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09-19 投稿


inflexed 发音

英:[[?n'flekst]]  美:[[?n'flekst]]

英:  美:

inflexed 中文意思翻译



inflexed 短语词组

1、inflexed forms ─── 屈折形式

inflexed 相似词语短语

1、indexed ─── v.为……编索引;把……编入索引;指示;使……自动与价格系数挂钩;(机器)转位(index的过去式和过去分词)

2、influxes ─── n.流入;汇集;河流的汇集处

3、inflected ─── adj.屈折的;字尾有变化的;v.弯曲;曲折(inflect的过去式)

4、inflamed ─── adj.发炎的;红肿的;v.使发炎(inflame的过去分词);使燃烧;使火红;激起

5、infixed ─── v.把……植入;插入(中缀);用力插入;adj.中缀的;n.中缀

6、inflated ─── adj.通货膨胀的;充了气的;价格飞涨的;(植物)肿胀的;v.膨胀(inflate的过去式和过去分词);使充气;抬高(物价)

7、unflexed ─── 不弯曲的

8、flexed ─── 曲折的;折的

9、deflexed ─── adj.向下弯曲的;v.使向下弯曲(deflex的过去分词)

inflexed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Petals white or pinkish, apex narrow, inflexed; fruit ribs usually undulate, cristate or semi-winged. ─── 花瓣白色或者带粉红色,先端狭窄,内折;半的果棱通常波状,鸡冠状的或具翅。(99

2、Petals white or greenish-yellow, ovate to suborbicular, apex narrow, inflexed. ─── 花瓣白色或黄绿色,卵形到近圆形,先端狭窄,内弯。

3、portion of segment above process inflexed, with others forming a truncate surface tightly appressed to utricle, apex membranous, usually caducous and forming a circular hole. ─── 裂片在上面部分突起内折,其它的形成截形表面紧紧地贴伏于胞果,先端膜质,通常早落和形成圆孔。

4、Petals yellow or greenish-yellow, irregular square, obovate suborbicular, median line dark, apex narrowly inflexed. ─── 花瓣黄的或黄绿色,不规则正方形,倒卵形近圆形,中线深色的,先端狭内折。

5、Calyx teeth obsolete.Petals white, long-elliptic, apex inflexed. ─── 萼齿不明显花瓣白色,长椭圆形,先端内折。

6、auricle narrowly inflexed. ─── 叶耳狭的内折。

7、auricle inflexed, purple spotted, long. ─── 内折的叶耳,紫色斑点,长。

8、Petals white or purplish, ovate or long-obovate, base attenuate and thickening near attachment, apex narrow, inflexed, rarely plane. ─── 花瓣白色或略带紫色的,卵形或长倒卵形,基部渐狭和靠近附属物加厚,先端狭窄,内折,很少平。

9、Calyx teeth obsolete.Petals white, oblong-obovate, base cuneate, apical lobule narrow, inflexed. ─── 萼齿不明显花瓣白色,长圆状倒卵形,基部楔形,顶端小裂片缩小,内折。

10、Petals white, greenish white, pale yellow, purple or pale blue, spatulate or obovate with a narrowly inflexed apex. ─── 花瓣白色,带绿色白色,浅黄,紫色或浅蓝色的,匙形或倒卵形具狭内折的先端。

11、, fragrant.Perianth white, inflexed, patent in anthesis; ─── 花被白色,内折,在开花期里开展;

12、auricle inflexed, subovate. ─── 叶耳内折,近卵形。

13、Calyx teeth obsolete.Petals yellow, greenish-yellow, tinged purple or purple, oblong to orbicular, apex narrowly inflexed. ─── 萼齿不明显花瓣黄色,黄绿色,微染紫色或紫色,长圆形到圆形,狭内折的先端。

14、portion of segment above process strongly inflexed, with others forming a truncate surface tightly appressed to utricle, apex obtuse. ─── 裂片部分上面突起强烈内折,其它的形成截形表面紧紧地贴伏于胞果,先端钝。

15、Perianth 5-merous, slightly dirty yellow, broadly campanulate, ca. 1.5 mm, tube divided to middle, ca. 1 mm, lobes triangular, margin inflexed. ─── 花被5瓣,有点脏黄,宽钟状,约1.5毫米,管分至中部,约1毫米,裂片三角形,边内折。

16、Utricle beak above middle divided into 2 small, acicular beaks, each with a proximal, lateral, recurved or inflexed, firm, spinelike, glabrous process. ─── 胞果具喙在中部以上全裂成为小的,针状的喙,每个具一下部的,侧生的,内弯或内折的,坚固的、刺状的无毛的突起。(2

17、Seed face inflexed into a deep T-shaped groove.Carpophore 2-parted. ─── 种子表面内折的成为一个深的T形的槽沟。

18、Petals yellowish, oblong, with an elongate narrowly inflexed apex, glabrous. ─── 花瓣淡黄,长方形,有拉长狭内折的顶,无毛。

19、Petals yellow or yellowish-green, obovate, apex emarginate, narrow, inflexed. ─── 萼齿不明显花瓣黄色或黄绿色,倒卵形,先端微缺,狭窄,内折。

20、4(3) Samara wings spreading at acute to obtuse angle, never inflexed. ─── 翅果的翅张开成锐角到钝角,从未内折。

21、Petals usually white, occasionally pinkish or purplish, rarely pale yellow, orbicular to obovate, with a narrow inflexed apex. ─── 通常白色的花瓣,偶有带粉红色或略带紫色,很少浅黄的,圆形到倒卵形,具一个狭窄的内折的顶。

22、Petals yellow, outer reddish-tinged, ovate, midvein elevated on both surfaces, apex narrowly inflexed. ─── 花瓣黄色,外部带红色微染,卵形,中脉两面突起,先端狭内折。

23、Petals white or yellow, obcordate, with an inflexed apex, outer petals in outer flowers of an umbellule enlarged and radiant. ─── 花瓣白色或黄的,倒心形,具一内折先端,小伞的外部花外部花瓣扩大和辐射状。

24、Petals white or purplish red, obovate, with a narrow inflexed apex, appressed-strigose on abaxial surface. ─── 花瓣白色或紫红色,倒卵形,具一个狭窄的内折的顶,在背面上的贴伏糙伏毛。

25、Leaf blade ovate, slightly 3-lobed. Samara wings inflexed. ─── 叶片卵形,有点3裂。翅果的翅内折。

26、Calyx teeth obsolete.Petals yellow, obovate, mid rib conspicuous, apex with narrowly inflexed lobule. ─── 萼齿不明显花瓣黄色,倒卵形,明显的棱中期,先端具狭内折的小裂片的。

27、With inflex with Latino nations increases to 2.11.The bear minimum required to sustain the culture. ─── 拉丁美州国家的人口增长率为2.11%,仅勉强足够维持一个文化的最低比率。

28、Calyx teeth obsolete.Petals greenish, emarginate, apex inflexed. ─── 萼齿不明显花瓣带绿色,微缺的,内折的先端。

29、Petals 5, longer than sepals, obovate or oblong, clawed, each side with 1 inflexed earlike scale at base. ─── 花瓣5,长于萼片,或长圆形,瓣爪,每边的具1内折耳状鳞片在基部。

30、Petals present, rarely absent, free or connate at base, imbricate, rarely valvate, apices mostly inflexed or incurved. ─── 花瓣有,很少无,离生或者在基部合生,覆瓦状,很少镊合状,先端多数内折或者弯曲。

31、stamens as many as calyx lobes, erect, straight in bud [or sometimes inflexed]; ─── 同数的雄蕊萼裂片,直立,在芽中直[有时的或内折];

32、Flowers bisexual. Pedicel slender, articulate below middle, articulation swollen and slightly inflexed in fruit. ─── 花两性花梗纤细,中部以下具节,节膨胀和有点内折在果期。

33、Petals white, obovate, base short-attenuate, apex retuse with small inflexed lobule. ─── 花瓣白色,倒卵形,渐狭的基部短,先端微凹具小内折的。

34、Petals greenish, whitish or purplish, unequal, usually outer petals markedly enlarged, radiant, apex 2-lobed, with a narrowly inflexed lobule; ─── 带绿色的花瓣,带白色或带紫色,不等长,通常,外部花瓣显著放大,辐射状,2裂的先端,具一狭内折的小裂片;

35、Lower sepal obliquely saccate, abruptly narrowed into an inflexed, short spur. ─── 唇瓣斜囊状,突然狭窄成一内折的,短距。

36、Perianth 5-merous, white, tubular, ca. 7 mm, lobes inflexed, margins membranous. ─── 花被5瓣,白色,管状,约7毫米,裂片内折,边缘膜质。

37、Petals pale green, ovate, apex narrow inflexed, abaxially puberulous. ─── 花瓣苍绿色,卵形,先端狭窄,背面被微柔毛。

38、Stamens 5, inflexed in bud, alternate with petals, shorter than petals; ─── 雄蕊5,芽期内折,与花瓣互生,比花瓣短;

39、auricle inflexed, rounded. ─── 叶耳内折,圆形。

40、petals 5, slightly coherent at base, apex inflexed, valvate; ─── 花瓣5,稍连着的在基部,先端内折,镊合状;

41、Petals white, greenish white, pale yellow, purple or pale blue, spatulate or obovate with a narrowly inflexed apex. ─── 花瓣白色,带绿色白色,浅黄,紫色或浅蓝色的,匙形或倒卵形具狭内折的先端。

42、Petals white, purplish or dull cream, obovate, apex broadly inflexed, costa red-brown, conspicuous, base clawed. ─── 花瓣白色,略带紫色或黯淡的米色,倒卵形,宽内折的先端,中脉红棕色,明显,基部瓣爪。

43、Calyx teeth obsolete. Petals white, purple or greenish yellow, spatulate to obovate with a narrow inflexed apex. ─── 萼齿不明显花瓣白色,紫色或黄绿色,匙形到倒卵形具一狭窄内折先端。

44、Petals broadly obovate, white, rarely pinkish or purplish, midvein yellow or yellow-green, base cuneate, with an inflexed apex. ─── 花瓣宽倒卵形,白色,很少带粉红色或略带紫色的,黄或黄绿色,基部楔形,具内折先端。

45、First-year branchlets white powdery; needles twisted, 5-12 cm, margin usually not inflexed. ─── 第一年小枝白色粉状;针叶扭曲,5-12厘米,边缘通常不内折。(2

46、The preciou gift is not purchased but get it through hard work and inflex will. ─── 生命中的珍贵礼物不是用钱买来的,是以艰辛努力和坚毅的决心换取的。

47、auricle inflexed, small, narrow. ─── 叶耳内折,小,狭窄。

48、lobes 3-fid, central segment threadlike, inflexed; ─── 裂片3裂,中心裂片,内折;

49、auricle inflexed, long. ─── 叶耳内折,长。

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