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09-17 投稿


innumerability 发音


英:  美:

innumerability 中文意思翻译



innumerability 相似词语短语

1、incurability ─── n.不能医治;不能矫正

2、numerability ─── 可数性

3、invulnerability ─── n.刀枪不入,不会受伤害

4、insuperability ─── n.不能制胜;不能克服

5、inalterability ─── 不变性

6、denumerability ─── n.可数性

7、innumerably ─── adv.无数地,数不清地

8、enumerability ─── n.[数]可数性;[数]可枚举性

9、inoperability ─── n.不宜手术性;不能手术性

innumerability 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I was thinking of you,innumerability of you. ─── 心里想的是你.无数无数个你.

2、layer by layer,innumerability of thought. ─── 一层一层的,数也数不清的思念.

3、It's mainly Wanzi pattern on Tan,which means innumerability,with the eyes for money,so it means innumerous money. ─── 刀镡上的纹饰图案以万字纹为主,万字有"不尽"之意,眼作铜钱,所以是为"财富不尽".

4、You are a enmity fetch among innumerability. Foolish and clumsiness are your epitaph. ─── 你是无数冤魂中的一个,愚蠢和笨拙是你的墓志铭。

5、I was thinking of you, innumerability of you. ─── 心里想的是你。无数无数个你。

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