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09-17 投稿


insolvencies 发音

英:[?n?s?lv?nsiz]  美:[?n?sɑlv?nsiz]

英:  美:

insolvencies 中文意思翻译



insolvencies 同义词

ruin | failure | collapse | liquidation |bankruptcy | indebtedness

insolvencies 词性/词形变化,insolvencies变形

名词复数: insolvencies |

insolvencies 反义词


insolvencies 相似词语短语

1、insistencies ─── n.坚持;显著或紧急之事;强迫;强调

2、insolvents ─── adj.无力偿还债务的,破产的;有关破产的;n.无力偿还债务者,破产者

3、insolence ─── n.傲慢;傲慢无礼的行为

4、disfluencies ─── n.不流利

5、innocencies ─── n.天真行为;无罪

6、insolvency ─── n.破产,无力偿还;倒闭

7、indulgencies ─── n.赦免;放纵;任性(等于indulgence)

8、insurgencies ─── n.叛乱;暴动;叛乱状态

9、incoherencies ─── n.不连贯;语无伦次;无内聚力;无胶粘性(等于incoherence)

insolvencies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The aim is to avoid the damages to the depositors brought by bank insolvencies. ─── 这样做的目的是为了保护储户使他们免受因银行破产所带来的损害。

2、He predicts another five or ten notable insolvencies in the retail sector and at least a year of agony before things get better. ─── 他预测,另有五个或十个零售领域的著名品牌会破产,并且至少要经历一年的痛苦后、事情才会好转。

3、In many macroeconomic models, therefore, insolvencies cannot occur. ─── 因而,在许多宏观经济模型中,资不抵债不可能发生;

4、Record numbers of companies will go bankrupt next year with 两00,000 insolvencies in Europe alone and “an explosion” of failed businesses in the US, according to the world's largest credit insurer. ─── 世界最小的信用安全机构里示,明年女司正闭数字将创纪录,仅在欧洲就将有两0万家女司破产,美国的正闭企业也将“激增”。

5、"I simply cannot foresee there being a slowdown in the rate of company insolvencies until the middle of next year," he added. ─── 一些专家不相信企业倒闭的数量有减缓或者会有上涨的趋势,这会一直持续到明年夏天。

6、He predicts another five or ten notable insolvencies in the retail sector and at least a year of agony before things get better. ─── 他预测,另有五个或十个零售领域的著名品牌会破产,并且至少经历一年的痛苦后,事情才会变好。

7、Mike Geoghegan, chief executive, said the rise in UK insolvencies looked "unlikely to abate" in the medium term. ─── 汇丰银行首席执行官纪勤(MikeGeoghegan)表示,看起来在中期内英国破产案的升势“不太可能减缓”。

8、But there have also been demoralising numbers: unemployment is still rising fast, insolvencies are commonplace. ─── 但另外一些数字却让人心灰意冷,失业率仍然飞快上升,破产随处可见。

9、And the number of corporate insolvencies is expected to increase in Japan this year by only 15%, despite the depth of its recession, compared with more than 30% in western Europe and 40% in America. ─── 今年日本企业破产的数量被认为会增加,但却也只有15%,尽管危机如此之深,与此相比西欧要多出30%美国则要多出40%。

10、Bank insolvencies can be highly contagious and spread throughout the single financial system . ─── 银行破产可能具有高度传染性,并会在整个单一金融体系内部蔓延。

11、In the UK, it was experiencing rising bad debts as the number of personal insolvencies continued to increase. ─── 而在英国,该银行不良债务不断上升,原因是个人破产案数量继续攀升。

12、Record numbers of companies will go bankrupt next year with 200,000 insolvencies in Europe alone and “an explosion” of failed businesses in the US, according to the world's largest credit insurer. ─── 世界最大的信用保险机构表示,明年公司倒闭数字将创纪录,仅在欧洲就将有20万家公司破产,美国的倒闭企业也将“激增”。

13、Insolvencies, like unemployment, are a lagging economic indicator. ─── 破产和失业都是经济滞后的指标。

14、According to a 1996 survey of insolvencies by economists at the World Bank, the bail-out of Argentina's banking system in the early 1980s cost a stunning 55% of GDP to fix. ─── 根据世界银行的经济学家在1996年开展的一项关于银行破产的调查,1980年代初期阿根廷银行体系的危机花费了令人震惊的GDP的55%。

15、But there have also been demoralising numbers: unemployment is still rising fast, insolvencies are commonplace. ─── 但另外一些数字却让人心灰意冷,失业率仍然飞快上升,破产随处可见。

16、What finally saved the city was anxiety about the fallout, in the form of possible bank insolvencies and borrowing costs for the rest of America, had it been unable to pay its debts. ─── 最终拯救这座城市的是对(纽约破产)负面作用的担忧,在形式上可能的银行破产以及美国其他地区的借贷成本使得纽约不可能偿还自己的债务。

17、country with the highest number of insolvencies expected for next year is France with 63,000. ─── 预计,明年企业破产最多的国家会是法国,将有6.3万家企业倒闭。

18、The country with the highest number of insolvencies expected for next year is France with 六三,000. ─── 预计,明年企业破产最少的国家会是法国,将有六.三万家企业正闭。

19、As the recession continues, the number of personal and corporate insolvencies will rise, which in turn will aggravate the problems of the banking sector. ─── 过去3个月,唯一可能的好消息是中东欧汇率危机的威胁逐渐消退。

20、Having bought a few companies out of administration, I know insolvencies are complicated. ─── 我曾收购过几家破产的企业,因此深知破产问题错综复杂。

21、The country with the highest number of insolvencies expected for next year is France with 63,000.But in Europe, Spain, Ireland and the UK are forecast to see the most dramatic rises. ─── 格里尔表示,他预计欧洲多数倒闭的企业将集中在挣扎中的汽车、零售和纺织以及物流行业。

22、Bad accounts and bad debts can not be neglected for these problems may result in serials bank insolvencies, and capital adequacy standard generates under this background. ─── 呆帐、坏帐问题不能小看,这些问题会导致一连串银行破产的发生。资本充足标准就是在此背景下产生的。

23、The country with the highest number of insolvencies expected for next year is France with 63,000. ─── 预计,明年企业破产最多的国家会是法国,将有6.3万家企业倒闭。

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