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09-19 投稿


indestructibility 发音


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indestructibility 中文意思翻译



indestructibility 网络释义

indestructibility 反义词


indestructibility 词性/词形变化,indestructibility变形

副词: indescribably |名词: indescribability |

indestructibility 同义词

indestructibility 相似词语短语

1、distractibility ─── n.注意力分散

2、indescribability ─── n.不可名状

3、indestructibly ─── adv.无法破坏地

4、indestructible ─── adj.不可毁灭的,不能破坏的

5、destructivity ─── 破坏(或摧毁、毁灭)能力

6、indefectibility ─── 不可育性

7、deductibility ─── n.可抵扣程度;可演绎

8、destructibility ─── n.可破坏性;易毁坏性

9、incorruptibility ─── n.清廉;不腐败;不能收买

indestructibility 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But his indestructibility gave him, over the years, a prophet's voice. ─── 但是在过去很多年后,他的不可毁灭性给予了他先知的地位。

2、indestructibility of matter ─── 物质不灭性

3、But his indestructibility gave him, over the years, a prophet's voice. ─── 但是在过去很多年后,他的不可毁灭性给予了他先知的地位。

4、Virtual indestructibility was just one of the many perks I was looking forward to. ─── 金刚不坏之身只是我期许的诸多好处之一。

5、Cocaine is poisonous and addictive. Many cocaine used develop a false sense of their own indestructibility. Behaviour is often erratic. ─── 可卡因毒性大,易成瘾,大多数吸食者会产生自大狂,相信自己无所不能,引发怪异的行为。

6、law of indestructibility of matter ─── 物质不灭定律

7、law of conservation [indestructibility] of matter ─── 物质不灭定律

8、And then there are other, more shocking examples of McDonald's food's weird indestructibility: like this poor burger that's been around for 12 years. ─── 还有更骇人的例子:上图的两个汉堡中,其中一个是12年前的。大家猜猜会是哪个?

9、what is the reason for the indestructibility of matter? ─── 物质不灭”的原因、道理是什么?

10、One of the strong points of an outstanding person is his indestructibility in time of adversity and hardship! ─── 卓越的人的一大优点是:在不利与艰难的遭遇里百折不挠!

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