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09-18 投稿


invigorated 发音

英:[?n?v?ɡ?re?t?d]  美:[?n?v?ɡ?re?t?d]

英:  美:

invigorated 中文意思翻译




invigorated 词性/词形变化,invigorated变形

副词: invigoratingly |动词过去式: invigorated |名词: invigoration |动词过去分词: invigorated |动词现在分词: invigorating |动词第三人称单数: invigorates |

invigorated 短语词组

1、re-invigorated (re-invigorate ─── 的过去分词) vt. 使再振作;使复兴

2、invigorated river ─── 多水河流

invigorated 相似词语短语

1、inviolated ─── 不受侵犯的

2、reinvigorated ─── v.使再振作,使复兴

3、reinvigorates ─── v.使再振作,使复兴

4、invigilated ─── 监考(invigilate的过去式和过去分词)

5、invigorate ─── vt.鼓舞;使精力充沛

6、invigorates ─── vt.鼓舞;使精力充沛

7、disinvigorated ─── 残疾人

8、invigorator ─── n.强壮剂,补药

9、impignorated ─── 被忽略

invigorated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But in the face of China's densely populated and the status quo is not our land, the land being considered invigorated two new ideas. ─── 但面对我国人多地少的切实现状,国土资源部也并未松懈,正在考虑盘活土地的两条新思路。

2、This leader thinks everybody was invigorated by his word, then brandish begins to say aloud: "Next secondary strive for 60 % , taller even!Taller even!! ─── 该领导以为大家都被他的话鼓舞了,于是挥着手大声说:“下次要争取60%,甚至更高!”

3、This document not only defines the procedures between departments, but also detailed the invigorated idle sold and construction engineering structures. ─── 这个文件不仅明确了各部门之间的工作程序,而且也细化了盘活闲置出让地和停建工程的优惠政策。

4、A few whiffs of the raw, strong scent of phlox invigorated her. ─── 福禄考花的缕缕新鲜、浓重的香味使她充满活力。

5、Its zesty scent complements the scrub action for a refreshed and invigorated feel. ─── 气味清新,令人心情愉快。

6、Equities were invigorated by news over the weekend that China's exports and imports had risen far more than expected, a sign that demand was increasing among China's trading partners and domestically. ─── 中国上周末发布的数据显示,中国进出口增幅均远远好于预期,这令各股市均受到提振。这一信号表明,中国贸易伙伴及国内的需求都在不断提升。

7、A few whiffs of the raw, strong scent of phlox invigorated her(D.H. Lawrence) ─── 福禄考花的缕缕新鲜、浓重的香味使她充满活力(D.H.劳伦斯)

8、That you've come here and sincerely participated in the Kagyu Monlam- I feel strengthened by all of your presence.I feel invigorated, like I want to do something- I must do more. ─── 你们来到这里,满怀真诚地参与了噶举祈愿法会,各位的前来让我充满了力量,我深受鼓舞,让我想要做些什么,我希望能做得更多!

9、In the above conditions driven by finance, trade, marketing and a series of chain has thus invigorated industries. ─── 在以上种种条件的带动下,金融、贸易、销售等一系列的产业链也由此盘活。

10、In stock assets, broken down bad assets and customers, develop specific invigorated programme. ─── 在存量资产上,细分不良资产和客户,研究制定具体盘活方案。

11、This diversified culture in Asia has invigorated and stimulated its development. ─── 这种多样性的文化为其发展带来了旺盛的活力。

12、I awoke vastly invigorated and rather irritable ─── 我醒来的时候极度兴奋,而且有点暴燥。

13、The Overview of the Correlation Relationship between Invigorated Spleen Formula and Spleen Asthenic Syndrome ─── 健脾方剂与脾虚证相关性研究概况

14、For Australian retailers now is the time to think about investment in an online store and an invigorated channel strategy. ─── 对于澳大利亚的零售商现在是时候考虑投资在一个网上商店和活力的渠道战略。

15、Active digest disposal not only invigorated the stock of real estate, and to promote the incremental real estate. ─── 积极开展消化处置工作,不仅盘活了存量房地产,而且促进了增量房地产。

16、Long years of the real estate market has a distinct feature : On one side is the old property invigorated illness trees germinate Hin vigor, new projects Qiaoxiao side is a forest of green everywhere. ─── 龙年的房地产市场有一个鲜明的特点:一边是老房产盘活病树发芽显生机,一边是新项目俏销绿色满目已成林。

17、Though the icy night air seared his face, he didn't feel cold but invigorated. ─── 晚间的冷气削着他的脸,他不觉得冷,反倒痛快。

18、A few whiffs of the raw, strong scent of phlox invigorated her ─── 福禄考花的缕缕新鲜、浓重的香味使她充满活力

19、They felt refreshed and invigorated after the walk. ─── 散步之后他们感到精神焕发。

20、Instead, Wenzhou folk go, invigorated the local market, and promote local economic development. ─── 相反,温州人去了,盘活了当地市场,促进了当地经济的发展。

21、You have good stamina and you are invigorated by challenges. ─── 你有很好的耐力,挑战会让你感到精神振奋。

22、Damon, looking invigorated in his role as the designated hitter, had two doubles, and Rodriguez, Melky Cabrera and Cairo each had two hits. ─── 戴门今天担任指定代打,对于这个新任务他显得兴致勃勃,他敲出了两支二垒安打;

23、Housing Bank is a brand new invigorated the fixed assets, their value, avoid risks effective leasing model. ─── 房屋银行是一种全新的盘活固定资产、使其增值、规避风险的有效租赁模式。

24、I think it's kind of invigorated him with the passion and the kind of joy that you know Jason Kidd likes to play with. ─── 现在看到基德又重燃热情是非常棒的一件事情,你能享受基德比赛给你带来的那种快乐。

25、About half-an-hour later she invigorated herself by an effort, and took her seat and the reins as usual. ─── 大约半个小时之后,她强打起精神,象往常那样坐上了车座,抓起了缰绳。

26、invigorated river ─── 多水河流

27、Through stock property invigorated, the incremental property to the consumer, the real estate market achieved overall organic materials, comprehensive prosperity. ─── 通过存量房产的盘活,带动了增量房产的消费,有机实现了房地产市场的整体联动、全面繁荣。

28、"government in the control of land supply and invigorated the stock did exist between land conflict. ─── “政府在控制土地供应与盘活存量土地之间的确存在矛盾之处。”

29、Beihai City invigorated the findings as the basis of the work of the material properties. ─── 调查结果作为北海市盘活房地产工作的基础材料。

30、Fragrant Patchouli, Orange Oil and natural Pumice work together to leave skin awakened, invigorated and sublimely soft with a natural glow. ─── 含天然磨砂精华、香橙及广藿香精油,温和地去除老化角质,令肌肤细致光滑。

31、An invigorated domestic economy will help promote socialism without affecting its essence. ─── 对内搞活经济,是活了社会主义,没有伤害社会主义的本质。

32、The Earth will lend its endurance to the mage.All Earth spells will be less demanding to cast(Earth magic bonus:1) and the mage will be constantly invigorated by the Earth's power(reinvigoration:4). ─── 法师从大地借取耐力,所有大地魔法的施法要求将得到降低(法师地魔法等级+1),并且法师将不断受到大地魔力的催动(疲劳恢复奖励:4)。

33、More than a year's independent operation has invigorated the postal sector, which is manifested as follows: ─── 经过一年多的独立运行,邮政焕发出勃勃生机,主要表现在四个方面:

34、We constantly invigorated our policies to strengthen agriculture and benefit farmers and continued to intensify our efforts to protect farmland. ─── 强农惠农政策力度不断加大。耕地保护工作继续加强。

35、But of late, since the night of his vigil, all her sympathies towards him had been both softened and invigorated. ─── 但自从他那天晚上夜游以来,最近她对他的全部同情都变得又温柔又有力了。

36、"A few whiffs of the raw, strong scent of phlox invigorated her" (D.H. Lawrence) ─── “福禄考花的缕缕新鲜、浓重的香味使她充满活力”(D.H.劳伦斯)

37、These projects generally have been invigorated a feature is located in the town center and business district lots of gold, lots have not overlook the advantages. ─── 这些被盘活项目普遍有一个特点,是位于市中心及商务区黄金地段,有着不能忽视的地段优势。

38、In dreams, ego loosens the domination of consciousness.The samples, which are not so invigorated, can also arise. ─── 梦里,理智放松对大脑的控制,对记忆元素活跃度的门槛降低,而且容忍方差较大的连接组合。

39、Allow yourself to be uplifted and cleansed by walks in the countryside, invigorated by mountain air, charmed and relaxed by beautiful gardens, purified by sea breezes and sandy beaches. ─── 你在乡间散步,你在山区呼吸新鲜的山林空气,你在美丽的花园中闲逛,你在海边的沙滩上嬉戏。于是,你得到了心理上的提升和解脱,心情上的喜悦和放松,精神上的净化和荡涤。

40、Fragrant Patchouli, Orange Oil and natural Pumice work together to leave skin awakened, invigorated and sublimely soft with a natural glow. ─── 含天然磨砂精华、香橙及广藿香精油,温和地去除老化角质,令肌肤细致光滑。

41、You may even feel it building, causing you to become invigorated by your own success, making you strive that much harder towards reaching your final goal. ─── 因为受到成功的鼓舞,你甚至可以感觉到动力的产生,它使你向着最终目标更加努力的奋斗。

42、And the broken sample is more invigorated) 3, repair, replace (two samples connected with broken) 4, stopcock is an integer 5, Integer can't be repair 6, Replace it. ─── 2坏了(因为“坏了”是更常用的概念,也就更活跃)3修理,更换(与“坏了”相连的两个概念)4水龙头是整体部件5整体部件不能修理,只能更换6去买新的更换。

43、We learned new things, exercised and invigorated our bodies, produced a diversion, learned about people and animals, produced laughter, joy and fun and it improved our reading. ─── 我们学习新事物,训练和使我们的身体精力充沛,转换展现,关于人类跟动物学习,制造笑声,喜悦和嬉戏而且它提高我们的知识。

44、The shower belt offers the possibility of a more substantial cleansing that leaves the user as invigorated as he or she would be in any other shower. ─── 淋浴腰带提供了一种更好的方式:可以让你享受到普通淋浴器给你带来的相同的感受。

45、Italian painter, who invigorated the Venetian school of painting and whose art was unrivaled in the portrayal of mood. ─── 焦尔焦内意大利画家和威尼斯画派的早期名画家,他的画有(公元1505年)和(公元1510年)

46、So we believe she once was invigorated by this one pure place, went at a dash. ─── 所以我们相信她曾经被这一份纯真所鼓舞,并一鼓作气走了下去。

47、Zhouyufei presentation for the Housing Trust to lease another significant personal assets can be invigorated, the Housing mobility. ─── 通过房屋信托租赁无需出租人和承租人见面,就可以完成整个租赁过程中的各个环节运作。

48、Yet just as I was feeling vaguely invigorated, I came upon a rule that tells managers to think of their underlings like baseball cards. ─── 但就在我隐约感到一丝振奋时,我看到了其中一条准则,教导经理们将下属想象成棒球卡。

49、Postal Service in China Invigorated ─── 富有活力的中国邮政

50、Invigorated by his travels, Turner continued to plow his energies into his prolific landscape painting. ─── 旅行使透纳变得精神饱满,他不断地将精力投入到大量的风景画创作当中。

51、When standard of this kind of female is invigorated, the likelihood became the neo-romanticism of sensitivity gradually. ─── 当这种女性标准被鼓舞时,可能就渐渐成为了多愁善感的新浪漫主义。

52、The credit sale system instituted by the act gave a great push to the federal land sale, invigorated federal land market and promoted the rapid development of the west. ─── 该法令确立的分期付款售地制度有力地促进了联邦土地的销售,活跃了联邦的土地市场,促进了西部的快速开发。

53、One has long hair.One has big air.Together they have invigorated the Rockets at both ends of the floor like a shot of adrenaline straight to the heart. ─── 一头是长发飘飘,另一头是能蹦善跳,合在一起之后给火箭的攻防两端都注入了极大的活力,犹如直接给火箭的心脏注入了一针肾上腺素。

54、However, the backlog of real estate situation is very complex and difficult, if invigorated, no? ─── 然而,积压房地产状况十分复杂,盘根错节,要想盘活,谈何容易?

55、For example, we can collect taxes, introduce professional services for foreign-funded enterprises and establish some profitable enterprises ourselves. In this way our economy will be invigorated. ─── 税收方面可以收一些税,为外资服务的行业可以搞一些,我们自己也可以在那里搞一些有利可图的企业,这样就可以搞活。

56、The cold water invigorated him. ─── 冷水让他打起了精神。

57、This report invigorated the morale of Boershe and work in the same placing greatly, sturdy also Xitele is finished " national car " determination. ─── 这份报告极大地鼓舞了波尔舍和同事们的士气,也坚定了希特勒完成“国民轿车”的决心。

58、Recently, the government has new initiatives in the land market, the price mechanism to regulate and control the use of land and control construction land incremental, invigorated the land stock. ─── 最近政府对于土地市场也有新举措,运用价格机制调控用地和控制建设用地增量、盘活土地存量。

59、How Should National Household Appliance Industry Keep Itself Invigorated--New Interpretation of the Theories from Multinationals ─── 民族家电业如何振雄风?--来自跨国公司理论的新解释

60、She seemed invigorated, full of life and energy. ─── 她看来生气勃勃,满怀生命力和精力。

61、Thus, invigorated the existing stock of resources, and vigorously promote intensive use of land is a reasonable solution to the current land use control and an important way of contradictions. ─── 因此,盘活现有存量资源,大力推进土地集约利用是解决当前土地控制与合理利用矛盾的一个重要途径。

62、Negative ions increases after a thunderstorm which is why we usually feel invigorated and refreshed. ─── 雷雨过后,空气的负离子增多,人们感到心情舒畅。

63、Meanwhile, the expected meeting of minds between America's newly invigorated trustbusters and Europe's also seems to have been put on hold. ─── 与此同时,刚刚受到鼓舞的美国反垄断官员们与欧洲同行的预期会晤似乎也已经被搁置了。

64、Shaq spent most of the season plodding around like a mummy, spent two weeks in Phoenix and became more invigorated than the entire cast of "Cocoon. ─── 奥尼尔大半个赛季表现都象一个木乃伊,但来到太阳两周后即重新焕发生机,甚至比蚕蜕化蝶还要有活力。

65、But this time it was different.As cold as it was, I suddenly was invigorated thinking about how wonderful this extreme cold really was. ─── 但是今天的心情有些不同。虽然很冷,可我一想到这刺骨的寒冷实际有多么美好时,我顿感精神抖擞。

66、Liver invigorated law cures in the theory in the impotence ─── 疏肝解郁法在阳痿中的论治

67、If you want to reinvigorate the economy, large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises should be invigorated first of all. ─── 要想真正搞活经济,首先要搞活国营大中型企业。

68、But this time it was different. As cold as it was, I suddenly was invigorated thinking about how wonderful this extreme cold really was. ─── 但是这次却不同,天依然是那么冷,我突然精神振奋地想,这寒冷的日子是多么地美好啊!

69、They felt refreshed and invigorated after the walk. ─── 散步之后他们感到精神焕发。

70、I feel invigorated by all this fresh air! ─── 空气很清新,我觉得精神焕发!

71、Invigorated hubbub has long did not read the landscape in mind. ─── 在跌跌撞撞的喧哗中早已没有读风景的心情。

72、Or perchance his sensitive temperament was invigorated by the loud and piercing music that swelled heaven-ward, and uplifted him on its ascending wave. ─── 或者,也许是,他的敏感的气质受到了那向天升腾并把他托着飞升的响亮而尖利的音乐的鼓舞。

73、Today, looking back on the agonizingly long 95 hours, 36 minutes, and 23 seconds we were required to fraternize with dwarfish, funny-talking mathletes, we are nevertheless invigorated and hopeful. ─── 今天,回顾我们被要求与侏儒般的讲话可笑的数学竞赛赛手们亲善的苦闷的95小时36分钟23秒,我们仍然是受到鼓舞和感到希望的。

74、Pandanshi invigorated the stock 130 hectares of land, only 70 hectares of additional land for the construction, industrial enterprises to meet the 33 home building site requirements. ─── 磐石市盘活存量土地130公顷,仅新增建设用地70公顷,就满足了33家工业企业的建设用地需求。

75、In fact I felt invigorated, more relaxed, and healthier, probably because of the air-cleansing and oxygen-producing nature of close plants. ─── 事实上,我感到精力充沛,更舒适,也更健康了,也许是因为密集植物清洁空气,制造氧气的天性使然。

76、A small walk from time to time could cmake you feel invigorated and refreshed. ─── 不时地出去散散步会使你精神焕发,神清气爽。

77、His confidence invigorated his workers. ─── 他的自信使他的工人得到鼓舞。

78、The complete Firmament atmosphere invigorated the mind and body since the radiation energy stored prana in the Firmament. ─── 因为射线将其能量储存在冰天中,整个冰天大气层对大脑和身体有激励作用。

79、Investment of this magnitude obviously can not rely on invigorated "bankable projects" that can only be resolved through bank loans for financing. ─── 如此规模的投资显然无法靠盘活“有收益的项目”来保证,只能通过银行贷款进行融资来解决。

80、This marks the beginning of Yantai Development Zone comprehensive invigorated "uncompleted residential flats. ─── 此举标志着烟台开发区开始全面盘活“烂尾楼”。

81、The jackal then invigorated himself with a bumper for his throttle, and a fresh application to his head, and applied himself to the collection of a second meal; ─── 于是豺狗又灌下一大杯酒,提了提神,润了润喉,再在头上搭一个冷敷,开始准备第二道点心。

82、Encourage enterprises invigorated the stock of land to use the land for their original factory district expansion or transformation, from the increase of the gross floor area of land leasing. ─── 规划建设现代都市农业控制线,把耕地定位在图上,落实到地上,责任到各级领导身上,有力地促进了农地的集约利用。

83、Freshly invigorated and with new energy everyone will be prepared for the climax: the award ceremony and a festive dinner with all participants. ─── 待选手养精蓄锐以后,即将开始邀请赛的高潮:颁奖仪式和招待晚宴。

84、Long before the modern springboard and platform, people dived off cliffs and bridges into the water below, invigorated by the adrenaline rush as they descended through the air and plunged into the water below. ─── 在现代跳板和跳台发明之前的很长一段时间里,人们都是从悬崖或桥上跳入水中,在从空中下降直至入水的过程中,迅速分泌的肾上腺素使得人们产生了兴奋和快乐的感觉。

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