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09-18 投稿


inset 发音

英:['?nset]  美:[??nset]

英:  美:

inset 中文意思翻译



inset 网络释义

n. 插图,插页;插入物vt. 嵌入;插入

inset 短语词组

1、inset cut cells ─── [计] 插入剪切单元

2、inset hinge ─── 嵌入铰链

3、an inset transmitter ─── 嵌入式发射机

4、inset tab ─── 嵌入选项卡

5、inset-hinge compensation ─── 移轴补偿

6、inset fire ─── 嵌入火

7、inset core ─── [机] 移装砂心

8、inset window ─── 嵌入窗口

9、inset aileron ─── 以10像素开始选定路径

10、direct-inset subroutine ─── [电] 直接插入次常式

11、incrustations inset ─── 水垢插图

inset 词性/词形变化,inset变形

动词过去分词: inset |动词过去式: inset |动词现在分词: insetting |动词第三人称单数: insets |

inset 相似词语短语

1、onset ─── n.开始,着手;发作;攻击,进攻

2、insert ─── v.插入;(在文章中)添加;嵌入;附着;把……射入轨道;登载;n.(书报的)插页;插入物;(服装面料的)布饰;(电影等的)插入镜头

3、insets ─── 插图;插入物(inset的复数);嵌入;插入(inset的第三人称单数)

4、insects ─── n.[昆]昆虫;昆虫类,昆虫纲(insect的复数形式)

5、inlet ─── n.入口,进口;插入物;水湾;v.引进;嵌入;插入;

6、unset ─── adj.未装配的;未坚固的;vt.使……移动;扰乱;[计]复原

7、inserts ─── n.衬垫(insert的复数);镶嵌件;v.插入;镶;附着(insert的三单形式)

8、insect ─── n.昆虫;卑鄙的人

9、inst ─── abbr.学院(institute);立刻的(instant);机构(Institution)

inset 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、inset cut cells ─── [计] 插入剪切单元

2、Inset in the paneling are 260 rare miniatures of Indo-Persian heritage. ─── 壁板中镶嵌的是260块稀有的古印度波斯特色的微雕。

3、Take the mug, remove the spoon and inset one teabag into the mug,If you wish to have the sugar in your tea, inset the sugar at this point. ─── 拿过来茶杯,把茶匙拿开,放进去一个茶袋。如果你想加糖那么这时就可放糖。

4、1 Bowl inset sink with drainer ─── 单盆水槽含滤水面

5、agreement with the calculation as shown in the inset of Fig. ─── 协议与计算表明,在分段图。

6、Flinders Street Station is not merely the hub of Melbourne's efficient suburban railway network, but is a landmark and meeting place. Inset: A famous Melbourne tram. ─── 弗林德斯街站不只是墨尔本高效的市郊铁路网的枢纽,还是地标和集会场所。插图:著名的墨尔本有轨电车。

7、To furnish with an inset. ─── 以嵌入物装饰

8、Analysis and Application about Structure Parameter of the Inset Claw ─── 嵌入式卡瓦结构参数分析与应用

9、Take the mug, remove the spoon and inset one teabag into the mug, If you wish to have the sugar in your tea, inset the sugar at this point. ─── 拿过来茶杯,把茶匙拿开,放进去一个茶袋。如果你想加糖那麽这时就可放糖。

10、inset core ─── [机] 移装砂心

11、Fig. 1-4 Points at which nerves of arm may be damaged by pressure. Inset, Pressure is applied to medial side of arm because patient is poorly positioned on operating table. ─── 图1-4描述神经在上肢走行途径中可能受压致损的部位。加插附图:由于患者在手术台上不正确的位置而致上肢内侧受压。

12、t silver .75pt; mso-border-top-alt: inset silver .75pt" ─── 作者:来源:发表时间:2007-11-21浏览次数:字号:大中小

13、inset reference equivalent ─── 插入参考当量

14、Next and narrow, have 6 long sign pillar, sign a side outside the pillar to all have empty Lou flower tooth, the seamy side inset 6 pieces of rectangular painting to hold. ─── 下扇窄,有6根长立柱,立柱外侧都有镂空花牙,内侧镶着6块长方形画屏。

15、They inset a map of the island in the corner of the map of the U.S. ─── 他们在美国地图的一角加了一幅这个岛屿的插图。

16、The accomplished marriage is all prison ground in the prison to inset in the social frame, hard agitatedly. ─── 任何一个既成的婚姻,都是牢牢地镶嵌在社会框架之中,难以动摇。

17、0 - Flat;1 - Raised;2 - Inset;3 - Raised Light;4 - Inset Light ─── - 平面;1 - 凸起;2 - 凹入;3 - 凸起光;4 - 凹入光

18、This included natrial contal These include natural and organic methods to control harmful inset insects and weed weeds instead of using cameical chemicals. ─── 他们使用自然、有机的方法来替代化学药物的使用,以便于控制有害的昆虫和物种的侵袭。如今,一家位于加拿大的酿酒厂已经引进一种自然方法来控制葡萄藤的生长。

19、inset fire ─── 嵌入壁炉采暖炉

20、Inset[obj, pos, opos, size, dirs ─── 在封闭图坐标系统中,指定插入的大小。

21、The X-ray spectrum (see inset) of a binary star system consisting ofa black hole and a normal star indicates that turbulent winds ofmultimillion degree gas are swirling around the black hole. ─── 上图中的X线光谱揭示了一个包含黑洞的双星系统中,黑洞附近吸积盘中的气体漩涡,这些气体的温度高达数百万度(应该写成等离子体才是)。

22、The synthetic holograms are mainly used as follows: advertisement picture; decoration artwork; cover and inset picture of magazine etc. ─── 产品应用范围:广告画?艺术装饰画?照相馆?刊物封面和插页等,特别有望在广告、装饰行业掀起全息展示浪潮。

23、Capital of Victoria, forms a backdrop, with the San Street Bridge, for a coxless four rowing on the tranquil Yarra River. Inset: The city from St Kilda Pier. ─── 以维多利亚州首府墨尔本和桑街桥为背景,一艘四人无舵手艇在静静的耶那河上划行。插图:从圣基尔达港看墨尔本城。

24、He inset his belt with rhinestones ─── 他将莱茵石嵌在他的皮带上。

25、1 The deeply inset grille and the sharp crease from the lower lamps were terrible for aerodynamics, and the recessed lamps were neither adequate for illumination nor legal. ─── 1深深插入格栅和锐利防皱从低灯是可怕的空气动力学,以及休会灯既不是足够的照明,也没有法律。

26、Start with the ways to guarantee and control the measuring in accuracy and in consideration of the user's needs, the inset PC is taken as the core for the designing of both hardware and software; ─── 从保证测量精确性和控制准确性两个方面入手,并考虑到用户的需要,选用嵌入式PC作为核心,进行了软硬件的设计;

27、inset transmitter ─── 插入式话筒

28、Carry it with you into Tal Rasha's Tomb.Find within the Tomb the chamber whose floor is inset with the Circle of Seven Symbols. ─── 带著它前往塔.拉夏的墓地,在里面找到一个房间,地面镶著七个符号的圆环。

29、Will allow you to inset null values. ─── 将允许插入空值。

30、Melbourne, capital of Victoria, forms a backdrop, with the San Street Bridge, for a coxless four rowing on the tranquil Yarra River. Inset: The city from St Kilda Pier. ─── 以维多利亚州首府墨尔本和桑街桥为背景,一艘四人无舵手艇在静静的耶那河上划行。插图:从圣基尔达港看墨尔本城。

31、a piece of material inset to strengthen or enlarge a garment ─── 为了加强或加大衣服而插入的材料

32、map inset ─── 地图插图

33、The tables were inset with ceramic tiles. ─── 桌子上镶嵌着瓷砖。

34、Mold moving out function, convenience to take out and inset accouterment to die cavity. ─── 具备模具移出功能,成品取出及嵌入饰件至模穴简单方便;

35、For example, the bitmap for the focused state usually is like the one for the up state but with a dashed rectangle inset from the border or a thick solid line at the border. ─── 例如,按钮获得焦点时的位图与未按下(或正常)状态的位图相同,但是在边框中要么嵌入了由间断线组成的矩形,要么嵌入了由粗实线组成的矩形。

36、The floors on the meeting level are carpeted in a rich blue scroll pattern and the walls are painted millwork with inset of upholstery. ─── 会议厅楼层铺有海蓝色卷花地毯,奶白色墙壁装饰以不同风格的绘画和摆件。

37、From the small chimneys on the top of small adobe, smoking was fine, like an inset in fairy tale novels. ─── 小土房上小小的烟囱,冒出的烟也是纤细的,更像童话中的一幅插图。

38、But the bright spot highlighted in the inset is the Phoenix lander parachuting toward the surface. ─── 但突出在插图中的亮点就是正朝火星表面降落的凤凰号着陆器。

39、The external diameter and creepage distance for add shed of middle internal diameter may be determinated according to internal inset method. ─── 对于中间值内径的增爬裙,其外径和爬距可按内插法确定。

40、As you can see in the inset, the processed/purple line is more smoothly integrated with the first non-selected white direction line. ─── 在路径上被选择的路经范围中开始与结尾白色的线代表车出您所选择的范围。

41、Strong rectangular frame fixed by screws, an inset hole every 25cm to fix the slotting auger, guard board,bunches of cables and circuit diagram sidekicks, etc. ─── 坚固的用螺丝固定的长方框,每隔25毫米有一个嵌孔,用来固定槽沟、护板、电缆束及线路图插袋等。

42、I will have to inset an additional piece of material into the waistline of my dress to make it large enough for me. ─── 我得在我的衣服腰身处再加上一块布料,把衣服放大点,使它合体。

43、The Cassini orbiter and Huygens probe together form one of the biggest and heaviest planetary spacecraft ever built, with 12 scientific instruments on the orbiter and six on the probe [see inset in box on page 62]. ─── 卡西尼号轨道船加上惠更斯号探测器,构成了有史以来最大且最重的行星太空船之一,轨道船上载有12具科学仪器,探测器上则有6具(见56页图)。

44、The shell of the structure inset by the use of latch inset in the trunk of the handle, and can be easily removed and change. ─── 使用者即可将游戏机手柄换上凸显自己喜好、个性的面壳,更全面地满足使用者个性化需求;

45、Organic fire-proof putty should be packed around cables usually, and the fire-resistant pillow should be inset in the plugging part. ─── 一般先在电缆周围包裹有机防火堵料,再将阻火包平服地嵌入封堵部位。

46、In Bahrain, royals there gave her a watch, bracelet and a silver box with a pearl inset while the couple was also given a jewel-encrusted ceremonial Arabic sword. ─── 巴林王室送给卡米拉一块名表、一条项链和一个内嵌珍珠的银盒子,还送给查尔斯夫妇一把镶有珠宝的阿拉伯仪式用剑。

47、inset tab ─── 修正片

48、Telegraph Connections (Telegraphen Verbindungen), 1891 Stielers Hand-Atlas, Plate No. 5, Weltkarte in Mercator projection (inset ─── 它在文件描述页面上的描述于下面显示。

49、An aerial view of Melbourne, capital of Victoria, over St Patrick's Cathedral, the Houses of Parliament and the city to Port Phillip Bay. Inset: Flinders Street Station. ─── 从圣帕特里克大教堂上空向国会大厦和菲利普湾港鸟瞰维多利亚州首府墨尔本。插图:弗林德斯街站。

50、The pink, rounded intracytoplasmic inclusion in the giant cell of the inset at the upper right is typically seen with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a common cause for pneumonia in infants and children under 2 years of age. ─── 右上的插图显示的是巨细胞内的粉红色圆形胞浆内包涵体,它在呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)感染中很典型,在婴儿和2岁下面的的儿童中是引起肺炎一个常见的病因。

51、Points at which nerves of arm may be damaged by pressure. Inset, Pressure is applied to medial side of arm because patient is poorly positioned on operating table. ─── 描述神经在上肢走行途径中可能受压致损的部位。加插附图:由于患者在手术台上不正确的位置而致上肢内侧受压。

52、For the Shetland Islands, see inset. ─── 关于设得兰群岛,见小地图。

53、Keywords cooling wall of blast furnace;hot inset brick;nodularization;inoculation; ─── 冷却壁;热镶砖;球化处理;孕育处理;

54、Evaluation of Economic Loss from Forest Disease and Inset Pest in Guangxi ─── 广西森林病虫灾害经济损失评估

55、Inset permanent magnet type bearingless motor ─── 内插式永磁型无轴承电动机

56、inset hinge compensator ─── 内移铰链轴补偿器

57、Save item attributes such as color, frame style, line width, picture scale, and text inset as style sheets that you can apply to any item from a palette. ─── 保存诸如颜色、框架样式、线条宽度、图片大小、插入文本的项目属性为样式表,并从调板选择它应用到任何项目。

58、Only need mutually to inset, have finally come to completion. ─── 仅需相互镶嵌,大功即可告成。


60、Highlighted in the telephoto view (inset), the fireball trail shines through cloud banks, just left of Ayers Rock. ─── 在长焦视野中非常突出(插图),火球的踪迹在艾尔斯山左侧闪耀着穿过云带。

61、Inset dielectric guide ─── 插入介质波导

62、The blue shield that looks like the square face up inset ten words of a white, white ten words symbol religion and faith. ─── 近似方形的蓝色盾面上镶嵌着一个白色十字,白十字象征宗教信仰。

63、About half of the 25 sites we reviewed inset ads into article text. ─── 大约有一半站点在正文中插入文字广告。

64、Ceramic tiles were inset into the tables. ─── 这张面具是由黄金和白金的合金制成,并镶嵌翡翠和其他宝石。

65、inset microphone ─── 插入式微音器

66、0 - None;1 - Flat;2 - Inset;3 - Raised;4 - Dashes;5 - Dots ─── - 无;1 - 平面;2 - 凹入;3 - 凸起;4 - 虚线;5 - 点线

67、The turbines can be raised for ease of maintenance, as depicted in this photo. The inset illustration shows the turbines under normal use. ─── 象图中所描绘的那样,这种涡轮机可以升高,维护起来很方便,插图中显示了涡轮机正常运行时的状态。

68、An outline cross section of a simple form of road is shown in the inset of Fig. 17. Here the principal terms relating to road construction are given. ─── 图17中插入了一条道路的简易剖面图,图上标出了与道路建设有关的主要术语。

69、The spirit bubble inset of the each grain mappings mutually along with the spirit bubble of the carbonic acid in the glass matchless drink of enjoy! ─── 一粒粒的气泡嵌在玻璃里随着碳酸的气泡相映出无比喝的享受!

70、horiozon inset ─── 井底车场

71、a piece of material inset to strengthen or enlarge a garment. ─── 为了加强或加大衣服而插入的材料。

72、Nai Yin Xue (right) stands in the dock at the Auckland District Court, accused of murdering his wife Anan Liu (inset). ─── 发给朋友转到小组(打标签)收藏推荐0推荐收藏薛乃印涉嫌杀妻案继续庭审被告被控用领带勒死妻子查看全文2008-09-0316:13:00

73、Which letter is a useful inset? ─── 哪个字母是益虫?

74、This summer's Roman gladiator sandals, inset with turquoise and other gems, are right up your alley. ─── 今夏以绿色或其它颜色的宝石为点缀且带罗马风情的时尚凉鞋就是妳最好的选择。

75、The design of white beam slits for inset device beamlines of SSRF ─── 上海光源插入件光束线白光狭缝设计

76、inset hinge ─── 内插铰接

77、to inset a panel in a dress ─── 在连衣裙上镶上一块饰料

78、Still, many of the small green smudges (see magnified inset) are identified as dwarf galaxies, roughly comparable to the Small Magellanic Cloud. ─── 同时,还有许多小的绿色晕斑(请看扩大的插图)被确认为矮星系,大小与小麦哲伦星云相当。

79、” She held up a small silver brooch in the shape of a key, inset with a milky imitation pearl, the kind Woolworth’s made, glowing secretly to itself. ─── 她举起一个钥匙形状的银色小胸针,上面嵌着一颗奶白色幽幽发光的假珍珠,典型的伍尔沃斯出品。

80、We want you to delete the inset on the first ending. ─── 我们希望您删除第一个结束的插页。

81、USB plug slant : Reject if USB plug inset or pull cause slant or deformation. ─── 5 USB端頭歪斜:因插拔不當造成板端公頭歪斜變形者不允收.

82、Inset ceramic piece in over-feed fixes in two independent drive axis, which is used to control the tension of yarn precisely during the setting and winding. ─── 嵌有陶瓷件的超喂固定在两个独立驱动的轴上,用于定型和卷绕时能精确的控制纱线涨力。

83、Our new street plan of the city is inset in a corner of their area map. ─── 他们的地区地图一角插入了我们为这座城市新绘的街道图。

84、The basin was supposed be inset into a cabinet but this had come adrift from the wall and was just placed on the floor. ─── 洗脸盆本应该是镶嵌在柜子上的,但是它却从墙上脱落掉在了地板上。

85、Inset ceramic piece in filar guide is used for yarn breaking. ─── 导丝器上嵌入陶瓷件,避免纱线刮断。

86、Strong rectangular frame fixed by screws, an inset hole every25 cm to fix the slotting auger, guard board, bunches of cables and circuit diagram sidekicks, etc. ─── 坚固的用螺丝固定的长方框,每隔25毫米有一个嵌孔,用来固定槽沟、板、缆束及线路图插袋等。

87、This summer's Roman gladiator sandals, inset with turquoise and other gems, are right up your alley. ─── 今夏以绿色或其它颜色的宝石为点缀且带罗马风情的时尚凉鞋就是你最好的选择。

88、The sword head is a wreath form, the head carries to inset a piece of and black jade. ─── 剑首为圆环形,首端镶嵌一块墨色玉石。

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