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09-17 投稿


defectiveness 发音

英:[d??fekt?vn?s]  美:[d??fekt?vn?s]

英:  美:

defectiveness 中文意思翻译



defectiveness 短语词组

1、mental defectiveness ─── [网络] 智力缺陷

2、inherent defectiveness ─── 固有的缺陷

defectiveness 相似词语短语

1、defensiveness ─── n.防御;防御性

2、selectiveness ─── 选择性

3、deceptiveness ─── n.虚伪;迷惑骗人

4、reflectiveness ─── n.反省;沉思

5、affectiveness ─── 情感

6、electiveness ─── 选修制

7、effectiveness ─── n.效力

8、perfectiveness ─── 完成时;完成式

9、infectiveness ─── 传染性

defectiveness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The quality standard is defect free. ─── 品质标准是零缺点。

2、The defectiveness and future development about the applications of ESI-MS in chiral recognition are discussed. ─── 通过综述对质谱技术用于手性识别的不足之处以及未来主要发展趋势进行了讨论。

3、Two NSA codebreakers, ADAM and EVA, defect to Soviet Union. ─── 代号为ADAM和EVA的两名(美国)国家安全局的解码员叛逃到苏联。

4、Dot blinks ceaselessly, it is what defect, square law is there? ─── 小孩子不停的眨眼,是什么毛病,有什么好的方法治?

5、The major defect of their work was deference to authority. ─── 他们的主要缺陷是趋从权威。

6、He has a congenital heart defect. ─── 他有先天性心脏缺陷。

7、What? Are you serious? You'd defect to our archrival!? ─── 什么?你是认真的吗?你要向敌人设诚!?

8、Indecision is his chief defect . ─── 优柔寡断是他的主要缺点。

9、This metal defect is known as stress corrosion cracking. ─── 其金属缺陷就称为应力锈蚀腐蚀裂纹。

10、Could you first of all give me a clear definition of defect? ─── 你能不能先给我一个关于次品的明确定义?

11、What is your principle defect? ─── 你的品质缺陷是什么?

12、Be it not for this defect, I shall hire him at once. ─── 如果不是因为这个缺点,我会马上雇用他。

13、Man of wisdom doesn't think they are unpropitious, because creature with defectiveness is lucky indeed. ─── 可是对有智慧的人而言,这些不被考虑,有缺陷者才是最幸运的一群。

14、The defect may be closed with stitches or a special patch. ─── 可缝合或用补片关闭房间隔缺损。

15、The AQL for critical defect seemed inadequate. ─── AQL 为重要瑕疵似乎不充分。

16、Hearing screening of newborn babies is an effective way to detect hearing defectiveness at very early stage. ─── 新生儿听力筛查是早期发现听力障碍的有效方法。

17、Summer always is easy dizziness, ate sweet had met, what defect? ─── 夏天总是容易头晕,吃了甜的就会好,什么毛病?

18、Respective defectiveness and unsatisfied effect on improvement of System Stability will present while application of a single modes. ─── 两种方式单一作用时,均存在各自的缺陷,提高稳定性的效果不够理想。

19、PRP combined with DXB can accelerate healing of bone defect. ─── 富血小板血浆复合异种脱蛋白松质骨可促进和加速骨缺损的修复。

20、But his tones were sincere enough to make his hesitation no defect. ─── 不过他的语调却很诚恳,让人觉不出来,言语迟钝是一种毛

21、Clinical cretinism results in an extremely high degree of mental defectiveness and impairment. ─── 克汀病导致精神缺陷和障碍的高发病率。

22、Devalues the Products according to defectiveness degree, damage degree and the loss amount incurred to Buyer. ─── 按照货物的质量低劣程度,损坏程度和买方蒙受损失的金额将货物贬值。

23、A defect of focus, such as blurringin an image. ─── 像差焦点不准确而造成的物像模糊。

24、First the child begins to take in the feeling of defectiveness or un-loveability. ─── 其一,小孩会有一种残缺感或缺乏爱的感觉。

25、Two cases had atrial septel defect. ─── 2例遗留房水平左向右分流。

26、Because of his physical defect, he can not go to school. ─── 他由于有生理缺陷,不能上学。

27、Whar are you defect on your individuality? ─── 你个性上最大的特点是什么?

28、She was born with a hearing defect. ─── 她出生就有点听觉缺陷。

29、He strove manfully to overcome his speech defect. ─── 他无所畏惧地努力克服自己的言语缺陷.

30、We will refund you if the purchase has any quality defect. ─── 如果所购物品存在质量问题,我们将退款给您。

31、Emotionalism also has its innate defect. ─── 主情主义又有其先天的缺弊。

32、Analyze and correct code defect warnings. ─── 分析并更正代码缺陷警告。

33、Man of wisdom doesn't think they are unpropitious, because creature with defectiveness is lucky indeed. ─── 有智慧的人而言,这些不被考虑,有缺陷者才是最幸运的一群。

34、Keywords: concrete, crack, defect, elastic waves, imaging. ─── 关键词:混凝土、裂缝、缺陷、弹性波、影像法。

35、One type is the Schottky defect in ionic crystals. ─── 在离子晶体中有一类是斯考特库缺陷。

36、Printed Circuit Board Defect Evaluation Chart. ─── 印制板缺陷评估图表。

37、One of the lorries dropped back with a mechanical defect. ─── 一辆卡车因出故障而落在后面了。

38、There should be no crackle, pore, sand and coldshut defect. ─── 4铸件不得有裂纹、气孔、夹砂、冷隔等有害缺陷。

39、A defect of focus, such as blurring in an image. ─── 像差焦点不准确而造成的物像模糊

40、Cartel members may defect by behaving competitively. ─── 卡特尔的成员国由于进行竞争而会出现背叛。

41、It is exist many argument with examinational benefit and defect. ─── 对于考试的益处和弊端存在着许多争论。

42、High resolution inspecting investigation for inner defect of SRM. ─── 固体火箭发动机内部缺陷高分辨率检测。

43、Then it identifies the defect type by means of the BP neural. ─── 应用BP神经网络分类器进行分类识别验证,取得较好的识别效果。

44、Now this can only happen by some defect in your conduct. ─── 只有你的品行有缺点,方会发生这种事。

45、Sir, could you show me the defect? ─── 先生,麻烦给我看一下缺陷可以吗?

46、If you know your defect,it proves that you has progressed. ─── 如若你能感到自己有不足之处,那就证明你进步了。

47、Lamp's bulb should be clear,transparence,and has no any defect. ─── 4灯泡的玻壳应洁净,透明。无影响使用的缺陷存在。

48、There was a pass-through defect in the left cheek of every dog. ─── 两组犬左颊部软组织均呈洞穿性缺损。

49、Noise from the AC adapter does not always indicate defect. ─── 也就是说,电源适配器的噪音不一定意味着是缺陷。

50、He traveled to Miami and stayed, but did not formally defect. ─── 他前往迈阿密,停留,但并没有正式的缺陷.

51、You're evidently responsible as damages result from vessel latent defect. ─── 因损害是由船本身的内在缺陷所致,贵公司显然应负责任。

52、One of the trucks dropped back with a mechanical defect. ─── 卡车中有一辆因出故障而落在后面了。

53、His defect caused arrears of work to build up in the court. ─── 他的缺点使法院的工作积压起来。

54、The secondary defect of donor site was directly sutured. ─── 供区创面直接拉拢缝合。

55、Reports rework time and defect counts to moderator. ─── 向评审负责人报告返工时间和缺陷数。

56、He suffers from a hearing defect. ─── 他听力有毛

57、Bowman′s Layer defect can cause haze. ─── Bowman′s层缺损会引起角膜雾浊 ,haze形成。

58、Beginner sometimes overlook the defect of the machine. ─── 初学者有时忽视这机器的缺陷。

59、Her impulsive passion was a positive defect. ─── 她的冲动的激情则完完全全是个缺点。

60、Slip - A defect pattern of small ridges found on the surface of the wafer. ─── 划伤-晶圆片表面上的小皱造成的缺陷。

61、To repair skin defect of face and neck with expended skin flap. ─── 应用皮肤扩张术修复面颈部皮肤缺损。

62、Fig. 1-23 Defect in ilium after large graft was remoed. ─── 图1-23髂骨大块取骨遗留的缺损。

63、Develop and execute test plan, test script and defect tracking. ─── 产生测试计划,测试手稿,并对错误进行跟踪。

64、Defect parts information feedback to supplier and follow up. ─── 供应商不合格品信息的反馈,跟踪及处理。

65、Damage result totally attributable to ships latent defect. ─── 上述费用由你方货主承担。

66、Provide resolutions for the defect of EMC audits. ─── 为审计出的EMC缺陷提供解决办法。

67、They detected no defect in the product. ─── 他们没发现产品有任何问题。

68、The fatal defect of fathers is eager their chidren to make face . ─── 2父亲们最根本的缺点在于想要自己的孩子为自己争光。

69、He is a man of integrity, free from any censorable defect. ─── 他是个正直的人,没有任何可訾议的缺点。

70、You can neither refuse nor remedy a defect . ─── 你既不能拒绝也不能弥补缺陷。

71、A surface defect in paper. Alternative terms: blisters; foam marks. ─── 中义纸张的表面缺陷,参考字:气泡痕迹。

72、There was no defect in God's government, no cause for disaffection. ─── 上帝的施政并无缺点,也无任何足以引起不平的因由。

73、A surgical procedure for remedying an injury, an ailment, a defect, or a dysfunction. ─── 外科手术为修补伤口、缺陷或畸形等治疗疾病的外科手术

74、Halation: A defect of photographic films and plates. ─── 光晕:摄影胶片的一种缺陷。

75、Losing cells is the main defect of image communication under ATM. ─── 信元丢失是异步转移模式(ATM)环境下图像通信的主要缺点。

76、Reoccupy block defect creams can let you look very false. ─── 再用遮瑕膏会让你看起来非常假。

77、Should any manufacturer's defect occur,we will replace it without any charge. ─── 如果属于生产厂家的问题,我们将免费替换。

78、How is an atrial septal defect diagnosed? ─── 如何诊断房间隔缺损?

79、Contrast defect areas were compared between MCE and SPECT. ─── 其中,心肌梗塞患者在MCE后一周内行核素检查。

80、Steels delivered by polishing shall have surface without defectiveness . ─── 磨光交货的钢材,表面不得有缺陷。

81、Should replace flexible or defect screw in time. ─── 如有螺丝松动,缺损应及时更换。

82、It identifies the defect type by means of BP... ─── 使用该网络可进行缺陷类型的识别。

83、He suffers from an optical defect. ─── 他有视觉障碍。

84、To find error or defect in; criticize or blame. ─── 发现错误或缺点;批评或指责

85、Suffers from a hearing defect. ─── 他听觉有毛病。例

86、Indifference had been his greatest drawback, his defect, his vice. ─── 不在乎一直是他最大的缺点,缺陷,恶习。

87、Do inside defect plastic surgery, does cross-eye eyeball have harm? ─── 做开内疵整形手术,对眼睛有伤害吗?

88、He was a vain fellow, and not conscious of this nor any defect. ─── 他是个自高自大的家伙,但他自己没有意识到这点,也没有感觉到自己有何缺点。

89、If it is not for this defect,I shall hire him at once. ─── 如果不是因为这个缺点,我会马上雇用他。

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