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09-18 投稿


insouciant 发音

英:[?n'su?sj?nt]  美:[?n's?si?nt]

英:  美:

insouciant 中文意思翻译



insouciant 词性/词形变化,insouciant变形

副词: insouciantly |

insouciant 相似词语短语

1、insouciantly ─── 漫不经心地;漠不关心地

2、insulant ─── n.绝缘材料,绝缘物质

3、insultant ─── 侮辱性的

4、insurant ─── n.被保险人;投保人;保险契约者

5、insoulment ─── 不溶性

6、insouciance ─── n.无忧无虑;漫不经心;满不在乎

7、insourcing ─── n.内销;内包

8、insouling ─── 使有生气;牢记在心

9、inscient ─── adj.无知的;不知道的

insouciant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、the hero's attitude blithe, insouciant, almost sociopathically cool. ─── 为非作歹耍坏到不行;

2、Americans are remarkably insouciant about this development. ─── 美国人对这个数字漫无关心。

3、Harder still is bringing insouciant life to this arduous process. ─── 更难的是漫不经心的生活有着艰难的过程。

4、insouciant a. ─── 不在意的;

5、But the bond markets seem quite insouciant, at least so far (see chart). ─── 但债券市场似乎对此熟视无睹,至少目前如此。

6、But not all central bankers are so insouciant. ─── 然而,不是所有的央行人士都对此高枕无忧。

7、Photos show them posing together holding handguns, a pair of insouciant revolutionaries. ─── 照片显示他们举着枪,摆出姿势,一对漫不经心的革命夫妻。

8、an elegantly insouciant manner; ─── 优雅的、无忧无虑的举止;

9、This had engendered among all those highly paid investment bankers and traders an insouciant indifference to risk. ─── 这导致所有那些高收入的投资银行家和交易员对风险漠不关心。

10、an ability to interest casual students; showed a casual disregard for cold weather; an utterly insouciant financial policy; an elegantly insouciant manner; drove his car with nonchalant abandon; was polite in a teasing nonchalant manner ─── 引发漫不经心的学生注意的能力;对寒冷的天气满不在乎;完全不在乎的经济政策;优雅的、无忧无虑的举止;漫不经心的开着他的车;揶揄的、满不在乎的优雅

11、insouciant disregard ─── 满不在乎

12、of insouciant attitude is what makes fur fit into modern life. ─── 使皮草融入到现代生活当中的正是那种满不在乎的态度。

13、He is always insouciant to the things that happened around. ─── 他对发生在身边的事情通常漠不关心。

14、Some of them were insouciant, raising and lowering their heads constantly, pecking something in the arsy-varsy blasted grass; ─── 它们有的不停地俯仰着小脑袋,在乱麻一样的枯草中啄食着什么东西;

15、an ability to interest casual students; showed a casual disregard for cold weather; an utterly insouciant financial policy; an elegantly insouciant manner; drove his car with nonchalant abandon; was polite in a teasing nonchalant manner. ─── 引发漫不经心的学生注意的能力;对寒冷的天气满不在乎;完全不在乎的经济政策;优雅的、无忧无虑的举止;漫不经心的开着他的车;揶揄的、满不在乎的优雅。

16、2.Or perhaps the insouciant fashions on Rue Saint-Denis, where French Montrealers go to see and be seen. ─── 也许是圣丹尼路上漫不经心的格调,法裔蒙城人去那里欣赏别人和展示自己。

17、But the bond markets seem quite insouciant, at least so far. ─── 但是债券市场似乎对此漠不关心,至少目前看是这样的。

18、in a year his hat, feet, waddle and harrassed, insouciant smirk were familiar to South Sea Islanders who pasted his picture on the walls of their bathhouses; ─── 一年后,他的帽子、鞋子、蹒跚的步态、疲倦而无忧无虑的傻笑已被南洋诸岛熟知,他们在自己公共澡堂的墙上放他的电影;

19、Although it records the real image incompletely, this insouciant shooting manner can give expression to my deserted and disorder heart. ─── 仅管它不完全是对实物的记录,但这种漫不经心的拍摄方式更能表达我荒芜凌乱的内心。

20、If there is one market that sums up the insouciant attitude to risk, it would have to be corporate debt. ─── 如果有一个市场总结了这种对待风险的漫不经心的态度,它必然会是公司债务市场。

21、Television producers seem irresponsibly insouciant about churning out violence. ─── 电视制片人似乎对大量制作暴力节目抱着不负责任的无所谓的态度。

22、These coat hooks look like regular pub-darts, but come with special fittings to make them stick into the wall; would lend an air of insouciant sportiness to any home. ─── 这些外套挂钩看上去就像是酒馆的飞标,但这种特殊的东西是粘在墙上的。可以随便移动。

23、an utterly insouciant financial policy; ─── 完全不在乎的经济政策;

24、Onfield and off he had an aristocrat's insouciant elegance. ─── 场内还是场外都彰显出贵族的优雅。

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