 文章介绍了半自动加碘机CAD系统的设计思路和程序实现方法。

46、A control study of TACE using high - dosed and routine - dosed iodized oil as a treatment of large hepatocellular carcinoma ─── 大剂量碘油与常规TACE治疗巨块肝癌的对比研究

47、Constructing Edible Salt Distribution System to Guarantee the Efficient Supply of Iodized Salt ─── 构建食盐配送体系确保碘盐有效供给

48、Effect of iodized oil on thyroid histology and function in the normal cotton-eared marmosets ─── 口服碘油后对绒猴甲状腺的图像分析和功能代谢影响的研究

49、A comparative study on effects for Iodine deficiency disease with universal salt iodization and oral iodized oil ─── 全民碘盐与碘油丸防治碘缺乏病对比研究

50、METHOD Children s goiter rate,iodized salt,urinary iodine were detected. ─── 方法采用儿童甲状腺肿大率、碘盐水平、尿碘水平指标进行综合评价。

51、In theis paper a design idea and a programming method for the CAD system of semi-automatic iodized salt machine were introduced. ─── 文章介绍了半自动加碘机CAD系统的设计思路和程序实现方法。

52、We suggest that iodine content of iodized salt should be adjusted to a more reasonable standard. ─── 建议调整更为合理的加碘盐碘含量标准。

53、Methods: The synthetic procedure was started by mixing lecithin and iodine in ether;after sufficiently stirring the mixture, iodized lecithin was obtained by evaporating ether. ─── 方法: 以卵磷脂和碘为原料,乙醚为反应溶剂,三者混合并充分搅拌,回收乙醚得卵磷脂络合碘。

54、Sichuan products are also very competitive, such as televisions of Changhong and iodized salt from Zigong. ─── 四川商品有潜力在联合国的采购清单中不乏“四川造”,比如长虹的电视机、自贡的碘盐。

55、Keywords iodine deficiency disorder(IDD);iodized salt;monitor; ─── 关键词碘缺乏危害(IDD);加碘盐;监测;

56、emulsified iodized oil ventriculogra-phy ─── 乳化碘油脑室造影(术)

57、A study of the relationship between the blood supplies and iodized oil deposition in PLC after TACE ─── 原发性肝癌TACE术后碘化油沉积与其血供相关性研究

58、The result shows that the stability of iodine in iodized salt is not ideal.There are iodine loss es of different extent at relatively high temperature. ─── 实验结果表明,碘盐中碘的稳定性并不理想,在温度较高的条件下存在不同程度的损失。

59、The stability of iodine in iodized salt under simulated cooking conditions is studied with sodium chloride reinforcing spectrophotometry. ─── 采用氯化钠增敏光度法研究了在模拟烹饪条件下加碘食盐中碘的稳定性。

60、ABSTRACT Objective To study the clinical therapeutic effect of hypovascular liver cancer by interventional embolization with iodized oil. ─── 摘要 目的 探讨热碘油栓塞治疗少血供肝癌的疗效。

61、iodized lecithin tablets ─── 卵磷脂络合碘片

62、The radioisotope source 241 Am X_ray fluorescence method for determination of iodine in iodized salt was presented. ─── 介绍用放射性同位素源激发X射线荧光法测定碘盐中碘的含量。

63、Conclusion: The qualification rate of the iodized salt of the enterprise of salt producing and processing in Yanyuan was 100%. ─── 结论:盐源县盐业生产加工企业生产加工的碘盐合格率为100%。


65、One female volunteer went to a bus company and rerecorded its “next-stop” announcements interspersed with short plugs for iodized salt. ─── 一名女性志愿者去了巴士公司,转录下这家公司的“下一站”报站通知,并把它穿插在碘盐的宣传短片里。

66、Keywords Coastal areas;Iodine nutrition;Iodized salt; ─── 关键词沿海地区;碘营养;碘盐;

67、Effective Measures to Improve the Quality of Iodized Purified Salt ─── 提高加碘精制盐产品质量的有效措施

68、Keywords FIA spectrophotometry;catalysis of iodized salt; ─── 关键词FIA光度法;碘催化;加碘盐;

69、Analysis on iodized salt monitoring results of the fifth IDD survey in Jilin Province ─── 吉林省第五次碘缺乏病监测碘盐质量结果分析

70、Largely out of the public eye, they made terrific progress: 25 percent of the world's households consumed iodized salt in 1990. ─── 就在公众毫无察觉的情况下,他们取得了惊人的进步:1990年,全世界25....的家庭使用加碘盐。

71、In others, civil libertarians demand a right to choose plain salt, with the result that the iodized kind rarely reaches the poor. ─── 另一些国家,国内的自由主义者要求有选择无碘盐的权利,结果碘化盐几乎难以惠及穷人。

72、Methods Emergent hepatic arterial catheterization was performed in 15 patients with spontaneous rupture of HCC, using sponge gelatin, iodized oil and coil to embolize bleeding arterial branch. ─── 方法 对15例HCC自发性破裂出血患者行急诊肝动脉插管,联合应用明胶海绵、碘油或加弹簧钢圈作出血动脉的栓塞治疗。

73、iodized salt ─── 加碘盐

74、Keywords Radioisotope source;X_ray fluorescence;Iodized salt;Iodine; ─── 放射性同位素源;X射线荧光分析;碘盐;碘;

75、Iodized Oil Fluid ─── Iodized Oil


77、iodized colllodion ─── [医] 碘化火棉胶

78、Study on iodine nutritional status of target population due to different iodine concentrations in drinking water after stopped iodized salt ─── 不同水碘地区重点人群碘营养水平及其干预效果研究

79、Abstract: Iodized salt is a major step to the prevention and cure of iodine deficiency disease(IDD). ─── 摘要: 碘化食盐是为防治碘缺乏性疾病而采取的一项主要措施。

80、iodized proteins ─── [医] 碘化蛋白

81、stainless iodized oil ─── [医] 不着色碘[化]油

82、Add a small amount of iodized salt is potassium iodide (or iodate) of edible salt is mainly used to add iodine to prevent thyroid disease. ─── 碘盐是指添加了少量碘化钾(或碘酸钾)的食用盐,主要用于补充碘以预防甲状腺病。

83、Her volunteers approached schools, asking teachers to create dictation exercises about iodized salt and to have students bring salt from home to test it for iodine in science class. ─── 志愿者们进入学校,请老师布置关于碘盐的听写练习,并让学生在科学课上测试自己家中拿来的盐是否含有碘。

84、Design about control system of iodized salt packager and its implementation ─── 加碘盐立式包装机控制系统设计与实现

85、Consumption rate of qualified iodized salt ─── 合格碘盐食用率

86、All results showed that salt was adequately iodized and more than 90% of the residents in Guangxi have access to iodized salt. Iodine intake was adequate. ─── 90%以上的广西居民食用合格碘盐 ,碘营养水平处于充足状态

87、Qualified iodized salt utilization ratio ─── 居民合格盐碘食用率

88、Great success has been made on the prevention and cure of local thyroid diseases after several years of carrying out the basic national iodized salt to copper with this problem in our country. ─── 我国实行碘化食盐的国策。经过多年努力,地方性甲状腺疾病等防治工作取得了很大的成绩。

89、Iodized lecithin ─── 卵磷脂络合碘


adj. 实现的;已实现 v. 实现(realize的过去式及过去分词) 反义词: unrealized adj. 没有实现的,没能实现的


industrializedadj.工业化的; v.使工业化(industrialize的过去式和过去分词); 将…组成产业; 例句:

1.Back in 2008, industrialized nations demanded fodder for their booming economies. 2008年,工业化国家因其经济蓬勃发展而需要大量原材料。

2.Germany intends to raise the issue when leaders of industrialized nations meet in july. 德国有意在7月份发达国家首脑集会时提出这个问题。

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