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09-18 投稿


inanities 发音


英:  美:

inanities 中文意思翻译



inanities 词性/词形变化,inanities变形

名词复数: inanities |

inanities 相似词语短语

1、insanities ─── n.疯狂;精神错乱;精神病;愚顽

2、canities ─── 白发

3、inanition ─── n.空虚;营养不足;死气沉沉

4、infinities ─── n.无穷;无限大;无限距

5、finalities ─── n.定局;终结;结尾;最后的事物;最后的言行

6、vanities ─── n.虚荣心;浮华(vanity的复数)

7、inhumanities ─── n.不人道,无人性;残暴

8、asininities ─── n.愚钝;愚蠢

9、inabilities ─── n.无能力;无才能

inanities 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The oldest one was looking at her reflection inan ornament on the Christmas tree. ─── 最大的一个孩子正从圣诞树上的一个装饰品看自己的样子。

2、Every time he said something he would turn and look at Japhy and deliver these rather brilliant inanities with a complete deadpan; ─── 每当他说些什么,他总是转身看着贾菲并用一个十足冷脸笑匠的表情发表这些相当才智的废话;

3、A Method of Editing"Parameter Program"inan Advanced Language for CNC Tool Grinder ─── 用高级语言编辑数控工具磨床"参数程序"

4、Inan interview with People magazine in February, First Lady MichelleObama confided she favoured the Portuguese breed and that a dog wouldbe moving in after the Easter holidays. ─── 在接受媒体采访时,2月份第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马吐露她赞成葡萄牙品种和狗将朝着复活节假期后。

5、Although all is therepetition similar life daily, but two months or on the past, hoped inan instant last the year can complete mark the period in my last bythe student status study! ─── 尽管天天都是重复同样的生活,可两个月还是一转眼就过去,希望在我最后一个以学生身份学习的最后一年能够圆满的画上句号!

6、F ig.2 A nnua l dynam ics of dom inan t crustaceans in Houhu reg ionin 1997-1998(the bars ind icate standard dev iation). ─── 标题: 图2 1997及1998年后湖浮游甲壳动物优势种种群的周年动态(图中垂直线为标准差)。

7、The writer has gained such popularity with his readers that even his inanities are now considered ___. ─── 他发觉他的新相识的朋友难于了解:试图了解她的性格就好像窥视位置的领域。

8、Forequarters Theshoulders are well laid back forming an angle with the upper arm ofapproximately 90 degrees which permits the dog to move his forelegs inan easy manner with forward reach. ─── 脖子、背线和身体脖子:脖子应有足够的长度使犬的鼻子可以轻易地碰到地面,肌肉发达,咽喉以下的皮肤不能过分松驰下垂。

9、Finally, NASA called inan official government translator.He reported that the moon message said, Watch outfor these guys; they're come to steal your land. ─── 最后,宇航局请来了一位政府官方翻译,他说给月球的信息是;'提防着这些家伙。他们是来窃取你们的土地的。

10、Women will always ask questio that have no center a wers,inan effort to trap yousintosfeeling guilty. ─── 女人总是问一些没有正确答案的问题,她们想使你有犯罪感。

11、This film is a much needed antidote to the inanities of Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds. ─── 这部电影是对昆汀·塔伦蒂诺那部虚妄的《无耻混蛋》的一剂十分必要的解毒剂。

12、Many of these are simply home-movie inanities — cats acting like people or toddlers dancing to Beyoncé. ─── 许多是简单的家庭电影中的无聊之作——像人一样表现的猫咪或者幼儿对着碧昂丝舞蹈。

13、The Web isn't going away, and so its boosters should no longer feel defensive when its inanities are pointed out. ─── 互联网不会消亡,因此支持者不用担心指责其内容空洞无物的反对声音。

14、It is a human means of escape from the constant battles of life, from this thing which we call exploitation, from the inanities of life, the loneliness, the sorrows. ─── 它是人类的一种手段,用来逃避生命中不停的争斗,逃避我们称之为剥削的事情,逃避生命的空虚,孤独和悲伤。

15、6.The writer has gained such popularity with his readers that even his inanities are now considered ___. ─── 他发现他的新相识的朋友难于了解:试图了解她的性格就如同窥视位置的领域。

16、Incontinence. The kidney function andcontrol over the urinary bladder sphincter slowly lessens, resulting inan increased incidence of urine leakage. ─── 大小便失禁。肾功能及控制膀胱的括约肌作用逐渐丧失能力,故而使得尿失禁情形增加。

17、But it also warned against backstabbing and babbling inanities, and stressed that party-goers need to keep their guard up at all times. ─── 但“宝典”同时提醒道,“与会者”应保持警惕,不应在派对上随便泄露职场秘密。

18、Inan interview with the Financial Times on Saturday, Ms Amara said shewas in favour of an outright ban on the burka, even though it might bedifficult to apply. ─── 在接受金融时报采访时星期六,阿马拉埃西女士说,她赞成彻底禁止布尔卡,即使它可能难以适用。

19、living with lies, illusions and hatred, the weariness of it all, the boredom, the inanities: this is our life. ─── 生活中伴随着谎言,幻想和仇恨,对生活的疲惫,厌倦,空虚:这便是我们的生活。

20、Inan English household,fun is going all the time.The entire house resounds witn it. ─── 在一个英国家庭里,逗乐儿无时不在进行,整幢屋子其乐融融。

21、Inan hour there was a telegram back. ─── 一个钟头后就回电报了。

22、WU Yu-jia; WANG Biao and LI J iang(Department of Plas tic Aes thetic Surg ery; General Hos pital of J inan Military Reg ion; J inan250031; Shandong Province; China); ─── 济南军区总医院整形美容外科;山东省济南市;

23、The gorgeous teenager shrugs her shoulders and ponders the inanities of the lesser gender. ─── 华丽的少年耸耸肩她的肩膀和思考相权取其轻性别inanities

24、Additionally, as each record is written, the customer name and the associated relative record number are recorded inan array or index (Fig. 8.8). ─── 除此之外,当每个记录被写入时,顾客的姓名和与姓名有关的相对记录编号记录在一个数组或索引中(图8.8)。

25、The other half is having fun, here, now, in the context of all the ultimately irrelevant issues, toys and inanities of the day. ─── 另一半则是现在在这个最终无关的话题上取乐,消遣和空虚。

26、Some grudgingly accept public speakingin tongues, because St Paulgrudgingly did so in his first letters to the Corinthians (“He that speaketh inan unknown tongue edifieth himself; ─── 有些人勉强接受公开使用方言,因为圣徒保罗在哥林多前书中勉强的接受了方言(说方言的,是造就自己。

27、Drift into inanities ─── 流入俗套

28、He cut desperately at me rope inan attempt to free his foot. ─── 他拼命地割那根绳子,以摆脱脚上的束缚。

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