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09-18 投稿


icosahedron 发音

[,a?k?s?'hi?dr?n; -'hed-]

英:  美:

icosahedron 中文意思翻译



icosahedron 网络释义

n. [数] 二十面体

icosahedron 短语词组

1、regular icosahedron ─── 正二十面体

icosahedron 词性/词形变化,icosahedron变形

名词复数: icosahedrons |形容词: icosahedral |

icosahedron 相似词语短语

1、icosahedral ─── adj.[数]二十面体的

2、icositetrahedron ─── n.二十四面体

3、decahedron ─── n.[数]十面体

4、trisoctahedron ─── n.二十四面体,三八面体

5、enneahedron ─── n.[数]九面体

6、icosahedra ─── n.二十面体

7、icosahedrons ─── n.[数]二十面体

8、octahedron ─── n.八面体

9、icositetrahedrons ─── n.二十四面体

icosahedron 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Then, three special clusters centered by Cu atom are selected by using these three rules: icosahedron Cu_8Zr_5 (Cu_8Hf_5), capped Archimedean antiprisms Cu_6Zr_5 (Cu_6Hf_5) and CU_5Zr_6 (Cu_5Hf_6). ─── 进而筛选出三个以Cu为心的团簇结构,二十面体Cu_8Zr_5(Cu_8Hf_5),附半八面体的阿基米德反棱柱Cu_6Zr_5(Cu_6Hf_5)和Cu_5Zr_6(Cu_5Hf_6)。

2、There were twenty rooms, each connecting to three others, arranged like the vertices of a dodecahedron (or the faces of an icosahedron). ─── 其中有20个房间,每个房间与另外三个相连接,排列像一个dodecahedron的顶点(或者是一个icosahedron的面)。

3、And you can see how the icosahedron withdraws into the dodecahedron and then they just merge into each other. ─── 你看这个二十面体会变成十二面体,这两者结合的很好。

4、Keywords amorphous;alloy;oxidation;crystallization;icosahedron; ─── 非晶态;合金;氧化;晶化;二十面体;

5、programme information provided by : zuni icosahedron ─── 节目资料提供:进念二十面体

6、icosahedron capsid ─── 十十面(体)壳体

7、After additional testing and analysis of several hundred dimpled configurations and shapes, the icosahedron pattern with 20 triangular regions was developed. ─── 在对几百种酒窝结构与形状进行了附加测试与分析之后,终于设计出一种二十面体的式样,其中每个面皆为三角形。

8、Plato conjectured each of these elements to be made up of a certain Platonic solid: the element of earth would be a cube, of air an octahedron, of water an icosahedron, and of fire a tetrahedron. ─── 柏拉图推测每一种元素都是由某些理想立方体组成:地元素是由立方体组成,风元素是一个八面体,水元素是二十面体,火元素是四面体。

9、regular icosahedron group ─── 正二十面体群

10、the icosahedron has the greatest number of faces , so it is the most common choice for making a geodesic dome. ─── 正二十面体是拥有最多面的柏拉图方体,所以它最常用于建造短线圆顶。

11、The 20-sided shape (an icosahedron) floats to the window and one of the 20 answers is visible, telling you the answer to your question. ─── 这个有着20个面的形状(一个20面体)浮到窗口上,20个答案中的其中一个是可见的,告诉您问题的答案。

12、There were twenty rooms, each connecting to three others, arranged like the vertices of a dodecahedron (or the faces of an icosahedron). ─── 其中有20个房间,每个房间与另外三个相连接,排列像一个dodecahedron的顶点(或者是一个icosahedron的面)。

13、The last of these figures known to Plato is the icosahedron ─── 柏拉图知道的最后一个这种构形是正二十面体。

14、It is found that the catalysis effect of dodecatungstic acid with icosahedron is presented in the condensation reaction under moderate chemical condition. ─── 本文发现,正二十面体十二聚钨多酸对丙酮分子羟醛缩合生成4甲基4羟基2戊酮具备有效的催化作用.

15、Expression of Spherical Entities and Generation of Voronoi Diagram Based on Truncated Icosahedron DGG ─── 基于二十面体剖分格网的球面实体表达与Voronoi图生成

16、Because of the symmetrical shell structure of the icosahedron, the distribution of the ionic kinetic energy features some pinnacles. ─── 由于正二十面体的对称壳层结构,离子动能分布具有尖峰结构。

17、The Festival is presented by Zuni Icosahedron and curated by Mathias Woo, who is also the artistic director of the Festival. ─── 让我们以生活和艺术的角度,认识建筑,理解建筑,学习建筑。

18、Virions are icosahedron, enveloped, 150nm in diameter averagely as observed by transmission electron microscopy. ─── 另外,通过对PCR产物(ISKNV RNRS基因片段)的克隆与序列分析,进一步证明了ISKNV是一种虹彩病毒。

19、It showsthat the regular icosahedron should be the optimum shape of replacement for the biggest ball intumbling mills. ─── 结果表明,正二十面体是取代大球的优选形状。

20、truncated icosahedron ─── 二十面体

21、He formed the avant-garde arts collective Zuni Icosahedron in 1982 and he has been Artistic Director of Zuni since 1985. ─── 从1985年开始,一直出任该团的艺术总监。

22、an icosahedron with twenty equilateral triangles as faces. ─── 有二十个正三角形面的二十面体。

23、regular icosahedron ─── 正二十面体

24、A general algorithm which describes different DGGSs with a uniform framework on an unfolded icosahedron is introduced. ─── 文中论述的算法在二十面体展开图上建立坐标系描述不同剖分产生的多分辨率网格,利用施奈德多面体投影映射到球面。

25、Keywords acetone;dodecatungstic acid with icosahedron;aldol condensation;catalysis.; ─── 丙酮;正二十面体十二聚钨多酸;羟醛缩合;催化;

26、icosahedron virus ─── 二十面体病毒

27、of or relating to an icosahedron. ─── 属于或关于二十面体。

28、Because of the symmetrical shell structure of the icosahedron, the distribution of the ionic kinetic energy features some pinnacles. ─── 由于正二十面体的对称壳层结构,离子动能分布具有尖峰结构。

29、Catalysis of Dodecatungstic Acid with Icosahedron to Aldol Condensation of Acetone ─── 正二十面体十二钨多酸催化丙酮羟醛缩合的初探

30、At the same time, by subdividing an icosahedron and projecting all its vertices onto the unit sphere from the center, we can get a spherical triangle mesh with subdivision topology. ─── 然后,将一个正多面体进行细分并将每一次细分所产生的新顶点投影到单位球面上,如此生成一个细分网格。

31、icosahedron with twenty equilateral triangles as faces. ─── 二十个正三角形面的二十面体。

32、Expression of Spherical Entities and Generation of Voronoi Diagram Based on Truncated Icosahedron DGG ─── 基于二十面体剖分格网的球面实体表达与Voronoi图生成

33、To get spherical equal-area hexagonal grids,this paper discussed five coordinate systems(CS): grid CS,medium CS,stand CS,vertex CS,and inverse Icosahedron Snyder Equal Area(ISEA) projection CS. ─── 利用施奈德等积投影建立平面与球面的对应关系,并在此基础上设计了3种球面等积六边形离散网格的生成算法。

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