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09-17 投稿


inaugural 发音

英:[?'n??gj?r(?)l]  美:[?'n?ɡj?r?l]

英:  美:

inaugural 中文意思翻译



inaugural 网络释义

adj. 开始的;开幕的;就任的,就职的n. 就职演讲;开幕辞

inaugural 短语词组

1、inaugural address ─── 就职演说,开幕词

2、inaugural speeches ─── 就职演说

3、Presidential Inaugural Committee ─── 总统就职委员会

4、inaugural address ppt ─── 就职演说ppt

5、inaugural speech ─── 就职演说

6、inaugural meeting ─── [经] 创立会议

7、inaugural addressppt ─── 地址无效

inaugural 同义词

introductory | preliminary | original |maiden | initiative | inaugural address | opening | initial | germinal | first | initiatory | inauguration | primary

inaugural 词性/词形变化,inaugural变形

名词: inaudibility |副词: inaudibly |

inaugural 反义词


inaugural 相似词语短语

1、postinaugural ─── 建国后

2、inaugurator ─── n.开创者;举行就职典礼者

3、binaural ─── adj.有两耳的;两耳用的;双声道的

4、augural ─── adj.前兆的;占卜的

5、preinaugural ─── 开业前

6、inaugurates ─── vt.创新;开辟;开创;举行开幕典礼;举行就职典礼

7、inaugurate ─── vt.创新;开辟;开创;举行开幕典礼;举行就职典礼

8、inaugurated ─── v.开始;开幕(inaugurate的过去分词);使正式就任

9、inaugurals ─── adj.开始的;开幕的;就任的,就职的;n.就职演讲;开幕辞

inaugural 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In his inaugural speech, the new president said that America did not have to make a "false" choice between its safety and its ideals. ─── 新晋总统奥巴马在自己的就职演讲中讲到,美国不必在国家安全与国家理想中做出假性选择。

2、In his first inaugural speech, President Franklin Roosevelt said that the nation's greatest task was "to put people to work. ─── 在富兰克林罗斯福总统的第一篇就职演讲中,他曾提到“让每个国民都有工作”是美国最重要的任务。

3、Letitia Baldrige, who served as Social Secretary for first lady Jackie Kennedy, has been attending inaugural balls since the 1940s. ─── 利蒂希亚.鲍德里奇曾经担任美国第一夫人杰奎琳.肯尼迪的社交秘书,她从上个世纪40年代就开始参加总统就职舞会。

4、Comedian Zhao Benshan, the project initiator, will team up with his disciples for the inaugural show. ─── 发起人喜剧演员赵本山将带领他的徒弟们出任表演秀。

5、For its inaugural meandering exhibition, DICA will present video works on portable monitors attached on the back of the Donkey. ─── 在这场创始 巡迴展中,协会将在由驴子背负著的可携式显示器上展示出视频作品。

6、Throughout his campaign for the presidency and again in his inaugural address, Mr Obama said that it would be necessary to limit America's emissions of greenhouse gases. ─── 在奥巴马的整个竞选过程中及宣誓就职演说上,他说道:“还是有必要去控制美国温室气体的排放。”

7、In its inaugural year, the unit focused on the major tasks of introducing a sustainability assessment system within the Government and setting up a Council for Sustainable Development. ─── 在成立首年,持续发展组集中处理在政府内部引进持续发展评估制度,以及筹备成立持续发展委员会这两项主要任务。

8、The striking construction took five years to build and in 1998, its inaugural year, attracted two million visitors. ─── 修建这座惊世建筑物历时5年时间,在其建成的第一年,即1998年,便吸引了200万参观者。

9、The inaugural meeting was aimed at 120 specially invited prospects. ─── 在开幕会议上,共120位推荐对象获特别邀约出席。

10、For the inaugural flight, the rocket, made by the Boeing Company, will carry a 13,000-pound dummy satellite and then crash into the Atlantic Ocean. ─── 在由波音公司研制的该型火箭的初次发射中,其将携带1万三千磅的模拟卫星并将最终坠毁于大西洋中。

11、The inaugural meeting of China Textile Engineering Association Qingdao Branch was held in No.2 Textile Factory on April 22,1947. ─── 1947年4月22日,中国纺织工程学会青岛分会成立大会在中纺青岛第二厂召开。

12、Organisers of the inaugural Abu Dhabi grand prix have rubbished reports the Yas Marina circuit will not be ready to host the 2009 season finale. ─── 主办的首届阿布扎比大奖赛已经抛弃了青年大使计划报告滨海电路不会愿意主办2009年赛季最后.

13、In his inaugural speech, he promised to begin again what he called, the work of remaking America. ─── 在他的就职演说上,他许诺开始所谓重塑一个美国的工作。

14、India beat Pakistan by five runs in Johannesburg in the final of the inaugural ICC World Twenty20. ─── 印度在就任ICC第二十世界20的结局的约翰尼斯堡打巴基斯坦五奔跑。

15、Taft delivered the most “hopeful” inaugural speech of the past 100 years, and was keen on change, too. ─── 后者发表了近百年来“最具希望”的就职演说,并同样热衷于“改变”。

16、On the specially built inaugural stands outside the Capitol, musicians Yo-Yo Ma and Itzhak Perlman rehearsed for their role in Tuesday's ceremonies. ─── 在国会大厦外面的特制就职讲台上,音乐家马友友和伊扎克-帕尔曼正在为周二的典礼进行排练。

17、Entries open on Monday 15 October for the inaugural FuturArc Prize. ─── 《名筑》大奖赛将在10月15日正式拉开帷幕。

18、But before much real business was conducted, Democratic lawmakers adjourned for a round of festivities to celebrate their victories and to lubricate their donors in what resembled nothing so much as a scaled-down presidential inaugural. ─── 但是在真正开议之前,民主党立法议员却暂时休会举行一系列庆祝仪式,同赞助人进一步拉进关系,看起来就像是庆祝总统选举胜利一般。

19、In his inaugural address in the Macedonian capital Skopje, Ivanov vowed to make every effort to improve the well-being of the state and its citizens. ─── 他在就职典礼上强调,发展友好睦邻关系和继续加入欧盟、北约进程是他任期内的重要任务。

20、He was the inaugural president of the Hong Kong Materials Research Society from 1997 to 2002. ─── 一九九七至二零零二年,他获选出任香港材料研究学会首任会长。

21、After being elected for the last time in 1944, he spoke at his inaugural address in January, 1945, of America's need to work with other nations and to understand that things would not always go smoothly. ─── 1944年罗斯福最后一次被选,1945年一月发表就职演说中谈到美国需要与其它国家合作而且要懂得事情不会是永远一帆风顺的。

22、Thousands of finely dressed Cameroonians danced and sang at the roadside this week as Pope Benedict XVI arrived on an inaugural African tour that will also take in Angola. ─── 上千名喀麦隆人盛装着在街头载歌载舞欢迎教宗本笃十六世的来访。这是教宗此次非洲之行的一部分,不日教宗还将前往安哥拉。

23、Bush’s Second Inaugural Speech as the research text and Halliday’s theory of interpersonal function to explore how George W. ─── W.布什第二次就职演说作为研究文本,运用韩礼德元功能中的人际功能研究乔治.

24、How many people participated in the inaugural ceremony? ─── 多少人参加了开幕典礼?

25、Professor Hunley's craft, which resembles a large sea creature, can be seen at Dixon's Landing on the South Port before its inaugural run tomorrow. ─── 亨雷教授的船只像一只大型海洋生物,直到明天首航前,都可以在南面港口的迪克森码头看到。}

26、January 19-21-ish, 2009: I don't have all the details yet, but I'm planning to be in Washington D.C. for the presidential inauguration and maybe an inaugural ball. ─── 一月19-212009年:我现在没有需要详细计划,但我将计划在华盛顿的总统就选仪式出现,可能有个开幕会.

27、On Dec 1st, World AIDS DAY, the inaugural meeting of the "cherishing life" group of the Peking University Young Volunteer team, was held in the college. ─── 12月1日是世界艾滋病日,这一天,北京大学青年志愿者总队“关爱生命”分队成立大会在北大召开。

28、A life-size cut-out of Barack Obama wore a commemorative t-shirt at the official inaugural collectibles store in Washington on Tuesday. ─── 上周二在华盛顿,一个身穿纪念T恤的奥巴马人形立牌被放置在总统就职仪式的官方纪念品商店中。

29、Between the two sides in HNA Airport Group Yichang Three Gorges Airport held a ceremony and the inaugural ceremony at the airport held a forum. ─── 双方在海航机场集团宜昌三峡机场举行了首航庆典仪式并在机场贵宾室召开座谈会。

30、The Gettysburg Address ranks as the supreme statement of the meaning of the war, and his second inaugural is testimony to his humane spirit. ─── 葛底斯堡演说是南北战争意义的最高说明,连任时的就职演讲是其人文精神的证据。

31、After cutting a ceremonial ribbon, Deputy Magistrate Wu and Speaker Tung cut a vegetarian cake at the inaugural reception. ─── 剪彩后吴容辉副县长与董象议长随即为开幕茶会切素糕。

32、Ice Cream was served in the Whitehouse, in 1812, at the second Inaugural Ball. ─── 在1812年的第二届就职舞会上,白宫用于招待的食物中就有冰激淋。

33、Supreme Court Justices at President's Inaugural Ceremony. ─── 哦,法官袍啊。

34、His arrival for the inaugural ceremonies would be triumphal. ─── 他将以胜利者的姿态参加落成典礼。

35、Few races have been quite so keenly anticipated in 2008 as the inaugural Singapore Grand Prix. ─── 在2008赛季中,很少比赛能有如即将开始的新加坡大奖赛那么备受关注。

36、Prior to its inaugural launch, its crew became infected with a hive virus that drove them mad. ─── 在它开始进入太空前,它们的船员感染了一种使人发疯的筑巢病毒。

37、Team Yoshimura Suzuki riders led the field by finishing 1-2 in the GSXR1000's inaugural season in the AMA Superbike Championship. ─── 吉村铃木车队车手导致外地的整理1-2在GSXR1000的首个赛季在美国医学会超级摩托车锦标赛。

38、In his inaugurate inaugural speech, he promised to begin again , what he called, the work of remaking America. ─── 在他的就职演讲中,他承诺了再次开始被他成为重建美国的工作。

39、The GAC program has had an outstanding inaugural year at the CABC. Already some GAC milestones in China have been achieved at CABC. ─── GAC项目在澳华取得了丰硕的一年,在此期间澳华取得了GAC项目在中国的一些具有里程碑意义的成绩。

40、"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus" as well as "non-believers", perhaps the first time this group has been mentioned in an inaugural address. ─── “我们是一个拥有基督徒、穆斯林教徒和犹太人”以及“非信教的人”的国家,也许这样的一个组合是在就职演说中首次被提到。

41、President George W. Bush's Inaugural Address. ─── 乔治-w-布什就任第43任美国总统的演讲

42、He delivered his second inaugural address. ─── 他发表了第二次就职演说。

43、A new era in Hospitality has dawn with the inaugural partnership between Dimensions Education Group and International Bartenders Association. ─── 博伟国际教育集团和国际调酒师协会合作开创了酒店管理的新领域。

44、Participate in the inaugural ceremony? ─── 参加开幕典礼?

45、In his inaugural speech to the Duma as prime minister on May 8th, Mr Putin said that taxes on the industry must be reduced. ─── 5月8日,新总理普京发表对国家杜马的演讲说石油产业的税赋必须降低。

46、His inaugural speech was very inspiring. ─── 他的就职演说很鼓动人心。

47、In the inaugural meeting,Miss Ding ,the headmaster do a warm speech, Liu Huiyuqing, Minister of the newly elected club also made a brilliant inaugural speech. ─── 在成立大会上,丁幼新校长做了热情洋溢的致辞,新当选的俱乐部部长刘汇余清同学也发表了精彩的就职演说。

48、We have built strong relationships since our inaugural meeting in Beijing. ─── 北京会谈以来,我们建立起坚实的合作伙伴关系。

49、But as the chief election commissioner queued to vote in Thimpu on April21 st, in a practice run for an inaugural election due next year, he looked mildly reluctant. ─── 但是,这位首席选举专员4月21日在首都廷布排队等候投票、加为明年首届大选举行的预演时,看上去有些勉为其难。

50、The Inaugural Exhibition of the Iberia Center for Contemporary Art consists of two sections, visual arts and independent films. ─── 伊比利亚当代艺术中心开幕展分为视觉艺术和独立影像两个部分,我们不敢贸然断定这两者是否分属于不同的趣味系统。

51、In his inaugural address, the president appealed for national unity. ─── 总统在他的就职演说中呼吁全国团结。

52、The next president should signal to the world that the U.S. is actively supporting the MDGs by including them in the inaugural address next January. ─── 下一任总统应该把MDG纳入明年1月的就职演说,藉此向全世界表明美国积极支持的态度。

53、August Inaugural issue has been published! ─── 八月创刊号已出版!

54、He was named to the inaugural Scientific American50 Top Technology leaders in2002 and then again in2005( the first to be so named twice). ─── 他于2002年和2005年两次被《科学美国人》杂志提名为前50位科技领袖称号,是第一位两度获此殊荣的科学家。

55、President Chen, in his inaugural pledges, also promised not pursue referenda on topics related to unification with the Mainland or Taiwan independence. ─── 也就是包容过去的一切,包容现在的一切,甚至是未来的一切,这才是真民主呀!

56、To realize their communicative purposes, the addresser would employ some strategies in the inaugural address. ─── 为了实现上述交际目的,演说者将会在就职演说中采用各种交际策略。

57、I popped into a newsagent's and bought my inaugural pack of Marlboros with a burning sense of shame. ─── 我冲进一家报刊亭,带着强烈的羞耻感买下了我的第一包万宝路。

58、As the company's inaugural customer, McKinney paid $50000 for the service. ─── 作为该公司的首位顾客,麦克肯妮支付了5万美元的克隆费用。

59、In this inaugural article, we shall explore the many features and resources that make Python such a great programming language for developing Web services. ─── 在这篇开头的文章中,我们将探讨许多功能和资源,它们使Python成为一种这么好的开发Web服务的编程语言。

60、Emcee: Firstly, the bridegroom need to present his inaugural address to us. ─── 司仪:首先请新郎发表一个热情的洋溢的就职演说。

61、The activity of the inaugural man is fiercer too, relatively lie fallow in and the woman's activity. ─── 也就职男人的活动比较激烈,而女人的活动比较休闲。

62、Only 13 nations took part in the inaugural tournament, with a majority of nine coming from South America. ─── 只有13个国家参加了首次世界杯联赛,其中大部分来自南美。

63、Digital China Research Institute Peking University Inaugural Meeting was held ceremoniously in PKU Hall on Dec.18th and 19th,2004. ─── 2004年12月18-19日,北京大学数字中国研究院成立大会在北大百年讲堂隆重召开。

64、Barack Obama's inaugural ceremony will include poetry by Elizabeth Alexander and music by singer Aretha Franklin, violinist Itzhak Perlman and cellist Yo-Yo Ma. ─── 在巴拉克.奥巴马的就职典礼上,伊丽莎白.亚历山大将朗诵诗歌,艾瑞莎.富兰克林演唱,小提琴演奏家伊扎克.帕尔曼和大提琴演奏家马友友共同演奏。

65、Washington's Farewell Address, Madison's Federalist Paper No. 10 and Jefferson's First Inaugural Address provide insight into the early spirit of American public administration. ─── 华盛顿的《告别词》、麦迪逊的《联邦主义者文集》第十号和杰斐逊《首任总统就职演讲词》使人洞悉美国早期政府行政的精神。

66、New York Chinese Consul General Peng Keyu invited to attend the inaugural ceremony. ─── 中国驻纽约总领事彭克玉应邀出席了首航仪式。

67、The Bushes, the Obamas, Vice-President-elect Joe Biden, his wife, Jill, and leaders of the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies had coffee in the Blue Room. ─── 之后,布什全家、奥巴马全家、副总统乔-拜登及夫人吉尔,以及总统就职典礼委员会的主要负责人在白宫会客室“蓝房”共饮咖啡。

68、In his inaugural speech, the United States' new president did not mention the European Union once. ─── 在这位美国新任总统就职典礼的演讲上,他一次都没有提到到过欧盟。

69、His team interviewed historians and speech writers, studied periods of crisis, and listened to past inaugural orations. ─── 他的团队访问了历史学家和演讲作家,研究危机周期,聆听历任的演说集。

70、I will be giving my inaugural speech in July and my first policy address in October. ─── 大家亦知道我需要在今年七月发表我的就职演辞,在十月发表我的第一份施政报告。

71、In these inaugural modern Olympic Games in Athens, the organizers wanted a race to pay _(5)_ to the legend of the Greek soldier Pheidippides. ─── 在雅典首次的现代奥林匹克运动会中,主办者有意向一名希腊士兵菲迪皮德斯的传奇致敬。

72、In his inaugural speech, the new president denounced the long dispute over slavery. He said he hoped it would end soon. ─── 在他的就职演说中,他公开指责美国国内长期存在的有关奴隶制的争论,他说,他希望尽快结束这种争论。

73、Yesterday, though during a surprise appearance the state inaugural ball, Vice President, well, he sort of did Joe Biden, take a look. ─── 昨天虽然在副总统就职舞会表现出吃惊的表情,但他还是表现出乔·拜登副总统应有的一面,让我们看一看。

74、"Muslims would cease to be Muslims not in the religious sense " Jinnah said in his inaugural address but "as citizens of the state". ─── “穆斯林们,在宗教意义之外,将不再是穆斯林了”,这是吉纳在开国大典上的话,“他们应该是国家的公民”。

75、Joan Benoit won the inaugural women's marathon and Connie Carpenter-Phinney the first women's cycling road race. ─── 在奥运会首次亮相的女子马拉松项目的金牌被琼-本诺伊特获得,菲尼也赢得了奥运会历史上首枚女子公路自行车项目的冠军。

76、With strong backing from both the trade and the public, I am confident this inaugural event will be a resounding success! ─── 在同业与公众的强烈支持下,我坚信此次的博览会与会议,必定会取得圆满成功!

77、Back he came two weeks ago announcing at his inaugural ceremony: “I feel capable of almost anything. ─── 两周前他卷土重来,在就职典礼上公布“我觉得几乎可以无所不能。”

78、New Zealand's largest podiatry providers, Foot Mechanics recently conducted their inaugural Foot Mechanics Annual Foot Health Survey 2008. ─── 低点位上拯救蓝筹,引导市场预期、承接小非抛压似乎是股指期货或可达到的效果。

79、Dozens of organisations are putting up inaugural balls, which are often black-tie affairs in swanky hotels. ─── 大量的组织会在就职舞会上出现,戴着黑色领结,在爱出风头的旅馆中举行。

80、The inaugural issue of a magazine. ─── 一本杂志的创刊号

81、Meeting the Highly Qualified Teachers Challenge is the inaugural report on this issue. ─── 2002年,美国教育部长按照这一制度的要求向国会提文了第一份关于教师质量的正式报告。

82、India take on Pakistan in Johannesburg in the final of the inaugural ICC World Twenty20. ─── 印度承担在就任ICC第二十世界20的结局的约翰尼斯堡的巴基斯坦。

83、However, one of the shortest inaugural addresses is also one of the best remembered and most often quoted. ─── 然而,最短的就职演说也是最容易被记住和最经常被引用的。

84、Berlin is best known for his essay "Two Concepts of Liberty", delivered in 1958 as his inaugural lecture as Chichele Professor of Social and Political Theory at Oxford. ─── 伯林最为人所知的是他的短评“自由的两种概念”,在1958年为牛津社会与政治理论的齐切利教授职所作的就职演说中得到表述。

85、During his campaign for the presidency, Barack Obama spoke often of the need for a new style of politics, an appeal he expressed again in his inaugural address. ─── 在竞选总统期间,奥巴马经常提到需要新的政治风范,他在就职演说里再度表达这样的诉求。

86、Inspired by successful Arafura Games competitions, the inaugural Australian Football International Cup was held in Melbourne in 2002, an initiative of the IAFC and the AFL. ─── 不过自1967年起,有不少澳洲及爱尔兰球队交手的记录,规则与澳式足球及爱尔兰式足球混合。

87、F. Draw out overtures for discussion in inaugural meeting. ─── 六拟订提案,提成立大会讨论。

88、In the company's inaugural year, vanilla, chocolate and coffee Haagen-Dazs ice cream began appearing in New York delis. ─── 公司成立初期,哈根达斯牌香草、巧克力和咖啡口味冰淇淋开始出现在纽约熟食店。

89、My Bangkok gallery sold one of my pieces to a bank for its courtyard's inaugural, and I flew there for the opening. ─── 有一次,曼谷的一家画廊卖了我的一件作品给某银行新建的庭院,于是我飞去参加揭幕。

entangling alliances什么意思?

翻译:他告诫结盟的危害entangling alliances: 意思是纠缠不清/有危害的结盟warn of: 固定短语,警告、告诫的意思从网上帮你找到了两个代表性的例子:8.In his first inaugural address, Thomas Jefferson warned of entangling alliances. 托马斯-杰斐逊在他的就职中告诫结盟的危害。12.Early US political leaders were wary of \"entangling alliances\" with other nations. 美国早期的政治领袖惟恐与别的国家结盟,使自己卷入争端。

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